WATCH: Trump on if he would use the DOJ to investigate the Biden Crime Family? (Some commentary)
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Ok master chief
God chooses men to bring about the changes he needs. Whether Trump is equal to Jesus or not is not the right question. The correct question is, has God chosen Trump for a particular reason? If the answer is Yes, then the result will be Biblical.
I strongly believe that those who refuse to wake up even after the Great Awakening that is going to happen soon, will incur the terrible wrath of God. The rest of us will be so awe stuck by everything (yes, even us with our eyes open, will realise that what we thought we knew was only a fraction) and will find love for our fellow human and for God and will be protected by the God.
The spiritualizing of the political times is part of the problem, not part of the solution.
As in the First Century when God did not get involved in the politics of the day, His focus was/is on building His Church and saving mankind, through faith in Jesus Christ, who are destined for eternal Hell.
Rome fell. It was a blip on the radar compared to the eternal Kingdom.
At the time, the Jewish population was looking for a political power to save them and to re-establish their power, wealth and political dominance over Rome. A baby in a manger and later a Jewish carpenter claiming to be God, who was eventually crucified on a cross (and rose again on the third day) was a small minorities Savior.
What are we looking for today? Political power and wealth or the saving of souls and the eternal Kingdom (true Truth and Justice)?
Trump isn't our savior...
Not even close.
Jesus is.
This right here. God doesn't give a shit about men's sense o owledge affairs as man doesn't listen to God most of the time. If man did we wouldn't be here.
God answers prayers. That's all I know and he is faithful.
Yes...God is faithful!
It is Irrelevant.
All races, ethnicities, people groups that worship power, control, evil and money (and not Jesus) are on the wrong side. Most men do this and are on the wrong side.
13 “Enter through the narrow gate.(A) For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. (Matt. 7:13-14)
I wouldn't dare compare someone to my lord and savior, however a question I ask myself and I find very interesting is......what if djt spear heads a world wide operation to rid the world of all evil, what would people think of him 2000 years from now? The only answer I can come up with, is something like a "god". Again not comparing djt to anything of the sort, just an interesting thought.
Read the book of Judges. Possibly Trump is being used like Gideon, and the other judges. They were all flawed. God used them for good.
Yeah I don't see really anyone thinking of him as a God, but I agree. However, I do believe the lord has placed him in a unique position to be a very important human. Only time will tell, but things are coming to a head quickly.
I don't understand Trump's pardons at the end of his term.
Everything the devil does is without God's consent. God consents to to none of it and gives us a way to live victorious if we want it. There is no automatic immunity and God isn't evil. People leave themselves out of God's protection by rejecting His Word.
Adam gave that authority to Satan who Christ said is the God of this world. Satan has the lease until the lease is up when Christ returns.
Yeah I would have to say at this point, our fiat system is gone, our economy is on the verge of collapse, and there has been a world wide coup to enslave mankind. I really do not believe these topics of insurance premiums will be much of an issue when we get to the other side. Sometimes you have to lose some battles, to win the war.
There is only one God, and He is in Heaven. Our Father, Lord and Savior.
God uses people. He uses me and you, hopefully. Trump, I hope is being used by God. And I hope Trump is giving thanks to our Lord. I also hope and pray that those that seem to be against us and mankind, repent. They are our brothers and sisters after all. And decide to come to Jesus, and start to help their fellow man. This we pray.
Your judgement criteria is flawed. People's brains are not rational and wise enough to recognize greatness these days. Before People start to pull apart another person. What life's experience do you possess to elevate your own opinion of someone who risked their life for millions?
Men love their idolatry. I hear idiots calling trump God/King/emperor etc.
He is a man. He isn't the strategist for this. His handlers are. This is a large team effort highly compartmentalized and organized along the counter insurgency.
The 2009 U.S. government manual for counter insurgency has five basic pillars of operation. When we have control of all these five pillars (I think we have them all) then this shit eill wrap and I think it is.
Q told us to read that manual. It's online.
The video he posted is 1:17 long. Dude must play Halo alot
Dear neo pharisee, do you imagine that your question is sincere? 😘
Also, the video is 1:17 long. That was OP's point.
Two adults, siblings, abused as kids just happen to “lose” items around the same time, that incriminate their high profile father and family. Maybe you don’t investigate someone who already made a plea deal and turned over troves of evidence?
replays the ding ding ding from the video (breaking bad)
Trump's saying he won't go after a literal criminal.
How is it flaired "wins of the day"? What's the "win"???
He didnt say that go back and listen again. He said at the start he doesnt like to go after families he did not say he would not go after them he said they are dealing with it now.
And it said "it's being looked at"
Rather WHOSE looks the win...
You people do understand that this is a chess move? Tell me one good reason why Trump wouldn't say "Fuck yah, on the day I walk back in, those fuckers will be hand delievered to GITMO, that very same day!"
I can give you 10 good reasons - reverse psychology.
In War, you never tell your ENEMY anything that will give them an advantage to prepare and counter attack, you want your enemy confused.
Like I said before I hope to God and Sunny Jesus the GITMO tribunals AND executions are global LIVE! I will be pissed as hell if this doesn't happen, we deserve it....
I appreciate that President Trump isn't feeding the blood lust and hatred that's poisoned our adversaries and that the Satanic Psychopaths now hope will poison us.
God WILL judge everyone and, as He said, "Vengeance is MINE". Its not ours.
President Trump, thank God, is a builder whose passion is complex restorations.
Consequently, he's focused on making the necessary fundamental changes needed to salvage and restore our Constitutional Republic with the limited time he, and we, have been given to get things done.
Unlike some less mature and more emo centric " supporters", President Trump won't be distracted by ultimately inconsequential, fleetingly satisfying, cosmetic "fixes".
The Bidens won't escape justice - no deals. GITMO --> tribunal --> conviction --> hanging.
It's being looked at by whom? I sniff a bit of hopium on that statement.
The question that should be asked.
History has its way of repeating and we are in the middle of one of those repeats. Israel was a nation that God chose and blessed. Unlike Israel, Nineveh, was not chosen by but moved toward God during the time of Daniel that found favor with God. They chose at least during Daniel’s time to move toward God.
America from its founding started as a nation that honored God and was blessed for it. You can even read some parallel statements of the Bible and the Constitution. The Declaration of Independence, our birth certificate as a nation, clearly includes God as Creator. These three nations that honored God received blessings that also came with another path.
Moses outlined it when he wrote these words from God. And when the Lord your God brings you into the land that you are entering to take possession of it, you shall set the blessing on Mount Gerizim and the curse on Mount Ebal. “We have a choice of blessings and curses in our individual lives as well as the choices of our nations.
A wise man would seek the blessings. Yet, through time Israel went from wise to foolish. They went from choosing to follow God to following gods; from the blessings to the curses. Nineveh went in the same direction.
We too are witnessing our nation becoming fool hearty and choosing curses instead of blessings. Generations of school children are brainwashed to disengage from God and remove God from America. They are taught to delight in evil and evil ways.
We are making the same mistakes the people of Israel made. There is a choice that the Hebrews were to make. That same choice is for Americans, British, Nigerians, Chinese, Australians, et al, as well. We can choose God and His blessings or we can reject God and be cursed.
The only way forward is to repent and ask God for his favor to be saved as a nation and as a person. God provided the road to take through His son Jesus Christ. None other. We may have men that will point us in the right direction that God will use. If we do not heed God’s warnings then we will end up in the waste bin of history as a nation and deliver our souls to satan.
Remember some people are not redeemable: pedophiles, treasonous individuals, companies, scientists and administrators involved in mass genocide. You either execute them and by execution make them an example of what ultimately happens if you plot to kill or are treasonous all I the name of power and money. This includes the Rothchilds and spawn, Rockefellers and spawn, Soros and spawn, Clintons, etc.
Unless you were born again of Satan's seed younare 8nnfact and truth redeemable.
That is called the unforgivable sin.
Now wrap your head around that. Paul killed believers and look at his story.
God's love is not limited like ours nor is it based on conditions. In fact some of those people being evil may have holy spirit. The devil doesn't give a rats ass who you are. Only what you believe.
"I don't want to hurt a family" isn't a "no". It's a veiled threat.
“A family” can mean any family, not necessarily Biden’s. If he was specifically talking about Biden’s family wouldn’t he say “I don’t want to hurt HIS family.
Don't forget he is playing his part in this movie too.NCSWIC he can't look like a tyrant like they are. People haven't seen all the evidence. Hunter and Joe are pedos remember. Do you think he has any sympathy for them. Ha!
The joke is that every time the bell rings, is a "yes" or a "cheer!"
Watching the whole video with that understanding is what makes everything great.