Try nourishment. Boil a whole chicken covered in water and add turmeric and garlic. When the flesh parts from the bone, salt to taste and let her drink the broth. One mug at a time.
There's a slim chance she may have become a Type 1 diabetic. It does happen and what you described is exactly how a Type 1 diabetic behaves with extremely high blood sugar levels.
Get some diabetic urine test strips from your local chemist and test her blood sugar levels. Then you will know. For a far more accurate reading (and more expensive), you can also buy a blood sugar / glucose test machine (which may or may not come with blood test strips which you may need to purchase separately). Prick her finger and test her blood sugar levels. Normal blood sugar levels should be between 4 and 8. Other illnesses may cause high blood sugar (glucose) levels, but if she's beyond 12 then it's a serious sign. If she's beyond 20 of beyond the blood machine's upper limit, then she's in trouble and a doctor will be the only one who can help.
I wish I lived nearby because I'd offer to rush over and test her with my machine.
But also dose her with horse paste because it will never hurt and can only help. Can be purchased from your local tractor or farm supply store or purchased online, but this seems to be an emergency so you may want to be proactive rather than waiting a week for delivery. Even if you need to drive for four hours, perhaps it's worth it?
This 👆
I took care of someone very sick low oxygen. Got her ivermectin and Literally the next day she was walking around. Three days later completely fine.
Get some vitamin C into her, vitamin D, Quercetine.....these should help....Aslo Pedialyte or something of the like if she cannot eat....she needs nutrients, or her innume system is gonna take a complete shit on itself. Re-mineralized water something. But these anti oxidents I listed. Also White pine needle tea.
Use this tele-med place. They will write you a script for HCQ if you want that. Didn't read all the comments but you should have her on Z-pack to go with the Ivermectin. You may need to find a compounding pharmacy or use mail order to get the HCQ or Ivermectin tablets if you don't have enough paste. My tele-med doc wouldn't touch the paste or give any dosing advice so I bought the real stuff.
I understand that you are between a rock and a hard place with doctors. However, I can't stress this enough: DO NOT SELF-DIAGNOSE!! She needs to be seen by a doctor, pronto! You are making ALL KINDS of assumptions, and giving her meds that may be contraindicated. These meds are generally safe, but at the very least might not be doing anything at all for her, and at the worst, may be working against her particular condition.
Brilinta is used to lower the risk of a heart attack or stroke after a serious event. You are not telling us the whole story. Why does she have this medication prescribed to her? You are playing with fire...get to a doctor!!
Gonna have to agree with this one. No more info on symptoms other than sick/fatigued is very hard to go by.. it could be nearly anything.
No info on sniffles, cough, head-cold, chest congestion.. nor temperature or fever.. nor nausea, dizzyness, headache, tenderness anywhere..
If covid was the only illness, you might have a point in trying to go right to the IVM paste, vitc+d, zinc, NAC and so on. But there could be many other things at work here.
Also, when IVM is the fix, it seems to have positive and dramatic results immediately, certainly within 24h. Seeing no change for your wife over days suggests maybe you have been looking at the wrong thing here.. please get advice from a local GP.
This is called "looking good on paper" and much like my own experience, sounds like covid, especially if she also had/has headache and loss of smell. She could be having myocarditis, though. The spike proteins are bad for the heart whether from infection or vaccination. Brilinta and Plavix are for people who have some reason to be concerned about heart attack, stroke, or ischemia. I think you should get with whoever prescribed that and discuss her fatigue
This is BS. But if you live in an underserved area it's tough. Eight days and worsening fatigue in spite of other treatment is not good. Try quercetin if it goes with Plavix, at least it is anti-inflammatory.
Maybe find a clinic that does IV infusions of vitamins and go high dose C? I have heard this is fantastic at helping heal the body with covid or other diseases.
I was going to say this… We visited a friend who wasn’t getting better after taking ivermectin vitamin C and zinc, and it turns out that his Covid had turned into pneumonia. She will need antibiotics for that.
After rereading all this, I am more alarmed. Do you have a medical power of attorney? If so dig it out. Whether you do or don't, go to an ER or urgent care center or call the fire department, even, but get a chest xray and ekg. Just stay clear of Remdesvir (Why you need the POA).
Find a walk in clinic that will see you wife IMO. If her breathing is normal the ER will turn her away and send her back home and advise her to take a Tylenol.
It could be an infection that requires antibiotics so getting a script from an honest doctor or nurse from a reliable walk in clinic is the way to go.
OH and also, I had exhaustion as well, seemed like 4 weeks of it. The thing to watch is the blood oxygen if covid related, the hospital won't treat people unless they go below 90%. Get an oximeter if you don't have one, easy to buy at drug stores.
Research a nebulizer. Get one ASAP, amazon elsewhere. Add a couple drops of pharmacy hydrogen peroxide to water and nebulize it. Breathing will recover in an hour. Never go to the hospital. Even a basic nebulizer better than their ventilator
Cut up an onion and put it on her feet. Leave in contact for at least an hour, but overnight is great too. (Put in a pair of socks or in a plastic bag.
Simple, magic onion soup. Like a homemade, organic Gatorade, this soup is loaded with electrolytes.) Eastern European wive's cure all. Cut up 1-3 onions. Boil them in a pot of water. (Use more or less water or onions. Do it a few times and personalize it.) If you can puree the onions after being boiled, then put them back in the onion broth, it'll be easier to consume. At the end add a tablespoon organic brown sugar or molasses. When nothing tastes good, this is an awesome way to rehydrate. After a couple days of onion soup, a person in acute illness usually responds by regaining a REAL appetite.
I have a lot more suggestions but these onion related ones are easy, low hanging fruit. You want more of my gypsy first aid care ideas, I'm here all day. ♥️ Praying for you and her.
as long as your o2 is good that's a good sign, the danger with this flu is the congestion in the lungs, if you or your wife had a problem like that the o2 level would be a lot lower. This is not advice, but I bet she'll be fine. good luck to you two.
It sounds like she has a secondary infection. A Z-Pak, Doxycycline and Dexamethasone would help, as long as there are no contradictions with existing medication. Push Health will prescribe this for you immediately.
She also needs to be very careful about blood micro clotting. The protocol usually has the patient to take one 325mg aspirin a day, but she will need to talk to her cardiologist about that.
I am not a doctor, please refer to your cardiologist and PCP.
Did she get the vaxx?? Is she taking 50mg zinc with food, daily with the ivermectin? This is critical. And 1 aspirin, and lots of vite c. No, fren.... do not take her to the hospital unless she has a notarized medical power of attorney form filled out assigning it to you with specific instructions that she is not to be intubated, put on a respirator, receive the prep drugs for respirator, or receive remdesivir. You cannot protect her without it or even advocate for her really, because they will not honor your wishes, if they are ignoring hers! You can get a notary public to come to your house for the form and you can print the form, for your state. You need a witness for the signings, someone other than the notary. Your wife might have pneumonia. Support meds for that, should not harm her at a hospital, and just a simple oxygen supplementation with nothing invasive. I am not a dr. Just worked in the field for 22 years. Prayers for your wife! My grandson had covid twice. Then got both vaxx jabs. Then got sick again. Edit: I see in a later comment, you say your wife had a heart attack. This is too important a fact to be added as an after-thought. If she is on heart meds they can cause an exhausted feeling!!!
If it is the eighth day the viral part of infection has probably run its course and now you are more than likely dealing with the secondary thrust - the body's hypersensitivity response to the infection. This is what causes the problems. Some of the stuff on the attached PDF list you can get OTC. Use Zelinko protocol as well: quercetin, vitamin D, C, and zinc. Ivermectin and HCQ will still be helpful.
Yours is the perfect example of why people need to have supplies on hand BEFORE someone gets sick. FLCCC may also still be able to help. Get what you can over the counter ASAP till you get some help. This is the critical stage. Get a medical power of attorney before anyone ends up in the hospital - Dr Ardis has information on his site as to how to do this. It will be too late if you wife is hospitalized to get something like this notarized.
Get information of monoclonal antibody therapy in your area now! Get her to an infusion center. Doctor's there may be able to help with scripts for the rest of the drugs you need. If she has to go to the ER, demand mAb therapy in the ER. Do not let them admit. As soon as someone is admitted with Covid, the protocols take over.
Here is what a doctor told me when I had it. I was sick for 7 days, then it got significantly worse and I was very sick for 2 weeks more.
In addition to the below, I was on a z pak and a steroid pak.
If you have a compounding pharmacy near by, they would have a lot of this. Regular pharmacy doesn’t seem to have the food grade hydrogen peroxide, but you can get it on Amazon. Hope it might help!
It was a pleasure speaking with you today. Here is what we discussed:
Try adding bone broth and get plenty of rest
For Ivermectin ... take 1 capsule twice daily for at least 5 days, and if needed, continue through day 7. (Ivermectin was compounded for me specifically by my weight, but she gave me what amounts to .4 mg/kg per day.)
Also increase zinc to a total of 100mg daily for 5 days.
Studies have shown ivermectin inhibits replication of SARS-CoV-2 and seasonal influenza viruses, inhibits inflammation through several pathways, lowers viral load, protects against organ damage, prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 when taken before or after exposure, speeds recovery and lowers risk of hospitalization and death in COVID-19 patients.
Continue current medications (Z pak & Steroid pak)
Start Orthobiotic (probiotic) 1-2 capsules a day
At first signs of illness (cold, flu, covid, sinus infection, etc), you can do the food grade hydrogen peroxide neb treatments up to hourly, and then as you improve, do them 4 x a day until well.
Use 1ml peroxide + 2ml saline for each neb. If you notice burning in sinuses or eyes, you can decrease the peroxide to 0.5ml +2ml saline.
Budesonide (steroid) for nebulizer. At first symptoms of COVID, nebulize this twice daily. (Alternate with the hydrogen peroxide-e.g. steroid, then peroxide, then steroid, then peroxide, throughout the day)
Even if you aren't short of breath, I recommend doing these steroid nebs every day, twice daily. This may help prevent the loss of taste and smell that is so common with covid.
Since COVID increases the risk for blood clots, including for weeks beyond recovery, please take a baby aspirin (81mg) daily for 6 weeks.
We also highly recommend the following supplements:
vitamin C 1000mg twice daily for prevention, or 2000mg 3 x a day until recovered if you are sick.
Vitamin D 2000iu daily for prevention, or 5000iu daily until recovered if you are sick.
Quercetin 250mg daily for prevention, or twice daily until recovered if you are sick.
Zinc 50mg daily for prevention, or 100mg daily until recovered if you are sick.
Melatonin 6mg at bedtime for prevention, or 10mg at bedtime until recovered if you are sick.
Avoid sugar since it immediately suppresses your immune system for several hours.
If you don't already have one, you should purchase a pulse oximeter on amazon or possibly at a local pharmacy. They typically cost $10-20. It's important to monitor oxygen saturation in the blood with COVID. If your oxygen saturation is consistently below 93%, OR you are breathing at a rate of 23 breaths per minute or higher, seek medical attention immediately.
You can take Alka Seltzer cold/flu daytime and nighttime versions as needed for symptom relief. (if you can't find this one, or have another preference such as Theraflu or Nyquil, that's ok too). These often have Tylenol (acetaminophen), ibuprofen, or aspirin (salicylic acid), so be sure to not duplicate these. Use immodium as needed.
Not just for COVID, but any virus. All OTC stuff. I currently have a cold/OMNICROM. So far, I am thrilled with the results. Worth having in your home healthcare kit. Comments are good too.
Try nourishment. Boil a whole chicken covered in water and add turmeric and garlic. When the flesh parts from the bone, salt to taste and let her drink the broth. One mug at a time.
Add a lot of black pepper, it boosts the turmeric.
Yea by like 3000%
at 40.09
2 tsp Betadine 10% solution in 6 oz water (170cc) + pinch of salt.
Spray up nose and spit it out then gargle with it.
Betadine contains povidone-iodine, which kills viruses.
Dr. Zelenko’s over the counter protocol…
Very good idea - she will need fluids, and this will also provide nurishment
Lemon and honey Tea eat the lemon! Of course organic lemons and local honey. 3x a day.
There's a slim chance she may have become a Type 1 diabetic. It does happen and what you described is exactly how a Type 1 diabetic behaves with extremely high blood sugar levels.
Get some diabetic urine test strips from your local chemist and test her blood sugar levels. Then you will know. For a far more accurate reading (and more expensive), you can also buy a blood sugar / glucose test machine (which may or may not come with blood test strips which you may need to purchase separately). Prick her finger and test her blood sugar levels. Normal blood sugar levels should be between 4 and 8. Other illnesses may cause high blood sugar (glucose) levels, but if she's beyond 12 then it's a serious sign. If she's beyond 20 of beyond the blood machine's upper limit, then she's in trouble and a doctor will be the only one who can help.
I wish I lived nearby because I'd offer to rush over and test her with my machine.
But also dose her with horse paste because it will never hurt and can only help. Can be purchased from your local tractor or farm supply store or purchased online, but this seems to be an emergency so you may want to be proactive rather than waiting a week for delivery. Even if you need to drive for four hours, perhaps it's worth it?
This brand is very popular everywhere AND it's only active ingredient is ivermectin.
This 👆 I took care of someone very sick low oxygen. Got her ivermectin and Literally the next day she was walking around. Three days later completely fine.
also peroxide nebulizer.
This is an underrated treatment!!
Or salt and baking soda in a Neti pot. Warm filtered water.
good for the sinuses not for the lungs.
Get some vitamin C into her, vitamin D, Quercetine.....these should help....Aslo Pedialyte or something of the like if she cannot eat....she needs nutrients, or her innume system is gonna take a complete shit on itself. Re-mineralized water something. But these anti oxidents I listed. Also White pine needle tea.
Use this tele-med place. They will write you a script for HCQ if you want that. Didn't read all the comments but you should have her on Z-pack to go with the Ivermectin. You may need to find a compounding pharmacy or use mail order to get the HCQ or Ivermectin tablets if you don't have enough paste. My tele-med doc wouldn't touch the paste or give any dosing advice so I bought the real stuff.
8 days is almost time to just ride it out, should be over within 5 more days, take vitamins C, D and zinc.
If she ends up being a long hauler, get some Ivermectin. 99% survive regardless.
She had a heart attack recently? The first call needs to be to her cardiologist. Significant fatigue can often be heart related.
Good grief, yes!! Even heart meds can be causing the listlessness! This is not a small detail! Sheesh.
Yes please go to the ER. Didn’t know about recent cardiac history.
Vaxxed or no? Exposed to others who are? Makes a difference in the recommendations. Don't pump meds without more info.
I understand that you are between a rock and a hard place with doctors. However, I can't stress this enough: DO NOT SELF-DIAGNOSE!! She needs to be seen by a doctor, pronto! You are making ALL KINDS of assumptions, and giving her meds that may be contraindicated. These meds are generally safe, but at the very least might not be doing anything at all for her, and at the worst, may be working against her particular condition.
Brilinta is used to lower the risk of a heart attack or stroke after a serious event. You are not telling us the whole story. Why does she have this medication prescribed to her? You are playing with fire...get to a doctor!!
Gonna have to agree with this one. No more info on symptoms other than sick/fatigued is very hard to go by.. it could be nearly anything.
No info on sniffles, cough, head-cold, chest congestion.. nor temperature or fever.. nor nausea, dizzyness, headache, tenderness anywhere..
If covid was the only illness, you might have a point in trying to go right to the IVM paste, vitc+d, zinc, NAC and so on. But there could be many other things at work here.
Also, when IVM is the fix, it seems to have positive and dramatic results immediately, certainly within 24h. Seeing no change for your wife over days suggests maybe you have been looking at the wrong thing here.. please get advice from a local GP.
If her O2 levels are fine and she doesn’t have a bad fever, what’s the worry here? Let it run its course. People get sick.
This is called "looking good on paper" and much like my own experience, sounds like covid, especially if she also had/has headache and loss of smell. She could be having myocarditis, though. The spike proteins are bad for the heart whether from infection or vaccination. Brilinta and Plavix are for people who have some reason to be concerned about heart attack, stroke, or ischemia. I think you should get with whoever prescribed that and discuss her fatigue
This is BS. But if you live in an underserved area it's tough. Eight days and worsening fatigue in spite of other treatment is not good. Try quercetin if it goes with Plavix, at least it is anti-inflammatory.
If you are worried take her to the ER.
Maybe find a clinic that does IV infusions of vitamins and go high dose C? I have heard this is fantastic at helping heal the body with covid or other diseases.
I was going to say this… We visited a friend who wasn’t getting better after taking ivermectin vitamin C and zinc, and it turns out that his Covid had turned into pneumonia. She will need antibiotics for that.
get her monoclonal antibodies, I had those at day 9, was much better after that.
After rereading all this, I am more alarmed. Do you have a medical power of attorney? If so dig it out. Whether you do or don't, go to an ER or urgent care center or call the fire department, even, but get a chest xray and ekg. Just stay clear of Remdesvir (Why you need the POA).
Find a walk in clinic that will see you wife IMO. If her breathing is normal the ER will turn her away and send her back home and advise her to take a Tylenol.
It could be an infection that requires antibiotics so getting a script from an honest doctor or nurse from a reliable walk in clinic is the way to go.
OH and also, I had exhaustion as well, seemed like 4 weeks of it. The thing to watch is the blood oxygen if covid related, the hospital won't treat people unless they go below 90%. Get an oximeter if you don't have one, easy to buy at drug stores.
Research a nebulizer. Get one ASAP, amazon elsewhere. Add a couple drops of pharmacy hydrogen peroxide to water and nebulize it. Breathing will recover in an hour. Never go to the hospital. Even a basic nebulizer better than their ventilator
Try the search bar mate.... there are a few threads that guys have spent a lot of time adding links for such resources.....
the search bar is trash
It really is
Buy a bag of organic onions.
I have a lot more suggestions but these onion related ones are easy, low hanging fruit. You want more of my gypsy first aid care ideas, I'm here all day. ♥️ Praying for you and her.
Dr. Zelenko’s over the counter protocol…
get yourself an o2 monitor so you can make sure of her o2 saturation.
as long as your o2 is good that's a good sign, the danger with this flu is the congestion in the lungs, if you or your wife had a problem like that the o2 level would be a lot lower. This is not advice, but I bet she'll be fine. good luck to you two.
It sounds like she has a secondary infection. A Z-Pak, Doxycycline and Dexamethasone would help, as long as there are no contradictions with existing medication. Push Health will prescribe this for you immediately.
She also needs to be very careful about blood micro clotting. The protocol usually has the patient to take one 325mg aspirin a day, but she will need to talk to her cardiologist about that.
I am not a doctor, please refer to your cardiologist and PCP.
Did she get the vaxx?? Is she taking 50mg zinc with food, daily with the ivermectin? This is critical. And 1 aspirin, and lots of vite c. No, fren.... do not take her to the hospital unless she has a notarized medical power of attorney form filled out assigning it to you with specific instructions that she is not to be intubated, put on a respirator, receive the prep drugs for respirator, or receive remdesivir. You cannot protect her without it or even advocate for her really, because they will not honor your wishes, if they are ignoring hers! You can get a notary public to come to your house for the form and you can print the form, for your state. You need a witness for the signings, someone other than the notary. Your wife might have pneumonia. Support meds for that, should not harm her at a hospital, and just a simple oxygen supplementation with nothing invasive. I am not a dr. Just worked in the field for 22 years. Prayers for your wife! My grandson had covid twice. Then got both vaxx jabs. Then got sick again. Edit: I see in a later comment, you say your wife had a heart attack. This is too important a fact to be added as an after-thought. If she is on heart meds they can cause an exhausted feeling!!!
What is she sick with? Try the ER. Even locations in full lockdown allow everyone into the ER for treatment. She needs a doctor not a message board.
What day of IVM is she on?
hmm, I think you need to go to a based doctor my friend.
If you have a blood pressure cuff, and a finger oxygen monitor ... keep track of numbers.
I got mine at Walgreens - it really helped take the fear away during our covid sickness.
Also a call to your primary- they may be able to help over the phone.
Benadryl, vit c d & zinc and aspirin.and horse paste :)
If it's covid, this is usually enough by itself. Fast, simple, cheap, one visit to the pharmacy should have everything.
Here's a thread with other folks responding as to how it worked for them.
If it is the eighth day the viral part of infection has probably run its course and now you are more than likely dealing with the secondary thrust - the body's hypersensitivity response to the infection. This is what causes the problems. Some of the stuff on the attached PDF list you can get OTC. Use Zelinko protocol as well: quercetin, vitamin D, C, and zinc. Ivermectin and HCQ will still be helpful.
Yours is the perfect example of why people need to have supplies on hand BEFORE someone gets sick. FLCCC may also still be able to help. Get what you can over the counter ASAP till you get some help. This is the critical stage. Get a medical power of attorney before anyone ends up in the hospital - Dr Ardis has information on his site as to how to do this. It will be too late if you wife is hospitalized to get something like this notarized.
Get information of monoclonal antibody therapy in your area now! Get her to an infusion center. Doctor's there may be able to help with scripts for the rest of the drugs you need. If she has to go to the ER, demand mAb therapy in the ER. Do not let them admit. As soon as someone is admitted with Covid, the protocols take over.
the following videos will explain - please watch - Dr Chetty
Dr Ardis on medical power of attorney
A lot of great advice given on here already.
Here is what a doctor told me when I had it. I was sick for 7 days, then it got significantly worse and I was very sick for 2 weeks more.
In addition to the below, I was on a z pak and a steroid pak.
If you have a compounding pharmacy near by, they would have a lot of this. Regular pharmacy doesn’t seem to have the food grade hydrogen peroxide, but you can get it on Amazon. Hope it might help!
It was a pleasure speaking with you today. Here is what we discussed:
Try adding bone broth and get plenty of rest
For Ivermectin ... take 1 capsule twice daily for at least 5 days, and if needed, continue through day 7. (Ivermectin was compounded for me specifically by my weight, but she gave me what amounts to .4 mg/kg per day.)
Also increase zinc to a total of 100mg daily for 5 days.
Studies have shown ivermectin inhibits replication of SARS-CoV-2 and seasonal influenza viruses, inhibits inflammation through several pathways, lowers viral load, protects against organ damage, prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 when taken before or after exposure, speeds recovery and lowers risk of hospitalization and death in COVID-19 patients.
Continue current medications (Z pak & Steroid pak)
Start Orthobiotic (probiotic) 1-2 capsules a day
At first signs of illness (cold, flu, covid, sinus infection, etc), you can do the food grade hydrogen peroxide neb treatments up to hourly, and then as you improve, do them 4 x a day until well.
Use 1ml peroxide + 2ml saline for each neb. If you notice burning in sinuses or eyes, you can decrease the peroxide to 0.5ml +2ml saline.
Budesonide (steroid) for nebulizer. At first symptoms of COVID, nebulize this twice daily. (Alternate with the hydrogen peroxide-e.g. steroid, then peroxide, then steroid, then peroxide, throughout the day)
Even if you aren't short of breath, I recommend doing these steroid nebs every day, twice daily. This may help prevent the loss of taste and smell that is so common with covid.
If not tolerating Z pack: Consider: Start ACS 200 (colloidal silver), 12 sprays twice a day. OR Start Silver Biotics 1 teaspoon three times a day by mouth, gargle and swallow.
Since COVID increases the risk for blood clots, including for weeks beyond recovery, please take a baby aspirin (81mg) daily for 6 weeks.
We also highly recommend the following supplements:
vitamin C 1000mg twice daily for prevention, or 2000mg 3 x a day until recovered if you are sick.
Vitamin D 2000iu daily for prevention, or 5000iu daily until recovered if you are sick.
Quercetin 250mg daily for prevention, or twice daily until recovered if you are sick.
Zinc 50mg daily for prevention, or 100mg daily until recovered if you are sick.
Melatonin 6mg at bedtime for prevention, or 10mg at bedtime until recovered if you are sick.
Avoid sugar since it immediately suppresses your immune system for several hours.
If you don't already have one, you should purchase a pulse oximeter on amazon or possibly at a local pharmacy. They typically cost $10-20. It's important to monitor oxygen saturation in the blood with COVID. If your oxygen saturation is consistently below 93%, OR you are breathing at a rate of 23 breaths per minute or higher, seek medical attention immediately.
You can take Alka Seltzer cold/flu daytime and nighttime versions as needed for symptom relief. (if you can't find this one, or have another preference such as Theraflu or Nyquil, that's ok too). These often have Tylenol (acetaminophen), ibuprofen, or aspirin (salicylic acid), so be sure to not duplicate these. Use immodium as needed.
Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide and Iodine to fight viruses
Not just for COVID, but any virus. All OTC stuff. I currently have a cold/OMNICROM. So far, I am thrilled with the results. Worth having in your home healthcare kit. Comments are good too.