It makes me wonder how people like him will be able to live with himself once he finds out its undeniable what the truth is. Mass suicides on top of jabbed deaths?
I want to clarify that people in sports prior to Covid-19 dropped on the field because of their heart giving out. This has happened many times in football (soccer.)
This is not uncommon (as in being a strange occurance in sports,) and has happened a lot because sports is taxing on the body.
Don't spread false information about this, it will not help the awakening. Accept facts for what their are, and share facts that actually is in favour of the awakening.
What you don't seem to get is that prior to the Vax, athletes dropped at alarmingly LOW rate. After the vax, they are dropping at an alarmingly HIGH rate.
IIRC they don't drop any more alarmingly more than they did before. This has always been a problem for sports, especially football (soccer,) but people honestly didn't put as much attention to it as they do now because of Covid-19 and the vaccine.
Please compare the incidences of deaths before and after the vaxx. If you want to insist there is no difference you must provide evidence to back it up. With all due respect, your word is not enough
They are our media isnt reporting it except on local news. And even then they skirt around the vax issue. I saw a compilation here yesterday of High School kids that fell over dead during games excerpted from local TV news sources. And then there is the famous video of the college basketball player falling face first on the court. A 20 year old NHL player died on the ice. Several minor league baseball players have died in training.
The vast majority of athletes from little league to the pros are vaxed. Any and all sports leagues across the world have mandated you be vaxxed to play.
Quit being deliberately obtuse you satanist fucktard.
In a lot of the cases, the news articles came right out and said they were! I am talking about the high school athletes suddenly dying.
No, I am not digging up articles to serve to you. Look a little, and you will see for yourself. Do a tiny bit of research yourself, instead of nagging everyone in the thread. Take off the horse blinders, mate.
Your post history, considering you just joined four days ago, is pretty suspect, too, by the way. I understand everyone wakes at their own pace, though.
Maybe they received different batches than the US? Or, who knows, maybe it's something related to the 5G towers conspiracy theory? I'm not sure how many they supposedly have over there, but I don't think the US has very many.
NFL is confirmed to be treating athletes with all the controversial things especially anti-parasitics. This is the why. They're in the know and other countries weren't included.
They are from what I can tell. I've seen a lot of reports of collapses in the US, but they are spread out over various professional, college and high school sports and don't get much coverage.
According to ESPN "experts", american organization.
There is literally no way for boxing to be most taxing, lmao.
Soccer is unique in that it only has one break and two 45 minute long halves. Its is a LOT of cardio and switching between sprints and endurance. The only thing that could rival it is water polo but that has 8 minute quartered plays.
They come to retire, nobody takes US soccer seriously, it has very bad ratings and attendance. They're simply playing it at a much lower level/pace than other countries.
Everyone knows the US is just not that into soccer. Definitely not like the rest of the world. That doesn't mean their players are shit. Just that it's not that popular here like Europe, etc.
One of the drs. that has been against the vax said that there are particles in the jab that under a microscope look like shards of glass. They perform the same way. As an elite athlete exerts themselves, the ‘glass’ particles move more rapidly thru their blood/lungs (or other organs) acting like a razor blade cutting thru tissue. If you laid out your lungs, with the tissues and veins, it would be half the size of a tennis court. He said the autopsy pics that he got a hold of showed the heart/lungs perforated and torn. These athletes are collapsing when training or during a game. The optimal time of their greatest exertion.
What makes him think it was the virus that he needs the injection for?
Seems like you got your smarts from your mothers side of the family.
I like to say "I trust the science that the vaccine works!" as a jab at boosters which prove that the vaccine doesn't work.
It makes me wonder how people like him will be able to live with himself once he finds out its undeniable what the truth is. Mass suicides on top of jabbed deaths?
I hope he is lucky.
It'll probably destroy his immune system. Pride is not called for, but worry might be.
Media said to be scared of one and ignore the other. They're just cold from winter.
And... Faked (doctored) photos of a room full of Italian caskets = Fear Real numbers of Jab related side effects and deaths is Inconsequential..
H🤡NK H🌎NK‼️‼️‼️
Everyone I’ve tried to talk to about the videos of the Chinese collapsing on the streets etc look at me like I’m crazy.
They think I’m making it up. I had conversations about them at the time, and these people have inserted memory blocks into themselves.. shits insane.
IT IS THE MEDIA AND HOW THEY PORTRAY THINGS. They need to be stopped as soon as possible.
Startling, isn’t it?
The awesome and immense power of the media. Still exists. The sheeple would follow CNN over the cliff.
CNN will be happy to explain this to you.
I want to clarify that people in sports prior to Covid-19 dropped on the field because of their heart giving out. This has happened many times in football (soccer.)
This is not uncommon (as in being a strange occurance in sports,) and has happened a lot because sports is taxing on the body.
Don't spread false information about this, it will not help the awakening. Accept facts for what their are, and share facts that actually is in favour of the awakening.
What you don't seem to get is that prior to the Vax, athletes dropped at alarmingly LOW rate. After the vax, they are dropping at an alarmingly HIGH rate.
IIRC they don't drop any more alarmingly more than they did before. This has always been a problem for sports, especially football (soccer,) but people honestly didn't put as much attention to it as they do now because of Covid-19 and the vaccine.
Show me some numbers of soccer players dying mid game pre and post Vax. Tell us what you find.
Please compare the incidences of deaths before and after the vaxx. If you want to insist there is no difference you must provide evidence to back it up. With all due respect, your word is not enough
I now know the NFL isn't dropping dead because they are treating everyone with HcQ, Zinc, Ivermectin, Vit C & D, etc.
They are our media isnt reporting it except on local news. And even then they skirt around the vax issue. I saw a compilation here yesterday of High School kids that fell over dead during games excerpted from local TV news sources. And then there is the famous video of the college basketball player falling face first on the court. A 20 year old NHL player died on the ice. Several minor league baseball players have died in training.
You dont know about these things for two reasons:
The media hides it from you
Your deliberate obtuseness on said subject.
So my conclusion is:
Fuck off shill
The vast majority of athletes from little league to the pros are vaxed. Any and all sports leagues across the world have mandated you be vaxxed to play.
Quit being deliberately obtuse you satanist fucktard.
When 100-fold more people are suddenly dropping dead, it isn't hard to find the culprit.
In a lot of the cases, the news articles came right out and said they were! I am talking about the high school athletes suddenly dying.
No, I am not digging up articles to serve to you. Look a little, and you will see for yourself. Do a tiny bit of research yourself, instead of nagging everyone in the thread. Take off the horse blinders, mate.
Your post history, considering you just joined four days ago, is pretty suspect, too, by the way. I understand everyone wakes at their own pace, though.
Maybe they received different batches than the US? Or, who knows, maybe it's something related to the 5G towers conspiracy theory? I'm not sure how many they supposedly have over there, but I don't think the US has very many.
Good question. I'd like to know too.
NFL is confirmed to be treating athletes with all the controversial things especially anti-parasitics. This is the why. They're in the know and other countries weren't included.
They are from what I can tell. I've seen a lot of reports of collapses in the US, but they are spread out over various professional, college and high school sports and don't get much coverage.
They drop in soccer in particular because it's the most physically taxing sport.
In the us there's not much soccer to begin with, next to no high end soccer for sure.
Soccer players dont have the upper body strength that NBA and NFL have?
According to ESPN "experts", american organization.
There is literally no way for boxing to be most taxing, lmao.
Soccer is unique in that it only has one break and two 45 minute long halves. Its is a LOT of cardio and switching between sprints and endurance. The only thing that could rival it is water polo but that has 8 minute quartered plays.
it was mandatory in most places so i'm pretty sure they were
sports is one of the first fields that mandated it
could be, still a very high number so likelyhood of deaths being vaccinated is also high.
it's also important what "vaccinated" even means because now you can be considered unvaccinated if you didn't get the 2nd dose or booster.
There not all dropping you moron.
Yes, some boxers have dropped
Ever heard of wrestling?. Shit even basketball. Way more taxing than walking around for 90 minutes.
The Distance Run Per Game is triple in soccer, LMAO @ basketball
basketball is also quartered so it has more breaks, soccer only has one
the full playtime is 40 minutes in basketball, 90 minutes in soccer.
so again, LMFAO @ basketball
Don't be a dumb cunt.
You've clearly never wrestled.
They come to retire, nobody takes US soccer seriously, it has very bad ratings and attendance. They're simply playing it at a much lower level/pace than other countries.
You don't know what you're talking about.
did that fact hurt your feelings?
Everyone knows the US is just not that into soccer. Definitely not like the rest of the world. That doesn't mean their players are shit. Just that it's not that popular here like Europe, etc.
One of the drs. that has been against the vax said that there are particles in the jab that under a microscope look like shards of glass. They perform the same way. As an elite athlete exerts themselves, the ‘glass’ particles move more rapidly thru their blood/lungs (or other organs) acting like a razor blade cutting thru tissue. If you laid out your lungs, with the tissues and veins, it would be half the size of a tennis court. He said the autopsy pics that he got a hold of showed the heart/lungs perforated and torn. These athletes are collapsing when training or during a game. The optimal time of their greatest exertion.