Not all Jewish People are pedophiles, but all Jewish People are morally permitted by their Talmud to molest non-Jewish (goyim) children. That is a big problem and probably makes their religion incompatible with Western civilization. Even if a Jewish Person chooses not to take advantage of this permission, it doesn’t feel great to the rest of us that they even have that choice in the first place.
But it's always worth noting: these people are a subset of Jewish population.
Subset or not it is NOT worth nothing,but rather worth everything to see important patterns dear - probably jewish - anon.
At least for us non-jews it is proof it is proof that it is greedy jewish big pharma.
And if it is subset eventual problems with angry people are not our,but problem of jews who would remain innocent but would do nothing about this shit.
Well as at least some jews are in this "vaccine" conspiracy (related to NWO and other shit too - there is a reason we call them "cabal") and shekel is jewish currency...
Isn't that thing that Pfizer logo resembles shekel (jewish money) meaning that is big pharma company concentrated on getting money not about your health ? Big.
You're here to make this entire board look like a bunch of ignorant racists. Obviously not professional trolls, as you're clearly too stupid to be getting paid for your words.
Humans are like dogs. Dogs can mate with each other and produce offspring. But there are certain tendencies within each breed. Some dogs are good for hunting; German Shepherds make good police dogs; there are dogs for tracking; dogs for the blind. Not all dogs within that breed will be the same, but within a breed, you do see genetic tendencies.
I think there are certain genetic tendencies you see within the different ethnic races of people too. I'm beginning to think that Jewish people have a genetic tendency to want money, power and domination. Not all of course, but quite a few for us to see a pattern that is more than plain coincidence.
Dude, I think very similarly and have used the dog analogy so much when explaining things to people. There's a reason blacks represent the majority of many sports teams. Asians seems to have faster eye/hand coordination. Jews better with banking/financials. Whites, jack of all trades master of none? A lot of these observations/stereotypes exist for a reason.
Science and Logic would dictate that different ethnicities are inherently different, just by DNA. You can even see in physical characteristics such as muscles, bone and physiology such as testosterone levels. Even when treating patients for diabetes or high BP, you use different meds for women, men and different races, because they react differently. Some races show general aptitudes for certain areas, like science, math, construction, sports, entertainment. It's just biology. It's just science. Each has inherent strengths and weaknesses. To say every race is the same is just plain DUMB PC.
I do believe every person and every race deserve God given rights, respect and fair justice.
We should acknowledge this fact and encourage opportunities for people to shine at their best.
To expect and treat everyone the same IS REAL RACISM.
I looked it up before. If you are just listing groceries, then you use a coma. If you are listing things that could be a sentence, then you use semi colons. As far as I know.
Like I said, you need to learn more about the Talmud, seems like you dont even know what it is. The talmud is a historical collection of rabbinical decisions on how the torah should be interpreted.
'Where a suit arises between an Israelite and a heathen, if you can justify the former according to the laws of Israel, justify him and say: 'This is our law'; so also if you can justify him by the laws of the heathens justify him and say [to the other party:] 'This is your law'; but if this can not be done, we use subterfuges to circumvent him. - -
His lost article is permissible, for R. Hama b. Guria said that Rab stated: Whence can we learn that the lost article of a heathen is permissible? Because it says: And with all lost thing of thy brother's: it is to your brother that you make restoration, but you need not make restoration to a heathen. - -
If [an Israelite] has intercourse with a heathen woman, zealots may attack him! ... The Court of the Hasmoneans decreed that an Israelite who had intercourse with a heathen woman is liable on four counts, viz., she is regarded as niddah, a slave, a non-Jewess, and a married woman; and when Rabin came [from Palestine] he declared: On the following four counts, viz., she is regarded as niddah, a slave, a non-Jewess, and a harlot! -
Well I believe that the true houses of Israel are whites (source below), who were subverted by elites. God got pissed off in the OT because the people kept falling for the subversion. Which is exactly what Jesus went around and talked about.
At the time of Christs coming 2000 years ago all of the whites became Christians and all of the "elite" subverters continued to practice their satanism, but still called themselves jews. At that point in time "jews" as they were known ceased to exist.
The jews of today are the true revelation 2:9 / 3:9 jews. They are the synagogue of satan, but do lie about being jews because the "jews" all converted to Christianity when their prophecies became fulfilled because of the coming of Jesus. They lie about being jews knowingly and unknowingly, but their actions are all in line with satanism in both cases.
THANK YOU for summarizing all of this. I've spent time here and there digging in the Talmud for this stuff and it is hard to find. I appreciate it, fren!
The Hasidic (classic Jew cartoon) community is the sect which primarily observes elements of the Talmud. They still follow the Torah (Old Testament) vs The Bible (New Testament). The Hasidic community voted for Trump at a 98% rate. 30% of Jews are estimated to have voted for Trump.
Outside the Hasidic community (NYC), Jews are like any other ethnic group and religion: 1) the farther you get out of a city, the more conservative they become and 2) every religion has its asshoes.
Look around and you can find Jews who focus their faith on the Torah and prophets. These Jews are fine. They actually keep God's law better than most Christians.
You also see lots of jews who are either atheists or who actively practice the Talmud. There's the Babylonian Talmud and the Jerusalem Talmud. I haven't read or compared the two but suspect the Babylonian Talmud is the worse of the two and the source of most of the horror. The Talmud is what excuses the rape of children.
Do you go around like this every single time someone points out that 6% of the black population commits over 50% of the murders? Or is that one less in need of shutting down?
There are NO coincidences.
The shekel symbol looks like merchant hands!?! Hahahahaha!!!!
Don’t let your memes remain dreams!!!! Haha! What a wild timeline!
But it's always worth noting: these people are a subset of Jewish population.
Not all Jewish People are pedophiles, but all Jewish People are morally permitted by their Talmud to molest non-Jewish (goyim) children. That is a big problem and probably makes their religion incompatible with Western civilization. Even if a Jewish Person chooses not to take advantage of this permission, it doesn’t feel great to the rest of us that they even have that choice in the first place.
So is Bill Gates and the Epstein crew Talmud followers?
True. But why are most these elites antichrist jews.
Subset or not it is NOT worth nothing,but rather worth everything to see important patterns dear - probably jewish - anon.
At least for us non-jews it is proof it is proof that it is greedy jewish big pharma.
And if it is subset eventual problems with angry people are not our,but problem of jews who would remain innocent but would do nothing about this shit.
That's why I said it's "Interesting"
The Rothschilds, and banking families are scum. *But it's not productive or ethical to apply this filter to all Jews.
Yes. This is a Holy Shit. Good find.
I am confused here. What does this mean?
Well as at least some jews are in this "vaccine" conspiracy (related to NWO and other shit too - there is a reason we call them "cabal") and shekel is jewish currency...
Isn't that thing that Pfizer logo resembles shekel (jewish money) meaning that is big pharma company concentrated on getting money not about your health ? Big.
Ok, I get it. Ty
It means the owners of Pfizer like their shekels.
Evil people love symbology and covertly telling others their plans.
"Useless eaters"
I've got a name for the cabal; "Canoe heads"
It kinda looks like a styluses double helix (DNA) to me as well...hmmm
Pahaha!! We call my cats kibbles shekels! This is quite a link though!
Bu....but... there are some users here who are getting all TRIGGERED because of "RACISM" like this...!!!!!
You guys hear that?
It's the waaaaaaaahmbulance.
Why don't you go get yourself a waaaaahmburger and some french CRIES?
They don't get that they are outing themselves as being as PC as liberals. They are leftists in denial. They're ngmi.
Observation of the facts, does not a racist make.
They don't call it Pfizrael for nothing
Roc-a-wear symbol Jay z Illuminati Rockefeller family
Not of Shem, not of Abraham, not of Judah. They are of Esau, who commited miscegenation in the land of Edom to the south of Judea.
I thought I was back on voat again for a second.
oh voat... I was only lurking there (not logged) for quite short time but it was great...
Taken down probably because of saying truth about rich Jews and also for mentioning Racine... Sad thing,real shame voat was taken down...
Oh goodie! "DA JOOOS!!!" faggots are back.
You're here to make this entire board look like a bunch of ignorant racists. Obviously not professional trolls, as you're clearly too stupid to be getting paid for your words.
You aren't fooling anyone.
This one on Gettr is even bettr:
Not all Jews are bad.
However, who owns MSM, Social Media, Hollywood, Federal Reserve and the Banks? Yep Jews.
Whose country also in line for the 4th booster. Yep Jews.
Epstein and Ghislaine? Yep Jews
Humans are like dogs. Dogs can mate with each other and produce offspring. But there are certain tendencies within each breed. Some dogs are good for hunting; German Shepherds make good police dogs; there are dogs for tracking; dogs for the blind. Not all dogs within that breed will be the same, but within a breed, you do see genetic tendencies.
I think there are certain genetic tendencies you see within the different ethnic races of people too. I'm beginning to think that Jewish people have a genetic tendency to want money, power and domination. Not all of course, but quite a few for us to see a pattern that is more than plain coincidence.
Bill Gates:,resize:640x,quality:90x75/images/1b5dbb77859694d861ce8a313c386aedc06ef55324d0c3306fdc979620a76729_1.jpg
Race Realism. It ain't just skin color! Lol
Dude, I think very similarly and have used the dog analogy so much when explaining things to people. There's a reason blacks represent the majority of many sports teams. Asians seems to have faster eye/hand coordination. Jews better with banking/financials. Whites, jack of all trades master of none? A lot of these observations/stereotypes exist for a reason.
Whites are the best at war.
Creativity*. But ends up same
Science and Logic would dictate that different ethnicities are inherently different, just by DNA. You can even see in physical characteristics such as muscles, bone and physiology such as testosterone levels. Even when treating patients for diabetes or high BP, you use different meds for women, men and different races, because they react differently. Some races show general aptitudes for certain areas, like science, math, construction, sports, entertainment. It's just biology. It's just science. Each has inherent strengths and weaknesses. To say every race is the same is just plain DUMB PC.
I do believe every person and every race deserve God given rights, respect and fair justice.
We should acknowledge this fact and encourage opportunities for people to shine at their best.
To expect and treat everyone the same IS REAL RACISM.
I looked it up before. If you are just listing groceries, then you use a coma. If you are listing things that could be a sentence, then you use semi colons. As far as I know.
I find it easiest to avoid the semicolon.
Semi colons means it needs the part after the semi colon to make a whole truth.
As with a colon the part before tells a truth without the rest of the sentence following the colon.
I.e. Awesome in mercies; Hod is good.
God is good: awesome in mercies.
They are what will become Ferengi in the future.
Yes, they are.
You need to look into the Talmud more.
There's the Torah and there's the Talmud. Some Jews follow one, some jews follow the other. The former are fine. The latter are scum.
Like I said, you need to learn more about the Talmud, seems like you dont even know what it is. The talmud is a historical collection of rabbinical decisions on how the torah should be interpreted.
With such nice things as
Sanhedrin 55b - "A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his." - -
Sanhedrin 54b - "Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that." - -
Ketubot 11b - "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye" - -
For murder, whether of a Cuthean by a Cuthean, or of an Israelite by a Cuthean, punishment is incurred; but of a Cuthean by an Israelite, there is no death penalty' -
'Where a suit arises between an Israelite and a heathen, if you can justify the former according to the laws of Israel, justify him and say: 'This is our law'; so also if you can justify him by the laws of the heathens justify him and say [to the other party:] 'This is your law'; but if this can not be done, we use subterfuges to circumvent him. - -
If one finds therein19 a lost object, then if the majority are Israelites it has to be announced, but if the majority are heathens it has not to be announced. - -
Rab Judah said in the name of Samuel: The property of a heathen is on the same footing as desert land; whoever first occupies it acquires ownership. - -
His lost article is permissible, for R. Hama b. Guria said that Rab stated: Whence can we learn that the lost article of a heathen is permissible? Because it says: And with all lost thing of thy brother's: it is to your brother that you make restoration, but you need not make restoration to a heathen. - -
If [an Israelite] has intercourse with a heathen woman, zealots may attack him! ... The Court of the Hasmoneans decreed that an Israelite who had intercourse with a heathen woman is liable on four counts, viz., she is regarded as niddah, a slave, a non-Jewess, and a married woman; and when Rabin came [from Palestine] he declared: On the following four counts, viz., she is regarded as niddah, a slave, a non-Jewess, and a harlot! -
I could go on but I think you get the point.
I see why God was so pissed at Israel for most of the OT.
Well I believe that the true houses of Israel are whites (source below), who were subverted by elites. God got pissed off in the OT because the people kept falling for the subversion. Which is exactly what Jesus went around and talked about.
At the time of Christs coming 2000 years ago all of the whites became Christians and all of the "elite" subverters continued to practice their satanism, but still called themselves jews. At that point in time "jews" as they were known ceased to exist.
The jews of today are the true revelation 2:9 / 3:9 jews. They are the synagogue of satan, but do lie about being jews because the "jews" all converted to Christianity when their prophecies became fulfilled because of the coming of Jesus. They lie about being jews knowingly and unknowingly, but their actions are all in line with satanism in both cases.
James wickstrom bitchute. He proves it. Also see his video about gov forced vaccination from 2015. Dude is based and names the jew fearlessly.
I mean; God created the jews too, right?
Is it true that Jesus really was a jew??
THANK YOU for summarizing all of this. I've spent time here and there digging in the Talmud for this stuff and it is hard to find. I appreciate it, fren!
Here, have some more
It’ll take 10,000 days to read through all that.
I know there's an endless supply. unfortunately.
The Hasidic (classic Jew cartoon) community is the sect which primarily observes elements of the Talmud. They still follow the Torah (Old Testament) vs The Bible (New Testament). The Hasidic community voted for Trump at a 98% rate. 30% of Jews are estimated to have voted for Trump.
Outside the Hasidic community (NYC), Jews are like any other ethnic group and religion: 1) the farther you get out of a city, the more conservative they become and 2) every religion has its asshoes.
Ah. Makes sense.
Are there sects of Judaism that reject the Talmud?
Yes. There are also 2 Talmuds. It's complicated.
Look around and you can find Jews who focus their faith on the Torah and prophets. These Jews are fine. They actually keep God's law better than most Christians.
You also see lots of jews who are either atheists or who actively practice the Talmud. There's the Babylonian Talmud and the Jerusalem Talmud. I haven't read or compared the two but suspect the Babylonian Talmud is the worse of the two and the source of most of the horror. The Talmud is what excuses the rape of children.
Do you go around like this every single time someone points out that 6% of the black population commits over 50% of the murders? Or is that one less in need of shutting down?
Omg what website is this i thought i was accidentally on consumeproduct for a second
I'm honestly not sure about that. I mean; not literally every single jew on the planet is bad; yes.
But a mind-boggling, extremely high amount of them obviously are......
Kind of looks like the parler logo, too.
Seen our noahide laws.