She’s had a headache since Friday. Other symptoms developed last night. This is her 3rd child and never an previous problems. Please pray.
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If she's due this week, they should induce her, that's what they typically do. High risk pregnancies are commonly induced early with little risk of doing so. If they aren't, it may be capacity bullshit. Push back and ask for an immediate induction.
Came to ask why she isn't in the delivery suite right now.
She’s at an her appointment now. She has a midwife and supposedly they don’t like involving medical procedures. She wanted to wait for natural labor. I explained to her preeclampsia isn’t anything to risk.
No, and the midwife ought to know that. Eclampsia is one of the top maternal killers.
My friend had it happened very suddenly. They did an emergency c sections but she still developed severe preeclampsia. Don’t mess around with this, it can go from mild to severe very quickly and can threaten both her and the baby’s lives.
midwife almost killed my daughter and grandson. let it go too long.
PRAYERS to you that your daughter is cared for by sensible medical staff and that she and baby come through just fine. and in this process, she hopefully recognizes the truth of things.
Yes I’m hoping the midwife recommends she be induced today.
Just like the shot and med companies… does this mid wife have any responsibility if this goes sideways?
I know. I agree.
There are lay midwives, licensed midwives, Masters prepared midwives, NP midwives--it all depends on the state, and generally more preparation means more responsibility.
Praying that all the positive energy being shown by Anons in this thread well help your daughter get through this hurdle that was set in front of her by the cruel and evil people who do not care about anybody's lives.
The compassion shown towards someone who made a choice most of us here do not agree with is what makes this such a wonderful place to be in.
My ex wife had preeclampsia with two of our kids. Caused our fourth child to get so stressed, he shit in the womb so much, he aspirated it. The Dr called Meconium Aspiration Syndrome. It was bad. The liquid looked like split pea soup. Not trying to sacre y'all, bit there's not much she can do so late term. Have her push lots of water and bed rest. Like, stay in bed unless it's to go to the bathroom, eat, shower, etc, until she gives birth. That's about all she can do now. And pray. Lots and lots of prayer. Hopefully the baby is ok.
Hoping they induce her. I told her they probably will as they don’t like stress in the baby.
🙏 🙏 🙏
Will do. Try not to worry and stress; easier said than done. May the Lord be with you all, may his peace be upon you. Keep us posted.
Praying for both mom and the baby. Something that might ease the worry, this sticky post: Get your daughters vax card and find her brand and batch. Maybe it will help ease your mind a little. I'll say a prayer for you also. God bless
Of course it is. Hopefully your daughter will pull through this and the baby will be born healthy as well. And hopefully she will have learned her lesson about the death jabs and will sue the living shit out of her employer.
In the meantime, she is in our prayers.
Yes she’s totally been so stressed by this and isn’t taking anything else. It did bring her closer to God.
Praying for you! My work friend got jabbed while pregnant and also got preeclampsia. They induced early and mom and baby are doing ok today. May God watch over your family.
It’s definitely a sign it is that vaccine. Makes me so angry.
To whichever fucking DEMON keeps downvoting prayers.... THERE'S A SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL for sick MF'er...You "think" you're getting to me or pissing me off by downvoting my comments(It doesn't mean shit)...BUT When you Downvote The LORDS prayer you just revealing your true intentions....It must really fucking suck to be you...
Please let us know how she is. Prayers for her and the baby
I’m 12 weeks and take a baby aspirin daily to prevent this. But I guess it’s too late for that for her?
I try to research everything when she got the jabs 2 months ago. Saw where some babies were being still born and it scared the crap out of me. Now it makes sense as preeclampsia can cause babies to be stillborn. I had no idea she could get that.
It usually surfaces sometime in the 2nd trimester, sometimes earlier, sometimes later. Depends on how much stress the mother is in during the pregnancy. The stress can be caused by a multitude of factors, but usually is some sort of hormonal imbalance. At least, that's what the Drs all told us when my ex had it for the last two children we had. Can also be genetic, can be caused by foods and/or meds,dental stress/instability, can also be caused by being overweight, too.
During her fourth pregnancy, she was bed rested for the last trimester. Preeclampsia sucks, and can kill both mother and child if it's not handled properly. It almost killed our last two children, no.'s 4 & 5, and almost killed her, too.
I know that was so stressful for you all. I suspect that vaccine screwed up her immune system as my research said that could cause it.
Prayers for you and your family, fren..,
Everyone I thank you all for prayers. Midwife says since her blood pressure wasn’t high at appointment, she’s not worried about it. Said if my daughter gets flashing in her eyesight or other eyesight issues to go to the hospital. I truly have lost all faith in the medical profession.
Dang. They really are religious about "natural" births.
I don't want to worry you. But, they need to be doing a 24 hour urine collection to analyze I think it's protein levels to make sure her kidneys are okay. And they should do a blood test to check liver function I think is what it is. Symptoms are not always accurate enough. Preeclampsia can remain stable, but if it gets bad, it can also get bad fast. Almost lost my cousin and her baby to preeclampsia. I had to make the doctor check me since I didn't have that many symptoms. Hospital still sent me home for the 24 hour urine collection, which showed I needed to be induced.
Your daughter, baby, and entire family, have been added to my prayer list. 🙏 Lord, have mercy on us.
My prayers are for your daughter's recovery. There's no question this gene modifiying vaxxxine is making women's wombs toxic. Men are also having reproductive issues, but it is being under-reported. It is now admitted that the vaxxx causes disruption to a woman's menstrual cycle, which is really a sign of sterility.
Preclampsis is a form of microchimerism. What Nature originally provided as a consequence against admixture is now, as a result of anthropogenic meddling created a deleterious hyper-immune response that essentially endangers the health of the mother and child.
I'm so sorry, I cant imagine how deeply this must hurt. Please god protect the innocent, and forgive us all for our failings.
So sorry, I’ll keep all of you in my prayers
Done. Hang in there!
🙏 🕯💝 Sent to your family and the medical staff that's taking care of her.
Preeclampsia is cause by problems with the placenta. Given that the vaxx can cause clotting, it seems logical that this could cause preeclampsia. Luckily she is near term so they should just induce her ASAP to avoid any further complications. I had high blood pressure in both my pregnancies but never developed preeclampsia. They induced me at 37 weeks both times to avoid serious complications.
Hugs and prayers for you and your daughter, fren. We have a very big family ourselves (newest Baby Patriot due any day now!), born at home w/midwives whenever possible (though there have been a couple situations that have genuinely required additional intervention in the hospital for various reasons). I’ve had friends deal with pre-eclempsia (very healthy, naturally-minded mamas also planning homebirths, etc), and this definitely is a situation that needs carefully managed ASAP.
It sounds like she’s close enough to her due date that induction really is the best course and will be absolutely necessary if her BP doesn’t come back within normal limits IMMEDIATELY. This is even a situation in which an emergency c-section really may be necessary, and I do NOT say that lightly. In the meantime, she needs plenty of protein and fluids, and an epsom salt bath (lots of epsom salt in it) may also help lower her BP. How high is it, by the way? And what other symptoms is she having by this point? She might consider some oral supplemental magnesium, too, but she should check with her midwife about all this before taking any supplements. If her team does decide to induce labor, the mag will counteract the needed contractions, so tread carefully here with the big picture in mind.
Of course, none of this is to be construed as medical advice: just sharing experiences and the results of my own research.
For future reference, she may want to look into the Brewer Diet: what it is and the reasoning behind it.
Meanwhile, if at all possible, she MUST NOT be left alone until this is resolved, as it can escalate quickly and dangerously now that it’s gotten to this point. As an encouragement (hopefully), pre-eclempsia is not all that uncommon anyway, even among very healthy mamas, so as much as I hate the shot, it truly might not have been the cause in this case. I truly sympathize with her having to deal with this and will be praying for you all. Please keep us posted. 🙏
Foamy looking urine, constant come and go headache, pain in upper abdomen. She’d check her blood pressure and while it was elevated it wouldn’t be dangerously high. I just am not sure how suddenly this can escalate. Midwife didn’t seem concerned. Gave her a recipe for migraines.
This is actually quite reassuring. These aren’t horribly dangerous symptoms at this point (in the final week), but obviously keep a close eye on everything. Significant swelling in hands/feet (especially HANDS), blurry vision, dangerously-high BP, changes in Baby’s movement patterns, etc, would require a second look. For now, trying to relieve the headache, getting as much rest as possible (ideally with feet elevated: a recliner is good), lots of protein, superfoods, and fluids—general healthy activities—will likely be enough to get through the next few days. She’s surrounded by prayer, best of all. 🙂 Please keep us updated!
How's it going with your daughter? Your family's been on my mind. 🙂
She had her baby both are doing well. Praise the Lord. So far no signs of vax injury to either.
Praise the Lord! Ours is here, too: both doing great. Congrats, Grandma! 🥰
Have faith. God is with you and your family. May he protect you all and keep you strong. May he heal all ailments and lift your spirits.
Prayers on the way.
Prayers for you
Father, here we are. We come before You humbly asking You take care of OPs child and grandchildren. May they all find healing by You if You are willing and that most of all that they see Your Son Jesus Christ, through all this regardless of circumstances. In Jesus name amen.
Search term of the day "preeclampsia + magnesium"
I'll include your daughter and grandbaby in my prayers.
I'll pray for her.
Did she have the shot while pregnant or before? Saying prayers for her. 🙏
She had to get both shots in November while she was 7 months pregnant. She waited till her job wouldn’t wait any longer before beginning termination.
I care for 3 babies whose mother's had the shot late in pregnancy and they have all been born healthy so far. If that gives you any hope that nothing else could go wrong. Too many of us are being put in dire circumstances over this.
Yes thank you so much! It helps immensely to know that the vaccine isn’t 100% doom every time. I had to stop reading news coming out because they mentioned still born babies being born.
I became like that when I found out my daughter had two shots. 😔 She is not anywhere near ready to have children so I am praying and for grandchildren that aren't even in existence yet. Please keep us posted and if you need anything, do not hesitate to ask.
I believe it's the jab as well My brother inlaw wife got it during pregnancy had problems preclamp had to do c sec Her brother wife got jab had preclamp and c sec Both premises both hospitals Wife and I no shot few days past full term and I caught her in a birth center
Praying for her and for baby. God keep them both safe. 🙏🏻
Praying that both mother and child will be fine, fren. May God be with your family.
I have a good friend who had to the the vax this summer. She had already been dealing with several autoimmune disorders and now she is severely diabetic.