I'm seeing a lot of news about people getting cancer, especially after the shots, which seems to be an unfortunate side effect. I wanted to make a post with a compilation of research and articles on alternative cancer treatments. Please share with your friends and family, you never know who might need this info in the future!
Personally, I would start with Fenbendazole (Joe Tippens protocol) as that one seems to come up over and over in cancer protocols and people have the most success associated with it. Definitely checkout the Facebook groups listed below for success stories and information on the protocol (I know we all hate on FB, but the health groups are a great way to learn and connect with others going through the same thing).
As always, when doing research on this or other health topics, it's best to use DuckDuckGo, since a lot of this information is censored by Google and mainstream media sources.
- Joe Tippens Protocol (mycancerstory.rocks)
- https://www.mycancerstory.rocks/single-post/2016/08/22/shake-up-your-life-how-to-change-your-own-perspective
- https://www.connersclinic.com/fenbendazole-joe-tippens-anti-cancer-drug-treatment/ - easy to read / tells you what you need, and where to buy it!
- https://www.laurasmercantile.com/joe-tippens-cancer-protocol/
Articles/Research on Fenbendazole
- https://www.fenbendazole.org/2019/12/19/what-is-fenbendazole-and-how-can-it-affect-cancer-treatment/
- https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/fenbendazole/
- https://patents.google.com/patent/US20120064008A1/en?q=Fenbendazole+cancer&oq=Fenbendazole++cancer
- https://www.khou.com/article/news/health/dog-dewormer-pinworm-medicine-studied-as-possible-treatments-for-cancer/285-9ad9602a-bd7a-449e-b196-3e8d51bd28e2
Where to Buy Fenbendazole (without a prescription):
- Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Panacur-Dewormer-Package-Contents-packets/dp/B000296N7S/
- Connors Clinic: https://shop.connersclinic.com/products/panacur-c-fenbendazole
- AllDayChemist: https://www.alldaychemist.com/mebex-100mg.html - Mebendazole (similar to fenbendazole)
Support / Research Groups I have found Facebook health groups to be some of the most helpful in my health journey! Great place to learn, ask questions, and find more resources to help:
- Fenbendazole - Cancer Support Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/476254899648556 - This group explores and celebrates the successes of the repurposed drug Fenbendazole to help with cancer treatment.
- Mycancerstory.rocks - https://www.facebook.com/groups/mycancerstoryrocks - This group is for discussion of the contents of Joe Tippens blog at mycancerstory.rocks
- Fenbendazole And Other Alternate Choices - https://www.facebook.com/groups/429159131252194 - This group explores the repurposed drug (fenbendazole) for cancer treatment. It also allows for discussion and experience sharing for other conventional and integrative options such as diet, herbal supplements, and immunotherapy to name a few.
Articles/Research on Ivermectin
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1043661820315152
- https://www.nature.com/articles/ja201711
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27302166/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7505114/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5835698/
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32549918/
- https://ashpublications.org/blood/article/116/18/3593/27970/The-antiparasitic-agent-ivermectin-induces
- https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jcmm.15195
- https://www.nature.com/articles/ja201711
Where to buy Ivermectin (without a prescription):
- AllDayChemist: https://www.alldaychemist.com/ivermectin-12mg-austro.html
- ValleyVet: https://www.valleyvet.com/ct_detail.html?pgguid=4D9A49D8-394F-46B3-883C-733D88C2C257 (please note the ivermectin sold through vet supply stores is the same as the ivermectin prescribed in pill form to humans. The only difference is the dose, which is measurable per pound of body weight.)
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
Articles/Research on HCQ
- https://web.archive.org/web/20210823201823/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5718030/
- https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/clinical-trials/search/v?id=NCI-2019-08359
Where to buy HCQ (without a prescription):
- AllDayChemist: https://www.alldaychemist.com/hcqs-or-oxcq-200-mg.html
- You can also contact American's Frontline Doctors for HCQ and Ivermectin, although it does take longer and will be more expensive overall. AFLDS-trained and licensed physicians are available via telemedicine for a short consultation.
Additional Protocols and Supplements:
The Gonzalas Protocol (Dr. Nickolus Gonzalas) - https://thegonzalezprotocol.com/gonzalez-protocol/
Dr. Max Gerson / Gerson Therapy - https://gerson.org/
List of 90 Cancer Cures & Protocols - tons of helpful info, supplements, research (you'll see a lot of the same supplements and protocols recommended over and over in your research) - https://revealingfraud.com/2020/08/health/90-cancer-cures/
Keto diet (remove all sugar from diet, and include intermittent fasting). Cancer is a fungus / yeast (candida) which feeds on sugar and thrives in an acidic environment. Cancer can’t survive in an alkaline environment. Cancer can ONLY burn sugar/glucose, and without glucose cancer cells die after 6-8 wks. Therefore eliminating carbohydrates and eating mainly proteins and fats is effective. Fasting helps too by allowing autophagy by which the body removes unnecessary or dysfunctional (cancer) cells.
MMS, Miracle Mineral Supplement (chlorine dioxide)
Amygdalin (Vitamin B17) - Amygdalin is a naturally occurring chemical compound best known for being promoted as a cancer cure. It is found in many plants, but most notably in the seeds of apricots, bitter almonds, apples, peaches, and plums
Alkalizing pH Therapy - Dr. Leonard Coldwell explains that every cancer can be cured within weeks by alkalizing the body through PH therapy and raw food diet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgbdNNfotwM&ab_channel=iHealthTube.com
Vitamin C IV infusions - http://orthomolecular.org/library/ivccancerpt.shtml
How to Starve Cancer (Jane McLelland) - https://www.howtostarvecancer.com/
CBD / RSO (Rick Simpson) Oil - https://www.lazarusnaturals.com/rso-cbd-oil-full-spectrum#205=5488
Colloidal Silver - https://www.cancertutor.com/msm_cs/
Iodine - https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/iodine-deficiency-cancer/
- The Cure for All Diseases by Hulda Clark - https://www.amazon.com/Cure-All-Diseases-Many-Histories/dp/1890035017 The Cure for All Cancers by Hulda Clark - https://drclarkstore.com/products/the-cure-for-all-cancers?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgfio8ojw8gIVRR-tBh2pvwStEAQYAiABEgLLtPD_BwE
- World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17 by G. Edward Griffin - https://www.amazon.com/World-Without-Cancer-Story-Vitamin/dp/0912986190
- The One Minute Cure by Madison Cavanaugh - using food-grade Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) - https://www.amazon.com/One-Minute-Cure-Healing-Virtually-Diseases/dp/0977075141
- Iodine : Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It by Dr. David Brownstein - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0966088239/
Disclosure - it goes without saying, but I'm not a medical doctor and only compiling this research which has been shown to be effective in the fight against cancer. Everyone should learn as much as they can to make informed decisions, which may include consulting with a doctor on more traditional therapies. Just know it's not a one-size-fits-all approach :)
Thank you! I compiled this for a friend's mom who has cancer, thought I would share with my friends here on GAW too :)
You’ve helped me a lot, as most of us try to help others too. I commented below 💕😇. Edit; I have a few things to add to your wonderful post too that I use/do. Hey, I beat it once…now I gotta do it again!!
Praying for you fren!! 🙏🙌
Praying for you Phishhed. You shared some great info with me when my brother was diagnosed with leukemia after his 2nd shot last April. I appreciated all that you shared. Sending well wishes!!
Have you heard of Ken Nickels and RawganX? https://rawganx.com/blogs/rawganx
His story https://rawganx.com/blogs/blog/kens-story-part-1
Hey thanks for your kind words!! I wasn't gonna mention it, then saw this post and well, this IS Home? I'm looking into your links and will reply tomorrow 💕👍🏼
Much appreciated. I can't wait to go through all of it.
Well done.
Thank you for the kind words! I'm just doing my part in this information war, using one of the gifts God has given me (ability to research).
God Bless you u/Truth4Freedom for your AWESOME compilation of healing sites!
You are SAVING lives. This is your path set forth by God. You are here for a reason.
SO excited to pass your list on to others!
Prayers for your continued knowledge that helps others. Well done, good and faithful servant servant! 🙏🙌
Don't lose faith, surely there are treatments for the other syndromes, we collectively will find them.
Go check out:
Yes. From this day forward, T4F shall be known as: Sir Truth4Freedom. (or Madam if applicable).
This is JUST what I needed to refresh my list. My cancer has come back. Been clear since 6/19 too. I’m improving already and am back to 17 treatments/supplements. I may leave it at 17. Sux. Pray for me…TY 💕🙏
Praying for you Patriot, you can do it again!
Have you heard of Praying Medic?
With the right amount of Faith in God, it's "simple" if I may humbly say it so! The KEY is authority! Lot of patriots heal themselves and others lately, it's AMAZING what is going on, have a look at all the testimonies on Telegram:
PS. Jesus our Lord gave us authority, over evil spirits / sickness for example, we can order it to leave. As well emotional healing is often important...
Thanks to u/ThePowerOfPrayer, very good info here as well:
Andrew Murray from the book "Humility, The Journey Toward Holiness"
Beautiful heartfelt post u/TheTruthSetsUsFree!
I believe to my very core that we can heal in Jesus name.
He told us that we would do even greater things than Him. Just as the Disciples did...they didn't pray if it be your will Lord to heal...they just said to the beggar at the gate, "Be Healed!"
God Bless you and you healing heart. 🙏
Beautiful stuff my Fren! Funny you mention it, I get a lot of inspiration from PM...he's great. I hooked into his prayer Telegram Channel couple weeks back (funny, right when this started-up again?)...and it's given me new prayer ideas I've been putting into practice? God's really been Blessing me lately, and I'm not goin anywhere 👍🏼🙏💥
Love Praying Medic! He is pure of Heart! I have 2 of his books.
Blessings to you, fren. I'm praying for all who are suffering with this disease. May the cures be revealed to the general public NOW.
Bless you as well my goat-Brother! I think I'm gonna beat it again. Wearin me out is all. 😎
Lynn Farrow has a good book on Iodine, I believe it's called The Iodine Crisis
Yes, that's what it's called. It's excellent reading. I recommended it to a friend with serious autoimmune issues and she's already seeing improvements in her health.
Essiac tea, iv vitamin C, mistletoe, frankincense all are also cancer fighters. My breast cancer is hormone fed, so blocking hormones is key, at least that's what their research indicates.
High estrogen?
My cancer is estrogen and progesterone positive, so part of the treatment is hormone blockers for at least five years. I ended up also doing a radical hysterectomy to get rid of most of the hormones so the hormone blocker only has to deal with the estrogen types made in the brain.
Thank you for this. I truly believe this is Divine intervention at it's finest as I learned today that a close friend will begin her battle with cancer. I knew I had saved some recent posts on alternative cancer treatments and was going to dig in so I could share. I logged on, and this post was the first one I saw. Truly, I can't thank you enough.
Happy to help! I'm sorry to hear about your friend, but just know that when caught early, there's tons of success stories of people who have beat cancer using these and other protocols. Praying for your friend's recovery!
This was a Godwink!
Also look at artemisinin
Here is another good resource.
Thanks! I've heard good things about artemisinin as well.
Thanks! This is a keeper.
There’s that number again.
ThanQ fren, saved for reference with much appreciation for the excellent work you've done.
Terrific post! Well sauced, well written and well formatted. I've downloaded and bookmarked it already.
Thank you for this info. It’s probably fair to say we’ve all been touched - personally and/or a family member or friend - with cancer.
Thank you so much. This needs a permanent stickie along with the zelenko protocol, and the horse paste dosage. Come on mods, let’s do this.
Good compilation, thank you
Saved. ThanQ!!
Amygdalin and it’s synthetic derivative laetrile; I’ve used it and may add it again to my therapy. I ground apricot seeds (“kernels”) into a flour with coffee bean grinder. I found (I weigh 200#) that 1/2 teaspoon of the flour 3X/day to be the max I could tolerate. Yes, it has cyanide in them. I also used apple seeds to less effect. The natural plant-based “chemo” is effective NOMINALLY…but rarely by itself especially if the cancer has had time to progress. I’ve OD’d…taken a heaping teaspoon and let me tell Ya, it was worse nausea than the chemo I took. Mexico has laetrile clinics with pharm-grade laetrile pills. It was discovered as a possible cancer therapy from an explorer who came across a tribe in NW Pakistan who never got cancer. Their diet included apricot seed “flour” in many dishes they eat. It’s absolutely delicious too. Next, I’m still digging through the articles posted above, but haven’t seen 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide listed, yet? I swear by it. The rush of oxygen is really something. Cancer being anaerobic hates oxygen so flushing your body with it is a logical choice for a therapy. Many still surviving old-timey REAL Drs know this. It’s caustic at 35% so avoid skin contact..and proper dilution in water is the prerequisite before ingesting. Also ingestion must be spaced away from other pharmaceuticals & supplements & foods. Scheduling is critical. Unwanted reactions could result. H2O+H2O2 leaves water + free oxygen. I buy mine (Jutrian Blue [formula]); http://www.jutrianrx.com/. It’s a 2-part deal with Jutrian formulas. Part-1 is the H2O2 & Part-2 is a major mixture of enzymes, electrolytes & colloidal precious metals among other stuff. You get 2 bottles (refrigerate H2O2 always) plus dropper bottles and a great book. It’s pricey but worth it.
Bulk 35% food grade and pre-diluted formulas here; https://bulkperoxide.com/shop/?utm_source=Google%20Ads&utm_medium=PPC&utm_campaign=9610849885&utm_term=food%20grade%20hydrogen%20peroxide&utm_content=424907373571&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_PPpi9St9QIVTeHICh0SJQIhEAAYASAAEgLwVvD_BwE
Note; Amazon has lying vendors DO NOT TRY TO BUY THERE! I believe the FDA has cracked down on its sale somewhat to individuals? My EU frens say they can’t get it over there? You know the misting of fruits/veggies at food store? Diluted 35% H2O2 to keep oxygen freshened produce ie kills aerobic bacterias. 👍🏽
Valuable info Phish! God Bless you that your are helping others as you are healing yourself!
Deep prayers for you fren! 🙏🙌😘
Hey!! Bless you too...you're one of my inspirations Joy. I'm gonna beat it. Wasn't gonna mention it, then saw this post...etc. 💕
I was wondering about you because you've been kinda quiet.
I'm thinking you were meant to see this post and share your info. A Godwink. Now, that your family here knows a multitude of prayers are rising up into Heaven for you!
God is not through with you yet Phish! You were meant to be here for such a time as this.
A time for CURES!
Dangit Joy I'm touched. Really 🙏💕 (I added a note about iodine just now).
Aaawww...you are sweet! I speak TRUTH!
Thank you for sharing about food grade hydrogen peroxide! This is super helpful info. I included Madison Cavanaugh's book "The One Minute Cure" which includes H202 as a protocol, and from what I understand it not only helps with cancer but also parasites (the root of many diseases)? I will checkout the Jutrian Blue formula at the link above...
I will pray for you in your continued health journey!
Hey that's great and I'm really experienced with it so any questions, just DM me 👍🏼
I do have a few questions! (commenting publicly in case others have similar questions):
I'm curious what the difference is between the 3% solution and food-grade 35%? (for example, what makes it "food grade"? Is it possible to ingest the 3% store bought kind and see results?)
What protocol do you follow? Is there a recommended starting dose?
There's a discussion going on about H202 on another post: https://greatawakening.win/p/141EnBuPjN/hydrogen-peroxide--i-always-told/c/
NEVER INGEST STORE BOUGHT 3%!!!!! It has emulsifying agents people think aahhh pfft “food grade” I’ll just buy H2O2 at CVS and go to town. NEVER. Food Grade is a MUST. I can’t stress this enough. Now I gotta go to that other post & let it be known I guess? I got more for Ya…just woke up 👉🏼
2). Ok, gheez I was concerned there but most seem to already know not to ingest the store-bought H2O2. On dosage…start slow. The book that comes with Jutrian explains it but there’s online resources too. Start with 3 drops in 12-16oz water (big glass). Stick with that for 2-3 days & max at 3 glasses/day. Space 2 hours away from any meds/supplements & 1 hour away from food. Work up slowly your drops and I maxed at 10 drops 3X/day. That’s enough but I know and old Dr who does over 20 drops. This is the 35%…anything pre-diluted use more drops. Also when stopping you taper-off drops until you’re back at 3 drops. I’m gonna stress this further later but a lotta people start doing an alt-therapy then quit cuz it makes them “sick” ie NAUSEOUS. They all will. As cancer cells die the “sick” feeling is from dead cells and their toxins. This WILL GO AWAY…you must be strong & stick to the therapy. The sick feeling manifests as headaches & nausea. Another thing I will comment on later is not just fasting to help rid the toxins, but use ACTIVATED CHARCOAL capsules to absorb & purge them. The liver works overtime with all you’ll throw at it so give it some help? I believe it lessens the nausea dramatically. You’re killing a demon here…it doesn’t slink away quietly. There’s a Mr Knowitall on other thread calling it all BS those types of people will turn others away & towards BIG PHARMA with their comments. Do big pharma AND alt-therapies if you want?…BUT Big Pharma will damage you and take your $$$ that’s the ONLY guarantee. I’ve beat this cancer before but I hit it whole-hog with several points of attack, not just one therapy. You’ll spend your day measuring, drinking, peeing and checking clocks for spacing. It puts people OFF…ie LAZY. It’s YOUR LIFE(?)! (I’m not a Dr gotta say that). More coming today gonna be a busy one…
Also, if/when you receive your Jutrian kit immediately refrigerate the H2O2-Part-1 👍🏽
Great work. Thank you!
Great work! Thank you for posting this!
Thank you! Saved it
Iodine. My lymph nodes in neck were damaged (specifically the node valves) after 36 radiation doses. I have to manually massage them to drain. Now with my recurrance, they get to ache and massaging doesn't help. So, I take 6 drops colloidal iodine in glass water and within minutes the aching is GONE. I'm serious & I can hardly believe it!! So I source mine at; https://www.maggiesholisticsny.com/ I've no doubt there's other sources but when something works I stick with it. I might add I initially got it to help decalcify my Pineal couple years back, & I dream in color again and have flown a few times dreaming...like when we were children!.😇
I just started taking Lugol's Iodine a few months ago (started with 1 drop, then up to 6 drops, now back to 1 drop). I have Hashimoto's and after years of unsuccessfully treating my hypothyroidism with synthroid and similar drugs with no luck, I started researching into more natural means. Iodine seems to help with the goiter/swelling and I've noticed an increased sense of "clarity" which must be my pineal gland decalcifying. Iodine is supposed to help your body detox fluoride and bromine/bromide (which is added to breads) too.
💯 % CORRECT. Glad you found Lugol’s and yes, that’s probably your Pineal getting cleaned-up!
Thank you so much for this!!!❤️❤️ My uncle was just diagnosed with fatal kidney cancer. I sent this to my mom so she could pass on.
World without cancer” was written by the same guy who wrote the book about the fed.
Thank you for the fantastic list, Patriot! Saved.
Can it be Vitamin D3 + K2 is missing?
Of course only relevant for people living at latitudes where there is winter / lack of sun. Even in summer it's important to supplement if one does insufficient sunbaths or uses sunblocks while doing it... It's very important to supplement D3 + K2 for a lot of reasons, bones, teeth just to name a few, for children as well! Furthermore the dosage is crucial, it takes months to build up the blood level if at bottom, a boost period with higher dosage for approx. 10 days is a possible solution. I do not want to give dosage examples since i'm not a medic, you can check this book or lot of other sources:
Healthy in Seven Days - Loading dose of Vitamin D – By Dr. Raimund von Helden
Here some links for example, just did a fast DuckDuck:
Great resources! Thank you for mentioning this. I've heard that we are all Vitamin D deficient since we don't get enough sun in our modern lifestyle (living and working mostly indoors, and often using sunblock outdoors!). We all need a daily dose of sunshine for our health, or supplement when sunshine isn't possible.
Yes, sunshine is good, I tend to use sunblock only in extreme situations, when during holidays at the beech / on a boat at midday for example... Avoiding lot of sun between let say 11am and 3pm is usually enough...
Before taking D3, I remember having huge difficulties in spring, when I always got fast skin burns in the beginning. My skin always became very white (sensible) during winter. Now that I supplement, this process is way slower, it's not getting white as fast as then... I think whiter skin produces more D3, darker less... It's the way nature works... I guess people with dark skin have no such problems, be thankful about it!
BTW, not that it matters, I take liquid D3 and K2 (droplets) and not daily, but cummulating the days skipped...
Edit: most important thing I forgot, Robert Franz a well known Health Pioneer in German speaking region, compares D3 deficiency with a plant put into a cellar where the lack of light produces all sorts of maleficent growing things, the plant is stretching out in search for light... Just an illustration / comparison with cancer in humans... I guess there are many factors which can lead to it forming... As are many cures...
You may want to look into copper supplements. They increase melanin production and keep you from getting burned among other things.
Someone on GA turned me on to the book “beyond the arthritis fix” by Jason Hommel. He did a bunch of testing on himself and has a great chapter on copper supplementation
Thank you for the good info, I did not know this. I'll check out the book.
Nowadays I take copper too (infrequently), as well zinc and a little (~10 droplets 5% Lugol weekly) Iodine + selenium too. With Iodine one must take care, too much can be dangerous...
Zinc and copper at high doses are antagonists. So if you are taking a lot of zinc as we all are, you are likely deficient in copper.
Dr Brownstein in his iodine book starts all his patients at 50mg of lugols and much higher amounts are well tolerated.
Dr. Brownstein is a wonderful Doctor! A true healer! He writes a newsletter that can keep you up to date on many health topics.
Great post! TY
Great job! Saving this for future reference. Thank you
Thank you. A member of my family was recently diagnosed with advanced cancer and it's not looking good at all. She was fully vaxxed, of course.
Definitely saving and adding all things I can. I do b17, black seed oil, iodine, essiac tea, liposomal C, adding mistletoe and frankincense, plan to add ivermectin all as non traditional things for my breast cancer.
Fisetin - common flavonoid found in Strawberries. I've mentioned this in previous threads.
Naringin and naringenin. Hey, I've mentioned this before too!
Our old friend Quercetin shows up again here.
Rutin, man that's a big surprise, this one shows up again too!
I've been mentioning all of the above supplements (and others which I don't have time to dig up citations for now) and they all seem to work for a myriad of things.
Now isn't that funny?
Some great stuff thanks for posting that up.
Great post, thank you. I've done the 5 day iver/zinc protocol twice. Ready to try fenben now. The day that people in the mainstream find out that cancer cures have been deliberately hidden by Big Pharma, Earth will shudder from the rage. The single most important revelation for breaking humanity free from it's misguided trust. Much more significant than the bullshit ET scare tactic they plan. Guess what -- evil human beings are the real enemy.
This is a great rundown but unfortunately, the correct treatment/resolution isn't on this list.
Few people are ready to learn about the REAL cause and cure for all the various cancers that are out there. All cancers are psychosomatic in origin, each associated with its own specific conflict shock.
Carcinogens are mostly unreal and metastasis is also a lie.
Unraveling all the lies is half the battle. Stepping out of victim consciousness is the second, and by far, hardest part of the battle.
Interesting, I'd love to hear more if you have any resources you can share!
The modality is known as "German/Germanic New Medicine (GNM)". The founder, Ryke Geerd Hamer, was a genius in all respects, the youngest German to ever graduate from medical school. He was so young and precocious, he wasn't quite ready to interact with adults, after graduating from medical school he got a doctorate in theology before beginning his career in medicine. Years later, his son was "accidentally" shot and killed by an Italian crown prince in a bizarre incident on the prince's private yacht. After grieving for several months, he was then diagnosed with testicular cancer. Almost immediately, he suspected the cause was linked to the loss of his son. He began interviewing other patients diagnosed with testicular cancer and soon realized all these men had similar stories to tell. Effectively, the loss of a loved one, whether an actual physical "death", the fear of the possible future loss of a loved one, or a psychological "death" due to some form of perceived permanent separation. He realized the psyche considered all of these to be one and same if one were never to be able see their loved one again. He would later describe this as a "loss conflict", specifically related to a person/human, but not an inanimate object like a house, career, money, etc. There is a fascinating "handedness" to all GNM diagnosis as well, relating to which side of the body develops the necrosis, cell proliferation, tumor, etc., where one side of the body relates to a mother/child loss conflict, while the other relates to partner/spouse loss conflict. After many years of case studies, Hamer would come to learn that this diagnosis holds true for both ovarian and breast cancers in women. Utterly astonishing discoveries to say the very least.
Hamer approached the German health ministry after compiling nearly 30,000 case studies in the early 1980s, mostly various cancers, but other diseases as well. He claimed 100% accuracy having testimonials from tens of thousands. And guess what happened? No effort was made to verify anything. He was asked to bury his findings. And when he didn't, his license to practice medicine was summarily revoked. After several years of quietly assisting people privately , he was permanently evicted from Germany.
It's very difficult to wrap one's mind around the implications of his research at first. Our minds are so totally conditioned to looking at the vast majority of human dis-eases precisely BACKWARDS. The essence of GNM is this:
First, the primal "cause" of a change in the body occurs when a person is faced with an "unexpected event", which GNM calls a "conflict shock". It's important to note that our individual perceptions of the world around us are entirely subjective. One of the barriers to understanding GNM is that we all don't react the same way to similar events. Even in the above example, being one of the most devastating events almost all would agree on, the loss of a loved one, can and are handled differently by different people. To make this crucial point as clear as possible, not every man who loses a loved one through an "unexpected event" will develop testicular cancer. Conversely, every man who develops testicular cancer will have in fact suffered such a "loss conflict" of a loved one. Hopefully you understand this crucial point. Having explained this to dozens of people in my life, I've come to learn that this background assumption exists with virtually everyone when first hearing about GNM. Namely, that every man who loses a loved one will develop testicular cancer without exception. If you recognize the subjective nature of individual perception, you'll be able to understand this clearly.
In short, the initial reaction to an "unexpected event" occurs in our psyche (seat of the soul) which subsequently initiates a "biological" reaction in the body.
The second aspect of the "dis-ease process" then results in a biological reaction which can be cell proliferation, cell necrosis or cellular loss, dependent on the type of "conflict shock" experienced in the psyche. As long as the conflict shock persists (quantity of time), the psyche continues to instruct the body to continue producing or reducing tissue (producing for cancers). This cellular production/reduction is a biological DEFENSE against the perceived threat. It is not deliberately damaging or harming of the body. The psyche knows what it's doing.
It's important to also note that the psyche does not perceive "time" as our ego-mind's do. A "future threat" to our ego-personality is handled by the psyche as a present, imminent threat. A perfect example of this is lung cancer, which is the same thing as tuberculosis/consumption. Lung Cancer/TB is caused by a "fear of death conflict" - literally. Perhaps nothing initiates such a reaction in this day and age more than an actual "cancer diagnosis" from a physician, which immediately starts a "biological program" of producing excess lung alveoli so that the organism can IMMEDIATELY increase oxygen uptake, as the "oxygen morsel" is the most critical to life. Such is the immediacy of action initiated by the psyche, not comprehending a "fear of death" in 6 months, 2 years, etc. later.
The greatest example of this phenomena is the "Spanish Flu" plague after WWI. This event had nothing to do with Spain, nor any "influenza virus", which was impossible to detect at that time before the electron microscope existed, and as would later turn out, the complete and utter lack of evidence that any virus has ever been found (which they have not). See the work of virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka and the deceptive use of the word "isolate/isolation" to fool the world for the past 75 years.
Anyway, imagine soldiers from all over the world being on the front lines of battle, living in the trenches for months, even years on end. Every hour of every day, they literally had a "fear of death conflict". During this entire time, their psyche's were continuing to run the lung alveoli cell proliferation "biological program" the entire time. And most importantly, they were perfectly healthy throughout their time on the battlefields. This is the most critical aspect of GNM to understand. And that is, the "biological program" running is intended to protect/defend the individual against the perceived conflict/threat/concern/worry/fear etc. And as such, as long as the conflict is "active", perfect health is as well.
If you've gotten this far and understand the "dis-ease process" to this point, you can better understand what comes next. When the psychological conflict is finally RESOLVED in the mind of the sufferer, the psyche then starts up a new "biological program" to return the body back to normalcy/homeostasis as existed prior to the psychological conflict. As such, the depth and duration of the active and persistent psychological conflict will be in proportion to the "return to normalcy" phase --- which is what we've all been INDOCTRINATED into calling "dis-ease", sickness, illness, poor health, etc.
In short, we've got the dis-ease process EXACTLY BACKWARDS.
In GNM, the onset of the symptoms of dis-ease is actually the HEALING PHASE of the dis-ease process - the return to normalcy. Shocking, eh?
However, we have been indoctrinated into ELIMINATING these symptoms of dis-ease in every way possible by our present medical system. Whether it be by the killing of the bacteria that are there to produce/reduce cellular tissue via antibiotics (against life), or taking symptom suppression or pain relieving pharmaceutical. In an effort to "get back to normal faster", we actually CIRCUMVENT the healing process, thusly weakening the organ/tissue/bone that was in the process of healing, making it more susceptible and prone for future ailments down the road.
Returning to the WWI story - When the soldiers on the front lines finally left the battle field and returned home, they once again felt safe and secure. They had resolved their "fear of death conflicts". And this is when the "epidemic" began. The breakdown of months/years worth of excess lung alveoli was a traumatic process and the present-day medical system threw everything but the kitchen sink at the problem, providing treatments that only exacerbated and circumvented the healing phase "return to normalcy". The "Spanish flu epidemic" of 1918-19 killed PRIMARILY "fighting age males, 18-40". Put more simply, the vast majority that died were the actual soldiers that went into battle.
And with this explanation, hopefully the "Spanish flu epidemic" finally makes sense to you. I spent years trying to track down the real cause and went down every rabbit hole you could find - vaccines, introduction of high-dose Bayer aspirin, powerful radar/EMF radiation, etc. None of these potential "causes" made sense with the "epidemic" occurring months after the war had ended. Only the GNM explanation fits the circumstances. Had the doctors and hospitals understood this, the correct course of treatment could have been prescribed, which is effectively the same for all dis-eases that cause cell proliferation (cancers). And that is, extensive rest coupled with high water intake and protein intake (bone broth soups if no appetite). The body is the healer and it's as simple as this.
One more thing that is critical to add is that GNM diagnosis are both gender and "handedness" specific. This is MASSIVELY important to understand. In many dis-eases, the cause and location in the body are specific to these aspects. In effect, there are 4 different "conflicts" for most dis-eases, one for a left-handed male, one for a right-handed male, ditto for females.
I provide you with this lengthy explanation in hopes that it will better prepare you when you do your initial research into GNM. It is clear by your most thoughtful post that you genuinely wish to help people with this "deadly dis-ease", as do I.
I would recommend that, rather than researching dis-eases that you've personally never had before, that the most impactful way to begin your GNM research is to read up on ailments that you've suffered in your own life. There is no better way to confirm the accuracy, than by looking back on past events in your own life and confirming the match between unexpected events in your life and subsequent illnesses that you had. You'll be astonished, I can guarantee it!
And as a final note, perhaps the most shocking thing to understand about cancers, if you haven't already realized this based on this explanation, is that cancers/tumors are not something to be "gotten rid of at all costs". This mentality is backwards and precisely why those who seek alternative treatments to the mainstream "burn-cut-poison" model of cancer treatment, have a longer life expectancy on average than those who do (7 years vs 5 years). In short, the body always heals itself. The excess cell proliferation with cancers is a protective/defensive measure, not an "out of control" runaway "problem". To put the finest possible point upon it, the cancer patient who resolves their conflict shock will ALWAYS go into the so-called, and "mysterious" process of "spontaneous remission". It is this simple.
Additionally, to be clear, in cases of late-stage cancers, where a primary bodily process or organ is severely restricted/impaired/lost, surgery is a necessary evil to restore the process/organ. Another example when surgery is recommended especially is in breast cancers with women with a high-degree of their identity attached to vanity/physical appearance. There are others as well but hopefully this makes sense when "conventional treatment" is a superior option over allowing the healing process. As always, the diagnosis and treatment suggestions are highly individual based on the subjective nature of perception and personal identity.
Here is the best resource to learn GNM: https://learninggnm.com
Thank you
EEEEEEEEEXCELLENT compilation of cancer & other "treatments"....many thanks fren
Cancer: The Forbidden Cures
This publisher Jim Crenshaw - has a video of a PhD who exposed the nanoparticles functioning as razorblades to nick/cut up endothelial cells throughout the body - was on a zoom call with his GF/wife? and was beaten to death by police, this happened about 3 days after he released his video/findings to the public. Had not seen this before.German doctor exposing nanoparticles