Why is the post office sending people free Covid tests??
I mean, seriously, what is in it for them? Does the government want to get rid of them or something? Do they want false positives? Overstock? Data capture?? Maybe they want to finally end this pandemic and just get rid of all these tests?? I don’t know, it really blows my mind that USPS is distributing free Covid tests… very awkward and fishy
Put them under a microscope and see what they laced them with
exactly. anyone who doesn't take that shit straight from the mailbox to the trashcan needs his head examined.
Well I was thinking of testing a piece of fruit or something first.
That's what people need to be doing and reporting their results to any or all of the social media sites.
This is the way
Top Kek !
Gonna test my goat BRB.
Me too, or perhaps a craft beer. Would a hoppy one be more prone to testing positive than a sour?
Inquiring minds wanna know
Only science can tell us.
I'm taking a pen and writing; delivery refused, return to sender on mine.
Send them a colon sample :) :)
They were supposedly selling for $900 online...
Better yet (not all of us have access to microscopes) why not start "testing" things around the house and sending them in. Things like shower drains, your pet dog, something in the vegetable drawer in the fridge.... be creative. Then report back here all the "positives" from those bogus tests.
That's how they keep the pandemic going. Even though it's been over for two years now they have to keep it going.
They are free so as to encourage us to take the their fake positive test and keep the great lie going.
Through the test away!
I actually have an amscope microscope. Can’t believe I didn’t think of that
shhhhhh (you just did) :)
Exactly what I asked.
sterilized ethylene oxide (EO)
or maybe
Morgellons disease on the PCR SWABS?
More test = More positive results. More positive results = More "cases" (whether symptomatic or asymptomatic) More cases = More fear. More fear = More control.
See how it works? Simple, really.
More power and more money!
Slave Boy: What does fear have to do with anything?
Master Yoda: Everything! Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate... leads to suffering
But would t this just tick off those who are vaccinated to the hills, to turn around and test positive? Thus proving, again, vaccine don’t work.
To me sending these tests out would only further destroy their narrative. It will say 80%, or more, are testing positive, and crushing their beliefs in the test. Then questioning the vaccine. Then wondering about us tin foil hat users.....I mean, it might get people to......think. And we can’t have free thinkers, oh no. NOT HERE! 😜
I get that concept but if people are taking the test at home then the positive results aren’t being reported as they would if you went to a urgent care or CVS or local testing spot. That’s were I’m confused how this would help their agenda since the reporting wouldn’t been done?
They’re likely poisoning people. They die at home from “asymptomatic covid”.
I don't know how these at-home tests works, but if they work anything like at-home drug tests, you send back your test sample in a pre-paid postage container included in the test kit.
The test gives you a preliminary result, then a confirmatory result from the lab. That's where the data collection/reporting would be done.
Negative. These At home PCR test are providing results within 15 minutes, they are similar to at home testings. The results are provided direct to the user
USPS website says they're giving away disposable rapid tests, which display results within minutes on the spot. No need or way to send to a lab for confirmation.
“Mama who was that banjo playing man that just dropped some TRUTH and moonwalked out the door...”
Is there a BASIC version of this I can run on my TRS-80
type in 312824 * 17 and then turn it upside down.
It's all part of the Dems attempt to make it look like they have ended the pandemic. Send ppl tests so they don't go out and get tested therefore the tests won't get recorded and WALA the cases drop! They are frantically trying to turn this gigantic ship around before the midterms
That’s actually another good point! But I think it’s opposite reasons. Send people tainted tests, they test positive, false numbers skyrocket, reintroducing the pandemic and unconstitutional lockdowns. Who knows what ds has in mind
How do the numbers skyrocket if the positive results aren’t being reported when people are testing at home?
Let the people self report. Aren't they already lining up at the hospital to deal with their heavy case of the sniffles? Curiosity will get some tested and maybe freakout but there's a whole lot of crazy out there that are doing exactly this already.
Sleepers are still scared/worried… they get a free test, use it, shows positive, massive amounts of people call in sick to work, indirectly reported
Mail in ballots seemed to multiply the number of voters. This is a sure way to get the numbers up in a similar way as we prepare for the next election.
Without a doubt!!
This makes the most sense
I can tell you the normies are freaking out and testing themselves at home. They get a result. Then they are either using the results as an excuse to stay home or, they are getting a positive test and they are stuck not wanting to change their life/plans.
Watched a sleeple family member get one and decide not to tell everyone. “It’s the variant you want to get I get. And it’s mild. Besides I’m over this!” (Still virtue signals with a reused mask.)
Just mark: RETURN TO BRANDON on the box and stuff it back in.
I think they have some shit in them...
I agree… false positives, pump the numbers up, “justify” the increased “cases” to lock down the economy again
Impossible. There is no database for at home PCR tests.
I think they actually want to try and get the economy rolling before the mid-terms.
There is a database… app based database, but database nonetheless
Haven’t gotten one yet, not that I would ever use one. Are these the kind you have to send to a lab or what? I have never seen or used one of the home tests.
If it's at home, it's more than likely antigen. You can't do a pcr test at home.
Seems like a way to purchase massive amounts with tax dollars of these things half of us won't ever buy, in this country. Sneaky end around to spend your money for you on these, since we never would. Likely someone getting a pocket lining on the shipping money they're spending of yours for you, as well.
I'm gonna swab an apricot or fruit with mine and laugh at the positive result I'll make sure to post to truth social
Contaminate or destroy the test before you discard it. Covidiots will be rummaging thru the trash looking for unused tests to confirm their positive tests and will be counted as two different test subjects.
Because, the pandemic doesn't end until the testing stops. Covid isn't killing people, hospitals are.
Money laundering. Follow the money. Somebody got very rich off of this contract!
Putting my unused test kit on EBAY and open it to bidding!
Awe, fuck. I was wrong. In the box there is instructions to go record your results and people will actually do it.
Could they really be trying to lock shit down and ONLY allow voting through the mail during the mid-terms?
If they do that… man, people are going to riot.
You would need National Guard already in place…
Okay then. Buy more bullets.
Dunno, but they won't be hearing from me. If I don't get tested by some BS test, I will never get a "positive" for covid. Seems the easy way to avoid covid. Don't get tested.
I hope they make good targets, I miss the days of free AOL cd targets. 💿 🎯
Yoooo!!! HAHAHA!!! I used to chuck those things like a frisbee 😂😂😂
I'm gonna check it with my Geiger counter.
Please report back your findings fren
I will report back. I have not received any in the mail yet.
Good deal!
How to do a covid test.
They already track COVID via shit: https://biobot.io/data/
Since CDC got rid of those faulty PCR tests as of Dec 2021, they have excess test they need to get rid of. What better way to keep the fear mongering ongoing and rid a surplus of unneeded test?
More tests = more reported cases = more tyranny
more tests more cases, covid continues on.
Plus kickbacks to their friends who make/sell the tests.
Plus, if these tests get sent in, free DNA samples to their "friends" in chyna.
Don't send it back unless you want a visit from the Covid Nazis.
[Ahnold voice] “Come and get me!”
Cant have a pandemic without Karen the hypochondriac self testing 2,836 times a day.
Don't dare send me one. I don't have to participate in any of this.
The best way to avoid getting Covid… don’t take these stupid tests. Viola, a perfectly healthy person can’t test positive
Nothing is free. Someone is getting some mulah
Why not use your own swab? It tests the sample ON the swab and NOT the contents OF the swab…right?
No no no. It tests the swab we gave it. It puts the swab on its skin in its nose. Then it puts the special swab back in the bucket to be “tested.” There is nothing on the swab so don’t analyze it.
It tests the sample on the test strip and not on the actual swab itself. You’re correct sir
The occupying enemy doesn't understand this is the land of the free but giving us free materialistic stuff is highly suspicious.
Nothing is free. What do they want in return? DNA, another + case, just cash, or just fear and compliance. Egyptians used to shove sticks in slaves noses to make them more compliant. Some got encephalitis from injury and infection. I suspect they want all the above.
Maybe so we can flood the internet with "my [object] just tested positive feedback covid" videos.