more untold billions to be pissed away to create this false flag... interestingly enough... when President Trump wanted 2 billion to secure out southern border the dems screamed that our country could not afford such a thing... in the one of king sniffy's chinavirus bills, they set aside 5 billion for advertising and promotion for the serfs to take the clotshots!!
Go to Currituck BBW in Elizabeth City, NC. On Tuesdays, they have barbecue sandwiches at two for $4. A regular barbecue meat platter with two sides is almost more than I can eat.
I love Smithfield Chicken and Barbecue. There isn't one here in my town, as a lawsuit with the other Smithfield company (not even a restaurant) limits them to the Highway 70 corridor, except for the one on Hwy. 64 in Nashville. I have been to most of their restaurants, and they never disappoint.
I think Smithfield will pack barbecue in dry ice and ship anywhere.
One of the first companies I banned. The Chinese took over and clowns have an office right across the road from Smithfield HQ. What they’re doing there is anybody’s guess? A good friend almost got hired with 🤡 but they wanted him stationed THERE…so he didn’t take the job. “Too sketchy” he said. Anyway, yeah I used to love them. The best Cinnamon rolls anywhere can be had on right as you leave E-City headed North to Moyock…but you already prolly know that? Dang they’re good!!
So they purge the US military of patriots and send the rest. Is this a double fake out happening? None of this makes sense. This whole situation stinks.
Hate to say it, but that might actually be a good thing. Let them figure out the atrocities of war just before being mown down by enemy fire. Talk about a rude awokening!
Note to "enemy:" Thanks to pregnant-conscious flight suits, many of our pilots will be perpetually between grumpy and downright furious. They will also need to pee soon, so prepare for some quick, decisive dogfights.
Es is not senor Trump. He doesn't speak Spanish.
Spanglish isn't Spanish.
It's 2022. If he identifies as a fluent Spanish speaker, then he's basically a hombre.
It’s him. 😂
its cat turd. thats been known
There was a major coincidence that occurred with one of his tweets and a post on qresearch during trumps rally in AZ.
more untold billions to be pissed away to create this false flag... interestingly enough... when President Trump wanted 2 billion to secure out southern border the dems screamed that our country could not afford such a thing... in the one of king sniffy's chinavirus bills, they set aside 5 billion for advertising and promotion for the serfs to take the clotshots!!
Priorities (at the expense of the US taxpayers, as always)
"Cue" is the right word to use.
Hahaha Your edit was my train of thought too. Queue would work. At least they didn't spell it "que"
you rang?
"Que" is short for pork barbeque in the South. Alternate spelling "cue." :)
Pork barbecue is relevant every day. :)
I’ll take a quart of NC’s BEST!!
Go to Currituck BBW in Elizabeth City, NC. On Tuesdays, they have barbecue sandwiches at two for $4. A regular barbecue meat platter with two sides is almost more than I can eat.
I love Smithfield Chicken and Barbecue. There isn't one here in my town, as a lawsuit with the other Smithfield company (not even a restaurant) limits them to the Highway 70 corridor, except for the one on Hwy. 64 in Nashville. I have been to most of their restaurants, and they never disappoint.
I think Smithfield will pack barbecue in dry ice and ship anywhere.
One of the first companies I banned. The Chinese took over and clowns have an office right across the road from Smithfield HQ. What they’re doing there is anybody’s guess? A good friend almost got hired with 🤡 but they wanted him stationed THERE…so he didn’t take the job. “Too sketchy” he said. Anyway, yeah I used to love them. The best Cinnamon rolls anywhere can be had on right as you leave E-City headed North to Moyock…but you already prolly know that? Dang they’re good!!
I can speak English. I learned it from a book.
Ha! The Germans episode. Don't mention the war.
4 years of Trump, not one single new war started, winding down existing ones, almost ended the war with N Korea
1 year of Biden: WAR WITH RUSSIA
The weakest leaders start the biggest wars. Look no farther than Wilson or Chamberlain
War is usually used to destroy or hide corruption. Ukraine scandal?
9/11 Pentagon missing billions of dollars then oops a “jet” hit the pentagon.
Yeah, right at the investigators offices. Imagine THAT?
So they purge the US military of patriots and send the rest. Is this a double fake out happening? None of this makes sense. This whole situation stinks.
I don’t think any of us really knows what’s going on. Kek
I’m sorry but if that really nasty libtard enlisted “woman” goes who wanted all of us conservatives dead, I say let her go see if she’s like war.
The woke must learn what it means to be stripped of your pedestal
False flag to shine Ukraine.
I thought it was up to congress to declare war
It is,but the resident can send troops to be attacked.
We've been in a perpetual state of War since 2001 and has yet to be rescinded. Thus, Presidents can bypass Congress by use of the War powers act.
This is the way [they] want it to be so they can control Wars from the very top without discourse from Congress.
Oh good.... let's see what else Biden can fuck up.
I personally think it is catturd and not President Trump himself. I could be wrong though.
or Jr.
The entire last year was one big false flag.
I think Putin hates Biden so much he’s luring his DS ass in. Then help expose him completely. Unfortunately there would be deaths.
Literally we say that every week. Every week there is one. Every time it flops.
Biden’s gonna assemble the most woke, most purple haired, most gayest, most transgendered army in the history of the world. Look out Europe! #FJB
Hate to say it, but that might actually be a good thing. Let them figure out the atrocities of war just before being mown down by enemy fire. Talk about a rude awokening!
He wrote that in Jan 14?
And now the moment of who the commander in chief is comes...
Of course Devolution alludes to Trump being out of the picture entirely... So he may not be the CinC either...
Regardless, we'll have to see how this plays out.
Can the military take over without a CinC? What does devolution say? That Bidan is in control (his handlers)?
Let's see how bad Bidet can f this up. But please, God.... No American casualties. Please!
Just to Eastern Europe, not into Ukraine?
Yeah, someone might want to clear this with Hungary and Poland. They aren't the fuckaround countries.
Note to "enemy:" Thanks to pregnant-conscious flight suits, many of our pilots will be perpetually between grumpy and downright furious. They will also need to pee soon, so prepare for some quick, decisive dogfights.