And in the series, ex-members of the nudie mag magnate’s inner circle claim he’d outfitted his mansion with hidden cameras to record Playmates, bunnies, celebrities, law enforcers and members of the media engaging in sexually explicit and depraved acts for years. He’d allegedly threaten to leak the damaging clips if and when anyone attempted to out him for misconduct.
However, Theodore and former director of Playboy promotions Miki Garcia have spent the last decade tirelessly fighting to put an end to Hefner’s blackmail.
I was listening to Erick Erickson last night (while driving home from my weekly sanity-saving dinner session with good friends who also happen to be my chiropractors.) Their daughter deferred medical school last year when her school would not give her a medical waiver for having Covid natural immunity. She is now known to some of the Covid -fighting doctors for being such a fighter to the medical tyranny. She will be an awesome DO! But Back to what I meant to write about...
Note - I really dislike Erick but what he was talking about caught my attention...
He was talking all about Hugh Hefner and the women and how the media covered for them. And how there is an upcoming documentary. He covered the topic for my entire 45 min drive home. It struck me as weird to spend so much time on it.
As I’ve pointed out before, all these threads that we’ve all identified and researched seem to be converging to some time in 2022. A former prince on trial, Ghislaine being re-tried(?), and a Playboy documentary are putting the spotlight on the elites’ behavior which make them able to be blackmailed. Three threads that comprise a bigger thread...
Well, DOs can do more than chiropractors and actually prescribe some pain medicine and other drugs that require an MD prescription now. Chiropractors are getting screwed every year by insurance so DO seemed like a safer bet for being able to survive financially.
This young women has an incredible head on her shoulders and will be one of the first generations of doctors to graduate after the Great Awakening. She has to game the system to get her license but I know she will be one of the best young doctors in the country despite having to learn within the current system. She is already fighting the system and learning as much as she can from the Covid-scam fighting doctors out there.
The problem is that the whole allopathic system is rigged from the bottom up - she’ll spend 8 years in an indoctrination camp that is based off complete falsehoods.
It’s hard to believe if you haven’t looked into it, but all (most) of the science allopathic medicine is based on is fake. So it’s pointless to go into something that isn’t even real.
Here is some more info from Crazy Days and Nights—an anonymous entertainment lawyer that posts lots of blind items about Hollywood...
These were from a while back. The first linked one has info about someone going to collect their blackmail. (Sorry still searching for that link) but different info about HH below.)
Even as a young lad, I always wondered how Hugh got such a pass from everyone. The man was celebrated for essentially opening the door to mainstream sex.
There's no way you live that lifestyle without getting more and more involved in the depravity. Time eventually catches up to everyone. Just another domino falling at this point.
“I walked in on him with my dog and I said, ‘What are you doing?’ I was shocked,” she said. “He made it seem like it was just a one-time thing, and that he was just goofing off. But I never left him alone with my dog again.”
FFS. So she still would see Hef, just not leave him with her dog?
Everything mentioned in the CD&N article is from years back... it is the more current bunch of icky evidence that most people are sweating about. So much more to shine the light on.... the tunnels and other secret places in and under the mansion, for one thing. Tip of the iceberg!
At this point, famous adults having sex on film isn't much of a surprise or shock...especially in comparison to what's been exposed over the last four years.
Granted, said celebrities might not feel so great about it, but there are clearly far more troubling things to be associated with.
Survivor talked about Playboy Mansion on her Instagram a few months ago. (In live post) The link is to Telegram.
She said she was taken to Playboy Mansion & through tunnels to Oprah’s house to an all black party. (All black children, not all black guest)
"What if Hugh Hefner was /a Clown In America?
What is a honeypot?
Define blackmail.
How could this be applied?
Fantasy land.
No Such Agency."
In the documentary that is currently airing, the girls state that the mansion was full of cameras and mics and often used to blackmail people. He probably did work for them, and the mansion was likely just another tool/location used for blackmailing powerful people.
Oh my gosh, this article is such a crybaby waste of time. These girls knew EXACTLY what they were doing. Now they regret their decisions, or they are upset that living that life didn't pay $$$, and are trying to play the victim card for another 15 mins of fame in their post wall relevancy. I don't believe these victimhood stories, nor should a second of time be wasted on them. Take ownership of your actions and own them. Shit like this infantilizes women. Attractive western women are the absolute worst.
As if no one could tell that haha it's like when an article was written about the mansion and they said secrets of the mansion like broken furniture and ripped/stained mattresses(oh boy did we already know haha). Don't forget about the tunnels that go to certain other homes
What????? Why in hell would any woman consider being an object of exploitation a sort of sexual freedom?
“Our ideas of emancipated womanhood, sexuality and sexual freedom are all wrapped up with Playboy. But is a man like Hugh Hefner fit to define that?”
Would bet the farm that there was even worse than sex with a dog happening at that hellhole - child trafficking, child sacrifice - this pos was a minion of Satan.
I was skeptical but it really ties in well with how Playmates are saying Hugh recorded tons of footage secretly to use as blackmail and protection, and this was posted in 2017.
So are all these bastards incapable of just being horney and enjoying consensual sex with adults? The blackmail and praying on kids seems widely unnecessary... there was shit Hefner supposedly did during the Civil Rights era to help end racial prejudice, but now... is that gonna turn out to have just been him making up for his own failures as a "man"? To have done some good only so you can make up for the bad?
If so, this piece of shit deserves the lowest possible level of hell.
bill maher's dad
It's so obvious.
Sure seems like it.
I’ve never heard this before. Is this a real thing? Obviously they do look similar…
Yep one of the original honeypots
And in the series, ex-members of the nudie mag magnate’s inner circle claim he’d outfitted his mansion with hidden cameras to record Playmates, bunnies, celebrities, law enforcers and members of the media engaging in sexually explicit and depraved acts for years. He’d allegedly threaten to leak the damaging clips if and when anyone attempted to out him for misconduct.
However, Theodore and former director of Playboy promotions Miki Garcia have spent the last decade tirelessly fighting to put an end to Hefner’s blackmail.
I see HH as a kind of West Coast Jeffrey Epstein.
Yup Jeff ran the west coast one, Epstein ran the east coast one.
Knew I could count on you for the link! Thanks.
I was listening to Erick Erickson last night (while driving home from my weekly sanity-saving dinner session with good friends who also happen to be my chiropractors.) Their daughter deferred medical school last year when her school would not give her a medical waiver for having Covid natural immunity. She is now known to some of the Covid -fighting doctors for being such a fighter to the medical tyranny. She will be an awesome DO! But Back to what I meant to write about...
Note - I really dislike Erick but what he was talking about caught my attention...
He was talking all about Hugh Hefner and the women and how the media covered for them. And how there is an upcoming documentary. He covered the topic for my entire 45 min drive home. It struck me as weird to spend so much time on it.
As I’ve pointed out before, all these threads that we’ve all identified and researched seem to be converging to some time in 2022. A former prince on trial, Ghislaine being re-tried(?), and a Playboy documentary are putting the spotlight on the elites’ behavior which make them able to be blackmailed. Three threads that comprise a bigger thread...
Why would the daughter of chiropractors want to go into allopathic medicine, which is just drug sales based off false $cience™?
Well, DOs can do more than chiropractors and actually prescribe some pain medicine and other drugs that require an MD prescription now. Chiropractors are getting screwed every year by insurance so DO seemed like a safer bet for being able to survive financially.
This young women has an incredible head on her shoulders and will be one of the first generations of doctors to graduate after the Great Awakening. She has to game the system to get her license but I know she will be one of the best young doctors in the country despite having to learn within the current system. She is already fighting the system and learning as much as she can from the Covid-scam fighting doctors out there.
The problem is that the whole allopathic system is rigged from the bottom up - she’ll spend 8 years in an indoctrination camp that is based off complete falsehoods.
It’s hard to believe if you haven’t looked into it, but all (most) of the science allopathic medicine is based on is fake. So it’s pointless to go into something that isn’t even real.
Wickedness is not glamourous. HH will face his Creator on Judgement Day.
He died in 2017
That was his first death.
Yes he’s had first death, but what of second death? How about elevensies?
He already faced HIM! Hebrews 9:27
He already did...
Here is some more info from Crazy Days and Nights—an anonymous entertainment lawyer that posts lots of blind items about Hollywood...
These were from a while back. The first linked one has info about someone going to collect their blackmail. (Sorry still searching for that link) but different info about HH below.)
PM is HH CD and N
Here is the Crazy Days and Night link discussing the vault of photos and videos that were being returned to the people photographed
Interesting details here:
hefner’s blackmail vault description
Even as a young lad, I always wondered how Hugh got such a pass from everyone. The man was celebrated for essentially opening the door to mainstream sex.
There's no way you live that lifestyle without getting more and more involved in the depravity. Time eventually catches up to everyone. Just another domino falling at this point.
“I walked in on him with my dog and I said, ‘What are you doing?’ I was shocked,” she said. “He made it seem like it was just a one-time thing, and that he was just goofing off. But I never left him alone with my dog again.”
FFS. So she still would see Hef, just not leave him with her dog?
Whores,go figure
Was hef the first arrest??
It sure would shock the world lol
Everything mentioned in the CD&N article is from years back... it is the more current bunch of icky evidence that most people are sweating about. So much more to shine the light on.... the tunnels and other secret places in and under the mansion, for one thing. Tip of the iceberg!
At this point, famous adults having sex on film isn't much of a surprise or shock...especially in comparison to what's been exposed over the last four years.
Granted, said celebrities might not feel so great about it, but there are clearly far more troubling things to be associated with.
Survivor talked about Playboy Mansion on her Instagram a few months ago. (In live post) The link is to Telegram. She said she was taken to Playboy Mansion & through tunnels to Oprah’s house to an all black party. (All black children, not all black guest)
What happened to the blackmail sex tapes? We could FOIA the CIA for them! Kek
Q talked about him. Post 4953.
"What if Hugh Hefner was /a Clown In America? What is a honeypot? Define blackmail. How could this be applied? Fantasy land. WHO HAS ALL OF THE INFORMATION? No Such Agency."
In the documentary that is currently airing, the girls state that the mansion was full of cameras and mics and often used to blackmail people. He probably did work for them, and the mansion was likely just another tool/location used for blackmailing powerful people.
And this is news to who?
Please tell me that's his dinner on his robe and chest.
Actually, I don't think I want to know.
Oh my gosh, this article is such a crybaby waste of time. These girls knew EXACTLY what they were doing. Now they regret their decisions, or they are upset that living that life didn't pay $$$, and are trying to play the victim card for another 15 mins of fame in their post wall relevancy. I don't believe these victimhood stories, nor should a second of time be wasted on them. Take ownership of your actions and own them. Shit like this infantilizes women. Attractive western women are the absolute worst.
Take some of that fire and look into this information deeper. It IS connected.
As if no one could tell that haha it's like when an article was written about the mansion and they said secrets of the mansion like broken furniture and ripped/stained mattresses(oh boy did we already know haha). Don't forget about the tunnels that go to certain other homes
What????? Why in hell would any woman consider being an object of exploitation a sort of sexual freedom?
“Our ideas of emancipated womanhood, sexuality and sexual freedom are all wrapped up with Playboy. But is a man like Hugh Hefner fit to define that?”
Would bet the farm that there was even worse than sex with a dog happening at that hellhole - child trafficking, child sacrifice - this pos was a minion of Satan.
ok, wondering where the bestiality came in...was hef the pitcher or the catcher?? nevermind, don't think i even wanna know that...
Someone posted this blog post on another thread, and seems very relevant with this now coming out:
I was skeptical but it really ties in well with how Playmates are saying Hugh recorded tons of footage secretly to use as blackmail and protection, and this was posted in 2017.
And yet three of them at once, were Hef's final ladies. Oh the secrets.
So are all these bastards incapable of just being horney and enjoying consensual sex with adults? The blackmail and praying on kids seems widely unnecessary... there was shit Hefner supposedly did during the Civil Rights era to help end racial prejudice, but now... is that gonna turn out to have just been him making up for his own failures as a "man"? To have done some good only so you can make up for the bad?
If so, this piece of shit deserves the lowest possible level of hell.