Whites are set to be ethnically cleansed or made politically irrelevant in the entirety of the hemisphere and way of life they founded. Nothing about anything that's happened thus far is changing this. 40 years from now some Scandinavian regions and parts of Russia might not be Brazil but that's about it.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA- Except you forgot all the behind the scenes happening. Also VA was pretty fucking huge. Same too with the Trucker Convoy in Canada.
I appreciate good ball busting... this was sub-par.
I can see that a lot is happening right now... today
And if it's happening right now, today
I will always point out that I can't admit that it's happening right now, today
Because if I did admit that it was happening right now today, then
Someone might call me a name like Q-nut, conspiracy-nut, or faggot-nut
And I cannot tolerate being called a name so
I'll just hide behind a label of contrarian because I don't want to be called what I really am: A DOOMER.
I am glad I surrendered that mindset and never looked back. I can do things in my community to make a difference and I have my plans and God's plans. I don't need Q's plan, but it is welcome none the less.
I live more positive. I am thankful for the life God has given me and generally just happier even with the craziness going on.
You can be happy and optimistic and still be a realist. First you need to secure yourself in your spot in life then focus on the positives and then see how you can make a difference. Start small. Buy a homeless guy dinner. Pay for someone's gas. If we do small, kind selfless things for our fellow humans that will ripple out into the world.
But dooming... no... dooming is wrong. There is never an excuse aside from venting but even then the point is to improve, not try to bring others down. I will never validate the doomers. Even if Biden was crowned supreme chancellor of Earth and all the plan turned out to be a lie, I will NEVER capitulate to you, doomer. It is better to go down in a blaze of hope than quietly sink into darkness and hopelessness.
A thought out cogent reply. Yes its all those things and more.
Negativity attracts more negativity. Sure nothings all wine and roses, but you make the best out of what you have. Thinking positively attracts positivity. Its simple law of attraction on a world wide scale.
if you know this is primarily a Q board, yet you think its all bunk, why do you even bother being here?
statistically speaking, there are a lot of drops that lined up perfectly, without any reaching, that have come to pass. Are you unable to acknowledge from cognitive bias or something else?
many following Q drops have past doomer history, yet seeing the drops come to pass had a renewed sense of something really habbening. They've regained hope. Why would you want to destroy that unless from sheer malice?
it requires repeating: why are you here?
Curiosity at answers, but I'm fairly certain i know the outcome/reasons, so its more to prove my hypothesis wrong. Or not.
This may or may not be interesting based on how intelligently the replies are made. Make a case, fire away.
To be fair, hypothetically, if the current occupation of our government lasts until 2024, there won't be much left to save.
If I were one of those who voted for Trump, but ended up losing my house, all my family dead from the jab, etc, I would end up hating the Republican party as much as the democrats do. I'd completely hate our own society even though "our guy" made it back in.
We should keep holding the good guys' feet to the fire. They don't get out either. They are accountable, too. And it has been ugly. They are not above criticism.
🎶 Been spending most their lives
Living in a dooma's paradise. 🎶
"As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I take a look at my life and realize there's nothin' left."
Pure doomer right there.
But I've been whining and dooming so long that even my momma thinks that my mind is gone!
For many of us, the last 25+ years have been a downward slide towards totalitarianism. Please forgive us for being cynical.
Whites are set to be ethnically cleansed or made politically irrelevant in the entirety of the hemisphere and way of life they founded. Nothing about anything that's happened thus far is changing this. 40 years from now some Scandinavian regions and parts of Russia might not be Brazil but that's about it.
I do not want to live in Brazil.
This must be referenced.
Because I am a contrarian....
The Q-nuts Proclamation:
Something is definitely happening.
And if it wasn't it's about too, it's coming.
And if it hasn't happened yet, its gonna be Huge.
And if its Huge, then it is just about to happen and then we are back to:
Something is definitely happening.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA- Except you forgot all the behind the scenes happening. Also VA was pretty fucking huge. Same too with the Trucker Convoy in Canada.
I appreciate good ball busting... this was sub-par.
Yep, his comment was not coming from an honest place. It reeks of doomer desperation.
They want Q to fail us. Maybe because they constantly fail themselves?
In my 56 years of experience, yes, this is always the case.
You forgot "soon". lol
"In Jesus' name, Amen"
You follow BardsFM? That's what he calls people who follow Q now, Q-Nuts.
The contrarian's Proclamation:
I can see that a lot is happening right now... today
And if it's happening right now, today
I will always point out that I can't admit that it's happening right now, today
Because if I did admit that it was happening right now today, then
Someone might call me a name like Q-nut, conspiracy-nut, or faggot-nut And I cannot tolerate being called a name so
I'll just hide behind a label of contrarian because I don't want to be called what I really am: A DOOMER.
Hell, it could have happened in 2012 for all I know. I don't get out much anymore. Rely on the ol' computer machine too much!
Not questioning is foolishness. We point at the foolishness of the vaxxed. Let the doomers deal with their doubts
I can see with the down votes there is a bit of an echo chamber building
Damn good point. I didnt know that
Because it's not true...
I am glad I surrendered that mindset and never looked back. I can do things in my community to make a difference and I have my plans and God's plans. I don't need Q's plan, but it is welcome none the less.
I live more positive. I am thankful for the life God has given me and generally just happier even with the craziness going on.
You can be happy and optimistic and still be a realist. First you need to secure yourself in your spot in life then focus on the positives and then see how you can make a difference. Start small. Buy a homeless guy dinner. Pay for someone's gas. If we do small, kind selfless things for our fellow humans that will ripple out into the world.
But dooming... no... dooming is wrong. There is never an excuse aside from venting but even then the point is to improve, not try to bring others down. I will never validate the doomers. Even if Biden was crowned supreme chancellor of Earth and all the plan turned out to be a lie, I will NEVER capitulate to you, doomer. It is better to go down in a blaze of hope than quietly sink into darkness and hopelessness.
A thought out cogent reply. Yes its all those things and more.
Negativity attracts more negativity. Sure nothings all wine and roses, but you make the best out of what you have. Thinking positively attracts positivity. Its simple law of attraction on a world wide scale.
You can be realistic and still choose hope and positivity in the face of adversity.
Sooner or later they will run out of doom and drama.
Only if they choose it. Some people's egos won't allow it.
doomers blow
And not in a good way.
To doomers, a few questions--
if you know this is primarily a Q board, yet you think its all bunk, why do you even bother being here?
statistically speaking, there are a lot of drops that lined up perfectly, without any reaching, that have come to pass. Are you unable to acknowledge from cognitive bias or something else?
many following Q drops have past doomer history, yet seeing the drops come to pass had a renewed sense of something really habbening. They've regained hope. Why would you want to destroy that unless from sheer malice?
it requires repeating: why are you here?
Curiosity at answers, but I'm fairly certain i know the outcome/reasons, so its more to prove my hypothesis wrong. Or not.
This may or may not be interesting based on how intelligently the replies are made. Make a case, fire away.
What people want to see is public arrests of these criminals - fauci, gates, etc and Trump being reinstated ASAP
Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death... I will fear no evil... FOR I AM THE BADEST MOTHERF***ER IN THE VALLEY!!!
LOL!! I worked with a guy that fit this to a tee.
To be fair, hypothetically, if the current occupation of our government lasts until 2024, there won't be much left to save. If I were one of those who voted for Trump, but ended up losing my house, all my family dead from the jab, etc, I would end up hating the Republican party as much as the democrats do. I'd completely hate our own society even though "our guy" made it back in.
This is all hypothetical, mind you.
u/#Deepstate They cannot shut us down. So they try to demoralize.
I dont see much dooming anymore.
I feel like people has started to accept reality. And the reality is Satan and his legions has created and ruled this world of lies,deceit and blood.
And we are going to burn everything down they build. But first we need the great awakening.
Ephesians 5:14 Therefore He says: “Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.”
There is definitely dooming, and some of it is part of an ongoing demoralization effort.
Maybe some.
I identify as a “doomer.” I believe none of those things.
Hopium Addict's Refrain:
Without ever actually specifying what "it" is.
And even if it isn't, I really, really believe it will (soon).
Stocking up on popcorn...
It's the 4th Delta of the 3rd paradigm shift.
Enjoy the show!
(as the ashes of a once great Republic smolder all around me).
The awakening is happening.
We should keep holding the good guys' feet to the fire. They don't get out either. They are accountable, too. And it has been ugly. They are not above criticism.
Autism is in a alltime low.
This is the part of the play i have been waiting for a long time.
The whole "sit back and enjoy the show" is exactly how we got into this mess to begin with. We all sat back and did nothing for years.
Got all your accounts in play today, eh?