1. Homosexuality
When I was a little boy there were very few open homosexuals, no Pride parades, no pride flags, no homos on TV and no gay marriage. But thanks to the evil cabal (MSM, Big Tech and the evil governments around the world), we are awash in homosexuality. They want us perverted and disconnected from God. They have normalized this sinful behaviour.
2. Transgenderism
Transgenderism was nothing in the 1950's and 1960's. Now half of Hollywood are trannies. Even the non-tranny people are careful not to be transphobic. We have men on the women's swim team breaking all the female records and taking the podium away from female athletes. Again, the MSM and the public school system has promoted this abhorrent lifestyle as freedom for kids to choose their own gender. It is satan trying to play god but failing to do so and injuring many in the process. They are trying to force us to accept this abomination.
3. Pedophilia
Same playbook - promote it, normalize it, force acceptance of it, legalize it, popularize it. The cabal always seeks to impose its evilness on the public. They abuse children, harvest their adrenochrome and discard them like yesterday's trash so they need to immunize themselves from prosecution so they're not held accountable for their crimes.
We are in the end times my friends. The world is spiraling down, out of control - I've seen it all in my lifetime. I urge people to turn to Jesus Christ before it is too late. Accept Him, follow Him and have eternal life. He loves everyone and wants us to join Him for eternity in heaven. God bless you.
People are not less depraved now. Abuse and immorality harmed the human spirit then, and it does now. Forcing acceptence, ridiculous levels of "tolerance" have always weakened society. Soon it is again time for a reckoning because to know about harm coming to children and not stopping it makes everyone an accomplice. It is the sin of omission. The things not done. As far as our medical community, they are astoundingly complicit, failing to protect people and blatantly harming them for financial gain, and what a shame that includes participating in deception in order to stay employed. People will do just abour anything to protect their families but who ever knew that would mean taking the evil jab for them or even worse, shooting that poison into other people.
Well said.
Why does acceptance and tolerance ruin society?
Acceptance and tolerance of depravity leads to more and greater depravity.
It began with the sexual revolution, the idea of free sex without constraint. At first it was primarily heterosexuals but the homos became more open. One form of depravity becoming accepted lead to another being accepted and here we are with pornography everywhere and pedo acceptance being pushed. It began with the breakdown of the cultural expectation that sex would be confined to marriage and marriage was for life.
Now they're openly grooming children on SNL and brainwashing adult viewers to think it's okay.
This thoroughly disgusted me. Take a look -- it's short.
Slippery slope. But then one could argue those are judeo Christian values. Where does tolerance for values of other cultures begin and end? But before we say this is America, we are founded by judeo Christian values so people that come here should abide by that, we have the first amendment.
I have no answers, just wanted to bring it up and see what greater minds would say.
When did we get a first amendment?
Portland is a good example. Dems legalized open drug use, and now we have an explosion of mental illness and homelessness.
My daddy just died a few months back at 83 and he said it’s never been as degenerate and immoral as he’d seen it spiral into here in America. He was broken hearted💔
Add abortion. The ritualistic murder of the unborn for pleasure. You can't kill turtles in eggs, birds in eggs, puppies, etc but let's murder our own children. Add euthanasia, let's murder the sick, the elderly, those with special needs because their"quality of life" isn't what I think it should be, or they are a burden on society. Heinous evil. A love of death is what characterizes our culture.
People today aren't even remotely as depraved as in Biblical times.
Young people slutting it up or people having threesomes is not even remotely the same as the amounts of incest, beastiality, and child rape in those days. Literally so depraved God had to intervene violently
The transgenderism thing I agree though. Medical science has crossed a line into the most perverse. I think one day it will be looked at as a crime upon humanity, and all the doctors and social workers will have to face justice
Lots daughters were virgins at the time.
even better
Lot and His Daughters
30 Now Lot went up out of Zoar and mlived in the hills with his two daughters, for he was afraid to live in Zoar. So he lived in a cave with his two daughters. 31 And the firstborn said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is not a man on earth to come in to us after the manner of all the earth. 32 Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve offspring from our father.” 33 So they made their father drink wine that night. And the firstborn went in and lay with her father. He did not know when she lay down or when she arose.
34 The next day, the firstborn said to the younger, “Behold, I lay last night with my father. Let us make him drink wine tonight also. Then you go in and lie with him, that we may preserve offspring from our father.” 35 So they made their father drink wine that night also. And the younger arose and lay with him, and he did not know when she lay down or when she arose. 36 Thus both the daughters of Lot became pregnant by their father. 37 The firstborn bore a son and called his name Moab.2 nHe is the father of the Moabites to this day. 38 The younger also bore a son and called his name Ben-ammi.3 oHe is the father of the Ammonites to this day.
But modern day Christians still circle jerking that social piety thinking Jesus cries tears of sadness and is personally offened when a girl wears short shorts or an unmarried couple has sex
God utterly destroyed the Moabites and Ammonites.
First of all, this story of Lot was before the Law was given. At that time in history, there was not as many genetic mutations and families could intermarry without risking the kids turning out with genetic problems. Abraham and Sarah were half brother/sister. That being said, this was situation with Lot’s daughters was not a good thing.
Jesus was asked about marriage and divorce in Mark 10:1-12. In it, he goes back to the original model established in Genesis of One man and One woman in marriage. All else outside of that is sin. We are all called to be humble and to repent of our sins and Jesus is faithful to forgive us our sins.
Girls wearing shorty shorts (I am assuming she wore them to a church function), is obviously not appropriate for youth group activities. This will always be a point of contention with people, and every generation has its scandalous outfits, but if you are a leader of an organization (a place of business, a youth group leader, a camp councilor, etc), you have a right to address someone in your organization who’s clothing is not appropriate.
They wanted Lot
They wanted his anus to pass on the parasites.
This just shows how being around evil can warp your mind. Even Lot had been corrupted in his thinking!
Sadly the human condition is fuelled by the strongest of desires. Sex. We have eased up a bit but humans will always be.... dirty...
Not eased up, just hidden out of site better!
60 million abortions (in America) and ~1 billion? (worldwide) is pretty depraved. All the sexual depravity being filmed and uploaded online. If God doesn't trash the world with fire and flood then He owes sodom and gomorrah an apology.
Hi Mary,
Hope all is well with you and yours. We are busy here in Canada showing Trudeau how many of us are in the fringe group. He has fled to Vancouver Island. We're hoping that all of this leads to him resigning. Canadians are fed up with all this government over-reach.
What Mary says, God Bless you, yours and your nation, may great things arise from your brave actions.
Didn’t he just get re-elected? I guess the elections in Canada are all fake just like in the US.
Amen sister!
I totally agree - it is not so much that these things exist (bad as they are) but that society is now pushing them as "healthy" and "normal". What was once hidden as shameful is now being paraded on the street. Children are being indoctrinated that these things are good and they should strive to emulate.
We literally have become Sodom - Jesus, come soon...
What you write about is all part of the communist/bolshevik playbook, and they did it before in post-WWI Germany. This is talked about extensively in Europa: The Last Battle https://ww2truth.com/europa-the-last-battle/ Many on this board say that history doesn't matter -- this is exactly why it DOES matter.
I recognized two tipping points (1) when a Vermont judge ruled that a homosexual could adopt or have custody of children. (Can't remember the case, just the incident) (2) Obergfell ruling These events undermined natural law and codified unnatural behavior by putting homosexual activity Parenting/marriage) on par with heterosexuals.
Yep, a whole lotta Sodom goin' on. Here's what Christ said about that:
Luke Chapter 17: 26 “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27 People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.
28 “It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. 29 But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.
30 “It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. 31 On that day no one who is on the housetop, with possessions inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. 32 Remember Lot’s wife! 33 Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it. 34 I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. 35 Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.” [36] [e]
I was born in the late 60's and, yes, all of this is true.
What I have also noticed is that the speed of decline has been increasing rapidly over the last few years, and much more so since January 2021.
I agree that we are probably in the final stretch - but it's also possible that things will get MUCH worse before we arrive at the end.
The ONLY thing holding back the tide of full depravity is the presence of the Holy Spirit on the earth. Once He leaves, well, I wouldn't want to be here.
God sent His Son to die on our behalf so that by believing Jesus died for you God's Grace will be imparted and you will be reborn - a new creature. For those who aren't saved, I beg you to reach out to God - pray to Him to guide you. It's not yet too late.
My prayer is that all who thirst for justice, righteousness, and freedom (all pedes) receive strength, peace, and guidance for what is yet to come.
We aren't even close. But it's bad enough.
I keep telling others there’s nothing new under the sun.
He who makes himself a friend of the world makes an enemy of me - Jesus (paraphrased).
People were created as "very good" and rebelled. That rebellion is now a part of us as we are impressively made "very good" yet now with fatal flaws. Humanity has always been this way ever since but it does not have to stay this way as the cure has always been available.
I’m waiting for the Divine heavenly JDAMS.
I’m afraid you may be right, fren. Getting rapidly worse. Especially in the past 2 decades, but especially in the last 6 years or so. It’s become nearly impossible to relate to anyone anymore. The world is full of evil everywhere. The entire system from political to financial is rotten. Normal good people never get a break and those rolling around in pointless amounts of wealth (billions/trillions) are all depraved pieces of shit. I’m sick & tired of this shitty world. I never even had a chance in it. I’m ready for shit to get handled. But the more time the passes the more I don’t see it getting any better without mass violence + death across the globe… that or Jesus coming back and taking care of it himself. And according to the Bible and prophecy that’s already been fulfilled, all signs point to Jesus returning soon. Hopefully it is soon cuz I’m ready to go HOME. This place sucks.
At least the gays of yore kept it behind closed doors. They had wives and families, and they were respected; even if nobody knew, people wouldn't care.
Now they're faggots, spreading their faggotry to children, brainwashing them to ruin their lives.
I watched Generation Zero last night; documentary tracing social/financial behavior from the 1950's to 2000's. (Bannon Production). Worth a look.
God has warned us if we do these things we will be punished as a people ... our leaders must speak out against these things for us to expect Gods protection and favour.
I agree with everything you say, but I have one question. Why is homosexuality a sin? Just genuinely curious
Because God said it is. Read the Bible.
Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing on the times before the Flood! Think "as in the days of Noah" and you would be correct!
We're not even close to the bottom yet.
This is one story that history tells repeatedly.
And we'll be the generation that ends it.
What's the best part about Sodom?
The sodomy, of course.
I’m going to disagree with you here, especially on your first point. The science has shown you are born either attracted to the sex you are attracted too. It’s not something you or I pick. Similar to being born in the US or Afghanistan, you didn’t pick the US, it just happened, luck of the draw if you will. Every gay person I know just wants to live a normal life. They want to be able to walk the street without being attacked, and eat at restaurants without being harassed. With that, they want to raise families to their best ability. Having hate for these people is wrong. I’m not saying you have to agree with the lifestyle, but if it’s not directly effecting you than who cares.
I have 2 gay guys as neighbors, let’s call them Tim and Tom. Tim and Tom adopted 2 kids back in 2014ish. Both are health, happy, respectful, and raised just like my own for the most part. Both work professional jobs and pay taxes. And both will drop what their doing to help me with whatever I need. They are quite frankly dream neighbors. Do I love the pride flag waving all year? Not particularly, but I will stand up for them and their right to fly that flag.
Ted Bundy was a very well groomed and behaved mass murderer.
This is the same crowd that will love antiChrist when he cometh. "Oh, but he's so handsome and he just loves us. He even voted for Trump."
Examine yourselves.
I never said I hated anyone. I am not advocating violence toward anyone. I, like the God I serve, hate sin not the sinner.
But you pick and choose which sin to hate, right?
The Bible mentions homosexuality very little. I think there are less than ten entries regarding homosexuality in the Bible.
But adultry is mentioned too many times to even count. It is even in the 10 commandments. Homosexuality is not.
Going by that, it would seem that God is more displeased with adulterers than homosexuals.
Yet adulterers are not reviled the way homosexuals are.
Why is that?
The Bible mentions homosexuality very little.
Only about a couple hundred times but what ever. He became so angered by it that He burned out the entire region of sodom and gomorrah and made it uninhabitable unto this very day. Go on a sulfur ball expedition when you get a chance, should you choose not to believe me.
That's odd, because when I've studied the Bible I've only found about 7 passages in the Bible that speaks about homosexuality. This was also part of a course I took at the private Christian college I went to.
Sodom and Gomorrah was not solely about homosexuality, though it was certainly a factor. There were other sins going on that angered God, as well. The story about Lot's daughters being offered up to be raped by a bunch of men, for one.
Yet people only focus on the homosexuals involved.
According to the Bible, anyone involved in adultery should be stoned to death. And again, it's important enough to be in the 10 Commandments.
Yet people care very little about adultery these days.
It's just odd what people pick and choose from the Bible to care about.
I've only found about 7 passages in the Bible that speaks about homosexuality.
Now count how many times it mentions "fornication."
Genesis 19 KJV 5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.
This is the only sins that were enumerated. Add to this that the "two men" were angels sent from Heaven.
Yet people care very little about adultery these days.
There are no true Christian that are adulterers.
Examine yourself.
Do you honestly believe that everytime the word "fornication" is used in the Bible, it's referencing homosexuals? Seriously?
And you don't think a father offering his virgin daughters up to be gang raped is a sin? Interesting.
Ah, the "no true Christian" argument. It's just another form of the "No true Scotsman" fallacy.
Using your argument, I could say that no true Christian judges others. Or no true Christian holds hate in their heart for their fellow man. Or some other such thing. And then I could tell you to examine yourself.
But it would be pointless, wouldn't it?
It's interesting to see how people rationalize the biases they hold toward these types of things.
Do you honestly believe that everytime the word "fornication" is used in the Bible, it's referencing homosexuals? Seriously?
How do you know it's not? There was sex with animals involved also, this can be proven by scripture, fornication refers to sexual intercourse of any kind.
And you don't think a father offering his virgin daughters up to be gang raped is a sin? Interesting.
When did I say this?
Ah, the "no true Christian" argument. It's just another form of the "No true Scotsman" fallacy.
You've been mingling with catholics, haven't you? Do you even know what "denying the flesh" means? Have you read this far into the Bible?
Using your argument, I could say that no true Christian judges others. Or no true Christian holds hate in their heart for their fellow man. Or some other such thing. And then I could tell you to examine yourself.
That's exactly why I would try to save a gay couple instead of cementing their beliefs like you have. And, on the other hand, I'm free to hate sin, in fact, it's required of me to hate sin. Not welcome it into the neighborhood.
Examine yourself.
Total agreement. It is not a Christian responsibility to cast judgement on others. That is reserved for God alone. Homosexuality was a sin in the Old Testament, the punishment was death, but Jesus came to defend an adulteress and stated simply, "He is without sin, cast the first stone." It is a poor Christian that can overlook parts of the Bible as it suits them. The Bible as a whole needs to be observed. If it is between consenting adults in privacy, then it does not concern me. All of this being said, I will fling a rock at a paedophile like Nolan Ryan. (I didn't say I was a good Christian)
Couple close gay friends of mine are two of the most based people I know. Voted Trump, totally against mandates of any kind, and hate the “woke” crap permeating our culture. This type of post makes our forum look bad