We've been seeing and hearing you more and more across the platforms and channels we engage in. You are not alone. We support you. We pray for you. You will never get enough credit for your bravery and courage to stand your ground agaisnt a tyranical government and corrupt superiors. Please reach out to your fellow peers and try to convince them to tap into that same courage that you possess. Let's all continue doing our part to restore our God-given freedoms and make our world a better place for all. God bless you! 🇨🇦👮♀️🚛👮♂️🇺🇸
Comments (93)
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I’m a Florida Police Officer. This kind of post makes me remember we have people that support us. In Florida, we don’t trample your rights. I’ll die defending them.
Also, I don’t know ANY guys I work with that fold to the left. Then again, the area I work is all like minded police. I can’t speak for what’s north of us.
Edit: Thank you guys for the awesome replies. I've been on workman's comp for a month after getting injured during a chase with a felon. It's a dangerous job, but i'll never forget the day God spoke to me and told me that I was going to be a police officer- it wasn't a recommendation, it was an order from God. And I hope I've made God happy up to this point in my career,
Romans 13:4 for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer.
It's the few that fucks it up for all of you.
Also true.
Pretty large number across the planet for it to be "the few", and "the rest" are always suspiciously absent.
Don't disagree.
Thank You!
I have always had a big soft spot in my heart for LEO's. I went on a ride-along with my local LEA a few years ago and WOW.....what an experience...... I firmly believe ride-alongs should be required as civic duty, just like jury duty, voting, etc.
You don't know ANYTHING about police, the work they do and the very real dangers they face every single day, until you've literally walked a bit in their shoes, and a ride-along lets you do exactly that.
I know that MOST cops are good; it's a shame that - even among right-thinking people - some are letting the few bad apples poison the whole lot.....
Stay safe & Thanks for what you do! 🙏🏻💝⚡🔥🙏🏻
Thank you for putting your life on the line to protect and serve. You have my sincerest gratitude.
God bless you and all like you. YOU and those that stand for human right and the Constitution are the very BACKBONE of our country. Without the help of Law Enforcement, we would be in a Nazi state right now!
When this is all said and done, many felons will get their gun rights back as they should have never been taken in the first place. If we truly have a 2nd amendment according to the Constitution, shall not be infringed, means for all. If someone is dangerous enough they shouldn't have a gun, lock em up and throw away the keys. As long as you've served your debt to society there is no reason to keep you from owning a gun.
Many good officers out there who are not enforcing mandates and not harrassing citizens, who cositently uphod their oaths with integrity. Remember, the media is distorting the public's perception of law enforcement, making it seem the police are unified behind the overreaching politicians. They are not. The most vocal good cops are being purged like all other good people in the state controlled institutions. Yes, there are sellouts and corrupt cops (like the Ottawa chief appears to be), but most officers are disgusted by what's happening and more and more are speaking out and finding ways to support the protests while staying under the radar professionally.
this has to go both ways... the police protect us from the tyranny of criminals and tyrannical government officials and WE THE PEOPLE will stand behind them against the tyrannical media and politicians who work against them. this CANNOT be a one-way street.
When do they actually start protecting us?
Here here! Petty tyrants are the fringe minority whether they wear a badge, a power tie or a black hoodie and mask. Let’s make them feel it!
Being in the field for 30 years, I attack those LEO's that forget they swore to uphold that little thing called the US Constitution. If you see them straying away, call them out! If you have a Constitution with you, give them one to remind them that no unlawful order EVER supersedes the Constitution. Thanks for the post jcab93.
Roger that Sarge! We've got almost 18,000 county employees of which 3,000 of us are sworn that told the County BOS to pound sand. We've been formally served as the subject of an administrative investigation for failing to bow to their vaccine mandate malarkey. The 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Amendments have underlying privacy themes (Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) ); the Seniors know this, but the boots are just now waking up and are realizing that reality. For those of us that served under the UCMJ know to only follow orders that are Constitutionally lawful and disobey those that are not. The sheeples are just now learning the true evil that men do...NCSWIC; yet we have only to hire from the human race. Each profession has problem children, some more than others. Challenge authority. I've seen the spectrum from the worst and disgusting, including the very top brass, prosecuted and imprisoned to the humble courage, compassion and protection bestowed upon those who cannot protect themselves. I often wonder what motivated either group to this calling.
Q referred to “divided” 133 times; perhaps we should stand up as the United States and not the Untied States! WWG1WGA
Thank YOU for your service 💪😎
You are the REAL cops. True Blue! That is all.
Good post. We're all quick to shame the officers who upheld tyranny, so we should definitely applaud those who keep their oaths.
My husband is a Police Officer. I have dealt with the bashing of his profession since Barrack Obama was in office. The division that he created within our country to constantly go after law enforcement was disgusting. It has continued on in the media ever since. What you see being shown is a small snippet of a video to create a narrative they want you to believe. You don’t ever see the entire story. Of course, the stories that make it in the news are always the white cop on black suspect. I have been to numerous funerals of fellow officers and watched the spouse sit there and receive that folded up flag. Some are brave enough to get up and speak about the spouse they knew and loved. This year there have been way too many killed already. I am appalled at the number of people that automatically hate them Just because they chose to put on a uniform for their line of work. The best comment I saw on this thread, was the suggestion to go on a ride along. You will never know what these men and women deal with on a daily basis unless you see it and experience it yourself. It’s truly eye opening. 90% of my husbands department are conservative and have refused the vaccine,AND we live in California. They don’t wear masks and they don’t enforce any mandates. Trump is the first president that I can remember that has backed Law enforcement 100%. It was a breath of fresh air after the prick prior. That didn’t go unnoticed in the Law Enforcement community. There are bad seeds in EVERY profession. That does NOT mean the millions of others are bad. They need prayer.
Very well said. Most of us agree with you don't even question that. Its a shame that such ignorance and stereotyping exist, especially in this community.
I appreciate you taking the time to post your support of Law Enforcement. Sickens me on some of these comments.
When this is all done, the Law Enforcement and First Responders will get their due. Whatever it takes, they are going to be rewarded. Removal from service all those that championed infringing on human rights. Those that just went along, but resisted will not be punished, but their cowardice will not be rewarded. Hopefully, they will learn to respect their Oath. From now on, the Oath will mean something to them. A penalty will be enacted for all those that do not abide by it in the future. This includes politicians and public servants.
That's what I'm talkin about
Very good post. If all the good cops leave, they will replace them with bad cops.
History in the making. You wanna be on the right side..
I just hope there’s enough of you to make a difference.
Love and Light 💕
violating another citizens rights just because your superiors order you to so you can keep your job is just as criminal as being on the take. dont do it.
What about the 4,000 about to be fired in L.A. county for refusing to capitulate to the mandate?
While you're at it, regale us with your contributions. It's easy to sit at a keyboard and talk big.
What about them? Lots of people are getting fired. What makes them special?
a sheriff is not a cop, there's a huge difference. Police don't swear an oath to the constitution. And even Sheriffs will voluntarily molest your right to free travel, happened to me last year.
The headline of this post reads "To The Countless Number of Law Enforcement Officers..."
Law Enforcement includes sheriffs.
PatriotSkorzeny made no distinction between the two with his remark "All zero of them (law enforcement officers)..."
Just because a sheriff was a dick to you does not mean all of them are dicks, as PatriotSkorzeny seems to believe as well. I in turn could give you an anecdotal story about a cop I know who stood up against the mandate and got shitcanned for it. Politics has entered every faucet of our country and perverted the institution of law and order, just as it has with education and health care. Would you also condemn every teacher and health care worker who stands up against the tyranny?
Except only Sheriffs make an oath.
City Po don't do that. Did you not know?
They don't take an oath to the constitution, and they don't have a duty to protect you.
Why do you think they carry pistols? It's so they can use them against you, not to protect you.
Sheriff, cop, fish and game warden! Oath or not, this post is about thanking ANYONE who is a law enforcement officer who is doing the right thing. Not sure why you are hung up on semantics.
Stop wasting your time and let the mods deal with him. He reaks of shill retard....
report for what lol, read the rules
Who's to thank? The cowards that have absolutely bent over without a fight and let all of this happen, turning around to persecute their peers for profit? Are you out of your mind?
Fuck your thanking of the cops.They don't deserve it!
Thank the truckers! Thank the restaurant owners who have remained open in defiance of the mandates! Thank the doctors and the nurses who have been ruined for speaking the truth! Thank the individuals who have subjected themselves to the mercy of the very criminals who labor to keep this farce aloft!
Why on earth would ANYONE thank the police? Or to take your point, the spineless weaklings: who have enriched themselves whilst failing at making ANY positive impact at all? Who have responded DAILY to bogus mask-related calls?
Have you been stuck inside so long that you can't think any longer?
Ok, let me put this to you simply since something clearly has been lost in translation here.
Now let's review.
Are we thanking all law enforcement officers?.... No.
Are we thanking cops who have capitulated to the vax?.... No.
Are we thanking those Mounties who have confiscated gas from the truckers? .... No.
Who are we thanking Ryan?
(Pssst...here's a clue: the answer was in the headline's title which I posted above)
It's okay, you're still positive. These people haven't learned their lesson, it seems. There's something ingrained in the conservative soul to attempt to bruise the backs of their own throats upon the members of the "law enforcement" that violates their God-given rights on a daily basis.
From a retired military man I thank God for your service! May God bless you and your brethren who truly put your lives on the line everyday!
The guys taking videos are all gonna be under some sort of "investigation" depending on where they live. I disagree that there are countless "good" cops. The definition of an honorable, good cop is one who keeps his oath no matter what. They are given a trust by the public that is not to be taken lightly. I don't think most cops out there right now should be cops.
I've seen these so called "good ones". They keep silent when their big mouth arrogant comrades are shitting on citizens or down right committing tyrannical acts against freedom loving people.
If there were "countless" good cops out there, we wouldn't be in this mess.
They are showing us daily who they are. The entire profession needs a cleansing.
OP is a cop, retired cop, wife of a cop or just unaware of how filthy these guys are in the cities. Or OP lives in a small town lol
OP is a railroader in a suburb of Detroit with no LEO's to speak of in his family. But OP also recognizes that, just like every demographic, 1% gives the 99% a bad name. Maybe the next time you have an interaction with a police officer you might consider having a conversation with them over a cup of coffee and after your epiphany you can tell OP that you learned that most are good-hearted human beings that take their oathes seriously, even if they don't shout it from the mountaintops. Don't let the news fool you into ignorance.
Lastly, OP would appreciate it if you didn't hurl accusations and insults at him when you have no clue in hell about who he is or where he is from. Lol.
75-90% also gives the 99% a bad name, just FYI
you got downvoted because reality didn't mach up with that person's naive opinion of the world
I actually didn't downvote his comment. Trump said we support law enforcement. I understand that not all are good. Sorry for that being naive. Maybe in a town that burns itself down while screaming FTP, it is.
It's funny, without the Police fucking everything up, citizens like Kyle Rittenhouse pick up the fire extinguisher and do what needs to be done, dispatching pedophiles, buglers, and wife beaters along the way.
Police are way more likely to release rapist immagrants into your society because "ohhhh we just don't know what to do with them WHOOOPS GOOD LUCK. HOPE YOU CAN DEFEND YOURSELF! OH WAIT! Laughs in qualified immunity and blatant constitutional violations, resulting in the painful deaths of thousands of innocent Americans at the hands of violent armed aggressors
We need more Kyle's 100x more than we need good-for-nothing failure bullies like city cops.
It's not like cops did anything at all to stop the mentioned BLM nonsense. They were photographed kneeling to them!
What are you talking about? 90% of a police officer's job is to obstruct justice and punish the innocent.
Enjoy your moral masturbation. Your forefathers would be disgusted with you.
name one
There is a big difference between a Peace officer and a Pig. Only a Pig will pretend not to notice.
Some of it is guns. Would you want to knock on billybobs door to inform him hes getting a forced jab or moving to a camp? Risky business
Countless? Name a few anywhere on earth. See, the problem is that with very few exceptions these mythical ‘good’ cops have been utterly silent while their fellow colleagues have been getting off acting like gestapo.
yeah, name one
Downvote all you want but fuck the majority of police.
I'm not falling for this Back the Blue BS again.
Hey Police Officers:
Why have I not seen any articles or videos of police refusing illegal orders and getting fired because of it?
Why does it seem like I'm only able to find videos and articles of you guys habitually violating the rights of those whom you serve?
Is a good apple who says nothing while the bad apples have their way really a good apple?
How many times have you personally refused an illegal or immoral order?
It's easy to talk yourself up online, what I'm not seeing are the receipts.
And do you also need to personally witness every tree that falls in the forest to believe that any fell? And by that logic, do you need to hold your brain in your hand to know that you have one? Just because your news and social media (which you SHOULD already know greatly suppress truth) don't put it in front of your nose doesn't mean it isn't happening. Stop being a sheep. This isn't another back the blue post. This is just recognizing those who have done the right thing. Maybe you need to hop on the "call a social worker" train along with the rest of the anti-LEO ilk....
People dislike, distrust, and even despise police because it's so rare that a cop does anything good. It's so rare that it can be shocking enough to become newsworthy. People don't like cops because of the actions of cops throughout decades and even generations. People don't wake up and just decide to hate cops for no reason.
Also just because they choose to become a cop does not mean they deserve respect or any praise. Actions are what causes someone to be respected or praised. People often praise the military but military has to have their own police and courts to deal with the many crimes and even murders those in military are guilty of.
The profession doesn't mean jack shit. People based judgements on actions. Military rarely does anything against the people so people don't have such a distrust towards military but police on a daily basis abuse power and people are powerless to stand up against it because they could either be shot and kill or arrested.
Police lie and defend each other. I do believe there are some good cops in the bunch but I also believe the good ones are in the minority. Everyone needs to stop trying to find the good in every person because not every person is a good person. Some of us are good people and some are not, that's just part of life.
nope, don't have to. I've got this thing called pattern recognition.
Yup that's what this it, it's a low IQ, back the blue post.
It's so rare that a cop does something good that when they do it's newsworthy but the boot lickers that worship cops will defend them forever.
nope. they might be doing something. but they're not doing enough.
I don't get the downvoting? Shall I list the COUNTLESS instances where we've been let down in recent years? The COUNTLESS opportunities cops had to step up and whistleblow and they don't. Or the few that do or hesitate (get suicided) like with Weiner's laptop, the fbi agent investigating the Georgia's governor's daughter's boyfriend death, Jan 6, etc....on and on. ENDLESS amounts of evidence that is allowed to buried. covering up crimes. STUPID stuff they are allowed to get away with like Epstein suicide.