These people are so fucking shallow, and so fucking stupid. That's why they get their jobs as cops, they don't want thinkers in there as we think for ourselves. To hell with all of them if they turn against the people.
I don't if it's true, but I've heard they do tests to screen out intelligent people when hiring. It's the opposite of the military where instead of a minimum IQ allowed, they have a maximum.
That was one specific police station or city/area, I don't remember where though. But it kinda got blown up as a rumor that all police stations do that
Both. Power attracts these people like flies to shit. But even the best person would eventually be corrupted by the power. We all need to realize it would even corrupt us, which isn't so easy to accept.
Does a job like this generate people like this or attract people predisposed to this behavior?
The government wants thugs for cops. They choose obedient, stupid, low IQ fucks to be police. But bullies are also attracted to being police. Bullies want power. They want to control people. If someone gets in, and they're not mean, and stupid, and they don't follow every single order, they'll get the boot.
But in my opinion, whether a cop is good or bad depends on where you are. Conservative police are better than liberal police. Liberal police are NPCs. They worship themselves, and don't mind licking the assholes of their superiors. Conservatives, whatever they are, are more independent-minded, and won't cross certain lines.
But the liberal cops, they're a bunch of fucking narcissistic commies.
Eating all that fancy food in that big and expensive building. Donuts, fine dining, pristine little tables set up just for them. Their jobs must be sooooooo hard! Thank God Canada has cops like them to curb stop those uppity toddlers and grandmas. Who knows what we'd do without them. #hero
They really are like dogs, sick them on people and give them a little treat when they do good, they'll kiss any dirty ass they're told to.
It makes me sick. I have cops in my family, and they are great people. My mom was a cop who got in trouble sometimes for being too nice to the criminals. She is a very caring person who became a cop bc she wanted to help people. I normally am a “back the blue” person, but I’m done with that. There seem to be more bad cops than good.
Lots of phone numbers are listed there…..that’s weird. It seems like that stuff shouldn’t be made so r3adily available, nefarious people might have plans for them
Holy shit. These people are fucking scumbags. I have a message for them. FUCK YOU, YOU STUPID, EVIL, UGLY, WORTHLESS, PILES OF SHIT. YOU WILL BURN IN HELL.
Ottawa Police exchange chat messages joking about the disabled grandma they trampled with the horse. When you spend enough time being manipulated, you begin to distrust everything you see. Notice, Trudeau had a long period where he was having trouble getting the Police to violently put down the riots. I’ll bet a lot of cops were letting things slide by, and not really doing what they were ordered to. Notice how now every outlet is pushing this “outrage.” I’d love to know who the people were who posted those comments. As it spreads, people will become hostile to the Police. Then the Police will become hostile to them. Who benefits from that? The guys like Trudeau who want to be able to tell the Police to attack, and see them give no mercy. Everything is manipulation, and these are very sophisticated people doing the manipulation. And leftist Cabalites love playing, “Let’s you and him fight!”
While they may benefit from it in the way you have described, it’s clear to anyone who has worked with law enforcement or military that these messages are authentic, and that very likely the person who shared it was doing so to blow the whistle.
These people are a bunch of evil cocksuckers. Fuck 'em all. They deserve hell. Stupid fuckers! Go jump off a cliff! You worthless, disgusting cops! You're cowards! You're villains! You're good for nothing! Goddamned commies!
I dig the fact that someone within the chat is showing us what’s happening in their minds.
Loathe azzhos like this.
These people are so fucking shallow, and so fucking stupid. That's why they get their jobs as cops, they don't want thinkers in there as we think for ourselves. To hell with all of them if they turn against the people.
I don't if it's true, but I've heard they do tests to screen out intelligent people when hiring. It's the opposite of the military where instead of a minimum IQ allowed, they have a maximum.
That was one specific police station or city/area, I don't remember where though. But it kinda got blown up as a rumor that all police stations do that
Probably not true, just seems that way at times.
Makes sense to me.
While it does how there are terrible cops out there, it also highlights there are insiders on our side to leak this information
Does a job like this generate people like this or attract people predisposed to this behavior?
Yes it does. I know many cops who have a severe hard on for abusing power.
Attracts them that is. Think of the guy who was always 2nd string feeling like he is getting even with the world. Thats the mindset.
Aussie cops are IQ test screened at the academy. The low IQ blokes end up in the riot squad. Possibly the same in Canada?
Both. Power attracts these people like flies to shit. But even the best person would eventually be corrupted by the power. We all need to realize it would even corrupt us, which isn't so easy to accept.
The government wants thugs for cops. They choose obedient, stupid, low IQ fucks to be police. But bullies are also attracted to being police. Bullies want power. They want to control people. If someone gets in, and they're not mean, and stupid, and they don't follow every single order, they'll get the boot.
But in my opinion, whether a cop is good or bad depends on where you are. Conservative police are better than liberal police. Liberal police are NPCs. They worship themselves, and don't mind licking the assholes of their superiors. Conservatives, whatever they are, are more independent-minded, and won't cross certain lines.
But the liberal cops, they're a bunch of fucking narcissistic commies.
That's very true.
My experience has shown me it depends on the cop, political differences aside. I've experienced trash cops on both sides of the spectrum.
Paperwork and budget can be huge contributing factors.
I bet you 1st Nation people are hopping mad about RCMP 🐎 stomping a elderly handicapped Mohawk woman
Isn't it sweet how they use their real names. The poor ladies family will know who to contact when the trials come.
I know this type. They were turned down by the military for various reasons (physical, psychological etc...)
So they become a cop and use there new found power to abuse the public.
I had heard of this leak, I actually expected worse.
Real scumbags either way.
These people are sick. Just chatting nonchalantly about applying their jack-boots on overtime pay and getting fed like kings on their breaks....
These are the knew NAZIS.
Those cops better start running now.
Maybe biden will give them asylum.
Eating all that fancy food in that big and expensive building. Donuts, fine dining, pristine little tables set up just for them. Their jobs must be sooooooo hard! Thank God Canada has cops like them to curb stop those uppity toddlers and grandmas. Who knows what we'd do without them. #hero
They really are like dogs, sick them on people and give them a little treat when they do good, they'll kiss any dirty ass they're told to.
It makes me sick. I have cops in my family, and they are great people. My mom was a cop who got in trouble sometimes for being too nice to the criminals. She is a very caring person who became a cop bc she wanted to help people. I normally am a “back the blue” person, but I’m done with that. There seem to be more bad cops than good.
Lots of phone numbers are listed there…..that’s weird. It seems like that stuff shouldn’t be made so r3adily available, nefarious people might have plans for them
Just remember who they are!
I'm not shocked at all
Holy shit. These people are fucking scumbags. I have a message for them. FUCK YOU, YOU STUPID, EVIL, UGLY, WORTHLESS, PILES OF SHIT. YOU WILL BURN IN HELL.
Hey, Ottawa cops, you're not heroes, you're cowardly cunts. Put that in your brain. It's true.
They have a traitor/Patriot amidst their ranks. Love it.
AnonymousConservative has an interesting take on this in today's news brief:
Ottawa Police exchange chat messages joking about the disabled grandma they trampled with the horse. When you spend enough time being manipulated, you begin to distrust everything you see. Notice, Trudeau had a long period where he was having trouble getting the Police to violently put down the riots. I’ll bet a lot of cops were letting things slide by, and not really doing what they were ordered to. Notice how now every outlet is pushing this “outrage.” I’d love to know who the people were who posted those comments. As it spreads, people will become hostile to the Police. Then the Police will become hostile to them. Who benefits from that? The guys like Trudeau who want to be able to tell the Police to attack, and see them give no mercy. Everything is manipulation, and these are very sophisticated people doing the manipulation. And leftist Cabalites love playing, “Let’s you and him fight!”
While they may benefit from it in the way you have described, it’s clear to anyone who has worked with law enforcement or military that these messages are authentic, and that very likely the person who shared it was doing so to blow the whistle.
These people are a bunch of evil cocksuckers. Fuck 'em all. They deserve hell. Stupid fuckers! Go jump off a cliff! You worthless, disgusting cops! You're cowards! You're villains! You're good for nothing! Goddamned commies!
But keep backing the blue everyone.
People with twatter are obliged to spam Ottawa's official profiles with this pic!
Great thread that includes a picture of Andrew Nixon.