I think the vast majority of deep state stooges and useful idiots didn't get into media with bad intentions. The fact that he is emotional is actually encouraging. It's a sign that he realizes the negative impacts of his work and cares how he is perceived. While it's true a Luciferian would have no problem faking emotion, he looks genuine, at least to me.
Agree. Call me a pussy but I actually feel bad for the guy. Just the person I am. I don't like to see people feel bad. He is probably low on the list of cabal stooges. Now, if I were to see Hillary crying, i wouldn't give a shit.
You are weak. But its because on multiple occasions you assert without evidence that I wish for all jews to die mercilessly, simply based on my handle. All while expressing no desire to actually verify if what you thought was true.
The only compassion you've displayed is inconsistent and only manifests when convenient.
But you know what, I still forgive you. I'm just calling out an inconsistency when I see it.
Your handle sucks mate. It's like that lone Nazi flag in Ottawa. I don't think you're a glowie, but you ain't getting invited over to the party, just in case...
For Christ's sake it's just a username and I was trying to be clever by putting the "4" in the middle of the word "third".
To claim this is the equivalent of the fed coordinated nazi flag in Ottawa is absurd.
And that's funny. They used to call me the Great Gatsby in college because of all the spontaneous and creative parties, (with more women than men), that I coordinated consistently.
Too much compassion can be a weakness. This man knows what he's doing. He must face the consequences. Part of those consequences is ridicule and shaming from the decent people he's spent his career lying to and manipulating and walking over like a doormat. He needs to face those consequences. Crocodile tears because he's now facing punishment shouldn't elicit compassion.
But, as others have pointed out, we don't need to sell our souls either in this. If the man showed genuine remorse and wanted to make a real change, we should be looking for those people. Our goal after all, is to red pill people and wake them up.
You can actually hurt a person by withholding consequences. No one has made this "real" to him until now. No one made him question what he was doing until it was a trucker 2 inches from his ear. He SHOULD start crying.
Most people helping the cabal are useful idiots, they're not evil. This guy's problem is the same every over socialized person has- he's a slave to what others think of him.
This kind of mentality is everywhere in real life. That ex KGB agent talked about this. People are demoralized, meaning they have literally given up their own sense of reality and morality over to society, specifically the cabal that runs society. They are no longer an individual and operate more like a Borg taking orders from the hivemind.
I think the last few years have shown us just how malleable and programmable humans really are.
But he can't hide his disdain here. He wishes he had a way to make these people shut up while he delivers his propaganda. If Justin T. or someone else provided a way to make them shut up, he would take it in a second. The world he wants to live in is one in which he and his buddies down at the tv station make announcements and receive no debate or questioning.
Fuck that guy. Anyone who says we should be respectful to the fake media can get fucked. These people have done EVERYTHING they can to slander and demonize the peaceful people of Canada. If they had their way they would all be beaten and thrown into a cage never to be seen from again. The very fact that their lips are moving means they are liars.
Yeah I saw that in the comments on the video, he's on the wrong side of history, if we were being executed he wouldn't be so nice, that guy would be smiling and cheering.
Maxine Waters essentially said to give your political opponents no peace on earth. We can play that game as well, and there's a lot more of us than they realize.
I've been thinking for awhile that we need to be doing this all around the world. You see an anchor and a camera set up near a freedom rally? Get behind that camera man and start chanting "Fake News" or something like. Make their lives miserable. Do not let them get their bullshit story that they can manipulate for the public.
First, if this was a BLM get-together, he and his cameraman (person?) would be getting mugged. Second, even with all the yelling, he knows he's safe, because he knows that these are not violent people.
I'll tell you when I cried today: At the reading of the Gospel, which was the story of the Prodigal Son. So beautiful. God loves a repentant sinner. Like me. I cried.
He KNOWS he spews the lies of the left. Some feel bad for this guy? The result of his LIES create those who won't be awakened, and worse those that don't just disdain us but who hate & mis-label us. I have ZERO compassion for this guy. He can go cry & get REKKED.
Most news organizations are just disseminators of news that originates in a few "legitimate" organizations. That has been the case for ages. Most editors and reporters learn early on that they can repeat news from the New York Times, for example, but not from some random person's blog. This is allegedly so the news they report has some credibility. But what if the "legitimate" sources are corrupt, as we know they are?
Some reporters are psychopaths pushing the cabal's agenda. They know they're reporting lies. They have contempt for the average person and don't care if they're hated by them.
But not all reporters are in that category. Some reporters believe the New York Times and their ilk are legitimate. They travel in circles in liberal cities where everyone else does, too. Some reporters know better, but do what the job requires because that's their job. Some reporters know better, but feel they can do some good working within the system, finding ways to work in information from outside the approved channels their audience would otherwise never hear. Some reporters are clueless, pay no attention to politics and have no idea what's going on. They just like being on TV.
I love how looks like all he wants to do is get the hell out of there, but has to force a smile and keep nodding his head while the anchors give him what must have seemed like a 4 hour pep talk.
I think the vast majority of deep state stooges and useful idiots didn't get into media with bad intentions. The fact that he is emotional is actually encouraging. It's a sign that he realizes the negative impacts of his work and cares how he is perceived. While it's true a Luciferian would have no problem faking emotion, he looks genuine, at least to me.
Agree. Call me a pussy but I actually feel bad for the guy. Just the person I am. I don't like to see people feel bad. He is probably low on the list of cabal stooges. Now, if I were to see Hillary crying, i wouldn't give a shit.
Never lose that love and compassion 🙏🏻
Thank you. Sometimes i think it makes me weak. But i think that the media just programmed me to think that way.
The strongest man ever said, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."
Nope no weakness in that. Compassion and love are gifts from God
Remember - MSM is not anyones friend.
You are weak. But its because on multiple occasions you assert without evidence that I wish for all jews to die mercilessly, simply based on my handle. All while expressing no desire to actually verify if what you thought was true.
The only compassion you've displayed is inconsistent and only manifests when convenient.
But you know what, I still forgive you. I'm just calling out an inconsistency when I see it.
Your handle sucks mate. It's like that lone Nazi flag in Ottawa. I don't think you're a glowie, but you ain't getting invited over to the party, just in case...
For Christ's sake it's just a username and I was trying to be clever by putting the "4" in the middle of the word "third".
To claim this is the equivalent of the fed coordinated nazi flag in Ottawa is absurd.
And that's funny. They used to call me the Great Gatsby in college because of all the spontaneous and creative parties, (with more women than men), that I coordinated consistently.
I AM the party, Randy.
Too much compassion can be a weakness. This man knows what he's doing. He must face the consequences. Part of those consequences is ridicule and shaming from the decent people he's spent his career lying to and manipulating and walking over like a doormat. He needs to face those consequences. Crocodile tears because he's now facing punishment shouldn't elicit compassion.
But, as others have pointed out, we don't need to sell our souls either in this. If the man showed genuine remorse and wanted to make a real change, we should be looking for those people. Our goal after all, is to red pill people and wake them up.
The stooge gets paid to lie for the evil cabal. I hope he breaks. This is war.
You can actually hurt a person by withholding consequences. No one has made this "real" to him until now. No one made him question what he was doing until it was a trucker 2 inches from his ear. He SHOULD start crying.
Most people helping the cabal are useful idiots, they're not evil. This guy's problem is the same every over socialized person has- he's a slave to what others think of him.
This kind of mentality is everywhere in real life. That ex KGB agent talked about this. People are demoralized, meaning they have literally given up their own sense of reality and morality over to society, specifically the cabal that runs society. They are no longer an individual and operate more like a Borg taking orders from the hivemind.
I think the last few years have shown us just how malleable and programmable humans really are.
But he can't hide his disdain here. He wishes he had a way to make these people shut up while he delivers his propaganda. If Justin T. or someone else provided a way to make them shut up, he would take it in a second. The world he wants to live in is one in which he and his buddies down at the tv station make announcements and receive no debate or questioning.
Fuck that guy. Anyone who says we should be respectful to the fake media can get fucked. These people have done EVERYTHING they can to slander and demonize the peaceful people of Canada. If they had their way they would all be beaten and thrown into a cage never to be seen from again. The very fact that their lips are moving means they are liars.
Well said.
When they come for private citizens - that’s it.
This guy would have literally backed the Nazis.
Anyone who didn’t stand with the protestors or call this tyranny would have as well.
They’re doing the Reich Thing.
Yeah I saw that in the comments on the video, he's on the wrong side of history, if we were being executed he wouldn't be so nice, that guy would be smiling and cheering.
Awesome 😎
Wait till he has to keep pushing a narrative meanwhile TRUTH SOCIAL is blowing out the entire media.
Launch date is officially tomorrow!
I need to research their network.
Who their CDN is
If I can sort out the registrar
If I can sort out the data centers
Watch it get unplugged ASAP
Maxine Waters essentially said to give your political opponents no peace on earth. We can play that game as well, and there's a lot more of us than they realize.
I thought you were exaggerating, but his wittle feelings were hurt and he was tearing up. Hilarious!
I've been thinking for awhile that we need to be doing this all around the world. You see an anchor and a camera set up near a freedom rally? Get behind that camera man and start chanting "Fake News" or something like. Make their lives miserable. Do not let them get their bullshit story that they can manipulate for the public.
First, if this was a BLM get-together, he and his cameraman (person?) would be getting mugged. Second, even with all the yelling, he knows he's safe, because he knows that these are not violent people.
The guy with the yellow ear muffs is hilarious. Just having a great time fighting for freedom.
that look when u realise "shit...maybe i AM the bad guy"
Lol "Are we the baddies?"🐸
ahahahaha love that skit
My bottle of liberal tears was getting low, thanks for the fill-up!
I'll tell you when I cried today: At the reading of the Gospel, which was the story of the Prodigal Son. So beautiful. God loves a repentant sinner. Like me. I cried.
Do you have Chapter & verse? I'm still learning.
The heckling will continue until freedom improves!
He KNOWS he spews the lies of the left. Some feel bad for this guy? The result of his LIES create those who won't be awakened, and worse those that don't just disdain us but who hate & mis-label us. I have ZERO compassion for this guy. He can go cry & get REKKED.
And...how much blood do they have on their hands?
Poor media lying bastard 😢 he probably went home feeling sorry for himself and victimized. He won’t see the big picture. Poor sheep
Most news organizations are just disseminators of news that originates in a few "legitimate" organizations. That has been the case for ages. Most editors and reporters learn early on that they can repeat news from the New York Times, for example, but not from some random person's blog. This is allegedly so the news they report has some credibility. But what if the "legitimate" sources are corrupt, as we know they are?
Some reporters are psychopaths pushing the cabal's agenda. They know they're reporting lies. They have contempt for the average person and don't care if they're hated by them.
But not all reporters are in that category. Some reporters believe the New York Times and their ilk are legitimate. They travel in circles in liberal cities where everyone else does, too. Some reporters know better, but do what the job requires because that's their job. Some reporters know better, but feel they can do some good working within the system, finding ways to work in information from outside the approved channels their audience would otherwise never hear. Some reporters are clueless, pay no attention to politics and have no idea what's going on. They just like being on TV.
They all think they are built for it, until they are shown publicly that they are not.
hes havin a aoc moment
thanks for posting made my morning,..well ok...made my day,..pathetic cuck,..!!
That awkward moment when u realize ur on the wrong side of history.
I love how looks like all he wants to do is get the hell out of there, but has to force a smile and keep nodding his head while the anchors give him what must have seemed like a 4 hour pep talk.
They should have beat his ass.
I was gonna feel bad if it was a fresh outta school apprentice, but that cuck should know better.
"hello darkness, my old friend...."
I was gonna feel bad if it was a fresh outta school apprentice, but that cuck should know better.