This information has been known for years by those willing to look at it. I have been warning about the dangers of not only vaxxines, but of excitotoxins in general, for almost 3 decades now. I have been categorized as "one of those" tin foil hat conspiratorial health care providers and kept at arm's length by colleagues. Keeping a low profile came as a defensive posture to avoid scrutiny by state licensing boards. I pray this attack on mankind will end - especially on the most vulnerable - our children and the elderly.
Besides mercury, environmental excitotoxins in the form of free unbound glutamates found in processed foods and vaxxines, raise the glutamate levels in the brain beyond normal. In someone with autism, those elevated glutamate levels never calm down. People with autism have been tested as adults and the glutamate is still elevated. Too little or too much glutamate is linked to a variety of mood disorders and neural dysfunction.
Glutamate is a nonessential amino acid, meaning the body can manufacture it from other amino acids. It is made locally in the brain and used as a excitatory neurotransmitter. It is needed in the right amounts for normal brain function - but too much is toxic. A combination of failed glutamate clearance and exaggerated release of glutamate by glial cells during immune activation, like what happens with vaxxines, leads to glutamate increases and promotes aberrant extrasynaptic signaling. The neural synapse becomes overloaded and this can cause a variety of problems in synaptic dysfunction and can ultimately lead to cell death. Vaxxines contain excitotoxins as adjuvants designed to stimulate the immune system - including the brain.
This all has been known for years. But, the sacred cow of vaxxines, especially the sacred cash cow of the childhood vaxxine schedule, has remained untouchable. I pray that the mRNA tech used in the current shots, and also planned for other shots in the pipeline, is seen for the dangerous sham it really is. This tech is way too early for prime time - if it ever will be viable. I also pray that this will open the door to reexamine the rest of the farce that is the vaxxine industry that is poisoning the world causing untold suffering and destruction. Even if the poison shots were stopped today, the cost to society for several generations is incalculable.
Believe it or not, NAC can cross the blood brain barrier and is good for brain fog. Its use in brain detoxification may be a trail that leads to the rest of the vaxxine damage, so this may be another reason why they have come out against NAC and have attempted to ban it. Bioavailable curcumin also is great for the brain and overall inflammation. India has lower rates of dementia that is linked to almost daily consumption of turmeric. As a spice, it is best with an oily meal with clean pepper in order to make the curcumin more available. A good supplement will use this combination. Alpha lipoic acid is also good to detox the brain from glutamate. There are others, but those are the ones that come to mind.
The real key is to eliminate offensive foods in the diet because unless that component is addressed, nothing that is done as far as supplementation is going to have a lasting impact. It is like taking a bath in dirty bath water and expecting to get clean. In addition, it is a long term lifestyle process to have a healthy brain and body. There is no temporary fix. And for heaven's sake, no vaxxines.
Thank you, I’ve been taking my son to a wholistic doc. They’ve focused more on probiotics and Omega 3.
I have NAC, I will look into adding it to his regimen
You are most welcome. The Omega 3 fatty acids are huge along with the probiotics. It sounds like you are working on it. Have you noticed any improvement? It can be difficult to deal with children that have these issues and cleaning up the diet. The more severe they are, the more difficult it is to get them to eat what will help them. The foods they want are the foods that often are the worst for them. But, when dealing with the challenges that these children often present, you win your battles where you can. Good luck and stay with natural healers. Allopathic medicine has nothing to offer you in this area except drugs.
The more the food is processed, the less real food and nutrition it contains. The chemicals that are added from the time food is grown, as in conventional farming, along with food processing are problematic and can contribute to a whole host of chronic illness. Then there is the issue with GMOs that have never been thoroughly studied for safety.
As far as excitotoxins are concerned, MSG and similar compounds are not good for the brain. People dealing with mood disorders and other mental illness should stay clear. Also people with dementia or children with autistic spectrum disorders along with conditions like MS or ALS. People that suffer from migraine also have sensitivity to MSG.
For foods in general, the cleaner the food is, the better. The less processed the better. The more man messes with it, the worse it gets. The convenience of our modern lifestyles have come at a high cost. The increase in chronic diseases and the fact that people are suffering from those conditions at much younger ages are screaming that things are seriously wrong. Diet is only one part of the puzzle - but a very critical piece. People often are unable to peel back the layers of illness without also addressing what they put into their bodies for food.
That's unfortunately a major, yuge part of the problem, the food you eat. You can take whatever medication to "treat" a disease or disorder that can be lessened/fixed with food, but if you keep eating shitty food, it will never go away.
I sometimes watch video of people making small homes/shelters, sometimes with power tools, sometimes with hand tools only, and even a few that bring nothing and make everything.
You are welcome. I do not have a regular set regiment that I follow. This has come about by just listening to what my body needs and going from there. I cycle through herbals, vitamins and other supplements, and various green, red, and mushroom powders. That way I get to cover several bases over time. I don't believe in taking the same supplements every day non stop - there needs to be some diversity. The body needs to rest and detox. So a good rule is 6 days on 1 off, or, 6 weeks on 1 week off. I think a person needs to address what is important for them to have a path to wellness and that can vary from person to person. I hope that helps.
How would you get mrna shit that's mutated your genetics out? How would you get graphine and whatever nanotech electronics have been self building in vaxxed people's bodies?
The best thing is to use the supplements OP listed, clean diet as he mentioned, but I also think for the purposes of expelling harmful component of injections, what is needed is detox, and the best thing for that is long fasts. An infrared sauna is also extremely useful even for getting out the aluminum, formaldehyde, and mercury in all vaccines.
Yes, because that is what it is - glutamate. It is used in food as a flavor enhancer - mostly because if they did not add it, nobody would eat their crappy processed food. As an excitotoxin, it excites neuron activity. Manufacturers have tried to sidestep more aware consumers by hiding this compound under other names. Some products can contain more than one form of glutamate type compounds - any type of protein additive more than likely contains glutamate. People that use sugarless gums and breath mints are taking in glutamate. It is everywhere. As far as the vaxxines, as I already stated, I hope that this closer look at what is being injected into everyone and the corruption behind it, also causes pause on the rest for further investigation.
After the truth comes out, be sure to tell people in your life that you told them so. Ask for an apology from those who openly mocked you. We're taught that saying I told you so is not good manners, but we're in a propaganda war, and those on the other side won't give you credit until you demand it.
BTW, though I never mocked anti-vaxxers, I did snicker a bit at their expense. I regret it now, and I would respect any one of them who knew it and demanded an apology from me.
Apology accepted. But, my goal has always been to just educate people so they don't have to be sick. It broke my heart to see the effects that our modern medical system left on people's lives. Most of my patients listened to me and I was able to help them in some way to live better. In the end, what my colleagues thought and said about me didn't matter. I didn't get into this gig to get their approval - I got into it to help my patients. They are what mattered. Thank you for understanding.
I like discussing this stuff if you feel like it. I’m Glad to know that some people working in allopathic medicine are aware of vaccine toxicity!! Although I assume people like yourself are few and far between.
I am not familiar with the second book. I will have to check it out. As far as the first book, I am somewhat familiar with Cowan's work. There are some very good points he raises and it all needs a second look. I am however, not completely ready to throw some aspects of germ theory out the window. I really think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. There is an infectious process at work sometimes that cannot be explained by terrain theory alone. But, that is not to say that there are not some concepts Cowen and others hit upon that should be investigated further. The only way we are going to know for sure is with more study and research. As of yet, there just is not enough to go on. Are we looking at viruses or exosomes? Maybe a bit of both. We just don't know. What I do know is that we have all been lied to by those that have nefarious motives for promoting particular narratives. I am all for going where the real science takes us, even if that means learning everything again from the ground up. It would not be the first time I went back to the foundations and looked at things from another angle. Thanks for the links.
I appreciate and respect your perspective. In fact, ultimately what you expressed is all I really want - an open discussion and research into what is actually going on. The only thing I know for certain is that the injections are harmful and have no benefit. I think open research into germ theory would provide us the answer, of which either it existing or not makes no difference to me. I am just upset that we have been so throughly lied to and that the truth is not allowed to be pursued.
If you are familiar with Ender’s Process, the main question I have is why is this still the method used to “isolate a virus”, and if a virus as an exogenous contagious pathogen actually existed, why can’t it just be isolated directed from a human lung?
Considering your science and medical background, these lectures would be perfect for you. I don’t normally share them because they get technical. I believe it is in the second one that Cowan makes an articulate case for the heart not being a pump.
Thanks, and I also appreciate willingness for open discussion. I will have to go back and listen to Cowan speak about the cardiovascular system. I had heard him mention it before in a video I was watching. But, I will be honest, I didn't listen very well and moved on. I had some other things going on and was not giving it my full attention. So, I don't want to get into any points he may or may not have made regarding the topic because that would not be fair. If you have a video link where he specifically goes into the topic that would be helpful. I do a whole lot of research and I have piles of papers and videos to review. So for me to find which video it was would be difficult. You seem to be more familiar with his work and would be able to identify an appropriate video than me.
I will admit that the whole business of viral isolation and purification is a wanting process. The lack of photographic evidence of Montagnier's so called discovery of HIV opened my eyes. There were no pictures of his purified "virus." Gallo was the one that linked it to AIDS and ran with it. Gallo even tried to take credit for Montagnier's work - which Gallo often did with Fauci's help. Montagnier at the time was fighting for his professional life which meant being able to continue with research. The political climate was such that he could not express his concerns about HIV not being the cause of AIDS. No one was ever able to reproduce his team's work. The whole HIV/AIDS boogey man that was created didn't allow Montagnier or anyone else to do honest research and any research that could potentially bring down that house of cards has been blocked. These people are evil - not stupid. Fauci holds the research purse strings and has a very tightly held grip on exactly what projects get funding. That is a system that needs to be dismantled and it is part of the reason we have not been able to get real research for scientific truth. Montagnier had been trying to walk back the HIV/AIDS connection for years. Even though he was old, the timing of this death is suspect. He was going to give testimony for Fuellmich's grand jury hearing and his statements would be damning.
HIV research funding is closely monitored. What is it they don't want known? We have even less evidence for these newer emergent viruses today held in some genetic data base. None of the political scientific elites have answered any of these glaring questions with any satisfactory answers. It is usually crickets. Anyone that questions the narrative is persecuted and isolated on a professional island. This is why I cannot in good conscience disregard people like Kaufman and Cowan because they are making these same exact points that I already have concluded on my own. But we are fighting against huge financial and political agendas.
Just a thought here. Let me know what you think about it. All I ask is that you just consider the possibility. Maybe these newer emergent infectious pathogens they have labeled as viruses do exist in some form. But, they are not what we have been led to believe in theory. They are not organically originating in the wild - they are created in labs and are truly bioweapons. They may have been taken from existing viruses and recombined along with other pathogenic elements that creates something truly evil. In reality, there are very few real viruses that are responsible for infectious disease and they have been with us for millennia. These Frankenstein creations are being lumped together with the real viral categories that they are using for cover. It could explain why the isolation and purification processes for these bioweapons is all but non existent because that could open the door for closer examination that would blow the cover. By rejecting the idea of viral infection outright, that position also does not uncover the real truth and expose the lies because it dismisses the whole notion of viruses to begin with.
We are on the verge of blowing that lie completely open with SARS-CoV viruses. There are enough minds looking at the sequencing that we know this family of viruses is not organically grown but are bioweapons masquerading as viruses. There have been some very maliciously creative minds working on this genetic con. But, they could not erase all of the fingerprints. We have a lot of pretty solid investigation into the genetic sequencing that they never really expected anyone to look at. It is damning. That is why all they can do at this point is censor the hell out of the information because in reality they have been busted. It is just that the public is not aware of it yet.
Just in case I have not already passed this on to you. The narrative is imploding under its own corruption. I just pray this is the door that will make others examine more than just the current lie. That onion needs to be peeled completely back.
The following in quotations are notes I saved from another comment regarding AIDS. I generally also usually save the permalink for credit, but in this case I forgot unfortunately. I agree with everything you said about it. One of the gems of this comment is the link to the book “Inventing the AIDS Virus”, which was entirely censored due to publishing companies refusing to publish it, and finally its rights being purchased by a publishing company claiming they would publish it, but then refusing to after they had the rights. I believe they actually even have injections against sharing it over the internet.
Regarding Covid as a bio weapon: we know bio weapons exist, at least in the form of toxins and chemicals. See: agent orange, aluminum being sprayed in the atmosphere, etc. For myself, demonstrable proof would have to be presented that a virus as an exogenous contagious pathogen exists before I could consider Covid as a virus of this sort existing as a bio weapon. I became a bit obsessed with virology and germ theory and have spent hundreds of hours researching it, and all of the evidence points to no existence of a virus as defined like this, other than “some people in the same area getting similar symptoms”, which imo is zero proof of an invisible exogenous contagious pathogen. To make that claim is entirely unscientific, and is basically pseudoscience that really ultimately is simply superstition.
With that being said, think about it this way - Covid is still a weapon even if the virus doesn’t exist. The existence of Covid as a “virus” really has no impact on what has actually occurred: economic catastrophe, non “virus” death increases (suicide, overdose, mental illness increases leading to death, etc), power consolidation and stripping of liberties, mass poisoning through injections, mass testing of an experimental treatment, etc.
Whether the virus exists is irrelevant. If it was just a media propaganda psyops - that is actually a simpler explanation than a lab created “virus”.
Notes: “Thanks, and I also appreciate willingness for open discussion. I will have to go back and listen to Cowan speak about the cardiovascular system. I had heard him mention it before in a video I was watching. But, I will be honest, I didn't listen very well and moved on. I had some other things going on and was not giving it my full attention. So, I don't want to get into any points he may or may not have made regarding the topic because that would not be fair. If you have a video link where he specifically goes into the topic that would be helpful. I do a whole lot of research and I have piles of papers and videos to review. So for me to find which video it was would be difficult. You seem to be more familiar with his work and would be able to identify an appropriate video than me.
I will admit that the whole business of viral isolation and purification is a wanting process. The lack of photographic evidence of Montagnier's so called discovery of HIV opened my eyes. There were no pictures of his purified "virus." Gallo was the one that linked it to AIDS and ran with it. Gallo even tried to take credit for Montagnier's work - which Gallo often did with Fauci's help. Montagnier at the time was fighting for his professional life which meant being able to continue with research. The political climate was such that he could not express his concerns about HIV not being the cause of AIDS. No one was ever able to reproduce his team's work. The whole HIV/AIDS boogey man that was created didn't allow Montagnier or anyone else to do honest research and any research that could potentially bring down that house of cards has been blocked. These people are evil - not stupid. Fauci holds the research purse strings and has a very tightly held grip on exactly what projects get funding. That is a system that needs to be dismantled and it is part of the reason we have not been able to get real research for scientific truth. Montagnier had been trying to walk back the HIV/AIDS connection for years. Even though he was old, the timing of this death is suspect. He was going to give testimony for Fuellmich's grand jury hearing and his statements would be damning.
HIV research funding is closely monitored. What is it they don't want known? We have even less evidence for these newer emergent viruses today held in some genetic data base. None of the political scientific elites have answered any of these glaring questions with any satisfactory answers. It is usually crickets. Anyone that questions the narrative is persecuted and isolated on a professional island. This is why I cannot in good conscience disregard people like Kaufman and Cowan because they are making these same exact points that I already have concluded on my own. But we are fighting against huge financial and political agendas.
Just a thought here. Let me know what you think about it. All I ask is that you just consider the possibility. Maybe these newer emergent infectious pathogens they have labeled as viruses do exist in some form. But, they are not what we have been led to believe in theory. They are not organically originating in the wild - they are created in labs and are truly bioweapons. They may have been taken from existing viruses and recombined along with other pathogenic elements that creates something truly evil. In reality, there are very few real viruses that are responsible for infectious disease and they have been with us for millennia. These Frankenstein creations are being lumped together with the real viral categories that they are using for cover. It could explain why the isolation and purification processes for these bioweapons is all but non existent because that could open the door for closer examination that would blow the cover. By rejecting the idea of viral infection outright, that position also does not uncover the real truth and expose the lies because it dismisses the whole notion of viruses to begin with.
We are on the verge of blowing that lie completely open with SARS-CoV viruses. There are enough minds looking at the sequencing that we know this family of viruses is not organically grown but are bioweapons masquerading as viruses. There have been some very maliciously creative minds working on this genetic con. But, they could not erase all of the fingerprints. We have a lot of pretty solid investigation into the genetic sequencing that they never really expected anyone to look at. It is damning. That is why all they can do at this point is censor the hell out of the information because in reality they have been busted. It is just that the public is not aware of it yet.
Just in case I have not already passed this on to you. The narrative is imploding under its own corruption. I just pray this is the door that will make others examine more than just the current lie. That onion needs to be peeled completely back.
How to BLAST your way to the truth about the origins of COVID-19
I will reply to the rest of your comments later, but I wanted to share quickly that I did find the exact lecture on the heart for you. It begins at the hour time stamp of Replay 2 - you do need to sign up for free to create a login to view it. It is only around 40 minutes that lecture on the heart I believe.
Can you explain why an immune system response to a vaccine would increase glutamate significantly beyond the levels that would arise from normal or more severe immune functioning in response to an actual disease?
Otherwise, I'd expect there to be a far stronger correlation between autism and childhood illnesses of a rather broad spectrum, and we simply don't see that, nor are we generally able to detect evidence of previous pre-birth infections that would have triggered that level of immune response.
Vaxxine adjuvants are designed to illicit an immune response to mimic that of natural infection. In other words, adjuvants are designed to irritate the crap out of the immune system. Many of these adjuvants can cross the blood brain barrier where they then can have a direct impact on the brain's immune function. Some may take some time to clear while others, like heavy metals, can remain for decades and accumulate.
The blood brain barrier acts as a shield to protect the brain from pathogens and toxins, but not the chemical mediators. A generalized systemic inflammatory response can affect the brain via the cytokines or other mediators produced during inflammation or infection. That is why when we are sick we often feel thick headed and foggy. That is due to the increased levels of glutamine in the brain in response to those chemical mediators. Childhood vaxxines in particular, are an insult not only to the general immune system, but also to the brain's immune system due to the ability of those adjuvants, like MSG and heavy metals, to cross the blood brain barrier. That schedule is started from birth and in some cases even while the mother is pregnant. Then a child is bombarded with constant insult for years. Combine this insult with just the normal course of childhood illness, poor diets filled with processed foods, and is it any wonder that developmental disorders, autism, autoimmune disease, and allergies are epidemic.
Glial cells are part of the brain's immune system. Microglial cells are like reserve troops. They wait in an inactive state until they are needed. When they get the right signal, they undergo a dramatic shift. This includes changing shape, moving to where they’re needed, and manufacturing a specific set of chemicals. In this cascade of events, the initial molecular signal determines the final personality of the cell. The final specialized microglial cells help to grow new neurons and heal brain damage. If presented with another set of messages, they can morph into another specialized form to aid in removing pathogens like bacteria from the brain. Astrocytes are a type of glial cell that helps inactivate and recycle neurotransmitters, such as glutamate. An appropriate reuptake of glutamate at the astrocyte is crucial for preventing 'spill-over' of synaptic glutamate. When there is increased levels due to a perfect storm of vaxxine adjuvant, environmental excitotoxin exposure, and astrocyte dysfunction, there can be brain damage - either chronic or acute. Glutamate storms can kill neurons.
In my own practice, I was able to compare kids that had never received vaxxines versus those that had. I treated a small cohort of individuals that lived somewhat off the grid. Among those children that had never received vaxxines, there was not one that suffered from autism spectrum disorders, allergies, or any other immune dysfunction. I cannot say that of my vaxxinated patients. I am not saying that vaxxines were the sole variable in this equation responsible for the conditions experienced by the others because those off grid types tended to grow their own food and lived much healthier lifestyles with minimal exposure to EMF. As you stated, it is part of a broader spectrum - but vaxxines are a huge part of that equation that cannot be ignored.
Without digging deep into this, is there anything I can do to help reverse this? I adopted 3 boys that are all on the autism spectrum? Any info is much appreciated
Some parents report improvements in behavior by following gluten free, dairy free diets. That would be the easiest thing to try at home first. Don't worry, there's nothing essential that you get from these foods that you can't get from other foods. The main problem is that gluten free is more expensive. It can also be difficult to find suitable options when you want to eat out.
I have been gluten free, dairy free for 7 or 8 years. I had digestive issues constantly and it eventually led to anxiety, insomnia, agitation, etc. Doctors wanted to give me pills for the anxiety and insomnia, but I kept looking for the cause and finally figured it out. Doing my own research led me to learn quite a bit about vaccines and autism. Two of my favorite websites when I first started learning were Thinking Mom's Revolution and Age of Autism. They both have lots of great information archived, but neither of them are very active anymore.
It is a pain in the ass, but totally worth it if you see improvements in the kids. Good luck.
This is the same thing as me! My impetus for lifestyle change was insomnia that became untenable. I adhere to the bulletproof diet for which gluten and dairy free is a big part, and the toxicity of those substances are explained in depth in the book.
As already mentioned in another reply, Omega 3 fatty acids are crucial along with fixing the gut with probiotics. You may have heard of leaky gut at some time - well there appears to be a similar condition called leaky brain. The junctions that are supposed to protect the brain are opened and things that are not supposed to get in somehow do. We are still studying this phenomenon but it seems to be associated with inflammation.
Gluten free and dairy free diets as already suggested are helpful. Gluten and dairy cross react with each other so this is why both usually need to be tackled at the same time. What is critical is no vaxxines and no MSG or its cousins in the diet. Consider NAC. It increases glutathione which can help clear the brain and it is a glutamate modulating agent. Glutamate is often very elevated in autistic children. Here is a study that used NAC to treat children with autism. Dosing is given. N-Acetylcysteine in the Treatment of Childhood Autism
Read up on specifically detoxing heavy metals. It must be done slowly as to not make someone sick. If the detox is too severe and the body cannot clear the metals once they are unbound, they will just end up elsewhere in the body.
A cancer-causing toxin associated with droughts is infecting some newly harvested corn across the Midwest, raising the possibility of contamination of the nation’s most important grain crop and vital first link in the country’s food chain.
The poison, aflatoxin, is produced by a fungus found in soil.
Aflatoxin is produced by aspergillus flavus, a common fungus or mold found in topsoil. Corn becomes vulnerable in drought years when the dry--and this year the exceptionally hot--weather cracks the kernels allowing the mold to thrive. While the mold itself is relatively harmless, aflatoxin is “a known carcinogen that will produce liver cancer,” said Donald G. White, University of Illinois associate professor of plant pathology.
There is NO DR. HOUSE, no one cares like they do on freaking scrubs. Our medical community is much more like the Reavers from Firefly than helpful or human.
Although the average IQ varies across races, the standard deviations in male/female IQs are still wildly different between the sexes.
Although you could possibly argue that higher male non-autism retardation rates are higher for men due to environmental could that explain higher male 'gifted IQ' rates as well? Beneficial poisoning? The difference in the IQ standard deviations between men and women appears to be genetic.
THEY PUT IT IN OUR TEETH! easy access to the blood stream and constantly experiencing "change of environment/chemical changes from eating food. I have had some fall out as well so unsure what that might be like in the digestives.
I think the spraying were rare incidents that occurred in more condensed urban areas and tropical foreign populations under the guise of mosquito abatement. They were spraying that crap on everything and everywhere. The use of pesticides from the 50's into the 70's was pretty much the wild west and there were really no safety studies or regulation. It was not until scientists starting noticing the effects in the environment that they sounded the alarm bell. Look at how long it has taken the Roundup injury cases to make their way through the system. Generations will be effected by just the spraying that has occurred in the last several decades. Unfortunately, DDT and other chemicals not allowed in the US are still being manufactured and used in other countries, so it is still getting into the environment.
The problem is that there are any number of environmental insults that can attack a baby in the womb or a young child to nail it down to just a single offender. But that is no excuse for continuing the insults that we do know, based on numerous studies, are showing a very strong association with these types of conditions. Vaxxines, and the rampant overuse of pesticides and herbicides are some of those insults. I cannot explain what may have been the straw that broke the camel's back in your particular case, but we do know that these insults are linked to so much suffering - but yet we continue to subject innocent people to these insults. I pray for you peace and wellness fren. Thank you for sharing.
I think that female brains tend to have slightly more long range connections and are slightly more integrated. I think they have a more effective bridge (corpus callosum) between the hemispheres too.
Since people with autism tend to have shorter and more local connections ( leading to our lack of sensory integration and specialisation in detail) then females may be more resistant to expressing autism.
Certainly autism tends to be diagnosed later in females, often just before the teenage years when the girls show social anxiety or eating disorders, which are sometimes connected to autism in girls.
There is a theory by Simon Baron Cohen along these lines. Autism is the "extreme male brain"
There seems to be a testosterone connection as well as stated in the OP. Females that have more testosterone seems to explain why some of them have autism like the boys.
This information has been known for years by those willing to look at it. I have been warning about the dangers of not only vaxxines, but of excitotoxins in general, for almost 3 decades now. I have been categorized as "one of those" tin foil hat conspiratorial health care providers and kept at arm's length by colleagues. Keeping a low profile came as a defensive posture to avoid scrutiny by state licensing boards. I pray this attack on mankind will end - especially on the most vulnerable - our children and the elderly.
Besides mercury, environmental excitotoxins in the form of free unbound glutamates found in processed foods and vaxxines, raise the glutamate levels in the brain beyond normal. In someone with autism, those elevated glutamate levels never calm down. People with autism have been tested as adults and the glutamate is still elevated. Too little or too much glutamate is linked to a variety of mood disorders and neural dysfunction.
Glutamate is a nonessential amino acid, meaning the body can manufacture it from other amino acids. It is made locally in the brain and used as a excitatory neurotransmitter. It is needed in the right amounts for normal brain function - but too much is toxic. A combination of failed glutamate clearance and exaggerated release of glutamate by glial cells during immune activation, like what happens with vaxxines, leads to glutamate increases and promotes aberrant extrasynaptic signaling. The neural synapse becomes overloaded and this can cause a variety of problems in synaptic dysfunction and can ultimately lead to cell death. Vaxxines contain excitotoxins as adjuvants designed to stimulate the immune system - including the brain.
This all has been known for years. But, the sacred cow of vaxxines, especially the sacred cash cow of the childhood vaxxine schedule, has remained untouchable. I pray that the mRNA tech used in the current shots, and also planned for other shots in the pipeline, is seen for the dangerous sham it really is. This tech is way too early for prime time - if it ever will be viable. I also pray that this will open the door to reexamine the rest of the farce that is the vaxxine industry that is poisoning the world causing untold suffering and destruction. Even if the poison shots were stopped today, the cost to society for several generations is incalculable.
Is there a way to detox or return to normal
Believe it or not, NAC can cross the blood brain barrier and is good for brain fog. Its use in brain detoxification may be a trail that leads to the rest of the vaxxine damage, so this may be another reason why they have come out against NAC and have attempted to ban it. Bioavailable curcumin also is great for the brain and overall inflammation. India has lower rates of dementia that is linked to almost daily consumption of turmeric. As a spice, it is best with an oily meal with clean pepper in order to make the curcumin more available. A good supplement will use this combination. Alpha lipoic acid is also good to detox the brain from glutamate. There are others, but those are the ones that come to mind.
The real key is to eliminate offensive foods in the diet because unless that component is addressed, nothing that is done as far as supplementation is going to have a lasting impact. It is like taking a bath in dirty bath water and expecting to get clean. In addition, it is a long term lifestyle process to have a healthy brain and body. There is no temporary fix. And for heaven's sake, no vaxxines.
Thank you, I’ve been taking my son to a wholistic doc. They’ve focused more on probiotics and Omega 3. I have NAC, I will look into adding it to his regimen
You are most welcome. The Omega 3 fatty acids are huge along with the probiotics. It sounds like you are working on it. Have you noticed any improvement? It can be difficult to deal with children that have these issues and cleaning up the diet. The more severe they are, the more difficult it is to get them to eat what will help them. The foods they want are the foods that often are the worst for them. But, when dealing with the challenges that these children often present, you win your battles where you can. Good luck and stay with natural healers. Allopathic medicine has nothing to offer you in this area except drugs.
Serrapeptase, and suramin..
Offensive foods in the diet? Unfortunately it's different for every person. What do you consider offensive foods for yourself?
The more the food is processed, the less real food and nutrition it contains. The chemicals that are added from the time food is grown, as in conventional farming, along with food processing are problematic and can contribute to a whole host of chronic illness. Then there is the issue with GMOs that have never been thoroughly studied for safety.
As far as excitotoxins are concerned, MSG and similar compounds are not good for the brain. People dealing with mood disorders and other mental illness should stay clear. Also people with dementia or children with autistic spectrum disorders along with conditions like MS or ALS. People that suffer from migraine also have sensitivity to MSG.
For foods in general, the cleaner the food is, the better. The less processed the better. The more man messes with it, the worse it gets. The convenience of our modern lifestyles have come at a high cost. The increase in chronic diseases and the fact that people are suffering from those conditions at much younger ages are screaming that things are seriously wrong. Diet is only one part of the puzzle - but a very critical piece. People often are unable to peel back the layers of illness without also addressing what they put into their bodies for food.
That's unfortunately a major, yuge part of the problem, the food you eat. You can take whatever medication to "treat" a disease or disorder that can be lessened/fixed with food, but if you keep eating shitty food, it will never go away.
I sometimes watch video of people making small homes/shelters, sometimes with power tools, sometimes with hand tools only, and even a few that bring nothing and make everything. - this guy made a hell of a lot by himself. House, lake, running water, pond for fish, even a water wheel.
Thanks for the link. I like watching people that can live like that. The forging a rake was pretty cool.
You are welcome. I do not have a regular set regiment that I follow. This has come about by just listening to what my body needs and going from there. I cycle through herbals, vitamins and other supplements, and various green, red, and mushroom powders. That way I get to cover several bases over time. I don't believe in taking the same supplements every day non stop - there needs to be some diversity. The body needs to rest and detox. So a good rule is 6 days on 1 off, or, 6 weeks on 1 week off. I think a person needs to address what is important for them to have a path to wellness and that can vary from person to person. I hope that helps.
How would you get mrna shit that's mutated your genetics out? How would you get graphine and whatever nanotech electronics have been self building in vaxxed people's bodies?
I’m not referring to the mRNA stuff that changes DNA, rather the standard childhood vaxs that most have been given at a young age
The best thing is to use the supplements OP listed, clean diet as he mentioned, but I also think for the purposes of expelling harmful component of injections, what is needed is detox, and the best thing for that is long fasts. An infrared sauna is also extremely useful even for getting out the aluminum, formaldehyde, and mercury in all vaccines.
You mean like msg? The covid19 vaccines have definitely turned a lot of people full blown antivaxxers
Yes, because that is what it is - glutamate. It is used in food as a flavor enhancer - mostly because if they did not add it, nobody would eat their crappy processed food. As an excitotoxin, it excites neuron activity. Manufacturers have tried to sidestep more aware consumers by hiding this compound under other names. Some products can contain more than one form of glutamate type compounds - any type of protein additive more than likely contains glutamate. People that use sugarless gums and breath mints are taking in glutamate. It is everywhere. As far as the vaxxines, as I already stated, I hope that this closer look at what is being injected into everyone and the corruption behind it, also causes pause on the rest for further investigation.
Me. I always took flu shots. I was waiting to get old enough for the shingles shot. My kids always took their vaccinations. NO MORE!
As well as the c19notvax having switched off the "humanity" and "empathy" areas of the Karens' brains
Read this to learn about vaccines: What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong Dawn Lester, David Parker
After the truth comes out, be sure to tell people in your life that you told them so. Ask for an apology from those who openly mocked you. We're taught that saying I told you so is not good manners, but we're in a propaganda war, and those on the other side won't give you credit until you demand it.
BTW, though I never mocked anti-vaxxers, I did snicker a bit at their expense. I regret it now, and I would respect any one of them who knew it and demanded an apology from me.
Humility is good for humanity.
Apology accepted. But, my goal has always been to just educate people so they don't have to be sick. It broke my heart to see the effects that our modern medical system left on people's lives. Most of my patients listened to me and I was able to help them in some way to live better. In the end, what my colleagues thought and said about me didn't matter. I didn't get into this gig to get their approval - I got into it to help my patients. They are what mattered. Thank you for understanding.
This is interesting; thanks for sharing this. I’m fairly well researched on this subject but I learned something new!
Have you read this? It’s short. Would be interested to know your thoughts:
This is the book I share that exposes the vaccine fraud in great detail: What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong Dawn Lester, David Parker
I like discussing this stuff if you feel like it. I’m Glad to know that some people working in allopathic medicine are aware of vaccine toxicity!! Although I assume people like yourself are few and far between.
I am not familiar with the second book. I will have to check it out. As far as the first book, I am somewhat familiar with Cowan's work. There are some very good points he raises and it all needs a second look. I am however, not completely ready to throw some aspects of germ theory out the window. I really think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. There is an infectious process at work sometimes that cannot be explained by terrain theory alone. But, that is not to say that there are not some concepts Cowen and others hit upon that should be investigated further. The only way we are going to know for sure is with more study and research. As of yet, there just is not enough to go on. Are we looking at viruses or exosomes? Maybe a bit of both. We just don't know. What I do know is that we have all been lied to by those that have nefarious motives for promoting particular narratives. I am all for going where the real science takes us, even if that means learning everything again from the ground up. It would not be the first time I went back to the foundations and looked at things from another angle. Thanks for the links.
I appreciate and respect your perspective. In fact, ultimately what you expressed is all I really want - an open discussion and research into what is actually going on. The only thing I know for certain is that the injections are harmful and have no benefit. I think open research into germ theory would provide us the answer, of which either it existing or not makes no difference to me. I am just upset that we have been so throughly lied to and that the truth is not allowed to be pursued.
If you are familiar with Ender’s Process, the main question I have is why is this still the method used to “isolate a virus”, and if a virus as an exogenous contagious pathogen actually existed, why can’t it just be isolated directed from a human lung?
Considering your science and medical background, these lectures would be perfect for you. I don’t normally share them because they get technical. I believe it is in the second one that Cowan makes an articulate case for the heart not being a pump.
You can make a free account to watch them:
Thanks, and I also appreciate willingness for open discussion. I will have to go back and listen to Cowan speak about the cardiovascular system. I had heard him mention it before in a video I was watching. But, I will be honest, I didn't listen very well and moved on. I had some other things going on and was not giving it my full attention. So, I don't want to get into any points he may or may not have made regarding the topic because that would not be fair. If you have a video link where he specifically goes into the topic that would be helpful. I do a whole lot of research and I have piles of papers and videos to review. So for me to find which video it was would be difficult. You seem to be more familiar with his work and would be able to identify an appropriate video than me.
I will admit that the whole business of viral isolation and purification is a wanting process. The lack of photographic evidence of Montagnier's so called discovery of HIV opened my eyes. There were no pictures of his purified "virus." Gallo was the one that linked it to AIDS and ran with it. Gallo even tried to take credit for Montagnier's work - which Gallo often did with Fauci's help. Montagnier at the time was fighting for his professional life which meant being able to continue with research. The political climate was such that he could not express his concerns about HIV not being the cause of AIDS. No one was ever able to reproduce his team's work. The whole HIV/AIDS boogey man that was created didn't allow Montagnier or anyone else to do honest research and any research that could potentially bring down that house of cards has been blocked. These people are evil - not stupid. Fauci holds the research purse strings and has a very tightly held grip on exactly what projects get funding. That is a system that needs to be dismantled and it is part of the reason we have not been able to get real research for scientific truth. Montagnier had been trying to walk back the HIV/AIDS connection for years. Even though he was old, the timing of this death is suspect. He was going to give testimony for Fuellmich's grand jury hearing and his statements would be damning.
HIV research funding is closely monitored. What is it they don't want known? We have even less evidence for these newer emergent viruses today held in some genetic data base. None of the political scientific elites have answered any of these glaring questions with any satisfactory answers. It is usually crickets. Anyone that questions the narrative is persecuted and isolated on a professional island. This is why I cannot in good conscience disregard people like Kaufman and Cowan because they are making these same exact points that I already have concluded on my own. But we are fighting against huge financial and political agendas.
Just a thought here. Let me know what you think about it. All I ask is that you just consider the possibility. Maybe these newer emergent infectious pathogens they have labeled as viruses do exist in some form. But, they are not what we have been led to believe in theory. They are not organically originating in the wild - they are created in labs and are truly bioweapons. They may have been taken from existing viruses and recombined along with other pathogenic elements that creates something truly evil. In reality, there are very few real viruses that are responsible for infectious disease and they have been with us for millennia. These Frankenstein creations are being lumped together with the real viral categories that they are using for cover. It could explain why the isolation and purification processes for these bioweapons is all but non existent because that could open the door for closer examination that would blow the cover. By rejecting the idea of viral infection outright, that position also does not uncover the real truth and expose the lies because it dismisses the whole notion of viruses to begin with.
We are on the verge of blowing that lie completely open with SARS-CoV viruses. There are enough minds looking at the sequencing that we know this family of viruses is not organically grown but are bioweapons masquerading as viruses. There have been some very maliciously creative minds working on this genetic con. But, they could not erase all of the fingerprints. We have a lot of pretty solid investigation into the genetic sequencing that they never really expected anyone to look at. It is damning. That is why all they can do at this point is censor the hell out of the information because in reality they have been busted. It is just that the public is not aware of it yet.
Just in case I have not already passed this on to you. The narrative is imploding under its own corruption. I just pray this is the door that will make others examine more than just the current lie. That onion needs to be peeled completely back.
How to BLAST your way to the truth about the origins of COVID-19
The following in quotations are notes I saved from another comment regarding AIDS. I generally also usually save the permalink for credit, but in this case I forgot unfortunately. I agree with everything you said about it. One of the gems of this comment is the link to the book “Inventing the AIDS Virus”, which was entirely censored due to publishing companies refusing to publish it, and finally its rights being purchased by a publishing company claiming they would publish it, but then refusing to after they had the rights. I believe they actually even have injections against sharing it over the internet.
Regarding Covid as a bio weapon: we know bio weapons exist, at least in the form of toxins and chemicals. See: agent orange, aluminum being sprayed in the atmosphere, etc. For myself, demonstrable proof would have to be presented that a virus as an exogenous contagious pathogen exists before I could consider Covid as a virus of this sort existing as a bio weapon. I became a bit obsessed with virology and germ theory and have spent hundreds of hours researching it, and all of the evidence points to no existence of a virus as defined like this, other than “some people in the same area getting similar symptoms”, which imo is zero proof of an invisible exogenous contagious pathogen. To make that claim is entirely unscientific, and is basically pseudoscience that really ultimately is simply superstition.
With that being said, think about it this way - Covid is still a weapon even if the virus doesn’t exist. The existence of Covid as a “virus” really has no impact on what has actually occurred: economic catastrophe, non “virus” death increases (suicide, overdose, mental illness increases leading to death, etc), power consolidation and stripping of liberties, mass poisoning through injections, mass testing of an experimental treatment, etc.
Whether the virus exists is irrelevant. If it was just a media propaganda psyops - that is actually a simpler explanation than a lab created “virus”.
Notes: “Thanks, and I also appreciate willingness for open discussion. I will have to go back and listen to Cowan speak about the cardiovascular system. I had heard him mention it before in a video I was watching. But, I will be honest, I didn't listen very well and moved on. I had some other things going on and was not giving it my full attention. So, I don't want to get into any points he may or may not have made regarding the topic because that would not be fair. If you have a video link where he specifically goes into the topic that would be helpful. I do a whole lot of research and I have piles of papers and videos to review. So for me to find which video it was would be difficult. You seem to be more familiar with his work and would be able to identify an appropriate video than me. I will admit that the whole business of viral isolation and purification is a wanting process. The lack of photographic evidence of Montagnier's so called discovery of HIV opened my eyes. There were no pictures of his purified "virus." Gallo was the one that linked it to AIDS and ran with it. Gallo even tried to take credit for Montagnier's work - which Gallo often did with Fauci's help. Montagnier at the time was fighting for his professional life which meant being able to continue with research. The political climate was such that he could not express his concerns about HIV not being the cause of AIDS. No one was ever able to reproduce his team's work. The whole HIV/AIDS boogey man that was created didn't allow Montagnier or anyone else to do honest research and any research that could potentially bring down that house of cards has been blocked. These people are evil - not stupid. Fauci holds the research purse strings and has a very tightly held grip on exactly what projects get funding. That is a system that needs to be dismantled and it is part of the reason we have not been able to get real research for scientific truth. Montagnier had been trying to walk back the HIV/AIDS connection for years. Even though he was old, the timing of this death is suspect. He was going to give testimony for Fuellmich's grand jury hearing and his statements would be damning. HIV research funding is closely monitored. What is it they don't want known? We have even less evidence for these newer emergent viruses today held in some genetic data base. None of the political scientific elites have answered any of these glaring questions with any satisfactory answers. It is usually crickets. Anyone that questions the narrative is persecuted and isolated on a professional island. This is why I cannot in good conscience disregard people like Kaufman and Cowan because they are making these same exact points that I already have concluded on my own. But we are fighting against huge financial and political agendas. Just a thought here. Let me know what you think about it. All I ask is that you just consider the possibility. Maybe these newer emergent infectious pathogens they have labeled as viruses do exist in some form. But, they are not what we have been led to believe in theory. They are not organically originating in the wild - they are created in labs and are truly bioweapons. They may have been taken from existing viruses and recombined along with other pathogenic elements that creates something truly evil. In reality, there are very few real viruses that are responsible for infectious disease and they have been with us for millennia. These Frankenstein creations are being lumped together with the real viral categories that they are using for cover. It could explain why the isolation and purification processes for these bioweapons is all but non existent because that could open the door for closer examination that would blow the cover. By rejecting the idea of viral infection outright, that position also does not uncover the real truth and expose the lies because it dismisses the whole notion of viruses to begin with. We are on the verge of blowing that lie completely open with SARS-CoV viruses. There are enough minds looking at the sequencing that we know this family of viruses is not organically grown but are bioweapons masquerading as viruses. There have been some very maliciously creative minds working on this genetic con. But, they could not erase all of the fingerprints. We have a lot of pretty solid investigation into the genetic sequencing that they never really expected anyone to look at. It is damning. That is why all they can do at this point is censor the hell out of the information because in reality they have been busted. It is just that the public is not aware of it yet. Just in case I have not already passed this on to you. The narrative is imploding under its own corruption. I just pray this is the door that will make others examine more than just the current lie. That onion needs to be peeled completely back. How to BLAST your way to the truth about the origins of COVID-19 permalink
I will reply to the rest of your comments later, but I wanted to share quickly that I did find the exact lecture on the heart for you. It begins at the hour time stamp of Replay 2 - you do need to sign up for free to create a login to view it. It is only around 40 minutes that lecture on the heart I believe.
Can you explain why an immune system response to a vaccine would increase glutamate significantly beyond the levels that would arise from normal or more severe immune functioning in response to an actual disease?
Otherwise, I'd expect there to be a far stronger correlation between autism and childhood illnesses of a rather broad spectrum, and we simply don't see that, nor are we generally able to detect evidence of previous pre-birth infections that would have triggered that level of immune response.
Vaxxine adjuvants are designed to illicit an immune response to mimic that of natural infection. In other words, adjuvants are designed to irritate the crap out of the immune system. Many of these adjuvants can cross the blood brain barrier where they then can have a direct impact on the brain's immune function. Some may take some time to clear while others, like heavy metals, can remain for decades and accumulate.
The blood brain barrier acts as a shield to protect the brain from pathogens and toxins, but not the chemical mediators. A generalized systemic inflammatory response can affect the brain via the cytokines or other mediators produced during inflammation or infection. That is why when we are sick we often feel thick headed and foggy. That is due to the increased levels of glutamine in the brain in response to those chemical mediators. Childhood vaxxines in particular, are an insult not only to the general immune system, but also to the brain's immune system due to the ability of those adjuvants, like MSG and heavy metals, to cross the blood brain barrier. That schedule is started from birth and in some cases even while the mother is pregnant. Then a child is bombarded with constant insult for years. Combine this insult with just the normal course of childhood illness, poor diets filled with processed foods, and is it any wonder that developmental disorders, autism, autoimmune disease, and allergies are epidemic.
Glial cells are part of the brain's immune system. Microglial cells are like reserve troops. They wait in an inactive state until they are needed. When they get the right signal, they undergo a dramatic shift. This includes changing shape, moving to where they’re needed, and manufacturing a specific set of chemicals. In this cascade of events, the initial molecular signal determines the final personality of the cell. The final specialized microglial cells help to grow new neurons and heal brain damage. If presented with another set of messages, they can morph into another specialized form to aid in removing pathogens like bacteria from the brain. Astrocytes are a type of glial cell that helps inactivate and recycle neurotransmitters, such as glutamate. An appropriate reuptake of glutamate at the astrocyte is crucial for preventing 'spill-over' of synaptic glutamate. When there is increased levels due to a perfect storm of vaxxine adjuvant, environmental excitotoxin exposure, and astrocyte dysfunction, there can be brain damage - either chronic or acute. Glutamate storms can kill neurons.
In my own practice, I was able to compare kids that had never received vaxxines versus those that had. I treated a small cohort of individuals that lived somewhat off the grid. Among those children that had never received vaxxines, there was not one that suffered from autism spectrum disorders, allergies, or any other immune dysfunction. I cannot say that of my vaxxinated patients. I am not saying that vaxxines were the sole variable in this equation responsible for the conditions experienced by the others because those off grid types tended to grow their own food and lived much healthier lifestyles with minimal exposure to EMF. As you stated, it is part of a broader spectrum - but vaxxines are a huge part of that equation that cannot be ignored.
... fucking eh, learn so much from you all ! Nothing is by chance, there is a cause and reason for everything
The deep state created their own demise. Autists are bringing down their creators like an artificial intelligence.
aint that a fact
Without digging deep into this, is there anything I can do to help reverse this? I adopted 3 boys that are all on the autism spectrum? Any info is much appreciated
Look into the nemechek protocol for autism.
It contains lots of omegas to help the brain repair itself, inulin to repair gut biome, and a few other things.
Some parents report improvements in behavior by following gluten free, dairy free diets. That would be the easiest thing to try at home first. Don't worry, there's nothing essential that you get from these foods that you can't get from other foods. The main problem is that gluten free is more expensive. It can also be difficult to find suitable options when you want to eat out.
I have been gluten free, dairy free for 7 or 8 years. I had digestive issues constantly and it eventually led to anxiety, insomnia, agitation, etc. Doctors wanted to give me pills for the anxiety and insomnia, but I kept looking for the cause and finally figured it out. Doing my own research led me to learn quite a bit about vaccines and autism. Two of my favorite websites when I first started learning were Thinking Mom's Revolution and Age of Autism. They both have lots of great information archived, but neither of them are very active anymore.
It is a pain in the ass, but totally worth it if you see improvements in the kids. Good luck.
This is the same thing as me! My impetus for lifestyle change was insomnia that became untenable. I adhere to the bulletproof diet for which gluten and dairy free is a big part, and the toxicity of those substances are explained in depth in the book.
Healed by the power of prayer and the laying on of hands?
As already mentioned in another reply, Omega 3 fatty acids are crucial along with fixing the gut with probiotics. You may have heard of leaky gut at some time - well there appears to be a similar condition called leaky brain. The junctions that are supposed to protect the brain are opened and things that are not supposed to get in somehow do. We are still studying this phenomenon but it seems to be associated with inflammation.
Gluten free and dairy free diets as already suggested are helpful. Gluten and dairy cross react with each other so this is why both usually need to be tackled at the same time. What is critical is no vaxxines and no MSG or its cousins in the diet. Consider NAC. It increases glutathione which can help clear the brain and it is a glutamate modulating agent. Glutamate is often very elevated in autistic children. Here is a study that used NAC to treat children with autism. Dosing is given. N-Acetylcysteine in the Treatment of Childhood Autism
Good luck
When I read this, I get so pissed. I did slow walk my kids' vaccines, but they should have never been vaxxed.
I have yet to find a detoxing protocol for them. Maybe meditation.
Gen X seems to have a lot of ADHD, come to think of it....
Infrared sauna purges the metals from the inside out. I have one.
infrared sauna. hmmm. i will look into it, thanks!
Read up on specifically detoxing heavy metals. It must be done slowly as to not make someone sick. If the detox is too severe and the body cannot clear the metals once they are unbound, they will just end up elsewhere in the body.
thank you. very helpful.
hmmm. yay for you?
That is so true - both my boys had ADHD - the youngest was really bad
but seems almost every ailment benefits from:
anitiflammatory, clean nutrition regular exercise healthy sleep patterns rational thought prayer/meditative practices good moral code Wholesome fun
*actually that list was more of a reminder for me than anything else. Most of the readers here already live this way :)
Sounds like you already have the keys fren.
What was the slow walk? Currently running my son through this (4 months) and do not like it whatsoever.
Unfortunately our first went through it all up to two years which is a lot, but our second is getting none.
As an individual with Aspergers here are the pros and cons:
Pros: I can see the forest for the trees
Cons: Getting chicks is nigh impossible
This article is somewhat disinformation, but it does spell out a timeline of such (1999 onward) for the use of a form of mercury in some childhood vaccines. Unfortunately, it does not go back to 1988, but I think there is enough circumstantial evidence to place the blame upon childhood vaccines:
Corn Harvest Threatened by Cancer-Causing Toxin By LARRY GREEN Sept. 30, 1988 12 AM PT
Times Staff Writer CHICAGO —
A cancer-causing toxin associated with droughts is infecting some newly harvested corn across the Midwest, raising the possibility of contamination of the nation’s most important grain crop and vital first link in the country’s food chain.
The poison, aflatoxin, is produced by a fungus found in soil.
Aflatoxin is produced by aspergillus flavus, a common fungus or mold found in topsoil. Corn becomes vulnerable in drought years when the dry--and this year the exceptionally hot--weather cracks the kernels allowing the mold to thrive. While the mold itself is relatively harmless, aflatoxin is “a known carcinogen that will produce liver cancer,” said Donald G. White, University of Illinois associate professor of plant pathology.
Peanuts also have aflatoxins.
Tell me it’s the vaccines without telling me it’s the vaccines
There is NO DR. HOUSE, no one cares like they do on freaking scrubs. Our medical community is much more like the Reavers from Firefly than helpful or human.
Reavers aka our medical industry right now:
It's not just autism, and it's not just environmental.
Men and women as a group have essentially the same average IQ, but the standard deviations for IQ are wildly different between the sexes.
The most profoundly gifted 1% of the population are overwhelmingly male. The most profoundly retarded 1% of the population are overwhelmingly male.
Although the average IQ for (white) men and women is 100, in the 130-150 IQ range, males outnumber females 2.5:1.
Although the average IQ varies across races, the standard deviations in male/female IQs are still wildly different between the sexes.
Although you could possibly argue that higher male non-autism retardation rates are higher for men due to environmental could that explain higher male 'gifted IQ' rates as well? Beneficial poisoning? The difference in the IQ standard deviations between men and women appears to be genetic.
Interesting points to ponder. Thanks for the brain candy.
THEY PUT IT IN OUR TEETH! easy access to the blood stream and constantly experiencing "change of environment/chemical changes from eating food. I have had some fall out as well so unsure what that might be like in the digestives.
That doesn't explain what happened to me over 60 years ago. There were no infant shots at all back then.
No, but we were being bombarded with pesticides pretty much unregulated. DDT was actually sprayed on kids.
I never had anything sprayed on me.
I think the spraying were rare incidents that occurred in more condensed urban areas and tropical foreign populations under the guise of mosquito abatement. They were spraying that crap on everything and everywhere. The use of pesticides from the 50's into the 70's was pretty much the wild west and there were really no safety studies or regulation. It was not until scientists starting noticing the effects in the environment that they sounded the alarm bell. Look at how long it has taken the Roundup injury cases to make their way through the system. Generations will be effected by just the spraying that has occurred in the last several decades. Unfortunately, DDT and other chemicals not allowed in the US are still being manufactured and used in other countries, so it is still getting into the environment.
The problem is that there are any number of environmental insults that can attack a baby in the womb or a young child to nail it down to just a single offender. But that is no excuse for continuing the insults that we do know, based on numerous studies, are showing a very strong association with these types of conditions. Vaxxines, and the rampant overuse of pesticides and herbicides are some of those insults. I cannot explain what may have been the straw that broke the camel's back in your particular case, but we do know that these insults are linked to so much suffering - but yet we continue to subject innocent people to these insults. I pray for you peace and wellness fren. Thank you for sharing.
I tend to blame fluoride overall.
There could be other reasons too.
I think that female brains tend to have slightly more long range connections and are slightly more integrated. I think they have a more effective bridge (corpus callosum) between the hemispheres too.
Since people with autism tend to have shorter and more local connections ( leading to our lack of sensory integration and specialisation in detail) then females may be more resistant to expressing autism.
Certainly autism tends to be diagnosed later in females, often just before the teenage years when the girls show social anxiety or eating disorders, which are sometimes connected to autism in girls.
There is a theory by Simon Baron Cohen along these lines. Autism is the "extreme male brain"
I think this theory is crude and oversimplifying, but there is something there.
There seems to be a testosterone connection as well as stated in the OP. Females that have more testosterone seems to explain why some of them have autism like the boys.
I definitely believe this is a huge player. I have an autistic son who has never had a vaccine so there are definitely other factors at play though.
Also circumcision. Damaging to the brain and body.
Boron and tamarind removes fluoride
Any studies in the cause of bipolar?