I'm getting frustrated by all of these doctors focusing on very specific vaccine injuries when the truth is that anyone who's been jabbed even once, now has spike proteins damaging ALL of their organs and creating blood clots everywhere AND they have VAIDS for fuck sake!
Every organ is being attacked. Stop looking so surprised!
Great analogy! Somebody in another department at our clinic is having surgery tomorrow for a brain tumor that suddenly developed over the last month or so. She is “vaxxed” and “boosted” and kept telling me and my coworker that we needed to get the vax ourselves. We kept telling her why we weren’t and why the clot shot is so terrible but she never listened and I doubt she’s connected the dots despite her recent diagnosis. 🤷🏼♀️
Specialization lends them to not know much outside of it. Rampant hatred of tbe medical system running around here fails to see the good it is capable of.
Their credibility within their own wheelhouses is what will make a case that cannot be argued against. This is why those with much to lose are personally attacking these doctors and scientists - because they are prominent in their respective fields and their words do have weight. If these brave scientists and clinicians can break down the narrative, it will be through their specialties. We have to start somewhere in a very specific way rather than generalizations. Otherwise, all the disagreement is nothing more than opinions. The mechanisms and the results must be thoroughly detailed and explained so as to not leave room for credible challenges. Once there is a hole in the dam, what happens next is just a matter of time.
Rampant hatred of tbe medical system running around here fails to see the good it is capable of.
This isn't true at all. I currently have an amazing doctor, but she is in private practice and I pay out of pocket -- for a reason.
Before that I wasted 7 years being misdiagnosed by 4 neurologists, including the top neurologist at Northwestern Medicine, I was hospitalized 6 times, had repeat brain MRIs, 3 stress echos, CTs, tons of bloodwork, a spinal tap, endless Rx thrown at me -- I wasted thousands and thousands of $$$ on these idiot doctors.
I am truly grateful for my current doctor, but she is ONE genuine doctor out of at least 20 morons who misdiagnosed me or gaslit me or wrote me off or read scans wrong or flat out lied to me. The medical BUSINESS is a fucking scam designed to drain $$$ out of you.
I had surgery over a year ago for a debilitating disease that robbed me of a year of life with my family. The doctors that diagnosed me, my surgeon, and all the specialty doctors/surgeons that have put in the time and research for this very specific and specialized surgery, are all my hero’s and I will defend them until I’m blue in the face. Having said that, I do come across some really ignorant doctors in my line of work and it’s horrifying that people’s health are being put into their hands.
When you specialize in something, you are narrowly and uniquely qualified to make statements about those specific things.
Just like I don't trust Bill Gates, for example, to tell me about diseases or whatever, I also wouldn't trust you -- No offense -- but the person who is specialized and specifically qualified is the one who gets the trust.
Basically, he is not qualified to make statements outside of his expertise, and to essentially lambast him over it is silly, as the real key is to have different specialists from different backgrounds calling all these things out.
Another example is that I wouldn't trust a video game developer to tell me how to design microcode for a processor.
Our job is to organize and disseminate that information.
McCullough talks about everything, including organ damage from spike. He talks about heart damage most because he's a cardiologist, but he's talked about other organ damage, embolisms, clotting, neurological problems, etc. He's even talked about Event 201. McCullough is probably the most important doctor speaking out because of his intelligence, knowledge, credibility, courage and compassion.
He didn't take the covid jab. He was referring to the traditional vaccines. Also, McCullough has done his research on the Davos group, the Great Reset, etc., but he has a public persona to protect. He's playing a certain role, which is to be the most "credible" by-the-book public doctor that people from both sides can turn to for evidence-based answers. He can't talk about things, speculate about things - even if it's obvious, unless he has proof to back his claims. The books he recommends on his podcast, show that he is aware of all the major conspiracies. Regarding the jab effects, he's just waiting for the data, which lags behind, before he can speak about them.
100% sure. People misinterpreted what he said during the Joe Rogan interview. All he was doing was trying to show that he's not against vaccines in general and that he's even taken the flu shot. https://www.americaoutloud.com/covid-q-a-with-dr-peter-mccullough-12/ skip to 8:40
Heart muscle does not recover. Oh but wait... Moderna was working on an mRNA drug to increase blood flow to damaged areas of the heart to encourage better function. What are the odds?
They also already have these drugs, which are being prescribed for blood clots. I can't remember the name, but Pfizer has been making millions on it already.
Yup. This was all planned in advance. We have all known this since the beginning of this scam. But those like McCullough are still going through the process of redpllling about the very industries they have been intimately acquainted with their entire careers. I went into health care with my eyes open, so I cannot relate to what they must be going through. These are tough pills to swallow. But, I appreciate that they are willing to put everything on the line in order to speak truth and try to set the record straight.
Bones, I believe that is called informed consent. Such a novel concept and yes, they should be doing this with every patient. Oh but wait.... people are not going to their doctors to get jabbed. They are going to the drug store, parking lots, convention and shopping centers to get their poison and never speaking to a "qualified" health care professional because the talking heads on their smartphones and TVs tell them they don't have to.
Those nano components and the graphene oxide are another issue altogether, and even though we have some pretty good anecdotal studies that are pointing in that direction, there still is nothing definitive. Therefore, the providers cannot be held responsible for what they themselves were not informed of. That is solely upon those that manufactured and allowed this to move forward without the proper testing and verifications. But, that is no excuse for providers not to do their own due diligence on the information that is available.
This is new technology. That alone would not allow me to advise a patient to subject themselves to it - no matter what the hell the new drug or technology is. Anything like that must be decided on a case by case basis that weighs the risks versus the benefits. That was not done here. As far as those receiving the jabs, many never went to a "qualified" provider to even ask questions. Those that received the shots at the hands of their own PCP are in the minority. That is not saying that even if they did inquire that they would have gotten any decent answers, but many did not even bother. They just drove up to a tent, rolled up their sleeve and stuck their arm out the car window. No fuss, no muss, and then on with their day - that is until it slammed them upside the head.
Therefore, I am not laying this disaster solely at the feet of misinformed zombie providers even though they are playing a huge role in this scam. But, without the cooperation of the public, even they would not have been able to pull this off. There is a public responsibility for allowing someone else to override common sense. The whole idea of allowing a total stranger to inject some new unproven technology into my arm just on its face is completely insane if my life was not in immediate danger. If someone is going to be a guinea pig, that it on them and is no excuse due to the information that they lacked. Especially now when they all know there are others out here that have different opinions. That is why we have to keep getting the information out there Bones. It is not just for their survival, but ours as well.
There was a post from someone on twitter with a video of somebody reporting that people who have not received covid shots are 300x more likely to get mycarditis than people who got the shots (supposedly CDC data). This was based purely on the numbers of shots given, so I don't know what the real comparison is, but any of the "normies" seeing that guys video are going to think, "Wow, those people who won't get the covid shots are willing to accept that increased risk?" I think it's a matter of the selective statistics they like to use to support their cause. The risk of myocarditis to children must be extremely higher for those who get the shots, but CDC, where the 300x factor comes from, isn't going to get down to that level of analysis for distribution. We really are in a battle of information. If it's spiked proteins of covid that cause myocarditis and other issues, then it actually makes sense that people who get covid, like me, are more likely to suffer the effects of the spiked proteins than people who get the shots, since the spike protein load of someone fully infected with covid is MUCH higher (order of magnitude higher?) than for someone who only got covid shots. The bigger unknown is the effects of the mRNA technology on long-term health.
You are right about the battle for information. The problem with CDC reporting is always in the details of the data that is missed in the headlines. Most people in our 6 second sound bite society will not take the time to go much beyond the headlines and possibly the first two paragraphs of any story - no matter what it is. The CDC along with other organizations, like the WHO, do put a great deal of information out there - it is just that no one reads it. They know this about people and utilize it to their advantage. Later, when the crap hits the fan, the CDC and the WHO can claim innocence because the information was there. These people are evil but they are not stupid.
If you could find the specific link for that reporting I would like to take a look at it. Thanks
I just checked my twitter page and I don't know if it is possible to find that post since it was a re-post by someone, and I don't even know who re-posted it. Sorry! (I should have thought to cut and paste the link at the time)
That is okay fren. Thank you for taking the time to look for it. I will keep my eyes open if it should pop up somewhere else. I know about losing these items since we are looking at so many things all the time. We truly are the news!
Can you imagine what they would be getting away with if the internet had not been invented? (of course, the alternative is that without the social media and rampant fake news of the internet, they wouldn't be able to fool as many people)
True. The internet has been a blessing and a curse at the same time. I was doing research when I had to dig information out of the libraries, journals, and public records. The information has always been there for anyone that wanted to take the time to find it. Therein is the key. It takes time to find those pieces and then put them together. This is why I like this forum so much. There are so many of us that have pieces that others may not have and we can come together to try and make sense out of it all. Have a great rest of your day fren.
You can edit your comment anytime. Hit the edit button below your comment, add or fix what you want and click save. I don't mess with why I am editing, it gives you some box, I ignore that and just hit save.
I'm getting frustrated by all of these doctors focusing on very specific vaccine injuries when the truth is that anyone who's been jabbed even once, now has spike proteins damaging ALL of their organs and creating blood clots everywhere AND they have VAIDS for fuck sake!
Every organ is being attacked. Stop looking so surprised!
If they are specialists in a particular field though, it makes sense. McCullough is a cardiologist
I'm not a medical specialist in any field and their ignorance is breathtaking.
Very true.
It's human nature I think, you may know the truth but it does no good to yell at those who are asleep.
*.. everyone who belongs to truth listens to My voice. "What is truth?" *
Unfortunately our society, especially medical, is built on top of a foundation of obfuscation.
Superb analogy.
Great analogy! Somebody in another department at our clinic is having surgery tomorrow for a brain tumor that suddenly developed over the last month or so. She is “vaxxed” and “boosted” and kept telling me and my coworker that we needed to get the vax ourselves. We kept telling her why we weren’t and why the clot shot is so terrible but she never listened and I doubt she’s connected the dots despite her recent diagnosis. 🤷🏼♀️
Dude, McCullough has been fighting the good fight. He’s not just waking-up. Focus your anger 👍🏽
Specialization lends them to not know much outside of it. Rampant hatred of tbe medical system running around here fails to see the good it is capable of.
Their credibility within their own wheelhouses is what will make a case that cannot be argued against. This is why those with much to lose are personally attacking these doctors and scientists - because they are prominent in their respective fields and their words do have weight. If these brave scientists and clinicians can break down the narrative, it will be through their specialties. We have to start somewhere in a very specific way rather than generalizations. Otherwise, all the disagreement is nothing more than opinions. The mechanisms and the results must be thoroughly detailed and explained so as to not leave room for credible challenges. Once there is a hole in the dam, what happens next is just a matter of time.
This isn't true at all. I currently have an amazing doctor, but she is in private practice and I pay out of pocket -- for a reason.
Before that I wasted 7 years being misdiagnosed by 4 neurologists, including the top neurologist at Northwestern Medicine, I was hospitalized 6 times, had repeat brain MRIs, 3 stress echos, CTs, tons of bloodwork, a spinal tap, endless Rx thrown at me -- I wasted thousands and thousands of $$$ on these idiot doctors.
I am truly grateful for my current doctor, but she is ONE genuine doctor out of at least 20 morons who misdiagnosed me or gaslit me or wrote me off or read scans wrong or flat out lied to me. The medical BUSINESS is a fucking scam designed to drain $$$ out of you.
I had surgery over a year ago for a debilitating disease that robbed me of a year of life with my family. The doctors that diagnosed me, my surgeon, and all the specialty doctors/surgeons that have put in the time and research for this very specific and specialized surgery, are all my hero’s and I will defend them until I’m blue in the face. Having said that, I do come across some really ignorant doctors in my line of work and it’s horrifying that people’s health are being put into their hands.
I don't think you know how this works though.
When you specialize in something, you are narrowly and uniquely qualified to make statements about those specific things.
Just like I don't trust Bill Gates, for example, to tell me about diseases or whatever, I also wouldn't trust you -- No offense -- but the person who is specialized and specifically qualified is the one who gets the trust.
Basically, he is not qualified to make statements outside of his expertise, and to essentially lambast him over it is silly, as the real key is to have different specialists from different backgrounds calling all these things out.
Another example is that I wouldn't trust a video game developer to tell me how to design microcode for a processor.
Our job is to organize and disseminate that information.
How can you say that?! Look at all the diplomas he has on his wall!
McCullough talks about everything, including organ damage from spike. He talks about heart damage most because he's a cardiologist, but he's talked about other organ damage, embolisms, clotting, neurological problems, etc. He's even talked about Event 201. McCullough is probably the most important doctor speaking out because of his intelligence, knowledge, credibility, courage and compassion.
I do believe cardiology is a subspecialty of internal medicine.
He didn't take the covid jab. He was referring to the traditional vaccines. Also, McCullough has done his research on the Davos group, the Great Reset, etc., but he has a public persona to protect. He's playing a certain role, which is to be the most "credible" by-the-book public doctor that people from both sides can turn to for evidence-based answers. He can't talk about things, speculate about things - even if it's obvious, unless he has proof to back his claims. The books he recommends on his podcast, show that he is aware of all the major conspiracies. Regarding the jab effects, he's just waiting for the data, which lags behind, before he can speak about them.
If he does not base what he claims on the real data, he is just another guy with an opinion.
TY, the reactionaries here are angry at the wrong target.
100% sure. People misinterpreted what he said during the Joe Rogan interview. All he was doing was trying to show that he's not against vaccines in general and that he's even taken the flu shot. https://www.americaoutloud.com/covid-q-a-with-dr-peter-mccullough-12/ skip to 8:40
In what essential way is this different from lacking the courage to speak the full truth that one knows?
Isn't failure to speak the full truth at the root of this mess we have in the world of lies and misinformation?
Where would we be if people had the courage to speak truth and did so regularly?
Heart muscle does not recover. Oh but wait... Moderna was working on an mRNA drug to increase blood flow to damaged areas of the heart to encourage better function. What are the odds?
They also already have these drugs, which are being prescribed for blood clots. I can't remember the name, but Pfizer has been making millions on it already.
Yup. This was all planned in advance. We have all known this since the beginning of this scam. But those like McCullough are still going through the process of redpllling about the very industries they have been intimately acquainted with their entire careers. I went into health care with my eyes open, so I cannot relate to what they must be going through. These are tough pills to swallow. But, I appreciate that they are willing to put everything on the line in order to speak truth and try to set the record straight.
You need a new doctor.
My doctor flat out said you will die of covid with no vaccine. I laughed snd said no.
"Ye shall not surely die!" - me, handing you a tube of apple flavored ivermectin and telling you it'll be ok
Bones, I believe that is called informed consent. Such a novel concept and yes, they should be doing this with every patient. Oh but wait.... people are not going to their doctors to get jabbed. They are going to the drug store, parking lots, convention and shopping centers to get their poison and never speaking to a "qualified" health care professional because the talking heads on their smartphones and TVs tell them they don't have to.
Those nano components and the graphene oxide are another issue altogether, and even though we have some pretty good anecdotal studies that are pointing in that direction, there still is nothing definitive. Therefore, the providers cannot be held responsible for what they themselves were not informed of. That is solely upon those that manufactured and allowed this to move forward without the proper testing and verifications. But, that is no excuse for providers not to do their own due diligence on the information that is available.
This is new technology. That alone would not allow me to advise a patient to subject themselves to it - no matter what the hell the new drug or technology is. Anything like that must be decided on a case by case basis that weighs the risks versus the benefits. That was not done here. As far as those receiving the jabs, many never went to a "qualified" provider to even ask questions. Those that received the shots at the hands of their own PCP are in the minority. That is not saying that even if they did inquire that they would have gotten any decent answers, but many did not even bother. They just drove up to a tent, rolled up their sleeve and stuck their arm out the car window. No fuss, no muss, and then on with their day - that is until it slammed them upside the head.
Therefore, I am not laying this disaster solely at the feet of misinformed zombie providers even though they are playing a huge role in this scam. But, without the cooperation of the public, even they would not have been able to pull this off. There is a public responsibility for allowing someone else to override common sense. The whole idea of allowing a total stranger to inject some new unproven technology into my arm just on its face is completely insane if my life was not in immediate danger. If someone is going to be a guinea pig, that it on them and is no excuse due to the information that they lacked. Especially now when they all know there are others out here that have different opinions. That is why we have to keep getting the information out there Bones. It is not just for their survival, but ours as well.
Have a great and blessed day Bones!
Long term payouts for medical treatments to Big Pharma. May they all be damned to hell.
Crimes against humanity.
There was a post from someone on twitter with a video of somebody reporting that people who have not received covid shots are 300x more likely to get mycarditis than people who got the shots (supposedly CDC data). This was based purely on the numbers of shots given, so I don't know what the real comparison is, but any of the "normies" seeing that guys video are going to think, "Wow, those people who won't get the covid shots are willing to accept that increased risk?" I think it's a matter of the selective statistics they like to use to support their cause. The risk of myocarditis to children must be extremely higher for those who get the shots, but CDC, where the 300x factor comes from, isn't going to get down to that level of analysis for distribution. We really are in a battle of information. If it's spiked proteins of covid that cause myocarditis and other issues, then it actually makes sense that people who get covid, like me, are more likely to suffer the effects of the spiked proteins than people who get the shots, since the spike protein load of someone fully infected with covid is MUCH higher (order of magnitude higher?) than for someone who only got covid shots. The bigger unknown is the effects of the mRNA technology on long-term health.
You are right about the battle for information. The problem with CDC reporting is always in the details of the data that is missed in the headlines. Most people in our 6 second sound bite society will not take the time to go much beyond the headlines and possibly the first two paragraphs of any story - no matter what it is. The CDC along with other organizations, like the WHO, do put a great deal of information out there - it is just that no one reads it. They know this about people and utilize it to their advantage. Later, when the crap hits the fan, the CDC and the WHO can claim innocence because the information was there. These people are evil but they are not stupid.
If you could find the specific link for that reporting I would like to take a look at it. Thanks
I just checked my twitter page and I don't know if it is possible to find that post since it was a re-post by someone, and I don't even know who re-posted it. Sorry! (I should have thought to cut and paste the link at the time)
That is okay fren. Thank you for taking the time to look for it. I will keep my eyes open if it should pop up somewhere else. I know about losing these items since we are looking at so many things all the time. We truly are the news!
Can you imagine what they would be getting away with if the internet had not been invented? (of course, the alternative is that without the social media and rampant fake news of the internet, they wouldn't be able to fool as many people)
True. The internet has been a blessing and a curse at the same time. I was doing research when I had to dig information out of the libraries, journals, and public records. The information has always been there for anyone that wanted to take the time to find it. Therein is the key. It takes time to find those pieces and then put them together. This is why I like this forum so much. There are so many of us that have pieces that others may not have and we can come together to try and make sense out of it all. Have a great rest of your day fren.
A Doctor's Remorse.
Thank you.
Try searching for, it worked for me in DDG
Dr Peter McCullough puberty heart damage
I hit save by mistake
You can edit your comment anytime. Hit the edit button below your comment, add or fix what you want and click save. I don't mess with why I am editing, it gives you some box, I ignore that and just hit save.
Yeah, I was in a hurry, on a small device... it was easier. Thanks tho
Who could have predicted this phenomenon? 🤷🏻♂️