I also realize the Dan Scavino's March 7th tweet ends with a "...". The video is Trump talking about $7 gas if Biden wins. Shouldn't it be "Promises Made. Promises Kept" since Trump's prediction came true?
However, Scavino uses a "..." which implies more to come or a promise that has not yet been fulfilled. It would imply the phrase is not actually about the video.
I think it ties to Q post #3040 and "Promsies (soon-to-be) kept"?
That one was also has the Russian Collusion meme. If you look at it, Durham proved it was all a lie with those drops in February about the tech executive.
It is a great catch. But if it refers to Trump keeping promises, I think we are a year out. Trump could step into the WH in 2023, and still serve another 4 year term.
People unironically posting 4 year deltas is not where I saw the Q community going back in Fall of 2017. Literally months away from "5 year deltas"... Fuck me
Don’t know why this guy is getting down voted. It’s a fact that the more time that passes, the less of this shit can get reversed, and the more shit gets continually swept under the rug.
Do you really think in 5 years, even if nothing happens, anybody will even acknowledge any of the swamp creatures that have “resigned” and gone into hiding this year, only to poke their head out later?
I believe SOLEMNLY in Q and the plan and I am growing more and more confident every day that these things are converging. I KNOW NCSWIC, but what if something CSWIC? Then we need to be smart intelligent people and think of the next smartest plan of action for ourselves, at least as individuals. Like I said, I believe there is a plan, but to say “there is no point in time at which I would determine the plan failed” is actual lunacy, because you could be sitting here for decades until your death.
Deltas can be viewed that way, yes, except that Q instructed us very specifically to use the deltas. The whole concept of it is brilliant, actually. Q tells us to look at specific people to post messages with deltas that have very specific content related to Q posts. They ask over and over "How many coincidences until it's impossible?". Yes, people can always see patterns in things, but the specific alignment with which the posts always seem to line up, and the fact that, if you've read Q's posts front to back, Q gave specific instructions on COMMS. It's true - even a handful of those coincidences can be written off, but there are too many specific and highly contextual instances.
The time traveling stuff I write off. Much of the crazy shit I write off. What I do not write off is Q's own words and what they have said and specifically instructed. Nobody here invented deltas. Deltas were instructed by Q, and then the correct usage of them was also confirmed by Q.
Erm...there’s all of like 7 social media accounts that actually matter and nearly 100% of the time they make a very random cryptic seeming post on social media, its time stamp in military time lines up contextually with its associated Q drop...you’re also discounting the fact that Q told us about Truth Social in 2017, and the fact that the Q account is on Truth, registered before anybody, and posts things that demonstrate somebody extremely well versed in Q posts on that account.
Sorry bud but your message reads a lot like somebody who hasn’t even read the Q posts. Did you just come from patriots.win like yesterday? You should take a read.
Go to qagg.news, sort the posts first to last, and just read them. They ask questions and you’re intended to answer them by doing research and asking the right questions back. You can view the consensus answers on the same site, there’s a button for it.
EDIT: lol...I just read through some comment history of yours...nah I don’t think you’re a doomer at all. You’re a clear and obvious shill. The only reason you’d ever be on a .win is because you either came from Reddit or got pissed off at people trying to trigger you on 4chan. You know you’re going to lose right? Now that you’re outed, unless you care to defend yourself, I REALLY recommend you read Q’s posts and responses. :) You’re in for a fuckening, bud. “Dont jump!” when things come to fruition! ;)
Why would the NYT admit that the laptop from hell indeed exists unless they know for sure he is going down & they quickly got to get on the right side of history before it is too late?
Meanwhile the whole Putin/ Ukraine ordeal began 6 months later & Putin claims to have found US biolabs!
Also, there's the John Durham investigation, 3 have already been charged, big names by the summer (In the 80's Durham took down the Genovese, Gambino and Patriarca crime families. In the 90's the Winter Hill Gang in Boston.)
There's many states moving to reverse the vote. This could include legal work by Sydney Powell, Rudy Gulini & others which imply it was a coordinated conspiracy orchestrated overseas. Again more treason. When Lindsey Graham was interviewing Judge Kavanaugh for the supreme court he spent his entire time quizzing him on an obscure law about citizens being treated like enemy combatants when they commit treason.
Now everything else is coming together at the same time. Even without considering anything from Q it does seem like there is a plan in place doesn't it?
He ended up not needing anything thank goodness. But we had a few close calls with tornadoes last night and wind gusts at times was pretty strong. We made it through fine and thankfully we had no damage, though I'm sure we will hear about what was damaged in the county on the evening news.
We're on the coast southeast of Houston. Our kids are in the San Marcos area.
Did you see the video of the red pickup that got caught in the tornado? Was really wild...flipped on it's side and spun around several times and then picked up and set right side up. The guy immediately floored it and sped out harm's way! Wondering about the person coming in the opposite direction that filmed the entire thing. I think it was the tornado near Round Rock.
We're good. We're almost to New Braunfels, so not far from your kids. We got some hail but no damage. Yes, I read the pickup truck was in Round Rock, north of Austin.
It's really hard to not be cynical at this point.. but look at what is happening Globally... The big bad RUSSIA is "invading" the poor innocent just want to be free UKRAINE... and so many people, even normies, are just not buying it.
It is also serving a purpose of what so many of those normies have now been somewhat exposed to.. and that is that the Bidens are up to their necks in the corrupt factions of Ukraine.
Even this deep rabbit hole diver had no knowledge of the Western Ukraine Nazis and.. and so much more.
I believe it all depends on whether or not God is finished raining judgment on multiple countries by allowing us to be subjugated and humiliated by the vilest human scum on earth. If He's done letting God-hating civilians reap what they have sown (while the rest of us suffer alongside) then maybe the child raping idiots in government will finally be stripped of their power.
Note: As a Marine No Longer Subject to Reville, I very much believe that what's been shown lately about our military is the imposters who've put on the uniform being pulled out from undercover and displayed so that when the culling happens in the uniformed services, people will understand why.
This infestation is in all the services, USMC included. But by displaying them for what they are, they can be neutralized when The Storm goes live and "in your face".
To all my true brothers and sisters, both of the tribe and other branches:
Stay Frosty.
Stay Ready.
Watch Your Assigned Sector.
Great catch! Dear Lord, let it be “this” March
I also realize the Dan Scavino's March 7th tweet ends with a "...". The video is Trump talking about $7 gas if Biden wins. Shouldn't it be "Promises Made. Promises Kept" since Trump's prediction came true?
However, Scavino uses a "..." which implies more to come or a promise that has not yet been fulfilled. It would imply the phrase is not actually about the video.
I think it ties to Q post #3040 and "Promsies (soon-to-be) kept"?
That one was also has the Russian Collusion meme. If you look at it, Durham proved it was all a lie with those drops in February about the tech executive.
So I wonder...
Am hoping the promise wasn't only that there'd be $7/gal. gas.
Not here. Gas has gone below $4 a gallon.
It is a great catch. But if it refers to Trump keeping promises, I think we are a year out. Trump could step into the WH in 2023, and still serve another 4 year term.
We're seeing a lot play out, and all very happy about it.
If we read Qs first drops. Hillary gets arrested on Mon Oct 30th.
The next mon Oct 30th is 2023.
Podesta 11.3 (friday)
Huma 11.6 (monday)
Q post 16, "Friday Sat deliver on MAGA promise"
Q post 34 11/01 "my fellow americans"
Q post 35 "Potus secured on af1"etc
Lots of deltas from Qs first posts take place at this time. If this is the case, the timeline coincides with original drops.
I'm only going off days because of "Monday Oct 30" dual meanings exist. 11.3 LOW 11.6 etc but they could be dates as well.
45 would be POTUS at that time according to the drops.
I hope it won't take that long, but who knows.
OK but I'm not monthfagging this thing
If I’m still here several years from now getting excited about a 9 year delta I’m going to be very, very upset.
People unironically posting 4 year deltas is not where I saw the Q community going back in Fall of 2017. Literally months away from "5 year deltas"... Fuck me
Don’t know why this guy is getting down voted. It’s a fact that the more time that passes, the less of this shit can get reversed, and the more shit gets continually swept under the rug.
Do you really think in 5 years, even if nothing happens, anybody will even acknowledge any of the swamp creatures that have “resigned” and gone into hiding this year, only to poke their head out later?
I believe SOLEMNLY in Q and the plan and I am growing more and more confident every day that these things are converging. I KNOW NCSWIC, but what if something CSWIC? Then we need to be smart intelligent people and think of the next smartest plan of action for ourselves, at least as individuals. Like I said, I believe there is a plan, but to say “there is no point in time at which I would determine the plan failed” is actual lunacy, because you could be sitting here for decades until your death.
Deltas can be viewed that way, yes, except that Q instructed us very specifically to use the deltas. The whole concept of it is brilliant, actually. Q tells us to look at specific people to post messages with deltas that have very specific content related to Q posts. They ask over and over "How many coincidences until it's impossible?". Yes, people can always see patterns in things, but the specific alignment with which the posts always seem to line up, and the fact that, if you've read Q's posts front to back, Q gave specific instructions on COMMS. It's true - even a handful of those coincidences can be written off, but there are too many specific and highly contextual instances.
The time traveling stuff I write off. Much of the crazy shit I write off. What I do not write off is Q's own words and what they have said and specifically instructed. Nobody here invented deltas. Deltas were instructed by Q, and then the correct usage of them was also confirmed by Q.
Erm...there’s all of like 7 social media accounts that actually matter and nearly 100% of the time they make a very random cryptic seeming post on social media, its time stamp in military time lines up contextually with its associated Q drop...you’re also discounting the fact that Q told us about Truth Social in 2017, and the fact that the Q account is on Truth, registered before anybody, and posts things that demonstrate somebody extremely well versed in Q posts on that account.
Sorry bud but your message reads a lot like somebody who hasn’t even read the Q posts. Did you just come from patriots.win like yesterday? You should take a read.
Go to qagg.news, sort the posts first to last, and just read them. They ask questions and you’re intended to answer them by doing research and asking the right questions back. You can view the consensus answers on the same site, there’s a button for it.
EDIT: lol...I just read through some comment history of yours...nah I don’t think you’re a doomer at all. You’re a clear and obvious shill. The only reason you’d ever be on a .win is because you either came from Reddit or got pissed off at people trying to trigger you on 4chan. You know you’re going to lose right? Now that you’re outed, unless you care to defend yourself, I REALLY recommend you read Q’s posts and responses. :) You’re in for a fuckening, bud. “Dont jump!” when things come to fruition! ;)
What is
LOL Q used to be legit...
but NOW is a psy op!
That might be literally the dumbest doomer-spew I've ever seen.
Why would a clever genius larping spy conduct a psy op by exposing the crimes and treason and treachery and secret plans of his handlers?
And why would Trump not have disavowed totally by now?
Why would the NYT admit that the laptop from hell indeed exists unless they know for sure he is going down & they quickly got to get on the right side of history before it is too late?
That laptop doesn't just have enough child porn on it to disgust the most hardened investigator it has contains zillions of treasonable crimes with China & Ukraine by him & his father but this one takes the cake: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/kevindowneyjr/2021/06/28/breaking-hunter-bidens-firm-funded-company-that-partnered-with-wuhan-bat-research-n1457874
Meanwhile the whole Putin/ Ukraine ordeal began 6 months later & Putin claims to have found US biolabs!
Also, there's the John Durham investigation, 3 have already been charged, big names by the summer (In the 80's Durham took down the Genovese, Gambino and Patriarca crime families. In the 90's the Winter Hill Gang in Boston.)
There's many states moving to reverse the vote. This could include legal work by Sydney Powell, Rudy Gulini & others which imply it was a coordinated conspiracy orchestrated overseas. Again more treason. When Lindsey Graham was interviewing Judge Kavanaugh for the supreme court he spent his entire time quizzing him on an obscure law about citizens being treated like enemy combatants when they commit treason.
Now everything else is coming together at the same time. Even without considering anything from Q it does seem like there is a plan in place doesn't it?
Don't lose hope <3
You are gonna love the 10 year anniversary excitement
Here we are in March Madness. Storms ahead in April?
April showers?
April showers often become storms.
Heck we are suppose to get storms all afternoon and night in Alabama today. Let’s do this! ⛈
We just had our storms blow through in Texas...small hail and horizontal rain only lasted a couple of minutes and then normal rain thankfully.
Now ready for the REAL storm! ⚡
That is probably the storm we are about to get here. I’m in south Bama. If it’s bad I may have to give my pup some Benadryl to help calm him.
Try the "Thunder shirt" for dogs...heard they work well. 🙏
He ended up not needing anything thank goodness. But we had a few close calls with tornadoes last night and wind gusts at times was pretty strong. We made it through fine and thankfully we had no damage, though I'm sure we will hear about what was damaged in the county on the evening news.
Joy, where are you in Texas? I'm near SA.
We're on the coast southeast of Houston. Our kids are in the San Marcos area.
Did you see the video of the red pickup that got caught in the tornado? Was really wild...flipped on it's side and spun around several times and then picked up and set right side up. The guy immediately floored it and sped out harm's way! Wondering about the person coming in the opposite direction that filmed the entire thing. I think it was the tornado near Round Rock.
Hope y'all are ok...
We're good. We're almost to New Braunfels, so not far from your kids. We got some hail but no damage. Yes, I read the pickup truck was in Round Rock, north of Austin.
Stay safe. I’d rather see the storms to clean up the deep state.
Thanks fren, me too. Just hope we don’t get any tornadoes🤞
Georgia too!
true, and also think it's an inside Q joke.
scroll down for JFK Jr. and 'April Showers'
story^ is reminiscent of the Steele dossier/DJT and Russian prostitute.
April Storms bring May flowers?
Days left I March... My cynical view is that nothing will happen. The only promise I hold onto is that of the promises made by my Heavenly Father.
It's really hard to not be cynical at this point.. but look at what is happening Globally... The big bad RUSSIA is "invading" the poor innocent just want to be free UKRAINE... and so many people, even normies, are just not buying it.
It is also serving a purpose of what so many of those normies have now been somewhat exposed to.. and that is that the Bidens are up to their necks in the corrupt factions of Ukraine.
Even this deep rabbit hole diver had no knowledge of the Western Ukraine Nazis and.. and so much more.
Reeeally going out on a limb there anon
LOL I'm not monthfagging this either. If stuff is expected to occur in March, that means it won't be in March.
It's 2022 so any other month that wants to identify as March is perfectly allowed to do so.
Gonna use that one.
Whatever day trump ends up back in the office will just identify as 1/20/2020
I believe it all depends on whether or not God is finished raining judgment on multiple countries by allowing us to be subjugated and humiliated by the vilest human scum on earth. If He's done letting God-hating civilians reap what they have sown (while the rest of us suffer alongside) then maybe the child raping idiots in government will finally be stripped of their power.
Promises made, promises kept.
Note: As a Marine No Longer Subject to Reville, I very much believe that what's been shown lately about our military is the imposters who've put on the uniform being pulled out from undercover and displayed so that when the culling happens in the uniformed services, people will understand why.
This infestation is in all the services, USMC included. But by displaying them for what they are, they can be neutralized when The Storm goes live and "in your face".
To all my true brothers and sisters, both of the tribe and other branches:
Stay Frosty. Stay Ready. Watch Your Assigned Sector.
Semper Fi.
Cool, but we are running out of March....... AGAIN. This ain’t my first march sonny... LOL.
He promised $8 per gallon gas..
That's the marker.
agree. Waiting.
Nice connections, fren.
More Hopium? I am no doubter... I'm in it for the long haul...
Is the new Q same as the old Q ?
Dunno yet. See praying medic podcast for truth @q
I believe the current Q has already said that he was NOT the real Q. But who really knows
The "current Q" or the persons we all know as Q has been silent since Dec 2020. So, not to my knowledge
You new here?
I am agreeing