DailyMail broke the story: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10639767/Sarah-Lawrence-sex-cult-trial.html
ZeroHedge article about the leak: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/sarah-lawrence-sex-cult-prostitution-client-list-accidentally-leaks-includes-hedge-fund
Feel free to dispense redpills in this superstonk thread patriots: https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tkb0fl/doj_accidentally_releases_names_involved_in_sex/
And heres a highly rated comment from that thread linking this sex cult leak to pizzagate. Normies are waking up.
You remember years back when people were all bent out of shape over the conspiracy about Hollywood's elites having used children in ritual weird shit? I've always felt hollyweird has some serious skeletons, but can you imagine if even half of that shit is true?! We might inadvertently clean up the entire country. The political families of elitists who run the country with the bankers could very well all be under the microscope now. Hopefully.
I just find it odd that in the last year there have been several "conspiracy theories" that have turned out to be legitimate. And thats fucking terrifying. Cuz what if some of the more fucked up ones are true too? Just got the chills.
Sex cult ring-leader Larry Ray is a well-known New York scammer with a murky past. In addition to spending times behind bars for his role in a securities fraud scam, he has worked on Wall Street, owned nightclubs, been an FBI informant and inserted himself in into powerful networks by brokering meetings.
All I see is GME u/#updoot
Yeah, GME took off yesterday after a post on r/wallstreetbets.
Amazing how people don’t consider how easy the meme stocks can be manipulated by a good post.
Very fascinating, actually.
Is this satire? If not, how much do you get paid?
Lmao I know right? Elon can't even pump the meme coins anymore.
Ryan Cohen bought like 100k shares, that's what spiked the price, not a fuckin reddit post.
Thank you. And he did a reverse ladder attack on the lit exchange. That forced the price up.
You are right. I read that this morning after I posted.
The first thing I read was on I think Yahoo that mentioned someone did a price eval, said it was below market value, and posted it to reddit.
That’s even more interesting to me. The guy that wrote the article had to know about Cohen’s purchase. Disinfo is everywhere.
Ryan Cohen is a time traveler. Hes going to take down wall street. What a stud.
Dont believe anything MSM tells you about GME.
Wall Street Bets was completely overrun years ago and is basically run by the hedge funds at this stage. WSB delete any real GME talk.
This is why r/superstonk was created.
Fake and gay. Buy, hold and DRS, you faggot.
Alright, now I know youre a fucking shill.
Uh, no, you're wrong, the price spike was not because of a wsb post.
You are right. See my post above.
This list and the Epstein client list. Release them.
Pasted from the Zerohedge article
Where is the list?
DOJ removed the list already...but the DM article says its already out there on twitter.
I couldn't find it during a quick search. If you find it let us know
Yea, I am on Kun, 4Chan and Twitter.
List doesn't exist where I'm looking.
What's with these people and lists?
Big fans of accounting? 😉
Another Superstonk post:
Well, Megyn Kelly fucked up by giving Aleftonis a platform and not asking him any hard questions. It was strictly damage control. That bitch is needs to go down too.
The hedgies are already having hard enough time suppressing GME and other stocks prices. This will distract them enough to get their eyes off the ball and boom MOASS and they are toast.
Bunch of REEEing on superstonk about posting zerohedge links. "It's russian disinfo site!"
Maxey's research and Hunter's laptop aren't BS. Multiple sources have corroborated, and Hunter's lawyers are preparing for indictment. You're just not satisfied with the timeframe.
I’m 10000% behind this notion but here in Washington state our fraudently elected faggot reps are already bought and paid for. No amount of phone calls will change what their handlers have told them to do. Not dooming but I’ve already done the phone call game, doesn’t have any effect at least in Washington.
Same in California
My fren, please elaborate in detail what must be done in order to stop it. Any information that will result in the feds showing up at my house arresting me will be obviously ignored. I as countless others can only do so much before violence is the only remaining option.
Please go back and reread my first post.
Stop the decodes? Hahahahaha! So cute.
It's afraid.
Cute glowie name. Was MAGAboy9000 taken or something?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit
Gimmie my fucking tendies Kenny you bastard!
Q post #3850 "How do you introduce evidence legally?"
"Accidentally," of course! lol.
Nice to see DOJ had an accident like this when they lose so much other vital info.
Count on it. So much more to come.
Why are pervert sex lists always kosher?