OMFG UKRAINE IS SO UNBELIEVABLY CORRUPT! Zelenskyyyy had this horrible PHONE CALL and conducted "QUID PRO QUO" (like they know what that means) with the abominable criminal called Donald Trump! AAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!! We now need to literally IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES for his dealing with CORRUPT UKRAINE!!
Left wingers in 2022:
OMFG POOR FREEDOM-LOVING UKRAINE! Nobel Peace Prize for Zelenskyyyyyy! We need to SEND THEM 18 BILLION DOLLARS!
Two seconds ago Zelenskyyyyyyyyyyy was irredeemably corrupt and dealing under the table with Trump. Now they've magically been cured of their decades of systemic Vladimir Fucking PUTIN???
No...Ukraine is communist. Zalenskyy is their woke leader, smells like Obama. They’re full of ideologies of lgbt, faggot marriage, pedophilia, child trafficking...all the things commies love. On the other hand, these are the very things Nazis loathe. I know this bc I follow both nazis and commies on telegram, gab. Everyone should.
It does matter, and this is a mistaken assumption based on the use of the word "socialist".
The National Socialist German Worker's Party and The Italian Fascist party were both a REACTION to the rapidly encroaching evil of the red COMMUNIST terror across Europe. Germany was their #1 target, long before, and well after the communist bolshevik takeover of Russia in 1917 - Karl Marx wrote all about it. Italy was their #2 target. Make no mistake who was in the crosshairs.
Both nations rallied government and business resources to counter and prevent the communist influx and eventual takeover.
Are there better ways to go about resisting a fully infiltrated government and business sector? Maybe. But I'm not so sure. Don't forget, we're talking nearly 100 years ago now.
Effectively, National Socialism and Fascism were MILITARY TAKEOVERS of nations infiltrated with communist sympathizers. Not unlike today in the USA. Didn't Q say the "military is the only way"?
You can bet your bottom dollar there are going to be tens of millions that are going to rail against a military takeover if it happens tomorrow. And suffice it to say, amongst the tens of millions will be the people in charge of academic institutions, media outlets, government agencies, etc. Basically, everywhere that the masses get their "information".
The events of WWII are far more complicated than "these are the bad guys and these are the good guys". 5D chess was going on then, as it is now. And 99% of what you've learned from the western academic and media conglomerates was "written by the winners". And said "winners" are 100% the people and forces running every government in the world, save possibly Russia today. The jury is still out on that one.
The cabal absolutely loves when anybody uses their smear words - "fascist", "Nazi" and "anti-semite". And they love it even better when people assume they're the same as "communism". All are being aggressively and continuously programmed into the minds of the sleeping masses in order to deflect from what's actually been happening for millennia.
G. Edward Griffin talked all about this in the late 1960s, reading straight out of the communist handbooks of the time, encouraging their followers and sympathizers to hurl those 3 smear words as often as possible, as they had been fully propagandized into the minds of the masses as representing "evil". Nothing has changed 50 years later. It all still holds true.
Make no mistake, the "leftist ideologies" in 1920s/1930s Europe all contained words like "democratic", "communist", "labor", "liberal". The "National Socialists" and "Fascist" parties were 100% "nationalist ideologies" and sworn enemies of the "leftists".
Why Hitler and his administration chose to use the words "Socialist" and "Workers" in his party I do not know, as these were clearly leftist words. I speculate that this had something to do with them throwing out the international banking cabal and issuing their own government-backed currency. Unlike all the leftist ideologies that CLAIM they're fighting for the "workers", but are not, Germany really did have this in mind in the 1930s and by 1938 had created the most flourishing economy in the entire world after being in deep, deep recession only 5 years earlier.
An astonishing feet to say the least! A feet the international banksters did not want catching on and spreading around the world I might add!! This was likely the main reason they "had to go to war" IMHO.
For the record, I'm not a Hitler apologist or acolyte. I'm a truth seeker and like to understand all sides of the story. Hitler made a lot of mistakes and did a lot of stupid things in the end, which I think were a result of the pressure he was under when it finally dawned on him that he was up against an opponent that could not be defeated under any circumstances. But I will say most of what we've been taught about Hitler and Mussolini are bald-faced lies. Most, but not all.
Whoever/Whatever these so-called "Neo Nazis" are is completely and entirely unrelated to Germany in the 1930s/1940s. Considering the Germans never called themselves "nazis", as this was a smear word like "Jap" or "Gook" heavily used by the international press. If these "neo-nazis" are in lock-step with the installed government of Ukraine, we know who they REALLY are, regardless of the label they or we choose to put on them. I can't think of an easier tactic to deflect blame away from the true puppeteers.
Confusion, deception and propaganda are at an all-time high as we bear witness to the impending collapse of this once all-controlling and consuming matrix of lies. The more ridiculous and outlandish it gets (i.e. supreme court confirmation hearings), the more obvious it becomes.
Saw that many years ago. Since then, I've read a lot of David Irving's books the past 5 years which really crystalized my realization of just how much information has been suppressed and instead replaced with mass propaganda which still masquerades as "truth" for the 99%. Sadly we've still got a long way to go....
I don’t think we will ever reach the point of the truth being fully recognized. We have all been mass programmed, mass hypnotized, fed so much garbage since our own conceptions that the truth will never be mainstream. The truth is too dangerous.
Well I agree It certainly has been historically. However, I think the "truth" is the one thing that will carry us into the future moving forward....which...has nothing to do with war, history, etc. Strictly speaking, said "truth" can be boiled down to two simple words....which this board ain't ready for just yet...
It needs to go out large and far: The Holocaust happened in UKRAINE. This is like literally true. It happened in the USSR and by the bolsheviks, but Ukraine is a mega hotbed of this stuff and people don't realize it. Do the math on how many communist families in USA have direct family ties to Ukraine. It's just unreal. Look at the devil Sabbatai Zevi and where he did his luciferian insanity!
I believe much of Hitler’s mistakes are due to his very extreme use of methamphetamine. PURE METH I might add. He was a major tweaker and try getting solid decision-making from one of them?
Agreed. I've got a buddy that told me about that old German meth. He was a drug user for about 10 years while he was DJing around the world and he said nothing even came close to the high he got from it.
It was probably a bit of both the meth, and the realization that there was a dominant force in the world that could not be "eradicated" no matter what.
„Why Hitler and his administration chose to use the words "Socialist" and "Workers" in his party I do not know, as these were clearly leftist words. ...“
National socialism has nothing to do with the socialism nowadays. Under the term "socialism" we know today, the communist, Marxist agenda is being covertly pushed.
“National Socialism is not a political party, as are the political parties of the United States and Europe. National Socialism is an evolutionary nation repair kit, that makes communism and capitalism as outdated as feudalism.” – Mike Walsh – Hitler Uncensored
Hitler explained in an interview he did with George Viereck in the 1920s:
“Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal (‘weal’ means well-being). Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.”
Fantastic follow-up the_whole_truth. I have read this information in several places, but my understanding of when/where words like "socialist" and "workers" were all shifted to be synonymous with the "Communist Manifesto." It seems to me the change in meaning was accomplished in the early 1920s, but perhaps it was too late for Hitler's cohorts to make a chance to their party name?
The #1 tactic the cabal uses to deceive the masses is indeed the changing of the meaning of words, and/or applying dual-meanings. Emperor Justinian perfected this "art".
Anyway, I appreciate the follow-up as this is one of the primary lacunas in my overall understanding of Post-WWI/Pre-WWII European culture and politics.
I think the true meaning of "socialism" was twisted into the negative with the founding of the first so-called "democratic parties" of modern times. Possibly in other contexts even earlier. Hitler started with this choice of name an attempt to call the true, original meaning of this term back into the consciousness of the people.
Communism and National Socialism were just two sides of the same coin, The same dichotomy between leftists and RINO's. All meant to consolidate power to the top. And both organic 'movements' probablt funded by the Vatican.
Well the power was ALREADY long consolidated to the top in Germany after WWI. Why would they want to threaten that?
The bottom line is, for the cabal, there are no "countries", only "corporations" deceptively called "governments". When Hitler decided to leave the reservation and dump the international banksters, it was game on and the cabal was determined to punish Germany to the fullest extent to ensure nobody else ever tried it again ----JFK didn't get the message.
No, Nazism is faaaar right. Call a neo-Nazi a leftie and he’ll punch you. Fascism and communism aren’t interchangeable and it’s not Nazism that’s the issue in Ukraine. Read comments in this thread for a better understanding.
It's collectivism vs individualism. That's the truth of left verses right. There was nothing right wing in theory about the Nazi party. Tell a lie enough though and dumb asses believe it.
The BIGGEST and HARDEST brainwashing to undo for people will be the realization that:
the nazis are actually khazarian mafia 'jews'
are NOT 'white supremacists' or 'white people' in general
That is a cover to further destroy the white race.
No I'm NOT at all racist. I have a mixed race child and many different races in my family.
This is simply stating fact.
We MUST separate our minds from WHO the actual nazis (ashkenazis) are!
And the REAL 'holocaust' was caused by the bolsheviks in Russia 100 years ago! Over 6mm innocent, non military lives lost.
They are attempting to EXTERMINATE the white race... look no further than the ukrainian bio weapins labs that were developing DNA targeting bioweapons.
Putin is handling his end of the deal with GEOTUS...
The Nazis are actually vatican funded fags, but they completely align with the khazarian mafia (who interbred with roman empires during the Byzantine Empire).
I see so let me get this straight, it was the German Nazi's that created the:
The Federal Reserve,
The Central Bank,
Their enforcers the IRS,
That run pedowood,
That run the fake news,
That run the CIA,
That run MI6,
That run Mossad,
That targets any country that kicks them out for destruction,
That has gotten us into every war in our U.S. History for their grift,
That bombed our buildings on 9/11,
That blew up the Federal building in Oklahoma City on behalf of Hillary,
That caused The Great Depression,
That orchestrated the fake moon landings,
The fake globe,
The fake space station and outer space,
That fund the invasion of the Christian white countries from the worst shitholes in the world,
That turned our Constitutional Republic that represented We The People into we the slaves to endless debt,
Whose cult is Pharisaism i.e. Judaism aka Baal aka Satanists child torturers,
Who killed the Lord,
Who persecuted the prophets,
Who are contrary to all men 1Thess 2:14-15,
Who were kicked out of 100+ countries,
Who are Anti-Christs,
Who Jesus referred to them as children of Satan,
Whom Q said "Nazi Germany is last".
Genesis 12
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, (Jesus) and curse him that curseth thee: (Jesus) and in thee (Jesus) shall all families of the earth be blessed. (believers)
Nowhere in scripture that says we are suppose to follow Satanists and Anti-Christs into hell.
The Old Testament is ALL about the coming CHRIST. Ephesians 2 and Galatians 3 are epic.
Galatians 3:28-29
King James Version
28 There is neither Jew ( Judahite, Israelite) nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Galatians 3:16
“Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.”
There are no Jews. There never was such a race. Today the primary reference of "Jew" is the practice of Judaism which is Baal Satanism. Two passages of scripture below showing the path to eternal life.
John 3:15-17
King James Version
15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Romans 10:9-10
King James Version
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Jews have ruled the "Western world" and its values for more than 100 years. Hitler and the National Socialists brought all their lies to the public at that time. Exactly because of this, Germany had to be defeated at any cost in WW2. Immediately afterwards, the most inconceivable stories (like the Holocaust) were spread about the evil "Nazis" so that the truth would never come to light again. Therefore, the narrative of the evil "Nazis" must also be maintained at all costs. And for this reason the Jews in Ukraine installed the cruel "Azov Battalion" in order to be able to attribute their deeds to the evil "Nazis" if necessary.
There's a difference between Jews and the "International Jews" that Henry Ford wrote about.. He was referring specifically to the Red Shield who has zero issue with both killing Jews and hiding behind the guise of antisemetic bs... Just like there's a difference between Israelites and Jews, the common man with average cognitive ability, can't tell what it is.
There is no such race as "Jew". Abraham was not a Jew, Isaac was not a Jew, Esau and Jacob were not Jews, King David was not a Jew and our Lord Jesus was not a Jew. The word Jew simply did not exist in biblical times. Therefore needs removed from our bibles post AD 1700 because it's a grave error and causes mass confusion. Now Abraham down through Jacob, David, were Hebrew as in Israelites. That was their blood line, that of Abraham. Jews are not a race but a system.
They took the words Judeans, residents of Judea of many different races but mostly Edomites (Esau), and the word Judahites as in the tribe of Judah which Jesus was (Lion of the tribe of Judah) and came up with the word Jew/Jews.
Today the Jew or to be Jewish is to be a practitioner of Judaism. Same as Christian. It does not imply an underlying race. There simply cannot be a person that is "Judeo Christian" or "Christian Jew" or "Messianic Jew". Satanic Anti-Christs and the Lord Jesus don't share the same temple.
If a practicing follower of Judaism converts to Christianity then that person is a Christian no longer a Jew.
From my own studies and experience I'm in agreement with most of this.. The exceptions being that "Jesus" wouldn't be his name, that's a name created and used for very successfully controling a population through their narrative. And that Christ wasn't from the line of Judah because Judah mixed with the locals and his illegitimate sons were killed when he tried to claim them as heirs -he broke the rules. More likely He was from Ephriam or Menassah, either way though, through the line of Joseph.
It's documented in the Old Testament that when Jerusalem fell the artifacts of Levi were stolen from the temple - it is my theory that this is when the very worship practices of Levi were co-opted and transformed in order to hide the truth of the matter. That this is when someone began the claim that they were "God's chosen people" while the true sons and daughters of Jacob were scattered to the corners of the earth and made to forget who they really are.... Until they remember.
Historically, the Nazis and Bolsheviks hated each other as much as Obama and Killary. Even though both groups were socialists, fascist Nazis were national socialists, whereas communist Bolsheviks were international socialists. From a hypothetical either or choice dilemma perspective, I'd rather have nationalism over globalism... explains why many Ukrainians collaborated with the Nazis against the Soviets.
Me too but I embrace truth and the more I do, that journey leaves most behind and not many to walk with. That Matrix movie is a great example of people living in la la land void of the truth. Whoever wrote that script is brilliant.
Do you mean National German Workers Party? I think I get you. It was the vision of Hitler's Germany and from what I'm learning is the word Nazi came from somewhere else? Your thoughts?
Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers Party never called themselves ‘Nazis’. The ‘Nazi’ term is an insult, a slur against them. It was created by Konrad Heiden, a Jewish man who was against the National Socialists.
from what I'm learning is the word Nazi came from somewhere else?
yes this is accurate. it was a derogatory term invented by their political opponents.
In the 1920s, in a bid to associate the NSDAP with the contemptuous colloquial term “Sozi” and the name “Ignatz,” opponents of national socialism tweaked the first part of the party’s
name, (Na)tionalSo(zi)alistische, to coin the term “Nazi” for the socialist party.
No excuse. George Soros is a Jew, but he sold out his Jewish brothers and sisters to the Nazis and pillaged their bank accounts when they died, and he said he would do it again.
A Jew that grossly tolerates Nazis or works with them is just as much as a Nazi as those jackboots.
Exactly. Soros admitted on 60 Minutes that after his Jewish neighbors were rounded up onto concentration camp trains, he accompanied the local Nazis and went house to house taking their possessions. He said it didn't bother his conscience, if it wasn't him, it would have been someone else. proof for your statement.... Secondly...Who's your fucking Morons....?? Nobody has called you anything except Naïve....Have some manners if you want to engage....
Why are you using liberal tactics? You were unable to refute his point so you replied with insults and retreated in circular argument. How liberal of you.
I'm replying to your comment about Zelensky being Jewish....THAT means FA....That's what you're being Naive about....By your comments I take it that you don't really know about Ukraine and it's Nazi past/present..
The BIGGEST and HARDEST brainwashing to undo for people will be the realization that:
the nazis are actually khazarian mafia 'jews'
are NOT 'white supremacists' or 'white people' in general
That is a cover to further destroy the white race.
No I'm NOT at all racist. I have a mixed race child and many different races in my family.
This is simply stating fact.
We MUST separate our minds from WHO the actual nazis (ashkenazis) are!
And the REAL 'holocaust' was caused by the bolsheviks in Russia 100 years ago! Over 6mm innocent, non military lives lost.
They are attempting to EXTERMINATE the white race... look no further than the ukrainian bio weapins labs that were developing DNA targeting bioweapons.
Putin is handling his end of the deal with GEOTUS...
Here we go on the miseducation again. Not true, these are communist nationals that have been brainwashed into thinking and/or saying they're "nazis". Let's get this right or everyone's going to start believing the lies.
"Jesuits" is the word y'all are looking for. Play their stupid games and you will win stupid prizes. They, and they alone, are responsible for every war in Europe, and elsewhere, since the year of our Lord 400AD.
Revelation 18:24 KJV And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
No doubt whats going on right now is very confusing. Im sure im not the only one wondering about our place in everything thats going on. We went from way left commies to far right nazis in 2.5 seconds. Its ok to be confused. But I gotta say the plan is very muddied up right now. Center right is the place to be. But im not even sure who's there anymore.
Please...Does anyone know WTF this u/Terrorist is going on about ...ANYBODY??? because all I see from his "comments" is a fucking Glowie of Note who seems to just be looking for confrontation....
the people who are aware of real history find all the swastikas annoying. people reject the fake news of the present but they eat up the fake news of the past. it is frustrating. there is absolutely no modern day equivalent to the NSDAP.
i love your contributions dude but im with terrorist on this one.
So you're with Insults, accusations without ANY proof....He's a Fucking shill and an antisemite...Its as obvious as Day and Night...Been here 200+ days...25 comments....15 only about "hatred" towards Jews....3 posts in 2 fucking years...Gimme a break...
“Antisemite” is one of their words, just like racistbigothomophobe . We’re supposed to all recoil at the mere thought of being considered one of those and lash out at anyone we suspect of being one of those. Communist tactics. You’re so close to the truth of it all, but you’re blinded by what’s been instilled in all of us for so long. You’re also falling for the neo-Nazi narrative in Ukraine. QUESTION EVERYTHING. Every. Single. Thing.
EDIT: and I’m not accusing you of willfully engaging in communist tactics. We’ve all be taught/ programmed to be reactive in this way. We’ve got to break their chains.
Me get this straight...
Left wingers in 2020:
OMFG UKRAINE IS SO UNBELIEVABLY CORRUPT! Zelenskyyyy had this horrible PHONE CALL and conducted "QUID PRO QUO" (like they know what that means) with the abominable criminal called Donald Trump! AAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!! We now need to literally IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES for his dealing with CORRUPT UKRAINE!!
Left wingers in 2022:
OMFG POOR FREEDOM-LOVING UKRAINE! Nobel Peace Prize for Zelenskyyyyyy! We need to SEND THEM 18 BILLION DOLLARS!
Two seconds ago Zelenskyyyyyyyyyyy was irredeemably corrupt and dealing under the table with Trump. Now they've magically been cured of their decades of systemic Vladimir Fucking PUTIN???
i ❤ the purkiss fan club. u/#clownworld
The answer is.....
Ten gorillian dollars.
Still waiting on that "footage" you claim exists. Why not just post it already if it is in fact real?
I found the Guardian of the pedophiles right here^^.
No...Ukraine is communist. Zalenskyy is their woke leader, smells like Obama. They’re full of ideologies of lgbt, faggot marriage, pedophilia, child trafficking...all the things commies love. On the other hand, these are the very things Nazis loathe. I know this bc I follow both nazis and commies on telegram, gab. Everyone should.
It does matter, and this is a mistaken assumption based on the use of the word "socialist".
The National Socialist German Worker's Party and The Italian Fascist party were both a REACTION to the rapidly encroaching evil of the red COMMUNIST terror across Europe. Germany was their #1 target, long before, and well after the communist bolshevik takeover of Russia in 1917 - Karl Marx wrote all about it. Italy was their #2 target. Make no mistake who was in the crosshairs.
Both nations rallied government and business resources to counter and prevent the communist influx and eventual takeover.
Are there better ways to go about resisting a fully infiltrated government and business sector? Maybe. But I'm not so sure. Don't forget, we're talking nearly 100 years ago now.
Effectively, National Socialism and Fascism were MILITARY TAKEOVERS of nations infiltrated with communist sympathizers. Not unlike today in the USA. Didn't Q say the "military is the only way"?
You can bet your bottom dollar there are going to be tens of millions that are going to rail against a military takeover if it happens tomorrow. And suffice it to say, amongst the tens of millions will be the people in charge of academic institutions, media outlets, government agencies, etc. Basically, everywhere that the masses get their "information".
The events of WWII are far more complicated than "these are the bad guys and these are the good guys". 5D chess was going on then, as it is now. And 99% of what you've learned from the western academic and media conglomerates was "written by the winners". And said "winners" are 100% the people and forces running every government in the world, save possibly Russia today. The jury is still out on that one.
The cabal absolutely loves when anybody uses their smear words - "fascist", "Nazi" and "anti-semite". And they love it even better when people assume they're the same as "communism". All are being aggressively and continuously programmed into the minds of the sleeping masses in order to deflect from what's actually been happening for millennia.
G. Edward Griffin talked all about this in the late 1960s, reading straight out of the communist handbooks of the time, encouraging their followers and sympathizers to hurl those 3 smear words as often as possible, as they had been fully propagandized into the minds of the masses as representing "evil". Nothing has changed 50 years later. It all still holds true.
Make no mistake, the "leftist ideologies" in 1920s/1930s Europe all contained words like "democratic", "communist", "labor", "liberal". The "National Socialists" and "Fascist" parties were 100% "nationalist ideologies" and sworn enemies of the "leftists".
Why Hitler and his administration chose to use the words "Socialist" and "Workers" in his party I do not know, as these were clearly leftist words. I speculate that this had something to do with them throwing out the international banking cabal and issuing their own government-backed currency. Unlike all the leftist ideologies that CLAIM they're fighting for the "workers", but are not, Germany really did have this in mind in the 1930s and by 1938 had created the most flourishing economy in the entire world after being in deep, deep recession only 5 years earlier.
An astonishing feet to say the least! A feet the international banksters did not want catching on and spreading around the world I might add!! This was likely the main reason they "had to go to war" IMHO.
For the record, I'm not a Hitler apologist or acolyte. I'm a truth seeker and like to understand all sides of the story. Hitler made a lot of mistakes and did a lot of stupid things in the end, which I think were a result of the pressure he was under when it finally dawned on him that he was up against an opponent that could not be defeated under any circumstances. But I will say most of what we've been taught about Hitler and Mussolini are bald-faced lies. Most, but not all.
Whoever/Whatever these so-called "Neo Nazis" are is completely and entirely unrelated to Germany in the 1930s/1940s. Considering the Germans never called themselves "nazis", as this was a smear word like "Jap" or "Gook" heavily used by the international press. If these "neo-nazis" are in lock-step with the installed government of Ukraine, we know who they REALLY are, regardless of the label they or we choose to put on them. I can't think of an easier tactic to deflect blame away from the true puppeteers.
Confusion, deception and propaganda are at an all-time high as we bear witness to the impending collapse of this once all-controlling and consuming matrix of lies. The more ridiculous and outlandish it gets (i.e. supreme court confirmation hearings), the more obvious it becomes.
someone’s been watching Europa? Good job, Amico. Very well put.
Saw that many years ago. Since then, I've read a lot of David Irving's books the past 5 years which really crystalized my realization of just how much information has been suppressed and instead replaced with mass propaganda which still masquerades as "truth" for the 99%. Sadly we've still got a long way to go....
I don’t think we will ever reach the point of the truth being fully recognized. We have all been mass programmed, mass hypnotized, fed so much garbage since our own conceptions that the truth will never be mainstream. The truth is too dangerous.
Well I agree It certainly has been historically. However, I think the "truth" is the one thing that will carry us into the future moving forward....which...has nothing to do with war, history, etc. Strictly speaking, said "truth" can be boiled down to two simple words....which this board ain't ready for just yet...
It needs to go out large and far: The Holocaust happened in UKRAINE. This is like literally true. It happened in the USSR and by the bolsheviks, but Ukraine is a mega hotbed of this stuff and people don't realize it. Do the math on how many communist families in USA have direct family ties to Ukraine. It's just unreal. Look at the devil Sabbatai Zevi and where he did his luciferian insanity!
Try me. What two words?
I believe much of Hitler’s mistakes are due to his very extreme use of methamphetamine. PURE METH I might add. He was a major tweaker and try getting solid decision-making from one of them?
Agreed. I've got a buddy that told me about that old German meth. He was a drug user for about 10 years while he was DJing around the world and he said nothing even came close to the high he got from it.
It was probably a bit of both the meth, and the realization that there was a dominant force in the world that could not be "eradicated" no matter what.
I believe his poor decisions especially in later years can be attributed to that.
„Why Hitler and his administration chose to use the words "Socialist" and "Workers" in his party I do not know, as these were clearly leftist words. ...“
National socialism has nothing to do with the socialism nowadays. Under the term "socialism" we know today, the communist, Marxist agenda is being covertly pushed.
“National Socialism is not a political party, as are the political parties of the United States and Europe. National Socialism is an evolutionary nation repair kit, that makes communism and capitalism as outdated as feudalism.” – Mike Walsh – Hitler Uncensored
Hitler explained in an interview he did with George Viereck in the 1920s: “Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal (‘weal’ means well-being). Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.”
Fantastic follow-up the_whole_truth. I have read this information in several places, but my understanding of when/where words like "socialist" and "workers" were all shifted to be synonymous with the "Communist Manifesto." It seems to me the change in meaning was accomplished in the early 1920s, but perhaps it was too late for Hitler's cohorts to make a chance to their party name?
The #1 tactic the cabal uses to deceive the masses is indeed the changing of the meaning of words, and/or applying dual-meanings. Emperor Justinian perfected this "art".
Anyway, I appreciate the follow-up as this is one of the primary lacunas in my overall understanding of Post-WWI/Pre-WWII European culture and politics.
I think the true meaning of "socialism" was twisted into the negative with the founding of the first so-called "democratic parties" of modern times. Possibly in other contexts even earlier. Hitler started with this choice of name an attempt to call the true, original meaning of this term back into the consciousness of the people.
That makes a lot of sense - a lot! I appreciate your perspective and wise observations. Thank you!
Communism and National Socialism were just two sides of the same coin, The same dichotomy between leftists and RINO's. All meant to consolidate power to the top. And both organic 'movements' probablt funded by the Vatican.
Well the power was ALREADY long consolidated to the top in Germany after WWI. Why would they want to threaten that?
The bottom line is, for the cabal, there are no "countries", only "corporations" deceptively called "governments". When Hitler decided to leave the reservation and dump the international banksters, it was game on and the cabal was determined to punish Germany to the fullest extent to ensure nobody else ever tried it again ----JFK didn't get the message.
Nope. Not true whatsoever. You gotta work harder at seeking truth #44.
No, Nazism is faaaar right. Call a neo-Nazi a leftie and he’ll punch you. Fascism and communism aren’t interchangeable and it’s not Nazism that’s the issue in Ukraine. Read comments in this thread for a better understanding.
What’s “far left” about Nazism/ fascism, then? Be detailed & specific.
You’ve not demonstrated how Nazism is left. I think you’re thinking all authoritarian ideology if left. It’s not. There are right wing tyrants, too
It's collectivism vs individualism. That's the truth of left verses right. There was nothing right wing in theory about the Nazi party. Tell a lie enough though and dumb asses believe it.
The BIGGEST and HARDEST brainwashing to undo for people will be the realization that:
the nazis are actually khazarian mafia 'jews'
are NOT 'white supremacists' or 'white people' in general
That is a cover to further destroy the white race.
No I'm NOT at all racist. I have a mixed race child and many different races in my family.
This is simply stating fact.
We MUST separate our minds from WHO the actual nazis (ashkenazis) are!
And the REAL 'holocaust' was caused by the bolsheviks in Russia 100 years ago! Over 6mm innocent, non military lives lost.
They are attempting to EXTERMINATE the white race... look no further than the ukrainian bio weapins labs that were developing DNA targeting bioweapons.
Putin is handling his end of the deal with GEOTUS...
Payback is a bitch.
100% Spot on...
The Nazis are actually vatican funded fags, but they completely align with the khazarian mafia (who interbred with roman empires during the Byzantine Empire).
I see so let me get this straight, it was the German Nazi's that created the: The Federal Reserve, The Central Bank, Their enforcers the IRS, That run pedowood, That run the fake news, That run the CIA, That run MI6, That run Mossad, That targets any country that kicks them out for destruction, That has gotten us into every war in our U.S. History for their grift, That bombed our buildings on 9/11, That blew up the Federal building in Oklahoma City on behalf of Hillary, That caused The Great Depression, That orchestrated the fake moon landings, The fake globe, The fake space station and outer space, That fund the invasion of the Christian white countries from the worst shitholes in the world, That turned our Constitutional Republic that represented We The People into we the slaves to endless debt, Whose cult is Pharisaism i.e. Judaism aka Baal aka Satanists child torturers, Who killed the Lord, Who persecuted the prophets, Who are contrary to all men 1Thess 2:14-15, Who were kicked out of 100+ countries, Who are Anti-Christs, Who Jesus referred to them as children of Satan, Whom Q said "Nazi Germany is last".
Uh huh......
Revelation 2:9
Revelation 3:9
Thank you. I forgot to put that in. It's all of them.
It's all about the Christ.
Genesis 12 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, (Jesus) and curse him that curseth thee: (Jesus) and in thee (Jesus) shall all families of the earth be blessed. (believers)
Nowhere in scripture that says we are suppose to follow Satanists and Anti-Christs into hell.
The Old Testament is ALL about the coming CHRIST. Ephesians 2 and Galatians 3 are epic.
Galatians 3:28-29 King James Version 28 There is neither Jew ( Judahite, Israelite) nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Galatians 3:16 “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.”
I gave you the scriptures from the 12th Apostle Paul who was appointed by the risen glorified Christ. We are saved by GRACE not race.
There are no Jews. There never was such a race. Today the primary reference of "Jew" is the practice of Judaism which is Baal Satanism. Two passages of scripture below showing the path to eternal life.
John 3:15-17 King James Version 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Romans 10:9-10 King James Version 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Jews have ruled the "Western world" and its values for more than 100 years. Hitler and the National Socialists brought all their lies to the public at that time. Exactly because of this, Germany had to be defeated at any cost in WW2. Immediately afterwards, the most inconceivable stories (like the Holocaust) were spread about the evil "Nazis" so that the truth would never come to light again. Therefore, the narrative of the evil "Nazis" must also be maintained at all costs. And for this reason the Jews in Ukraine installed the cruel "Azov Battalion" in order to be able to attribute their deeds to the evil "Nazis" if necessary.
There's a difference between Jews and the "International Jews" that Henry Ford wrote about.. He was referring specifically to the Red Shield who has zero issue with both killing Jews and hiding behind the guise of antisemetic bs... Just like there's a difference between Israelites and Jews, the common man with average cognitive ability, can't tell what it is.
To add to your post.
There is no such race as "Jew". Abraham was not a Jew, Isaac was not a Jew, Esau and Jacob were not Jews, King David was not a Jew and our Lord Jesus was not a Jew. The word Jew simply did not exist in biblical times. Therefore needs removed from our bibles post AD 1700 because it's a grave error and causes mass confusion. Now Abraham down through Jacob, David, were Hebrew as in Israelites. That was their blood line, that of Abraham. Jews are not a race but a system.
They took the words Judeans, residents of Judea of many different races but mostly Edomites (Esau), and the word Judahites as in the tribe of Judah which Jesus was (Lion of the tribe of Judah) and came up with the word Jew/Jews.
Today the Jew or to be Jewish is to be a practitioner of Judaism. Same as Christian. It does not imply an underlying race. There simply cannot be a person that is "Judeo Christian" or "Christian Jew" or "Messianic Jew". Satanic Anti-Christs and the Lord Jesus don't share the same temple.
If a practicing follower of Judaism converts to Christianity then that person is a Christian no longer a Jew.
From my own studies and experience I'm in agreement with most of this.. The exceptions being that "Jesus" wouldn't be his name, that's a name created and used for very successfully controling a population through their narrative. And that Christ wasn't from the line of Judah because Judah mixed with the locals and his illegitimate sons were killed when he tried to claim them as heirs -he broke the rules. More likely He was from Ephriam or Menassah, either way though, through the line of Joseph.
It's documented in the Old Testament that when Jerusalem fell the artifacts of Levi were stolen from the temple - it is my theory that this is when the very worship practices of Levi were co-opted and transformed in order to hide the truth of the matter. That this is when someone began the claim that they were "God's chosen people" while the true sons and daughters of Jacob were scattered to the corners of the earth and made to forget who they really are.... Until they remember.
Sounds about right.
Historically, the Nazis and Bolsheviks hated each other as much as Obama and Killary. Even though both groups were socialists, fascist Nazis were national socialists, whereas communist Bolsheviks were international socialists. From a hypothetical either or choice dilemma perspective, I'd rather have nationalism over globalism... explains why many Ukrainians collaborated with the Nazis against the Soviets.
When you know it comes easy and you're very welcome.
When I was lesser informed, I, too, used Nazi and Commie interchangeably.
Me too but I embrace truth and the more I do, that journey leaves most behind and not many to walk with. That Matrix movie is a great example of people living in la la land void of the truth. Whoever wrote that script is brilliant.
I liken it to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
Truth…however in retrospect I don’t focus on those turds & stick to the concepts at hand.
Spot on, glad someone said it.
This nazi scapegoat bs has infested this site like a disease that just wont go away.
I feel the same. Israel Internet Intel is always lurking and protecting their position. They have that department dedicated to just that.
No doubt they have a strong presence here. Theyre probably responsible for the countless negative posts we see each day as well.
They have a control center in Tel Aviv, the sodomy capital of the world. They're here alright.
at this point the nsdap has become a meme. what they strived towards does not exist in any modern party.
Do you mean National German Workers Party? I think I get you. It was the vision of Hitler's Germany and from what I'm learning is the word Nazi came from somewhere else? Your thoughts?
Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers Party never called themselves ‘Nazis’. The ‘Nazi’ term is an insult, a slur against them. It was created by Konrad Heiden, a Jewish man who was against the National Socialists.
yes this is accurate. it was a derogatory term invented by their political opponents.
Thank you.
Memes have been FIRE lately
"Are we the baddies?"
No excuse. George Soros is a Jew, but he sold out his Jewish brothers and sisters to the Nazis and pillaged their bank accounts when they died, and he said he would do it again.
A Jew that grossly tolerates Nazis or works with them is just as much as a Nazi as those jackboots.
Exactly. Soros admitted on 60 Minutes that after his Jewish neighbors were rounded up onto concentration camp trains, he accompanied the local Nazis and went house to house taking their possessions. He said it didn't bother his conscience, if it wasn't him, it would have been someone else. proof for your statement.... Secondly...Who's your fucking Morons....?? Nobody has called you anything except Naïve....Have some manners if you want to engage....
Good summary, however, WTF is up with all the flashing pictures? Completely unwatchable. I have to turn my phone around to listen to it.
Why are you using liberal tactics? You were unable to refute his point so you replied with insults and retreated in circular argument. How liberal of you.
Do the math. It doesn't add up.
Here's a simple video from a pastor who opened his eyes.
Tū QuoQue?
There are no coincidences.
And?....That means FA....Don't be Naive....
I'm replying to your comment about Zelensky being Jewish....THAT means FA....That's what you're being Naive about....By your comments I take it that you don't really know about Ukraine and it's Nazi past/present..
Who's being forced to live with savages??
Is it possible for you to answer a question...?? Who's being forced??
Do you know any of the history of the Donbass Region??
I'm not entirely sure what point you're trying to make...elaborate please
Well, Twitter oughta finally bust me for posting that(?)
Lol...I'm on my 3rd account...
Haahh. I’m still noticing you’re getting downdooted over nothing. We still have some peckerwood shills around?!
Lol...I had 5 yesterday ...every post and comment ...🤣😎
Could someone eli5 the whole nazi connection? I haven't been tracking that part.
The BIGGEST and HARDEST brainwashing to undo for people will be the realization that:
the nazis are actually khazarian mafia 'jews'
are NOT 'white supremacists' or 'white people' in general
That is a cover to further destroy the white race.
No I'm NOT at all racist. I have a mixed race child and many different races in my family.
This is simply stating fact.
We MUST separate our minds from WHO the actual nazis (ashkenazis) are!
And the REAL 'holocaust' was caused by the bolsheviks in Russia 100 years ago! Over 6mm innocent, non military lives lost.
They are attempting to EXTERMINATE the white race... look no further than the ukrainian bio weapins labs that were developing DNA targeting bioweapons.
Putin is handling his end of the deal with GEOTUS...
Payback is a bitch.
So what if you are racist? Why do people constantly feel the need to get that out there? You’re playing their game.
Was simply making s statement.
Don't dig into it too much.
Don’t say things they say and I won’t.
Someones on the chip today, eh?
Your comment was spot-on but you cowered with your “I’m not a RACISS” caveat. You don’t need to defend yourself 💪🏽
So you're saying there are a lot of "Khazarian mafia" people in UKR, and they're not specifically "German Nazis" (in the traditional sense).
I thought these described people were all over the place (like in Israel, deep satate, etc.), why do they get called out in UKR as nazis?
If the "real holo" was in Russia, why is this post showing the nazi flag?
Just seems like an odd use of imagery if what it really is is Khazarians.
Here we go on the miseducation again. Not true, these are communist nationals that have been brainwashed into thinking and/or saying they're "nazis". Let's get this right or everyone's going to start believing the lies.
"Jesuits" is the word y'all are looking for. Play their stupid games and you will win stupid prizes. They, and they alone, are responsible for every war in Europe, and elsewhere, since the year of our Lord 400AD.
Revelation 18:24 KJV And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
Read that again.
There is only ONE that fills the bill.
Actually I credit this post as it stirred up a great debate and an important discussion as to who we are actually fighting.
No doubt whats going on right now is very confusing. Im sure im not the only one wondering about our place in everything thats going on. We went from way left commies to far right nazis in 2.5 seconds. Its ok to be confused. But I gotta say the plan is very muddied up right now. Center right is the place to be. But im not even sure who's there anymore.
Great meme!!
Are Q followers on this board actually pro Putin? Do they think he is some sort of white hat?
Please...Does anyone know WTF this u/Terrorist is going on about ...ANYBODY??? because all I see from his "comments" is a fucking Glowie of Note who seems to just be looking for confrontation....
the people who are aware of real history find all the swastikas annoying. people reject the fake news of the present but they eat up the fake news of the past. it is frustrating. there is absolutely no modern day equivalent to the NSDAP.
i love your contributions dude but im with terrorist on this one.
So you're with Insults, accusations without ANY proof....He's a Fucking shill and an antisemite...Its as obvious as Day and Night...Been here 200+ days...25 comments....15 only about "hatred" towards Jews....3 posts in 2 fucking years...Gimme a break...
Nazi's dont exist, this is another scapegoat for the jews and youre falling for it...again...
The nazi's in ukraine were set up by US intelligence like isis 2.0 and funded by a billionaire jew.
Break out of your programming.
“Antisemite” is one of their words, just like racist bigot homophobe . We’re supposed to all recoil at the mere thought of being considered one of those and lash out at anyone we suspect of being one of those. Communist tactics. You’re so close to the truth of it all, but you’re blinded by what’s been instilled in all of us for so long. You’re also falling for the neo-Nazi narrative in Ukraine. QUESTION EVERYTHING. Every. Single. Thing. EDIT: and I’m not accusing you of willfully engaging in communist tactics. We’ve all be taught/ programmed to be reactive in this way. We’ve got to break their chains.
He's full of babylonian pagan BS. Swallowed it right up, he did.