I know this: "I've been spied on my whole life." And "email me @gmail" are contradictory if someone is truly living in fear of being spied on. It's a trap.
This sounds to me like the ravings of a schizophrenic. I believe MK Ulltra brainwashing is real, but I also have a family member who was never abducted by the CIA and believes the DOD speaks to her in her head. Or, it could be just a block in building the narrative that Q is bad and that you have all been fooled. Either way . . . meh.
Fake and gay. That's what this is. If someone has been spied on their whole lives, then logic serves that you wouldn't broadcast your email and other things to the world. Also, what's qanon? Never heard of it... Kek
thefinaldemand’s mum on spreading idiocy?
Or the mother that (maybe?) sold the author into slavery to the Cabal?
One can be kindly spoken to... What was her reaction when she gave you the postcard?
The other should be shot, if true. Imagine, though, advertising your whereabouts? I would imagine having learned how to be invisible, if abused as said.
Clearly some sort of dastardly lame MSM/DS op to 1, discredit Q and anons. 2, "I fear for my life" but contact me here kek. 3, I would caution any reply to the email addy given or you too might end up on "ze list"!!
Let the reddit fcuktards run with it and tie themselves in knots, wetting themselves over getting this in the post.
Apparently a couple of my friends in nh got this as well. It's a post card. Return address po box 1076 portsmouth nh 03802. No name. Feel free to enter them in some spam stuff on the internet.
What the heck is Qanon
They used qanon in the revolutionary war.
Can u tell me what Qanon is please
It's an invention of the propagandists who oppose all things Q. There is Q. There are anons. There is no qanon.
Well said fren. 😁🙏🐸
Not sure what qanon is, but typically when I go into hiding, I be sure to tell people where I am hiding. This is hilariously bad.
There is no Qanon.
Hijacking 2nd to top comment, cause top comment is ghey.
That is the decode, it's copypasta gay larp bs not associated with Q or "Qanon"
I used an online scanner, so you smoothbrains don't have to tell me how I got eleventybillion viruses.
Kek still dont know what the heck is Qanon.
I know this: "I've been spied on my whole life." And "email me @gmail" are contradictory if someone is truly living in fear of being spied on. It's a trap.
I roll my eyes every time someone says Qanon. You know nothin Jon Snow!
I honestly don't know.... maybe a cry for help?
I can tell you what it is. It is just a load of deep state shit meant to cause confusion, and create mistrust of the movement.
They always accuse the opposition of doing what they are doing.
Trust in God.
This sounds to me like the ravings of a schizophrenic. I believe MK Ulltra brainwashing is real, but I also have a family member who was never abducted by the CIA and believes the DOD speaks to her in her head. Or, it could be just a block in building the narrative that Q is bad and that you have all been fooled. Either way . . . meh.
Their whole "Qanon is the boogeyman" scheme really backfired.
Instead of turning people away from conspiracy theorists, it just makes it easier for real anons to spot when shills are trying to push a narrative.
I suspect that was Q's motivation when this was posted: https://qalerts.app/?n=4881
Fake and gay. That's what this is. If someone has been spied on their whole lives, then logic serves that you wouldn't broadcast your email and other things to the world. Also, what's qanon? Never heard of it... Kek
Super fake and gay, here's the dump... https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmdhNBL25WySAMW9rsohvC3QpVnFUocSiwCQcsuEvyeew8/image.png
Color me shocked lol
“I will be hiding in Kansas and here’s my email”. Bull f¥&king shit
Right!? Made me laugh out loud. Talk about desperation.
But did the Cabal create Blue Man Group?
That's all I want to know before it all ends.
Campaign to crazy-fy Q.
Maybe have a chat with your mom?
thefinaldemand’s mum on spreading idiocy? Or the mother that (maybe?) sold the author into slavery to the Cabal?
One can be kindly spoken to... What was her reaction when she gave you the postcard?
The other should be shot, if true. Imagine, though, advertising your whereabouts? I would imagine having learned how to be invisible, if abused as said.
lol! They are getting ridiculously desparate!!! This one takes the cake.
Did you look to see what the qr code takes you to?
I asked a friend to send me the link. Well post when I get it
Leave QR codes like this well alone, you never know what scanning them will do.
Don't be a low IQ faggot.
Use an online scanner for fucks sake.
Pffttt. Nobody can be intelligent all the time. Learn some tolerance, its part of why we are here and what we do.
Clearly some sort of dastardly lame MSM/DS op to 1, discredit Q and anons. 2, "I fear for my life" but contact me here kek. 3, I would caution any reply to the email addy given or you too might end up on "ze list"!!
Let the reddit fcuktards run with it and tie themselves in knots, wetting themselves over getting this in the post.
Is a mass mailed, to "(named party) OR current resident", postcard considered outside comms?
Apparently a couple of my friends in nh got this as well. It's a post card. Return address po box 1076 portsmouth nh 03802. No name. Feel free to enter them in some spam stuff on the internet.
This is what's called a scam. Same quality as those emails from Nigerian princes.
Scan the code get virus
Qanon is, obviously, a corruption of: sine qua non
And that means: something absolutely indispensable or essential
They're going around everywhere
Please don't give the paedos one single reason to dismiss anything we say.
Holy shit... thanks.
Right? "Hi I am being spied on so I made QR code for people to contact me so I could be tracked while I am hiding from the Cabal...."
Of course it's Kansas. Lol. Wizard of Oz? This is one elaborate April fools joke lol.
[not you Zeit, the rest of commenters]