Trump has consistently given us hope that "we will be happy, he can't say much." Obviously with such confidence, he knows some things that we aren't allowed to know, but he's reassuring that things will be turning hugely in God's favor. I hope so man. I hate the suspense!
Comments (67)
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We could use some happiness after what we've been through: haven't seen my family for over 2 years now.
Thanks :)
I pray for it daily Mary; more importantly, I pray they will see God, acknowledge and worship Him.
Thanks you, much appreciated - bless you.
1.5 years for me too.
Amen! Standing in agreement with you and Mary911
Bless you :)
Praying in agreement with you, Mary and PowderRoom.
Bless you :)
I don’t think the plan “to awaken every one up” is for you or me in particular. It’s a plan to wake up the people that we constantly say are hopeless. Of course the plan is for you and I, but we definitely aren’t top priority.
The truth is miserable. Do you think the “normies” will be happy after this? The millennial generation(1982-2004) will probably be the ones to carry the torch while the generations of the past two turnings help guide them(Trump, JFK jr, etc). The generation of 2005-2022(or whenever the forth turning ends) will be the ones that inherit and expand upon the society that their forefathers helped build. Maybe you and I just have a different view on this mess that we are in. Honestly it’s fine that we disagree, I just want it to get done. Plus Q said that we are seeing the option that causes the LEAST amount of misery.
“There's no money, and after this nonsense ends”
Maybe if you believe in the great reset but Gold/bimetallic standards will be a thing.
“Generation to inherit? It's not happening“
It will. They will inherit the culture that develops for the awakening. They will inherit the republic that will be fixed. They will inherit whatever issues are left over from this generation too.
“I'm living my life 100% on my time”
They will be given the ability to do that too.
Then how can we be truly certain that we are winning and this isnt yet another kick the can down the road so another generation can go through this nonsense again, that evil and darkness will be destroyed so good can truly prosper for awhile without fear of this cycle just starting all over again? Are we REALLY winning or is it a long pause/false sense of "We won" that happens over and over again?
Hi fren, I am in the exact same situation. Only a little longer, 3 years+
I just have to stay in faith and believe that ALL things turn to the good. Hope it all ends soon and we get to see our loved ones.
I am hoping for new technology to be released that changes everything for the whole world. Cancer research has found no cure, but my smart phone can do wondrous things? What else have they lied to us about? Tesla free energy is going to be a game changer, but I am certain there are more secrets to be revealed that will blow us away, especially those normies that haven’t taken a single red pill. It may be tough going for a lot of people, especially the families with divided opinions, but there may be a silver lining in these dark clouds so hold on patriots, we are close now.
I agree. The potentials really are extraordinary. Especially considering the Trump-Tesla connections. And also considering all the Tartaria, mud flood and antiquitech research and questioning occuring over the last few years. Fascinating stuff. I think of these potentials every time DJT says, “The best is yet to come”.
I didn't even know what Tartaria was until just a few nights ago. Seen someone mention it, did some searching, and learned more in a couple hours of reading than all those ones wasted in a "social studies" classroom ever began to tell me back in the day.
I've also seen more and more people turning away from their hypnotism tool: the television. That beast has grown many heads, but Disney was a big one to fall first. News, and media in general can be a VERY powerful weapon - but it's all about who is using it and what their intention is. Look at this site - We have to use that same electricity but it's coming to us from a different intention than say.. CNN/MSNBC/FOX/etc
At this point.. anything mainstream is either corrupted (fake history/misinformation like Ancient Aliens) ... brain-numbing (reality tv,"my fat wife" or whatever the new show is, talk shows, etc) or brain-washing (news, hidden technology / agendas / etc in movies so people go "lol you just seen __ too many times" if you discuss it )
Wouldn't that be an arguement that through television (streaming media counts. television 2.0) ... Electricity has been weaponized against us? It's just adding insult to injury that they make us PAY for that "privilege".
Oooohh. Can you point me to any good sites or videos on Tartaria? I’m intrigued. It’s been a while since I’ve down a new rabbit hole
I put Tar in my browser and just pulled up whatever it was that I had bookmarked. Can't say I expected it to be linkedin lol, but here's where I was reading about it. Then I just kinda poked around randomly and seen what i could dig up.
(edit: could have worded that better than "poked around randomly" - there's actually a great introduction to the topic on there, with plenty of resources. i meant i was digging through all of THAT, not particularly in order)
If I can, i try to avoid reddit for most things... but ran across that and found it pretty interesting
I believe there are some serious campaign finance laws that go into effect the moment you formally announce. So he's not announcing yet, not officially, but everyone knows we are going to be very, very happy.
Trump never conceded 😁.. I believe it will all be worth it in the end..
There is nothing in the constitution about conceding. It doesn't matter if someone concedes or not from a legal perspective. It matters from a political perceptive and nothing more. LOTS of people lose elections and never concede. It doesn't mean they will eventually be given the seat. Stacy Abrahams comes to mind, she still hasn't conceded her election in Georgia. It doesn't mean she will be Governor.
I never thought this would happen, I thought surely he would be our president and continue to work on the issues that he was correcting so quickly. Sigh
But then these days he keeps saying "we're gonna take back that ... white house in 2024"
In the past he would add "or before" or "or sooner" but these days not so much
Username checks out
I want to see this happen, but this is getting moldy.
That's only so we allow him to string us along for 4 years.
We know about it though and know he is involved he used to make q signs with his finger at rallies
I want to know about those red envelopes at Bush senior's funeral. I have a theory but it's just gnawing at my brain not knowing for sure.
And the NWO tells us we will own nothing and be happy.
They haven't "won" and won't "win", so the evil they have/had planned won't come to fruition.
They haven't "won" and won't "win", so the evil they have/had planned won't come to fruition.
Trumps words honestly are what keep me holding on. Q, to me, would be best case scenario, but is wishful thinking. There have been proofs, but coming straight from the mouth of Trump, that there is a plan in place, and the people that support him will be very happy….that is the biggest dose of hopium that I can inject. Something is in the works. Whether is just Trumps team, or Q is involved, I have full faith that everything will work out in the end.
"I will say nothing and you will be happy" sure beats "you will own nothing, and I will be happy"
Itsbabstrugll3bbut man I'm just gonna chill. Peace out. It's all going down.
Senator Biden? On this forum?? Perv, you got some nerve!!
I want to believe that, but my feeling is he just expects us to be pleased when he announces he is running again in 2024. And we will be. But overturning the fraud of 2020 would be better!
We don't have until 2024. Deep state has put the pedal to the medal.
A medal is something you wear around your neck, do you mean "metal"? Are going to come back with your second account and updoot your first comment?
We have all the time in the world, it is a movie. Q told you to enjoy the show. You don't seem to be enjoying it much. Thats because you are a doomer. To you it seems like the deepstate has put the pedal to the metal but in reality, maybe that is why Trump called it Operation Warp Speed, defeating an invisible enemy.
It's ironic that your username is "thinkaboutit" when obviously you have not thought about it.
Do you realize the rate of autism is between 10 and 17% depending on which study you look at it. These people have severe developmental disorders with IQ is less than 70. Parents have been screaming for years that it's related to the vaccines. The autism rate increases every year. We have the CDC and the NIH telling us it's not related to vaccines. Who do you believe the parents or the CDC?
The rate of autism doubles every 20 years. So by year 2042, worst case scenario, 35% if every child born will develop autism. They are slowly medically destroying our entire population. These people will never grow up to be productive members of society. These people will never have children of their own because they're a child themselves. Does the depopulation agenda fall into place for you yet?
How do we bring this Dilemma to the Forefront? How do we expose the CDC and their lies? Perhaps we needed an event involving vaccines and children? Now it's in the face of every red blooded, patriotic American in the country. They will be demanding answers. We will never resolve this until we get rid of the democrats but that's coming. The fact that the you are expressing anger over the vaccination of children means the plan is working. Enjoy the show.
He told us what the next episode is many times, Taiwan.
My body's ready
I love Trump.
It probably going to be him announcing he is going to run in 2024
Could just mean he is running again in 2024. I have learned to temper expectations when it comes to the swamp paying for their crimes. Nothing will be done about 2020. Will gladly eat crow if it does.