Mental illness via brainwashing is one form, yes, but if the mind is strong enough, it can be broken. Most is due to just plain ignorance.
. There are those genetically predisposed of mental illness, however, where certain stimuli will bring it out. Once out, it never gets put back in the bottle, so to speak.
Point is, I truly believe weak minded people are those predisposed and the constant need for acceptance and "likes" is very telling. Not being accepted for the facade they present affects them on a deeply egotistical way, to the point of anger.
A strong mind and willed person doesn't have those issues.
Although in this case both of her images convey a logically consistent position, namely that she believes context matters and so to evaluate whether Twitter's context is impacted by their bias she'd need an example (ie: context).
For those who may not know the context, this is a reference to this Joe Rogan episode with Tim Pool, Jack Dorsey and Vijaya Gadde where Twitter censorship was discussed
Eh not really. I was a 9/11 truther and never trusted politicians but what really woke me up was this interview and some dickhead on reddit trying to explain pizzagate to me and how it's completely fake. I said that legitimately sounds like some shit sick rich fucks would do and started looking into it
Leftism is mental illness.
Mental illness as result of brainwashing, which contain those not part of the 4-6% lost forevs.
Which is why most of US here were chosen, for a job (as Q alluded), to help awaken those mesmerized by MKultra programming
Mental illness via brainwashing is one form, yes, but if the mind is strong enough, it can be broken. Most is due to just plain ignorance.
. There are those genetically predisposed of mental illness, however, where certain stimuli will bring it out. Once out, it never gets put back in the bottle, so to speak.
Point is, I truly believe weak minded people are those predisposed and the constant need for acceptance and "likes" is very telling. Not being accepted for the facade they present affects them on a deeply egotistical way, to the point of anger.
A strong mind and willed person doesn't have those issues.
Although in this case both of her images convey a logically consistent position, namely that she believes context matters and so to evaluate whether Twitter's context is impacted by their bias she'd need an example (ie: context).
Is this a Jen Pesaki circle back meme?
Most elected officials do that. Have you seen them answering questions?
For those who may not know the context, this is a reference to this Joe Rogan episode with Tim Pool, Jack Dorsey and Vijaya Gadde where Twitter censorship was discussed
This interview got me to start questioning shit. Then i started listening to tim pool and gradually found my way her3
Welcome to the party, pal!
Welcome newbie.:)
I bet you’ve got all kinds of questions. You’ve come to the right place.
Eh not really. I was a 9/11 truther and never trusted politicians but what really woke me up was this interview and some dickhead on reddit trying to explain pizzagate to me and how it's completely fake. I said that legitimately sounds like some shit sick rich fucks would do and started looking into it
Elon grabbed Twitter by the Vijaya!
Someone put this woman on sucidie watch lol, imagine the"emotional toll" shes going through ROFLMAO
Joe's face is literally how I feel when I listen to these people talk.
the 2 faces you see are tim pool
The one in the middle is Joe Rogan
I feel no different.
That cunt gonna resign in disgrace or what? (can't wait for it... come on, come on, you can do it...)
Couldl give two fucks if she wants to pretend it isn't there. We all onow it is and so doesn't Elon. Time to go work for CNN you poor twisted fool.
That's how you can post everything you want, you buy the whole platform and libtards shut up.
So fuck Tim Pool
No and I just barfed thinking about it
I wouldn't bang something that smells like pinko desperation, Jacks "balls" and curry. Hard pass.
No, I wouldn't give her the pleasure of my pleasure. 🍌
Fuck no, she’s a Lego face
A WW2 vet in my family used to say:
"Any port in a storm"