Given that Jesus was a carpenter and could lug solid slabs of wood around (not to mention flip over tables made of multiple slabs of wood), Jesus was also sturdy and built. None of this weak hippie Jesus nonsense!
Put it this way: He wasn't an asshole to people asking for favors like raise my friend from the dead, or turn this water to wine. If the stories about him are reliable, he was a nice guy and often did as they requested.
That doesn't mean he couldn't have a tough streak too
And the Lord said, if the enemy of the flocks knows the Shepard has teeth, the Shepard will never need to use them for the devil uses trickery on his followers to do his bidding. He is incapable of providing them true strength and courage. Stand against the evil of your world, even if you should stand alone. Pray to your father as I have prayed and you will have true armies at your back.
"Turn the other cheek" was a way to INSULT the one slapping you, during the times in the Roman Empire when Christians were persecuted. Because to show your assailant the "other cheek" was to force them to use their dominant hand. You would force them to acknowledge you as an equal, because the dominant hand was what you used on other men, back in those days.
... mild mannered dinesh at least hit back a little.
If you have ever seen him answering questions from a lefty after one of his lectures you will know that this response is in keeping. He usually just swamps them with facts that counter all their false assumptions.
At one time, everyone knew that every publication was owned and operated by the same people. They will take all sides, of every issue, to always position themselves as the controlled opposition.
They’d prefer to just call it “dubunked”, and then try to distract you with something else.
What they don’t want to do, is explain WHY its “debunked”, because they know good and well that anything they say will just open the debate a little more.
I can’t wait for the sequel where they actually use the four million minutes of surveillance footage they have, and show us all the mules going to 25 different ballot boxes each! It’s going to be biblical!!
Glad to see mild mannered dinesh at least hit back a little. Go all the way man!!!! You can doooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiit. Stop being so fucking nice.
Jesus would say "Get yourself a whip and turn over some tables."
Stop being so flippin' nice
Jesus wasn’t nice
My husband says the same thing. He thinks Jesus was “salty”!
Given that Jesus was a carpenter and could lug solid slabs of wood around (not to mention flip over tables made of multiple slabs of wood), Jesus was also sturdy and built. None of this weak hippie Jesus nonsense!
Korean Statue Of Jesus
Yes, but at the same time, this statue makes Jesus look like he is getting some gains while taking on my sins, lol. #SwoleJesus
Jesus rocked the boat. The Establishment of the day didn't like him very much.
Everyone was hard AF back then. Being "nice" was suspicious.
I heard he was
He was loving, not "nice".
I still heard he was
You can be both
Put it this way: He wasn't an asshole to people asking for favors like raise my friend from the dead, or turn this water to wine. If the stories about him are reliable, he was a nice guy and often did as they requested.
That doesn't mean he couldn't have a tough streak too
And the Lord said, if the enemy of the flocks knows the Shepard has teeth, the Shepard will never need to use them for the devil uses trickery on his followers to do his bidding. He is incapable of providing them true strength and courage. Stand against the evil of your world, even if you should stand alone. Pray to your father as I have prayed and you will have true armies at your back.
MAGA 3:16
This sounds exactly like Antifa. As soon as some shepards show up that don't take their shit, they run.
Easy. We're not Jesus.
Turn the other cheek.
"Turn the other cheek" was a way to INSULT the one slapping you, during the times in the Roman Empire when Christians were persecuted. Because to show your assailant the "other cheek" was to force them to use their dominant hand. You would force them to acknowledge you as an equal, because the dominant hand was what you used on other men, back in those days.
It just annoys me how a lot of Christians use that phrase as an excuse to be doormats for their assailants.
I would rationalize furthermore that it was even a "square up bro, ill clean you out like i did the temple."
Me too. But you understood the context i was using it in.
If you have ever seen him answering questions from a lefty after one of his lectures you will know that this response is in keeping. He usually just swamps them with facts that counter all their false assumptions.
The Left just love the word "debunked".....😁😁
And I thought it just referred to getting out of bed from the top level :)
When they use it, we know something is true.
“Not even newsmax” you mean that rag that was in on the steal??
At one time, everyone knew that every publication was owned and operated by the same people. They will take all sides, of every issue, to always position themselves as the controlled opposition.
Isn't newsmax connected to the Clintons?
yeah a bunch of their execs donate to the Clinton Foundation.
The ones who took money to promote the vax? Righhht
What type of grown man still refers to himself as Zachary?
I'm being a little petty and judgemental, sure. But answer the question.
Ok, Donny🐸
Not my name... It's a handle... I mean come on, man
You should never resist quoting the greatest film of all time my friend
Sure Donny sure
It's a play on Donnie Brasco
Donny {Trump} Fiasco
And even then, Donnie is infinitely more manly than Lil Zachary
Sure, Keep projecting Donny “Stuttering Stanley Stuttering Stanley!” I’mmmm just kiddin with ya.
Haven't seen it and wasn't planning to. But since that libtard ran his mouth ill take the time to see it.
It would be impossible to "debunk" that movie without doing another one, at least as expansive and even more technologically in-depth.
The only debunking this idiot has done was when he fell out of bed and conked his noggin, right before composing an asinine tweet.
They’d prefer to just call it “dubunked”, and then try to distract you with something else.
What they don’t want to do, is explain WHY its “debunked”, because they know good and well that anything they say will just open the debate a little more.
Lmfao agreed
That dude is 22-23 years old and has MK eyes.
"Conservative activist turned leftist propagandist."
He definitely still lives with mom and dad, shares a room with brother, and has to take out the trash for keys to dads car
Dad doesn't deem him responsible enough to take the keys anymore.
Last time he crashed into a stop sign about four feet from the house
Looks like a panty wasted little turdo fag to me.
It's a kick-ass movie. Logically laid out so you simply can't argue with it.
I can’t wait for the sequel where they actually use the four million minutes of surveillance footage they have, and show us all the mules going to 25 different ballot boxes each! It’s going to be biblical!!
Tucker is a long game player, prove him wrong. Bow ties don't lie.
Newsmax and tucker are controlled opposition. They’re a crumb to make us feel like justice is coming. They glow
Go Dinesh!! Thank the LORD for people that give a fuck!! ;-)
Debunked just like hunters laptop
its been debonked already?
Yeah. That will make even more people watch it.
Ok, true statement, but... are you saying its going down in 2 weeks?