I think Hillary has been so fragmented by MKUltra that at least one of her alter personalities is a child.
Remember that rally where she got minor heckling, and immediately turned into a nervous scared timid child that had to be reassured by the big African handler?
Think about your statement deeper.
You mentioned how Hillary's own control has made her crazy. Remember, she's not the big evil... Shes just one of their prized children. The real demons and warlocks behind this will reveal themselves soon. And hopefully, against their will. These are people we don't even know yet, and that's when the war will really begin. Everything you see now is strategic planning and ground work.
I think it's too convenient for them. Evil loves the attention. It's too hard to resist. But I will tell you this; I have had the theory.. that normal people 5 years from now will almost forget things that happened. Not because they genuinely didn't care or pay attention, or they refused to care at all. In a sense, this is how clean it will go. The MSM will numb themselves, people stop going insane and I think we actually might have a chance to return to the "old" normal, where life and family mattered again and in that time, what happened in the past is in the past, and society just goes on. It's like we wake up tomorrow and we still have all the knowledge we gained, but things just get better and the anxiety and depression just fade away. We forgive ourselves and our neighbors and life feels good again.. the community comes together and we will be living in a world with God in focus rather than sin. Maybe the point of this isn't to be a big show, but a swift operation that brings everything back together without making the headlines. The black pilled will be highly disappointed, lol. But fuck them
The Orsini Grey Pope controls a lot of what’s going on. The black pope(who controls the white pope) and the white pope(Francis) are not apart of the top Saturnalian bloodlines anymore. They are genetically commoners. The real masters have slipped into the background and allow their puppets(Rothschilds, Clinton, Biden, Schwab, soros, maybe Putin, zelenskyy, the pope, Xi, Fauci, Bill Hicks) to do their bidding. They don’t directly rule anymore.
Btw it’s fine if you disagree with me on Putin. I feel like that shouldn’t take away from the rest of it though.
It’s more than just the Rothschilds or “Khazarians”. It’s an ancient group of bloodlines dating all the way back to Cain. They found there way into the Roman Empire and have been under control for a long time. They created the Illuminati in Bavaria which united their evil forces and then moved to a City in Wisconsin called Racine.
Thank God for Trump. Thank God for Q. Thank God for America.
Right. Many in the deep state are competing against each other too. In the 1900s, the Weimar Republic was seeing a lot of misery. Debauchery, Pedophilia, corruption and socialism were all common. Germany was having an awakening and with it, can a power vacuum and no one to fill it. The deep state saw the awakening and had an answer to it. The new deal trio of Hitler, Mussolini and FDR all passed away in mid to late April 1945(totally not a coincidence). After this Germany was defeated and Nazis were allowed into the US government via operation paperclip by Truman and Eisenhower. Yet another example of the political ecosystem, also known as the swamp, filling in a hole.
Then you have a long way to go before you can truly call yourself awake. The vast majority of people you grew up loving were horriblehorriblepeople. It gets passed off as something normal like sign language
He was a huge figure when it came to children’s entertainment and had a large influence on young people. Jim Henson was balls deep in the occult too. Most of our entertainment that we had as a kid was made by occultists. Did you know Don Bluth(land before time) is part of the Romney family? The same family that controls the GOP and has this asshole
Woah… I’m just telling it like it is, not trying to insult you. We’ve all been there and thought that. Nothing wrong with it. One of the core themes of the great awakening is understanding that you’ve been lied to your entire life and that most of the people you loved were probably puppets of something horrible
I met a famous comedian who knows Alex Jones — I asked him if Jones was really Bill Hicks, and he basically confirmed. Great links! ThanQ for sharing. I am saving!
She is soooo strange. Stories of her screaming, ranting, belittling her staff, a monster to work for and then like you said “Save me from all the strange people!” I think those falls and concussions were a sign of mental decline and health problems just like Sleepy Joe!
All it proves is that Homer Simpson is ahead of the times when it comes to high fashion. A trend-setter. Soon everyone will be sporting this chic look.
She is retaining a lot of fluids! That's either heart disease or renal failure (kidneys not functioning). High doses of Prednisone medication will cause fluid retention like this.
When someone is diagnosed with a blood disorder, Prednisone is used to boost platelets so that the immune system kicks in to normal levels.
Q: Why would Hillary have a blood disorder for Prednisone medication?
Well, people did often say that she had Kuru from drinking blood, explaining her bout of head wobbles and cackling. Adrenochrome withdrawals also likely. She also wears anti seizure glasses, and her mysterious now-dead African handler carried epipens and shit.
Heh, you think Kackling Kamala had the Kuru? On a slightly different note, I know right after the "election", her speeches looked like she was heavily on cocaine and uppers, possibly to counteract a night of drinking.
Who wore it best?
Circus Vargas
That is totally hilarious!
Well, my vote WOULD have been for Homer, but I didn't want to sway the poll.
Hat tip to Omar the Tent Maker.
"I'm a big, fat dynamo!!"
"Madamé President."
I legit LMAO’d. Great job Fren. You get a cookie.
And my up-doot!
Does this blob of flesh not have 1 full size mirror in her house? Looks like a really LARGE 5 yr old on 1st day of kindergarten!
I think Hillary has been so fragmented by MKUltra that at least one of her alter personalities is a child.
Remember that rally where she got minor heckling, and immediately turned into a nervous scared timid child that had to be reassured by the big African handler?
Think about your statement deeper. You mentioned how Hillary's own control has made her crazy. Remember, she's not the big evil... Shes just one of their prized children. The real demons and warlocks behind this will reveal themselves soon. And hopefully, against their will. These are people we don't even know yet, and that's when the war will really begin. Everything you see now is strategic planning and ground work.
Oh, I entirely believe this.
Would be nice to put some faces and names to the evil though.
Usally the Sur name "Rothschild, Vanderbilt, Soros" Is a good jump off point. Start following geneology from there.
In retrospect we may not get that luxury. I hope we do though!
The bible says we do
I think it's too convenient for them. Evil loves the attention. It's too hard to resist. But I will tell you this; I have had the theory.. that normal people 5 years from now will almost forget things that happened. Not because they genuinely didn't care or pay attention, or they refused to care at all. In a sense, this is how clean it will go. The MSM will numb themselves, people stop going insane and I think we actually might have a chance to return to the "old" normal, where life and family mattered again and in that time, what happened in the past is in the past, and society just goes on. It's like we wake up tomorrow and we still have all the knowledge we gained, but things just get better and the anxiety and depression just fade away. We forgive ourselves and our neighbors and life feels good again.. the community comes together and we will be living in a world with God in focus rather than sin. Maybe the point of this isn't to be a big show, but a swift operation that brings everything back together without making the headlines. The black pilled will be highly disappointed, lol. But fuck them
We may never see the puppeteers faces but the awakening has definitely made the strings show
The Orsini Grey Pope controls a lot of what’s going on. The black pope(who controls the white pope) and the white pope(Francis) are not apart of the top Saturnalian bloodlines anymore. They are genetically commoners. The real masters have slipped into the background and allow their puppets(Rothschilds, Clinton, Biden, Schwab, soros, maybe Putin, zelenskyy, the pope, Xi, Fauci, Bill Hicks) to do their bidding. They don’t directly rule anymore.
Btw it’s fine if you disagree with me on Putin. I feel like that shouldn’t take away from the rest of it though.
It’s more than just the Rothschilds or “Khazarians”. It’s an ancient group of bloodlines dating all the way back to Cain. They found there way into the Roman Empire and have been under control for a long time. They created the Illuminati in Bavaria which united their evil forces and then moved to a City in Wisconsin called Racine.
Thank God for Trump. Thank God for Q. Thank God for America.
I believe the same as you. Fraternal orders with many heads, there is no one big baddie that will end it all, as much as we would like to believe
Right. Many in the deep state are competing against each other too. In the 1900s, the Weimar Republic was seeing a lot of misery. Debauchery, Pedophilia, corruption and socialism were all common. Germany was having an awakening and with it, can a power vacuum and no one to fill it. The deep state saw the awakening and had an answer to it. The new deal trio of Hitler, Mussolini and FDR all passed away in mid to late April 1945(totally not a coincidence). After this Germany was defeated and Nazis were allowed into the US government via operation paperclip by Truman and Eisenhower. Yet another example of the political ecosystem, also known as the swamp, filling in a hole.
I have trouble accepting that Bill Hicks (the comedian) was anyones puppet.
Then you have a long way to go before you can truly call yourself awake. The vast majority of people you grew up loving were horrible horrible people. It gets passed off as something normal like sign language
He was a huge figure when it came to children’s entertainment and had a large influence on young people. Jim Henson was balls deep in the occult too. Most of our entertainment that we had as a kid was made by occultists. Did you know Don Bluth(land before time) is part of the Romney family? The same family that controls the GOP and has this asshole
Kinda judgmental don't you think? You don't know me or how I grew up or what the fuck I am now.
Woah… I’m just telling it like it is, not trying to insult you. We’ve all been there and thought that. Nothing wrong with it. One of the core themes of the great awakening is understanding that you’ve been lied to your entire life and that most of the people you loved were probably puppets of something horrible
I met a famous comedian who knows Alex Jones — I asked him if Jones was really Bill Hicks, and he basically confirmed. Great links! ThanQ for sharing. I am saving!
She is soooo strange. Stories of her screaming, ranting, belittling her staff, a monster to work for and then like you said “Save me from all the strange people!” I think those falls and concussions were a sign of mental decline and health problems just like Sleepy Joe!
All it proves is that Homer Simpson is ahead of the times when it comes to high fashion. A trend-setter. Soon everyone will be sporting this chic look.
It's a blue circus tent!
The fat guy moo moo! That satanic witch did do most of her work with a broomstick!
What an atrocious frump.
It's photoshopped, it had flowers
Dude, I'm fucking rolling. 🤣
Wonder if they used a mechanical, bobbing bird to switch votes for them.
2016: "To switch votes, press any key" "Where's the Any Key?"
2020: Bill Gates just comes in and wrecks all the HyperCompuGlobalMegaNet shit
Don't let the haircut fool you....
Kek. Good times.
The Whoopi the Hut look
Weird lower-legs. The human costume was put quickly without double-checking on right size.
"I like men now" said by Ralph, in the pool, after Bart lost his shorts.
This is why Bill Clinton takes his glasses off.
Life comes at you quick!
She is retaining a lot of fluids! That's either heart disease or renal failure (kidneys not functioning). High doses of Prednisone medication will cause fluid retention like this.
When someone is diagnosed with a blood disorder, Prednisone is used to boost platelets so that the immune system kicks in to normal levels.
Q: Why would Hillary have a blood disorder for Prednisone medication?
A: Adrenachrome withdrawal? Low Platelets?
Well, people did often say that she had Kuru from drinking blood, explaining her bout of head wobbles and cackling. Adrenochrome withdrawals also likely. She also wears anti seizure glasses, and her mysterious now-dead African handler carried epipens and shit.
Heh, you think Kackling Kamala had the Kuru? On a slightly different note, I know right after the "election", her speeches looked like she was heavily on cocaine and uppers, possibly to counteract a night of drinking.
That looks like someone wearing a fat suit. He legs look synthetic.
"I like men now" said by Ralph, when Bart skates by on a dare naked in the Simpsons movie. I believe Ralph is the main character for PP