Since June starts tomorrow, do not call it 'Pride Month, call it for what it is: Groomer Month
🐸 OK, GROOMER! 🏳️⚧️
Take their fake ass month and make it a showcase of reality
How about we just call it June...
Or as I call it: "Show me who to boycott Month". They make it really easy for ya.
Username most definitely checks out.
Godspeed Pede
Why do all the leftist scumbags need a pride month anyway?
Because they KNOW deep inside that they are wrong and sinning, so they need external support to validate their self hate and loathing.
Groomer month is every month.
It's offensive that this stupid "Pride Month" thing is glued to my phone's calendar.
I turn off all holidays on my calendar then just manually add the important ones. Much cleaner that way without all the garbage
I'll do that. Didn't even know it was an option: I so seldom use the stupid thing that when I opened it yesterday and saw all that ridiculous buttsex celebration going on I was ticked. It's MY phone. I bought it and I don't want to see that crap.
Pride. One of the seven deadly sins.
And such an unusual thing to be proud of. Don’t they claim to be born that way? Why not be proud of accomplishments, instead of bad luck?
Yes, great idea!! Groomer Month. All month long. Let's arrest a lot of them!!
Again, taking "pride", the greatest of sins, in sinning, is a rebel's way of trying to win. They can't win, in the end, because they are lost in sin.
And we have only one day officially that celebrates our veterans.
When I was young I always looked forward to June, since it was my birthday month. Now it has been stained with the fact that it's the Pedophile Month.
The fact they have pride in being a pervert shows the level of mental illness involved. They should hide their shame.
I dread February and June.
Lets start our own calendar of events
Normandy Day; June 6 also date of earth shaking MVA for myself; also our Saviour may have been conceived this month if born as thought in March-april
Let's claim July as dude month.
I don't think I can agree with this. It still seems like a celebratory title. I suggest something like repentance month or something along those lines.