All you have to do is look at transgender suicide rates. An awful lot of these people end up in the same predicament.
Get to a point where you realize changing genders didn't solve your problems. Now, you can't go back. What's left?
Don't talk to your friends. Don't talk to your doctor. Go see a shrink. You might find out BEFORE you do something you can't come back from that your problem isn't what you think it is.
The system has been rigged to produce exactly the results we are seeing today. Family court doesn't do jack sh!t to help bring the family together but to tear them apart. The court is rigged against men so most of these kids end up raised by single moms who need the constant social validation.
Before you attack a nation physically, you need to take out dominant males, and you don't do that in one generation. The enemy never worries about the women, because women will mate with whoever wins the war (another ugly truth evident throughout history). Men are the protectors of their culture and race, so until men are men again, our situation is very dire.
Growing up, I was taught the mainland Chinese and Soviet commies were the enemies, but the last decade or two I saw that globohomo and transgender were promoted in both countries to a certain extent, that's when I realized they were also attacked. Putin may not be perfect, but at least he is fighting to keep Russia from being overrun by homo and transgenderism, and for that, I respect him as Russia's leader because he truly loves his people and his land.
Whichever country can protect its culture from homo and transgenderism in the next two decades will have preserved its culture. Europe lost after WWII. The US and Canada are losing right now. Taking kids out of the public school is the first step to take the country and culture back.
To preserve a nation. Accountability must be taught. Whether man or woman Accountability must be enforced. Otherwise the cycle will repeat. Men are held accountable for the actions of both men AND women. Yet women are allowed to run free doing awful deeds such as killing babies. Men had the fear of god in them young. Women did too. Now men have the fear of the cabal (which is what they want) and the women for government freebies will offer the father as a blood sacrifice. Until women are held accountable for their actions and not praised or their responsiblity delegated to the closest man the nuclear family will stay destroyed.
Dont just take kids out of public schools. Teach children morals, ethics, values, and principles.
Yes sir. The dominant man is what teaches morals ethics values and principles. The dominant man will hold other evil males accountable. The strong father raised dominant men with that behavior. The cabal could never win all these years because their 1 obstacle was the father. So like satan with Eve they enticed the female with fruit. That fruit being government freebies. All they had to do was get rid of the father.
Lilsparrow, frazzledrip and you all see the truth of the idea that people are not simply sinners, they are those who have been sinned against. As far as shrinks go, one needs to be careful of some of them as well. Those grounded in Scripture will actually have the best solutions, as long as they are balanced. A Christian counselor or counselor who shares your faith might be the best move you can make.
It's a razer's edge. Some parents, friends and doctors are against transgenderism and try to convince their children, loved ones, and patients that going through with the process is bad. There are some shrinks who are in favor of it, and thus will attempt to guide their clients into making an irreversible decision.
There is no blanketed correct answer, as saying who to 'listen' to can be just as harmful, and it's tough, I know. All that we can tell someone is that they need to 1) Be comfortable with themselves first, 2) Be strong against peer and social pressure. 3) Understand the risks involved, and how what they think is good today may be the worse decision they've made tomorrow.
Everything certain people do is 'rush, rush, rush', because they want to get to a result, and damn the consequences. These people have no power over someone who looks inward, takes their time, thinks about who they are, what they want, and why.
It's all about control. And these testimonials of regret are proof of that.
I mean it's simply natural selection in a sense, no? Used to be in ancient times that what determined whether someone survived or not in the world was how physically fit they were (can they outrun a predator, overpower competition, etc.) Nowadays survival appears to be related to mental fitness. Are you gullible? Foolish? Have a propensity to blindly believe what you are told? Then you're not fit. It seems to be really that simple.
If you believe in authority figures over common sense then your genetic line will likely perish from the Earth. The only reason these people have even been allowed to survive as long as they have is due to the overabundance of resources and safety our civilization has enjoyed for a century. When the hard times come a knocking they won't make it.
99% of these kids dont need a shrink. its normal as you grow up to feel all sorts of things about your sexuality as youre discovering it. it doesnt make therapy necessary. its part of life. it is the corrupt as fuck system TEACHING these kids things to confuse them about their gender and planting seeds that causes problems.
I mention a shrink because a shrink is trained to help your mind. Talking to a shrink, you might find out "I wanna be a girl" isn't your issue. It's preventative for what is most likely going to happen if you go down the transgender route, solely going by your own "feelings".
It's very easy to get confused when you're young. You suggest something to a friend or a doctor and they'll encourage you because it's what you believe you want. Back to transgender suicides.... obviously, all them discovered that what they THOUGHT was their problem, wasn't.
the second half of your comment is correct - that exact thing can happen talking to a shrink. forcing kids to solidify & put into words confusing fleeting feelings is exactly what got all these kids INTO this mess. instead of a young person having passing feelings they now have infinite validation online & places to discuss it to solidify what may have been a brief moment of confusion. before all this over analyzation of feelings, fleeting feelings of attraction for 1 person of the same gender was just that. then they continue through life and realize either that they ARE genuinely gay or they just were confused at that moment as their sexuality was coming into its own.
I mean some of the decisions I made at that age were pretty fucking bad, I shiver at the thought of how stupid and young I was. I think the same applies for this retard. We are all retarded in some ways.
This is why this kind of change should NEVER be allowed for young people. Even 18 is too young IMHO, but the children given anti-puberty drugs and surgery by their parents? That is fucking child abuse and disgusting.
You're absolutely right. It is disgusting and horrifying.
What I'm mostly getting at is that when they start to realize what was done to them, how they were manipulated and abused, that we should not chastise them. Yes, acknowledgement is one thing, but they are crying out for comfort and support. We all did dumb shit when we were younger, and we learned. What I'm saying is show compassion for their grief so that they can find their way to recovery and healing, and to become better of themselves.
God can use these moments to help people help others. This poor person needs to talk to others who are about to make this disastrous decision, might make them feel better.
Either way, I agree. I think we even get off here on hating people, which is not what Jesus wanted at all. It's something I struggle with as well. Hate doesn't come from the most high, it comes from that asshole who tricks everyone.
Compassion trumps judgement in my eyes. Thanks for being a good-hearted person. Need more of you in this world.
I'm glad I balance my social media viewing with a range of topics, good for the mind to take breaks, as well as pulling insight from places you never expected on topics that have nothing to do with politics.
I watch Cinema Therapy from time to time on YouTube, where this film maker sits down with his friend and therapist to watch movies, and talk about a myriad of things related to the film, the psychology behind it from a film and interpersonal perspective, etc.
On the episode they did talking about Dreamwork's "The Prince of Egypt", the therapist talks about his idea that hate comes from love, usually from 3 major avenues:
Hating people we used to love, because we feel betrayed over something they did or do.
Hating people who are a threat or are a perceived threat to someone or something we care deeply for.
Hate is taught by those we love, and we hate the 'other' because we love those who care or are perceived to care for us.
I'm paraphrasing, but this is what I've come away with.
So how do we combat all this hatred that is cemented in the roots of feelings of love?
Honestly? With more love. Hating them back or degrading them when they've hit their lows is only going to backfire, either reinforcing their ideals, or resulting in death, theirs or someone else's.
This is why this kind of change should NEVER be allowed for young people. Even 18 is too young IMHO
The OP on reddit would agree with you.
4d ago
detrans female
I'm sorry ❤️ its so fucking painful. Thank you for helping me realise I'm not alone. 18 is so young, I know it's classed as an adult but my god I wish there were something that could have convinced me otherwise.
but the children given anti-puberty drugs and surgery by their parents? That is fucking child abuse and disgusting.
I would strongly argue for 30+. Our ability to foresee consequences of our behavior really doesn't kick in until we are about 20, until about 30 it is developing.
At 18 years old when they had it happen, it was 100% due to external influence.
No reason to trash on this person; they're a victim of the rampant lunacy in destroying the minds, bodies and souls of children, and are now a statistic of many who mature and realize that they made an irreversible mistake.
The real key though is that they don't ever seem to point the fingers at the methods of indoctrination.. because they are taught not to.
These influences are deliberately slid into their minds in ways that aren't outright forced in most cases, but rather pushed over time in a way that makes them believe it gradually, and this is usually done by authority figures who these children trust, e.g. family, teachers, doctors.
The fingers always need to be pointed at those who would destroy these people, and those who would take their cash to see it through without making them spend time thinking it through.
Completely agree. It's very refreshing to see such empathy and compassion here. And yes this person needs to accept that despite the influences, they still chose to do it. Despite the influence of the serpent, Adam and Eve still lied about eating the fruit...
As is our right as free Americans to do stupid shit... at the end of the say we only have ourselves to blame for all of this. Sure, some are more responsible than others, but what did we do when people were trying to warn us? Wrote em off as crazy? And what was our response to these situations? Tighten the grip of control. The reason the Christian Right lost control of the culture is because they tried to control people. At no point, when He walked the Earth did Jesus try to control anyone. They sought Him out of their own choice and that's what we need to remember. While it might suck for poor saps like this, and yes while we do need to wrangle in the social bombardment, at the end of the day we need to respect nd honor the sacred right to choose regardless of if we agree with it or not.
We also need radical changes in our society to facilitate a more pro life and pro family environment and yes that means taking into consideration ideas that our European brothers and sisters have adopted. They have almost no poor people and their standard of living is pretty great overall. Not saying we need to implement full European socialism, however some of the ideas are worth talking about and adapting for our country.
I'm both mad and extremely sad for these people. It's easy to point the finger to cast blame, but we have to remember to be compassionate too.
All you have to do is look at transgender suicide rates. An awful lot of these people end up in the same predicament.
Get to a point where you realize changing genders didn't solve your problems. Now, you can't go back. What's left?
Don't talk to your friends. Don't talk to your doctor. Go see a shrink. You might find out BEFORE you do something you can't come back from that your problem isn't what you think it is.
Also look at the transgender individual's relationship with their father. Majority of time they're either non existent or weak.
The system has been rigged to produce exactly the results we are seeing today. Family court doesn't do jack sh!t to help bring the family together but to tear them apart. The court is rigged against men so most of these kids end up raised by single moms who need the constant social validation.
Before you attack a nation physically, you need to take out dominant males, and you don't do that in one generation. The enemy never worries about the women, because women will mate with whoever wins the war (another ugly truth evident throughout history). Men are the protectors of their culture and race, so until men are men again, our situation is very dire.
Growing up, I was taught the mainland Chinese and Soviet commies were the enemies, but the last decade or two I saw that globohomo and transgender were promoted in both countries to a certain extent, that's when I realized they were also attacked. Putin may not be perfect, but at least he is fighting to keep Russia from being overrun by homo and transgenderism, and for that, I respect him as Russia's leader because he truly loves his people and his land.
Whichever country can protect its culture from homo and transgenderism in the next two decades will have preserved its culture. Europe lost after WWII. The US and Canada are losing right now. Taking kids out of the public school is the first step to take the country and culture back.
To preserve a nation. Accountability must be taught. Whether man or woman Accountability must be enforced. Otherwise the cycle will repeat. Men are held accountable for the actions of both men AND women. Yet women are allowed to run free doing awful deeds such as killing babies. Men had the fear of god in them young. Women did too. Now men have the fear of the cabal (which is what they want) and the women for government freebies will offer the father as a blood sacrifice. Until women are held accountable for their actions and not praised or their responsiblity delegated to the closest man the nuclear family will stay destroyed.
Dont just take kids out of public schools. Teach children morals, ethics, values, and principles.
Yes sir. The dominant man is what teaches morals ethics values and principles. The dominant man will hold other evil males accountable. The strong father raised dominant men with that behavior. The cabal could never win all these years because their 1 obstacle was the father. So like satan with Eve they enticed the female with fruit. That fruit being government freebies. All they had to do was get rid of the father.
Lilsparrow, frazzledrip and you all see the truth of the idea that people are not simply sinners, they are those who have been sinned against. As far as shrinks go, one needs to be careful of some of them as well. Those grounded in Scripture will actually have the best solutions, as long as they are balanced. A Christian counselor or counselor who shares your faith might be the best move you can make.
It's a razer's edge. Some parents, friends and doctors are against transgenderism and try to convince their children, loved ones, and patients that going through with the process is bad. There are some shrinks who are in favor of it, and thus will attempt to guide their clients into making an irreversible decision.
There is no blanketed correct answer, as saying who to 'listen' to can be just as harmful, and it's tough, I know. All that we can tell someone is that they need to 1) Be comfortable with themselves first, 2) Be strong against peer and social pressure. 3) Understand the risks involved, and how what they think is good today may be the worse decision they've made tomorrow.
Everything certain people do is 'rush, rush, rush', because they want to get to a result, and damn the consequences. These people have no power over someone who looks inward, takes their time, thinks about who they are, what they want, and why.
It's all about control. And these testimonials of regret are proof of that.
I mean it's simply natural selection in a sense, no? Used to be in ancient times that what determined whether someone survived or not in the world was how physically fit they were (can they outrun a predator, overpower competition, etc.) Nowadays survival appears to be related to mental fitness. Are you gullible? Foolish? Have a propensity to blindly believe what you are told? Then you're not fit. It seems to be really that simple.
If you believe in authority figures over common sense then your genetic line will likely perish from the Earth. The only reason these people have even been allowed to survive as long as they have is due to the overabundance of resources and safety our civilization has enjoyed for a century. When the hard times come a knocking they won't make it.
99% of these kids dont need a shrink. its normal as you grow up to feel all sorts of things about your sexuality as youre discovering it. it doesnt make therapy necessary. its part of life. it is the corrupt as fuck system TEACHING these kids things to confuse them about their gender and planting seeds that causes problems.
I mention a shrink because a shrink is trained to help your mind. Talking to a shrink, you might find out "I wanna be a girl" isn't your issue. It's preventative for what is most likely going to happen if you go down the transgender route, solely going by your own "feelings".
It's very easy to get confused when you're young. You suggest something to a friend or a doctor and they'll encourage you because it's what you believe you want. Back to transgender suicides.... obviously, all them discovered that what they THOUGHT was their problem, wasn't.
the second half of your comment is correct - that exact thing can happen talking to a shrink. forcing kids to solidify & put into words confusing fleeting feelings is exactly what got all these kids INTO this mess. instead of a young person having passing feelings they now have infinite validation online & places to discuss it to solidify what may have been a brief moment of confusion. before all this over analyzation of feelings, fleeting feelings of attraction for 1 person of the same gender was just that. then they continue through life and realize either that they ARE genuinely gay or they just were confused at that moment as their sexuality was coming into its own.
I mean some of the decisions I made at that age were pretty fucking bad, I shiver at the thought of how stupid and young I was. I think the same applies for this retard. We are all retarded in some ways.
This is why this kind of change should NEVER be allowed for young people. Even 18 is too young IMHO, but the children given anti-puberty drugs and surgery by their parents? That is fucking child abuse and disgusting.
You're absolutely right. It is disgusting and horrifying.
What I'm mostly getting at is that when they start to realize what was done to them, how they were manipulated and abused, that we should not chastise them. Yes, acknowledgement is one thing, but they are crying out for comfort and support. We all did dumb shit when we were younger, and we learned. What I'm saying is show compassion for their grief so that they can find their way to recovery and healing, and to become better of themselves.
I can't disagree with anything you said.
God can use these moments to help people help others. This poor person needs to talk to others who are about to make this disastrous decision, might make them feel better.
Either way, I agree. I think we even get off here on hating people, which is not what Jesus wanted at all. It's something I struggle with as well. Hate doesn't come from the most high, it comes from that asshole who tricks everyone.
Compassion trumps judgement in my eyes. Thanks for being a good-hearted person. Need more of you in this world.
I'm glad I balance my social media viewing with a range of topics, good for the mind to take breaks, as well as pulling insight from places you never expected on topics that have nothing to do with politics.
I watch Cinema Therapy from time to time on YouTube, where this film maker sits down with his friend and therapist to watch movies, and talk about a myriad of things related to the film, the psychology behind it from a film and interpersonal perspective, etc.
On the episode they did talking about Dreamwork's "The Prince of Egypt", the therapist talks about his idea that hate comes from love, usually from 3 major avenues:
Hating people we used to love, because we feel betrayed over something they did or do.
Hating people who are a threat or are a perceived threat to someone or something we care deeply for.
Hate is taught by those we love, and we hate the 'other' because we love those who care or are perceived to care for us.
I'm paraphrasing, but this is what I've come away with.
So how do we combat all this hatred that is cemented in the roots of feelings of love?
Honestly? With more love. Hating them back or degrading them when they've hit their lows is only going to backfire, either reinforcing their ideals, or resulting in death, theirs or someone else's.
I wanted to get a dick piercing at 16. Thankfully by 18 I was over it.
The OP on reddit would agree with you.
My heart breaks for these kids! :(
I would strongly argue for 30+. Our ability to foresee consequences of our behavior really doesn't kick in until we are about 20, until about 30 it is developing.
At 18 years old when they had it happen, it was 100% due to external influence.
No reason to trash on this person; they're a victim of the rampant lunacy in destroying the minds, bodies and souls of children, and are now a statistic of many who mature and realize that they made an irreversible mistake.
The real key though is that they don't ever seem to point the fingers at the methods of indoctrination.. because they are taught not to.
These influences are deliberately slid into their minds in ways that aren't outright forced in most cases, but rather pushed over time in a way that makes them believe it gradually, and this is usually done by authority figures who these children trust, e.g. family, teachers, doctors.
The fingers always need to be pointed at those who would destroy these people, and those who would take their cash to see it through without making them spend time thinking it through.
Completely agree. It's very refreshing to see such empathy and compassion here. And yes this person needs to accept that despite the influences, they still chose to do it. Despite the influence of the serpent, Adam and Eve still lied about eating the fruit...
Of course, fortunately they do recognize that they made the choice.
Sadly they don't seem to point fingers at those who manipulated her to that choice, which definitely needs to happen more.
I will consider that after the fight is won. Until then, piss on the enemies of my children.
There is certainly a movement to screw up confused youngster's lives and brains mature at 25. At 18, I did stupid shit all the time.
As is our right as free Americans to do stupid shit... at the end of the say we only have ourselves to blame for all of this. Sure, some are more responsible than others, but what did we do when people were trying to warn us? Wrote em off as crazy? And what was our response to these situations? Tighten the grip of control. The reason the Christian Right lost control of the culture is because they tried to control people. At no point, when He walked the Earth did Jesus try to control anyone. They sought Him out of their own choice and that's what we need to remember. While it might suck for poor saps like this, and yes while we do need to wrangle in the social bombardment, at the end of the day we need to respect nd honor the sacred right to choose regardless of if we agree with it or not.
We also need radical changes in our society to facilitate a more pro life and pro family environment and yes that means taking into consideration ideas that our European brothers and sisters have adopted. They have almost no poor people and their standard of living is pretty great overall. Not saying we need to implement full European socialism, however some of the ideas are worth talking about and adapting for our country.