The City of Kherson, which is in the Crimea region and has now become Russian territory again, has wiped the BANKING DEBTS of those citizens that now have taken up Russian Passports and those in the area. Coupled with the fact that President Putin has put Russia back on the Gold Standard, this will snowball as more Ukraine territories are liberated by Russia from the Nazis. I can imagine the bankers being absolutely unhinged at this news. Putin hates the Globalist Central Bankers and removed them awhile back from Russia. The Central Bank in Russia is owned by the Russian government (people) and not some unelected swill in some office on the other side of the world.
GOLD shall destroy the FED. Q
If other countries adopted this policy, and required said citizens to be residing WITHIN said borders to get whatever monies are available, it could solve 99% of illegal immigration very quickly...
I've always thought that would be a way of getting rid of our illegals. If Gesara is announced we all get money and you have to go to your country of origin to get it. Unless you are a real citizen here of course.
Gold shall destroy the FED. - Q
I hope it is true
This is why I endorse student loan debt forgiveness.
Fuck the banks.
The banks don't hold student loan debt. They were paid off by our govt the minute the loan was signed. You, I and every other taxpayer in the country is on the hook.
This is correct.
So you don't want them to be freed from the debt they were tricked into.
Oh no, they might be able to SAVE for the first time in their lives. How horrible.
I and I don’t know how many others paid off debt that we signed for—just as the present students have signed for. I’m not saying I was smart by taking on the debt, but I paid it off. Over $60k including interest. Why should the present day students not have to pay off their debt? No one is holding a gun to their head when they take it on.
Any sort of potential student loan forgiveness will by nature always leave some people who have paid off their loans. If it's always going to be about how some people paid loans, there would never be any improvement. The benefits to the economy will help everyone regardless of if they've paid off loans or not. And if we fix the predatory nature of college costs and predatory student loans, young people wouldn't have to fight such problems going forward, continuing to improve the quality of middle class life.
Well it's also kind of a bummer for the people that took simple physically demanding jobs right out high school. Now they have to keep working to pay for other making a bad investment. It really gets day laborers mad. I believe dems talking about paying off student loans lost them the Hispanic vote.
It's not surprising to see how many of the good responsible conservatives who paid back their student loans are gnashing their teeth over the possibility that someone, somewhere, might be freed from debt-slavery.
But what about me? What about we poor rich kids who never had to borrow so much as a dime to pay for college? Isn't it even more unfair that we a) had to pay ridiculously inflated prices because all those nasty little poor people were allowed to spend someone else's money, and, b) we weren't given any financial aid grants and were forced to pay the full retail price for the mere crime of having lots of money?
All right, I'm exaggerating. We didn't actually pay for school. Our daddies did. See, that right there, that's grit, that's what that is. The Boomers are right. Just stop whining and do what I did. It wasn't hard at all.
But it's still unfair! How will WE benefit from a student loan debt jubilee? Why isn't anyone thinking about ME and MY compensation? I mean, how can I possibly benefit from the housing market not completely collapsing because 45 million of the most educated people in America can't qualify for a mortgage? What good is it to me if 45 million people suddenly have the ability to save money for the first time in their lives? I mean, it's not as if savings = investment, or that I is a core component of Gross Domestic Product, right?
Why won't you shed a tear for me?
What in the reddit did I just read?
Take your virtue signaling somewhere else. Individual student loan debt is not another's problem.
Too bad for them if they got a useless degree without researching first.
Why does it have to be student loan specifically though?? What about debt in general. Credit cards are way more predatory in the sense of insane internet rates, and I guarantee most everyone has some they could pay off. It could be $10,000 towards anything such as student loans, credit cards, home loan, car loans, and if you absolutely have no debt - some form of future tax credit spread out, medical expense, etc I’m just freestyling thoughts at this point
the ire is that it’s so very specific, yet only seems to advantage a select few people. Once again — punishing those that never incurred debt, or did the right thing and paid it off already, or had enough time to pay it off — you’re punished for doing well and right today, just the way society seems to always operate. What’s up is down, left is right, true is false and this is just one more example to hang onto.
If you’re going to do it— do it for everyone in some way, or don’t do it all
One step at a time. We'll get to those. Fuck the banks.
I just picked a topical subject.
Fair enough.
My solution is just to drop the interest on these loans to zero or near zero (case by case) — everyone wins, and no one is given a freebie.
It’s daunting to pay $2,000/year and not even chip your principal (and that was with only 30k in student loans). I paid mine off in 2019 though
No, I don't. Fuck them and let them pay their own debt. Most of them are liberal pussies who should be taught a lesson anyway. I had to pay my student loans. They can do the same. Fuck you and anyone who thinks like you. You are an enemy to this country and should be handled as such.
Borrowed money. Pay it back. Big fuckin trickery.
This really does get to the core issue worldwide. Parasite banks have robbed most of us for a very long time.
Read my reply to give you an idea for how long. Parasites they are. Disgusting parasites that never worked a day in their lives and have gorged off the taxpayer for decades.
Please watch this when you get time:
"The Central Bank in Russia is owned by the Russian government (people)..."
Now that right there is pretty damned funny.
Kherson’s military administrators to call for Russian annexation-May '22
Unclear if Kremlin will agree to annex captured Ukrainian territory or use threat to put pressure on Kyiv-
Don’t listen to western media. The lies they spew out are unbelievable.
Search. Thedreisenreport Go back to come forward.Jacob has an incredible interview with Alex and Alexander on his site.
Alexander Christoforou on YouTube
Alex Mercouris on YouTube. Alex is travelling so you may not get up to date info
Gonzalo Lira II on YouTube. GONZALA lives in Kherson and was picked up by the Ukrainian Secret Police and went missing for 5 days. I believe what he is telling is that he is under the protection of the Russian Military.
Patrick Lancaster. He is moving with the Russian Military at present after being in the thick of it in Mariupol around 2 months ago. Go back to then as he interviews those civilians that hid in bunkers away from the Nazis. Please be warned. Some is quite graphic and I’m still thinking about the man whose wife had just been killed in the Mariupol area when a grad or missile landed on him and his wife as they were outside on chairs. He was in deep shock and his wife was still on the ground. So very upsetting. These people have been waiting since before 2014 for liberation from the Nazis. Up until then, 24,000 civilians and militia in the Donbas have died. Where is the outrage Worldwide? None! Ethnic cleansing of Russian speaking citizens.
Go to IntelSlavaZ telegram. Reporting directly from the war zone.
Ukraine is no more. Russia has liberated town after town. City after city. These citizens are lining up for hours to receive Russian passports. Patrick has been interviewing some of them, but they are still scared. Even if you considered yourself a Ukrainian any positive mention of Russia has you put in jail for 15 years, or worse. While the west worship Zelinsky, these people are not safe. The world has been conned about Russia and Putin being evil. It’s the western leaders and the politicians that have blamed Putin for everything. They cannot and will not shift off Putin. Same as what they did to Trump. The world is finally seeing the truth and people are slowly waking up to the fact that our western governments and their leaders worldwide are Nazis and the globalists didn’t go away in WW2, they just moved their agenda onto western shores. Look up Operation Paperclip. Look at the education systems worldwide. Look at NGOs. Look at the Nazi media and the social media pushers. Nazis. There was a reason Putin called for the DEnazification of Ukraine. He’s just taking the trash out.
A lot of great info on this post, thank you. Just a small note, I believe Gonzalo Lira resides in Kharkov.
You’re correct. Two similar sounding cities! We’ve just watch his latest two. Very good. Every American should watch them. ❗️❗️❗️
The Patriot Front Arrests.
My run in with. Glowie.
The first if you listen carefully, he is not slamming MAGA, in fact quite the opposite. I think these people are joining these sorts of groups because they feel they need to be doing something for the movement, but it’s a trap. As I said EVERYONE should watch this!!
How did we slide from Russia to whether or not the US should pay off college debt?
People keep quoting Q but don't talk about how it was the fed that stole our gold in the first place. Am I wrong about that or what?
Yes. Read the history of why Nixon took the USA off the Gold Standard. Very interesting history of when the Fed was formed (1913) in fact a day before Christmas while people had their attentions elsewhere. Also, look at the founding members. One interesting fact there were 2 or 3 the group that were against the formation on the Fed. They boarded the Titanic and went down with it. Interestingly, JP Morgan was also due to sail but as the gangplanks were coming up, he slipped off the ship. He knew. Lots of research on the Titanic.
QDrop 142 dated Nov 12 2017
How did Soros replace family ‘y’?
Who is family ‘y’?
Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.
What happened during WWII?
Was Hitler a puppet?
Who was his handler?
What was the purpose?
What was the real purpose of the war?
What age was GS?
What is the Soros family history?
What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?
Who is A. Merkel?
What is A. Merkel’s family history?
Follow the bloodline.
Who died on the TITANIC?
What year did the TITANIC sink?
Why is this relevant?
What ‘exactly’ happened to the TITANIC?
What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat?
Why did select ‘individuals’ not make it into the lifeboats?
Why is this relevant?
How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)?
How were names and bodies recorded back then?
When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage?
Who was ‘specifically’ invited?
Less than 10.
What is the FED?
What does the FED control?
Who controls the FED?
Who approved the formation of the FED?
Why did H-wood glorify TITANIC as a tragic love story?
Who lived in the movie (what man)?
Why is this relevant?
Opposite is true.
What is brainwashing?
What is a PSYOP?
What happened to the Hindenburg?
What really happened to the Hindenburg?
Who died during the ‘accident’?
Why is this relevant?
What are sheep?
Who controls the narrative?
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
It must be controlled.
Snow White.
Iron Eagle.
Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).
QDrop 127 dated 7 Nov. 2017
The graphic is your key.
Let's pause and say hello to the rogue intelligence agencies currently monitoring these threads.
Was the money worth it?
Q told us years ago about the TITANIC and it’s connection to the formation of the Federal Reserve.
There is a fair amount of talk about Titanic, but this drop also references the Hindenberg. What are the details behind that?
I’ve been meaning to ask if anyone has any info regarding this but time marches on and other things like life get in the way. 😀. I believe Q is alluding to the fact that it was sabotaged. What these globalists will not do for their own greed.
Well, lighter-than-air aircraft, or aerostats, are pretty fucking cost-efficient for transporting goods and people. Why, prices on travel and all kinds of goods would go down! The Globalists can't have that, no siree! They'd make less money that way!
Sorry I'm not following. How does this explain why there is no gold in Fort Knox?
Have you seen this?
Is this wrong?
Q has said the GOLD is all there. See Q drop 3393
An Anon asked.
Q. Do we have the Gold
Qs rely
Yes Gold shall destroy the FED. Q
I also believe there was a new gold depository built recently. Cannot quite remember where. I’ll have a look at your link soon. I think Manuchin also stated the gold was present and accounted for.
Interesting. Thanks for the info. I look forward to what you have to say about the documentary.
Like X22 said, left or right, black v white, we all have one thing in common and that’s money. Maybe Putin planned it, wipe out debts at the last minute, other cities and states can see, and switch allegiances. It now makes their ‘war’ a hell of a lot easier to win without bloodshed.