A thing such as that does not exist. CPS is not our friend to the children. Best thing to do right now would be to ban children from said drag shows 🤷🏼♀️
This is nothing more than cover for the parents own sexual fantasy's and if they have there kids with them then it's OK. They need to be arrested or beaten with a baseball bat.....respectfully.
The only reason it is currently illegal to take children to strip clubs is because the performers generally present themselves as the genders they were born as, and generally perform for the opposite gender. Wish I was kidding, but I honestly think that reasoning is sound in 2022. I’ve seen pics of kool aid colored dicks-out swingin @ pride parades with children abound (and Reddit and Twitter and teachers cheer for this).
It’s as simple as that. I really hope I remember this point next time I’m having this “debate” (usually with a woman. I have NO idea why women in general are SO overwhelmingly sympathetic and white knighting of gays and trans)
Sorry, I disagree. The parents should be executed. Matthew 18:6;“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."
So, if God says they are shitbags and need to die a horrible death....I tend to agree.
No they need to go to jail, the parents and those who allowed the children to view this crap. They should take their parental rights too, of course then we get into CPS which can be worse for the child than the parents. It's despicable.
I must play devil's advocate on this one for the sake of generating a chat.
Yes I agree that Drag Shows like this are NOT places for kids to be.
For years parents have taken kids to R rated movies that include violence, sex and foul language and I have never really seen any strong anti R movies for kids push from the Right. We have always just left it up to the parents to decide what they think is appropriate to take their kids to.
So why are people screaming child abuse now, when they werent before?
I think at the end of the day you can tell a kid a movie is not real. Out in the real world, no parent ever condoned their child to be or do the things they saw in movies.
In this istuation its very real and parents are teching their kids to embrace sex and sexual expression at a very young age. And the way kids minds work, they gravitate towards what ever excites them. That is why this is called grooming.
I fail to see how taking a child to an R rated movie with sexuality
differs from taking them to a drag show
Either way you are exposing them to sex and sexual expression at a very young age..
My point is simply that both are likely not a good idea but yet we are only making a stink about it NOW espcially since Im sure multi millions more kids have seen an R rated sexually graphic movie vs a seeing a drag show
I agree completely that they are both bad ideas. I was just throwing out a theory as to why people consider one ok and not the other.
My opinion is, there is a different impact to all that in person, where you cant tell people its fake, parents are not covering kids eyes on the bad parts, and I dont know anyone who takes their kids to a movie that is 100% sexual in pupose throughout its duration.
The movie is entertainment. That is the way it is presented and that is how it is explained. Drag shows are a lifestyle. Real life, in their face, and people are taking their kids there to purposfully expose them to nothing more than sexual fantasy.
Its a lot more complex than sex in one and sex in the other. They are not the same. Not in pupose and not in presentation. As such, the impact on the kids will also not be the same.
This is all to create more division. Conservative children will grow up super fearful of any authority and sexually stunted. Liberal children will grow up confused about who they are and made to believe they are to blame for all the inequities of the world. Both end up in the same place, the therapy couch, and forever blame each other for their problems.
Government involvement got us here. Let's find some better solutions from now on.
Remember those PSA's that told parents to talk to their babies?
We should have those on identifying Disneys, and other important topics that they never learned.
public *hanging
CPS needs to take their kids away and bring them to a safer environment.
A thing such as that does not exist. CPS is not our friend to the children. Best thing to do right now would be to ban children from said drag shows 🤷🏼♀️
Ban drag shows
Fixed it
I mean yeah thats way better
Correct. CPS will take your kids if you DONT go To a drag show.
CPS will take your kids if you voted for Trump.
I was about to say about the same thing. It's probably CPS BRINGING the kids to the drag shows.
CPS only pretends to move kids into a safer environment, they are not to be trusted
No one should cou t on CPS to ever get off their ass and do anything but what ever the courts ask them to do.
what ever faggots do behind closed doors right....? As long as they aren't hurting anyone..... right?
And here we are.
This is collectively all our faults.
This is nothing more than cover for the parents own sexual fantasy's and if they have there kids with them then it's OK. They need to be arrested or beaten with a baseball bat.....respectfully.
This is no different than taking a kid to a strip club IMO. Seems like this is illegal. Or I could be a moron. I could be wrong. Sick SOBs...
The only reason it is currently illegal to take children to strip clubs is because the performers generally present themselves as the genders they were born as, and generally perform for the opposite gender. Wish I was kidding, but I honestly think that reasoning is sound in 2022. I’ve seen pics of kool aid colored dicks-out swingin @ pride parades with children abound (and Reddit and Twitter and teachers cheer for this).
You're Not wrong....
This is child abuse.
Ask yourself would you let a woman perform this in front of your kids? Then how is it ok for a man dressed up as a woman to do?
It’s as simple as that. I really hope I remember this point next time I’m having this “debate” (usually with a woman. I have NO idea why women in general are SO overwhelmingly sympathetic and white knighting of gays and trans)
Sorry, I disagree. The parents should be executed. Matthew 18:6;“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."
So, if God says they are shitbags and need to die a horrible death....I tend to agree.
I'm trying to be 'diplomatic'...lol...But yes I agree ...Death!
what a place of filth!!!! did you see that floor??? and the fat-ass beetle writhing on the floor????
I think they should be horsewhipped, but regret I cannot find a single horse whip anywhere. Wish I had one, though.
I can’t find a horse whip either. I think PETA made it impossible to turn horses into whips. Bla bla bla animal rights…
The Henry Aaron 32 ounce Louisville Slugger is readily available.
Let's hope the thing had a "Brazilian."
The new Cirque du Soleil shows really went downhill fast
No they need to go to jail, the parents and those who allowed the children to view this crap. They should take their parental rights too, of course then we get into CPS which can be worse for the child than the parents. It's despicable.
Just tax it into oblivion like the left is doing to gasoline.
You misspelled fined
Come on man! I'm trying to drink my coffee here and I just about vomited!
Jailed not fined
If this is ok, can they name one thing that would be wrong enough to put their foot down and NOT take their children to? Where is the line for them?
They should also have to attend Parenting classes and classes taught on identifying groomers.
such good dancers !
A magazine full of sex offender rehabilitation.
Where is DCFS on this?
Just fined? That's essentially putting a price on child abuse.
Start calling is crossdressing strippers instead of drag
No such thing as a "family friendly" drag show.
Fined? Take their kids away. Sexyal abusers dint get to jeep their children, nor parents who fail to protect them or put them at risk.
I must play devil's advocate on this one for the sake of generating a chat.
Yes I agree that Drag Shows like this are NOT places for kids to be.
For years parents have taken kids to R rated movies that include violence, sex and foul language and I have never really seen any strong anti R movies for kids push from the Right. We have always just left it up to the parents to decide what they think is appropriate to take their kids to.
So why are people screaming child abuse now, when they werent before?
I think at the end of the day you can tell a kid a movie is not real. Out in the real world, no parent ever condoned their child to be or do the things they saw in movies.
In this istuation its very real and parents are teching their kids to embrace sex and sexual expression at a very young age. And the way kids minds work, they gravitate towards what ever excites them. That is why this is called grooming.
I fail to see how taking a child to an R rated movie with sexuality
differs from taking them to a drag show
Either way you are exposing them to sex and sexual expression at a very young age..
My point is simply that both are likely not a good idea but yet we are only making a stink about it NOW espcially since Im sure multi millions more kids have seen an R rated sexually graphic movie vs a seeing a drag show
I agree completely that they are both bad ideas. I was just throwing out a theory as to why people consider one ok and not the other.
My opinion is, there is a different impact to all that in person, where you cant tell people its fake, parents are not covering kids eyes on the bad parts, and I dont know anyone who takes their kids to a movie that is 100% sexual in pupose throughout its duration.
The movie is entertainment. That is the way it is presented and that is how it is explained. Drag shows are a lifestyle. Real life, in their face, and people are taking their kids there to purposfully expose them to nothing more than sexual fantasy.
Its a lot more complex than sex in one and sex in the other. They are not the same. Not in pupose and not in presentation. As such, the impact on the kids will also not be the same.
Bc this is an abomination to confuse children into thinking God put them in the wrong body.
Because conservatives love virtue signaling too.
This is all to create more division. Conservative children will grow up super fearful of any authority and sexually stunted. Liberal children will grow up confused about who they are and made to believe they are to blame for all the inequities of the world. Both end up in the same place, the therapy couch, and forever blame each other for their problems.
And as bad as the left is showing their asses its pretty much easy for the right to virtue signal these days.
Take your choice on the wide range of potential virtues...lol
Not the same. At the end of Die Hard 3 Bruce Willis never walked up to me and told me I can be just like him one day.
So if the drag show were pre recorded and shown on video on a big screen then it would be okay?
Fair point