We have a doctor friend whose father, also a doctor, was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer back in the 1970's. His oncologists sent him home to die. The elder doc had met Pauling at a conference and they discussed Vit. C. He began Vitamin C infusions and 3 months later when he went for a checkup, he had no more cancer- pffft - gone. Changed our friend and his dad's lives. Both became alternative med docs. Older doc is retired. His son prescribed Vit's, minerals, etc. and zero big pharma meds.
Wish I could give you his name. Mainstream docs ruined him. He had to quit practicing or he would face charges. They did to him what they wanted to do to American Frontline docs. So sad because he was amazing! Thank God, our primary physician, while not quite alternative, will prescribe vitamins, etc. Want to go to a homeopathic doc. The closest is about an hour away.
I can’t find a homeopathic doctor anywhere. Searches don’t allow for it at all. I’ve been trying to find one for a while, with no luck. Closest thing I have is my acupuncturist/chiropractor. I want a doc for the whole family, especially because we have another on the way.
Search for "naturopathic" doctor, not "homeopathic." I'm not so sure about homeopathy... it's all about diluting stuff so that the "essence" alone is enough. Well, I can dilute a drop of whiskey into a glass of water and I won't feel it at all.
You know, I've been using Yandex for several months now, but in the past month or two it seems to have changed. Results are noticably less useful, and I get more drive-by media results and fewer "alternatives", such as infogalactic.
Vit C (Liposomal 1000mg per day) has literally changed my life after spending years in and out of hospital, on average every 3 months! Spent 3 Christmas holidays in hospital. Last time for sepsis which almost got me and meant me spending 2 months in hospital and another year on daily IV (Pic line straight into my heart) anti-biotics!
By chance I met someone who herself had a very difficult time as a child in hospital. She steered me towards alternative therapies, and I haven't been near a hospital in close to 4 years, not a day unwell (apart from breaking an ankle) it really has given me life.
She did fren, and I've got a friend who's just gone through chemo for cancer (in his neck, which I now know 4 people with) and got him to take 4 x 1000mg liposomol vit C per day, he's doing well!
Which means that the right amount (experiment with C, add a little fiber, & track results) ensures regularity—and no constipation. No laxative drugs needed.
PETER BARRY CHOWKA: Dr. Pauling, could you summarize the role that vitamin C plays in human health and its importance to the health of the nation as a whole?
LINUS PAULING, PhD: Vitamin C – ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate or calcium ascorbate – is involved in a great number of biochemical reactions in the human body. Two of its major interactions are in potentiating the immune system and aiding the synthesis of the protein collagen, which is a very important substance that holds together the human body. Collagen strengthens the blood vessels, the skin, the muscles and the bones. You can’t make collagen without using up vitamin C.
We have a doctor friend whose father, also a doctor, was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer back in the 1970's. His oncologists sent him home to die. The elder doc had met Pauling at a conference and they discussed Vit. C. He began Vitamin C infusions and 3 months later when he went for a checkup, he had no more cancer- pffft - gone. Changed our friend and his dad's lives. Both became alternative med docs. Older doc is retired. His son prescribed Vit's, minerals, etc. and zero big pharma meds.
Need this doctor in my life! What an amazing story.
Wish I could give you his name. Mainstream docs ruined him. He had to quit practicing or he would face charges. They did to him what they wanted to do to American Frontline docs. So sad because he was amazing! Thank God, our primary physician, while not quite alternative, will prescribe vitamins, etc. Want to go to a homeopathic doc. The closest is about an hour away.
I can’t find a homeopathic doctor anywhere. Searches don’t allow for it at all. I’ve been trying to find one for a while, with no luck. Closest thing I have is my acupuncturist/chiropractor. I want a doc for the whole family, especially because we have another on the way.
Search for "naturopathic" doctor, not "homeopathic." I'm not so sure about homeopathy... it's all about diluting stuff so that the "essence" alone is enough. Well, I can dilute a drop of whiskey into a glass of water and I won't feel it at all.
"Functional Medicine" is another search term
Maybe you need a better (uncensored) search engine?
Try: https://www.dogpile.com/serp?q=homeopathic+doctor
Speaking of - Amazing search engine for sensitive and censored topics, Russian no less - https://yandex.com/
You know, I've been using Yandex for several months now, but in the past month or two it seems to have changed. Results are noticably less useful, and I get more drive-by media results and fewer "alternatives", such as infogalactic.
It's been getting pozzed for a couple years now.
Thx, I‘ll keep an eye on my searches more.
Wholeheartedly concur, I use Yandex all the time.
Also, look for Functional Dr. or NP (nurse practitioner)
"Integrative" is also the word you are looking for, the kind of physician you are looking for.
Thank you all so much! I appreciate it greatly!!
Vit C (Liposomal 1000mg per day) has literally changed my life after spending years in and out of hospital, on average every 3 months! Spent 3 Christmas holidays in hospital. Last time for sepsis which almost got me and meant me spending 2 months in hospital and another year on daily IV (Pic line straight into my heart) anti-biotics!
By chance I met someone who herself had a very difficult time as a child in hospital. She steered me towards alternative therapies, and I haven't been near a hospital in close to 4 years, not a day unwell (apart from breaking an ankle) it really has given me life.
Hopefully the herself got some love for her information inspiration. Good for you Scorp.
She did fren, and I've got a friend who's just gone through chemo for cancer (in his neck, which I now know 4 people with) and got him to take 4 x 1000mg liposomol vit C per day, he's doing well!
FYI - Video Length: 1hr55mins.
Give us a TL;DW version op...
TL;DW - vitamnin C is good.
Ok lol..
Can we get a link of the vid please op
It's embedded in the title - right click or press and hold on title and click on "copy link address" https://www.bitchute.com/video/W1TJl4syE7wx/
I forgot to mention that if you click on the title it will also take you to the link and you can just copy it from there.
Haven’t had a chance to watch this yet, but I’m curious if the lecturer gives a dosage we should be shooting for?
You will know..you get the runs if your body doesn't need any more
Yes, take enough to make your stool loose, and then back off a little.
Which means that the right amount (experiment with C, add a little fiber, & track results) ensures regularity—and no constipation. No laxative drugs needed.
Parasite pilll:
Vitamin C - the cure?
Who wrote this document ? Do you have any more information on this ? This is amazing stuff - very well written out - reads just like a Q post !
Really good video, DD. Listened to this during the workday. I really gotta up my Vitamin C intake.
EDIT: If anyone can use a direct link for favoriting or archiving, the video can be found here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/uBlFQyC2VX4M/
This us such an informative lecture 👍
"Vitamin C" you mean ascorbic acid, which is not the same thing.
Linus Pauling's last interview on Vitamin C:
You're technically correct. Ascorbic acid is a form of Vitamin C, as is sodium ascorbate.