Our prayers are heard so it is important to think about what we pray for. This is a wonderful quote that I am saving to remind me. Thanks so much for posting.
All I have to do is think about my daughter's first car. We prayed for a car that was safe, efficient, a good heater (AK), etc. We were pretty specific I guess. Well, long story short, God answered our prayers and she was blessed with finding a car.
Then comes summer. There's no actual air conditioning. Say What?!
I guess we didn't pray for air conditioning 😕 lol. It was sad but funny. I am now much more.. "Your best for us" type of prayers and very thankful that He knows better than my specific lists. 😅🥰
Nice post my man, here's some Bible verses and a bit of my thoughts for anyone who is stressing and worrying during these troubling times.
Issiah 45:7 "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."
Don't go asking God to make it so there are only good things in your life, as how do you even know what is good except in relation to what is bad? Also our understanding of the world is very shallow, who's to say what actions are truly good and truly bad, the broken leg that is bad today might be the greatest thing ever when the military starts drafting people for an unjust war the next day. Likewise you cannot have a state of affairs where only bad things happen, as what is bad is always in relation to what is good. Given this state of affairs, what's the big worry about? And if that's not enough then:
Matthew 6:34 "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
Do not worry about the future as the future only exists as a thought in this present moment. If we constantly stress about our previous actions and constantly worry about what the future will bring we never truly experience the magnificence of life simply as it is.
Truly there is nothing to worry about in life, all we need to do is discover that everything we could ever need or possibly want is available to us right now in this present moment. Like Jesus we must discover and come to accept our Union with God, rather than pushing God away and seeking him in whatever you consider to be good, find God in all things and that includes yourself.
Jesus never said “No” when a parent brought their child to be healed. He accomplished salvation and healing at the same time. Which is easier? To say your sins are forgiven or Take up your mat and walk? He said both because the Son of Man has authority to do both, and He did and He still does. Deliverance is in Christ. Healing is in Christ. Patience is in Christ. Happiness is in Christ. Comfort from suffering is in Christ. Life and growth is in Christ. Love is in Christ. All things are in Christ. God didn’t say “No.” He said “Yes!!! Christ!!!” He put you into Christ. It is of God that you are in Christ Jesus. For as many as are the promises of God, in Christ they are all answered “Yes!”
Beautiful post- don’t blame God for everything- seek God in everything! 🙏
Thank you.
THANKS. I'll be returning for other comments
The right perspective is priceless.
T/u for the reminder.
Our prayers are heard so it is important to think about what we pray for. This is a wonderful quote that I am saving to remind me. Thanks so much for posting.
All I have to do is think about my daughter's first car. We prayed for a car that was safe, efficient, a good heater (AK), etc. We were pretty specific I guess. Well, long story short, God answered our prayers and she was blessed with finding a car.
Then comes summer. There's no actual air conditioning. Say What?!
I guess we didn't pray for air conditioning 😕 lol. It was sad but funny. I am now much more.. "Your best for us" type of prayers and very thankful that He knows better than my specific lists. 😅🥰
You are correct - it was a brutal summer for Alaskans this year, but normal summer has returned!
Be Careful for what you pray and sometimes you need thank God for unanswered prayers
Very insightful. Thank you.
This is so beautiful
Thank you for this! Something I so needed right now.
God always answers our prayers, but sometimes that answer is "no."
I'm saving this one. Ive been talking to God about similar things lately. Awesome stuff!
These Old Chicken Soup recipes are excellent. It fills me up better than any New Age Chicken Soup.
Also, be careful for what you ask for. You might just get it. We don't always know what's best. God does.
Nice post my man, here's some Bible verses and a bit of my thoughts for anyone who is stressing and worrying during these troubling times.
Issiah 45:7 "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."
Don't go asking God to make it so there are only good things in your life, as how do you even know what is good except in relation to what is bad? Also our understanding of the world is very shallow, who's to say what actions are truly good and truly bad, the broken leg that is bad today might be the greatest thing ever when the military starts drafting people for an unjust war the next day. Likewise you cannot have a state of affairs where only bad things happen, as what is bad is always in relation to what is good. Given this state of affairs, what's the big worry about? And if that's not enough then:
Matthew 6:34 "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
Do not worry about the future as the future only exists as a thought in this present moment. If we constantly stress about our previous actions and constantly worry about what the future will bring we never truly experience the magnificence of life simply as it is.
Truly there is nothing to worry about in life, all we need to do is discover that everything we could ever need or possibly want is available to us right now in this present moment. Like Jesus we must discover and come to accept our Union with God, rather than pushing God away and seeking him in whatever you consider to be good, find God in all things and that includes yourself.
Basically whatever you want from God the answer is No, and whatever you need the answer is Yes
True in my experience, thanks OP
Jesus never said “No” when a parent brought their child to be healed. He accomplished salvation and healing at the same time. Which is easier? To say your sins are forgiven or Take up your mat and walk? He said both because the Son of Man has authority to do both, and He did and He still does. Deliverance is in Christ. Healing is in Christ. Patience is in Christ. Happiness is in Christ. Comfort from suffering is in Christ. Life and growth is in Christ. Love is in Christ. All things are in Christ. God didn’t say “No.” He said “Yes!!! Christ!!!” He put you into Christ. It is of God that you are in Christ Jesus. For as many as are the promises of God, in Christ they are all answered “Yes!”
this deserves more than 1 upvote
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