I can't trust anyone or any screenshot with a battery that low! Is it supposed to be something like "my phone is almost dead, but i had to get this one last screenshot out there ASAP!"
But seriously, who does that? Am I the odd one out? I never run that low and still play around with my phone. Got to save that last little bit for... Um... Emergencies I guess.
It's part of the replace yearly plan they start people into so everyone is paying upwards of a 1000 dollars on a phone, then replacing it at the year mark and starting over. They then require the old phone back, give a less ot at 10% discount on your next bill, and start you over on payments on your next over priced pocket computer. They then swap out a battery, resell the phone as refurbished and make extra profit from most folks not understanding how smaet phones really work. I think I remember Apple being accused of purposely installing malware to drain batteries at an excessive rate to increase the speed of consumer renewal and replacement. Android is no better. Best advice I ever received, though time consuming is: Uninstall as much bloat ware as possible, disable anything that is tracking your location when the app isn't in use. Remove all non essential apps from your home and secondary pages. Surprisingly, widgets and just the app icons suck a lot of battery. Limit notifications, turn on the put to sleep function for any app not used within what ever time frame you choose. Default I think is 30 days usually. Turn on power save mode when you are going to bed and don't charge it through the night. Over charging is actually bad for Lithium ion batteries. Refrain from unplugging your phone to do something if possible if it is charging and not full. Lithium ion is a great battery system, but is prone to damage from partial charging and gaining memory just like Ni-cad. Charge it when it is down to roughly 15 percent bit not less than 10 percent if you can help it. If you press and hold the power saving button, it should bring up a menu that gives you other options. Even at 30 percent, in the maximum power save mode, you'll get an entire 24 hours or more out of it. At 70ish to 80 percent, if nothing changes, you'll get roughly 6 days. Charge it when it is off completely, so there isn't an app running in the background at the same time as well if you can. Look in your settings and see what programs run all the time. If you can shut down a few, it greatly extends battery life and you'll get a few years out of the same phone. Unless you're really into the newest and greatest gadget, buy one of the cheaper and less fancy devices. It's the difference between 10 dollar installments vs. 40+ dollar installments. Turn your graphics down unless you are really into gaming. 4k and 120Hz is all gimmick advertising. You can't see in 4k and anything past 60Hz your brain can't track anyway. Run an experiment, look at 720i and 1080p. I bet most will only notice a marginal difference unless you're playing some type of fast paced game. Hope it helps.
I picked up a oneplus 9 last year and it's inarguably the first smartphone I've ever had that I haven't felt like I need it on the charger constantly. I started with the original galaxy phone then got bored after galaxy 5. Switched to LG until they went belly up (loved LG phones BTW. Battery still sucked). Then last year is when I switched to oneplus. Holy shit what a difference. A lot of it has to do with their modified version of android, OxygenOS. Like you were saying, it takes care of a lot of the bloatware issues and constant tracking and such and gives you complete and transparent 100% control over what your phone is allowed to do. It also defaults to a very minimal resource usage so you don't actually have to change much of anything.
Charges from 0 to 100 in 30 minutes. Stays charged for more than two days if I only use it for phone calls. Superb battery.
Not fake. Just a fun and interesting anomaly with the iPhone. Ask the question just like the title and you get Donald Trump. But eliminate the word “true” and you get Joe Biden.
Oh for goodness sake!🙄 Lighten up. Just having some fun! Is it really necessary to dump on this post? Are you having a bad day?
Everyone knows Trump is the TRUE President! Just enjoyed having Siri agree with me.
Dang straight! Also charge your battery 😂
😂noticed that huh!!
Also works if you ask “who is the real president of the United States currently”.
I can't trust anyone or any screenshot with a battery that low! Is it supposed to be something like "my phone is almost dead, but i had to get this one last screenshot out there ASAP!"
But seriously, who does that? Am I the odd one out? I never run that low and still play around with my phone. Got to save that last little bit for... Um... Emergencies I guess.
I do it all the time. Also, I just asked this to verify.... And I was shocked that it matched!!! If didn't say "true", the answer was Biden.
I run that low all the time when I’m at home
Smart phones suck their batteries like mad, especially if you're using it for a year plus. Even more so if you let it charge overnight.
I am at lower %s more often that high %s and I never go higher than 85% because I enjoy my bettery lasting longer
^ Truth
It's part of the replace yearly plan they start people into so everyone is paying upwards of a 1000 dollars on a phone, then replacing it at the year mark and starting over. They then require the old phone back, give a less ot at 10% discount on your next bill, and start you over on payments on your next over priced pocket computer. They then swap out a battery, resell the phone as refurbished and make extra profit from most folks not understanding how smaet phones really work. I think I remember Apple being accused of purposely installing malware to drain batteries at an excessive rate to increase the speed of consumer renewal and replacement. Android is no better. Best advice I ever received, though time consuming is: Uninstall as much bloat ware as possible, disable anything that is tracking your location when the app isn't in use. Remove all non essential apps from your home and secondary pages. Surprisingly, widgets and just the app icons suck a lot of battery. Limit notifications, turn on the put to sleep function for any app not used within what ever time frame you choose. Default I think is 30 days usually. Turn on power save mode when you are going to bed and don't charge it through the night. Over charging is actually bad for Lithium ion batteries. Refrain from unplugging your phone to do something if possible if it is charging and not full. Lithium ion is a great battery system, but is prone to damage from partial charging and gaining memory just like Ni-cad. Charge it when it is down to roughly 15 percent bit not less than 10 percent if you can help it. If you press and hold the power saving button, it should bring up a menu that gives you other options. Even at 30 percent, in the maximum power save mode, you'll get an entire 24 hours or more out of it. At 70ish to 80 percent, if nothing changes, you'll get roughly 6 days. Charge it when it is off completely, so there isn't an app running in the background at the same time as well if you can. Look in your settings and see what programs run all the time. If you can shut down a few, it greatly extends battery life and you'll get a few years out of the same phone. Unless you're really into the newest and greatest gadget, buy one of the cheaper and less fancy devices. It's the difference between 10 dollar installments vs. 40+ dollar installments. Turn your graphics down unless you are really into gaming. 4k and 120Hz is all gimmick advertising. You can't see in 4k and anything past 60Hz your brain can't track anyway. Run an experiment, look at 720i and 1080p. I bet most will only notice a marginal difference unless you're playing some type of fast paced game. Hope it helps.
I picked up a oneplus 9 last year and it's inarguably the first smartphone I've ever had that I haven't felt like I need it on the charger constantly. I started with the original galaxy phone then got bored after galaxy 5. Switched to LG until they went belly up (loved LG phones BTW. Battery still sucked). Then last year is when I switched to oneplus. Holy shit what a difference. A lot of it has to do with their modified version of android, OxygenOS. Like you were saying, it takes care of a lot of the bloatware issues and constant tracking and such and gives you complete and transparent 100% control over what your phone is allowed to do. It also defaults to a very minimal resource usage so you don't actually have to change much of anything.
Charges from 0 to 100 in 30 minutes. Stays charged for more than two days if I only use it for phone calls. Superb battery.
Low battery means it's real,full battery is fake as hell.
First president since FDR to serve three terms? 😂
2016 was interfered with 2020 stolen so technically Geotus can go for 4
Mine didn’t work….which Siri voice did you use?
Mine worked, and I use the Aussie male.
That’s what she said.
I asked Google and she's saying "I don't know but I found these results on search". How do you not know?
Ask Siri (Apple iPhone)exactly this!
OMG it works!
Is that an app? What is that?
Thanks for the sticky mods! Now can I get me a ninja avatar?🙏🏻☺️
Only if its Wendy Rogers as a Ninja.
Here's a Neo Ninja for you. Thanks for your post!
Hoooo-Ly Cow!! I love this.
Ask Siri when WW3 started.
Eventually this will be known and be part of history.
Trump won.
Whaaaaaaat! It works. Have to word it exactly otherwise results are potatus. Lol!
Well, there ya go!!
Canadian Suri believes MSM - she said 'Biden' (face palm)!
Riddle me this, riddle me that, who is the president that everyone wants back?
Since everything is fake nowadays, how fake is this?
What's "Knowledge"?
No date? LMAO
What's the source? Phony McFakefalse?
Not fake. Just a fun and interesting anomaly with the iPhone. Ask the question just like the title and you get Donald Trump. But eliminate the word “true” and you get Joe Biden.
not the first time this has happened, interesting that each time "they" remove it from the searches it reverts back to Trump
I searched “creepy uncle Joe” the other day and his Wikipedia page was the first suggestion
(Sorry for my ignorance but) what is this, a random phone app or something?
It's Siri on iPhone.
(I'm on iOS 14.8, in case that might make a difference.)
Thank you
While I agree with the sentiment, you can edit Wikipedia do say Joe Biden is the most effective president in history.
Oh c'mon, nothing wrong with some good fun.
Oh for goodness sake!🙄 Lighten up. Just having some fun! Is it really necessary to dump on this post? Are you having a bad day? Everyone knows Trump is the TRUE President! Just enjoyed having Siri agree with me.
But is it a joke? People are saying it actually works. Am I getting punked
It does work, but you have to use Siri and state the question exactly as it is written in the picture.
I did and did. And no didn’t work. Over it.
Jokes usually involve at least some small element of humor, so...this doesn't exactly qualify
I disagree here, because that's literally the joke. Coincidence or not.
Maybe because it isn't funny at all
Because it isn't funny...that's usually the first clue
Don’t feel bad you’re right.
The title literally said “riddle me this” and you answered the riddle.
I’m all for memes and having fun but we all need to remember this is an information war.
It's Phony McFakeFalse