They would have to time it with a pharmaceutical shortage, 30-90 days after people get their supply cut off of their SSRI (happy pills) I foresee a very bad time happening involving both suicides and homicides. If the happy pills get cut off you might be well advised to accumulate some provisions and just stay home. If you are on happy pills you might be well advised in researching how to get off of them be it tapering or supplementing or stimulating serotonin production.
Maybe we have already had it. Suicide pronounced 'Suez'...'side'. Back when over the weekend the boats dug out the Ever Given which hit the side of the canal.
So I know that many of the Q posts are vague enough about their timing that potential deltas for the event they predict may stretch out years, but the three “suicide weekend” posts all seemed to talk about something fairly imminent, within weeks, of their posting back in 2018.
So, three weeks might be a reasonable interpretation, but again, this post was from 2018. What is the clue that this prediction was meant to predict something years into the future? How can I know when Q means “years” when he says “weeks”?
How would they commit suicide? Leave a note on Twitter saying "I will kill myself now" and then that's proof? Would be hard to have anyone remotely believe it's real people if none of them can be confirmed dead irl. Also, thousands of "accounts" doing this over the course of one weekend will look very suspicious, given the fact that the public is aware of the bots on Twitter now.
Your theory is unique yet very unlikely. Suicide weekend sounds more like an out for evil bastards once they get definitively caught, since it sounds like it would be triggered by a specific event (arrest of a big name crook or similar).
The lyrics of Hotel California seems to lay it out. You can check out anytime you want (suicide weekend) but you can never leave (walk away from their cult).
Exactly. When their crimes are exposed, they pull a Jeff Epstein or ken lay to escape justice in this world. It saves taxpayers money and the results are the same
So... they'd post something like, "I just killed myself because Orange Man Bad and now I'm dead." Hmm... Nah. I don't know why so many people assume that "suicide weekend" entails a mass event, rather than just a few key people (or just one). Maybe "suicide weekend" is when Biden supposedly kills himself? Let's stop presuming to know what this means.
Presuming is one saying "this is the way it's going to happen" when in reality he/she does not even know what will happen. Presuming is taking a nebulous phrase like "suicide weekend" and constantly propagating the idea that this definitely entails thousands of people killing themselves simultaneously when we have no reason to believe that this is the case. Maybe "suicide weekend" is Hunter killing himself? Why do people just assume that it'll be on some massive scale and post about it constantly on here and elsewhere? They're just presuming to know when they do not.
Remember when watch the water meant 3 Gorges Dam was going to bust open? Everything about Q theory is presumption. Do we have any confirmations of Q markers that have come to pass?
No, it's about theorizing and hypothesizing, not presuming that it has to be a certain way because... reasons. I do not understand why you're arguing with me about this. I've already made it clear that there is a difference in saying, "Perhaps 'suicide weekend' may entail a prominent person committing suicide" and "OMG there's gonna be butthundred thousand people kill themselves all at once during a weekend OMG it's true we need to prepare people for this ROFLMAO" etc. I've already explained this several times already. If you still cannot grasp this, then you're just wasting my time and I'll just ignore you.
I think it could be somewhat of a metaphor too like so many lefties are gonna want to commit suicide after what happens when all the heroes get taken down and proven to be criminals.
And then some of them would have the same last tweet: "This is MyBodyMyChoice's mother. Zer committed suicide yesterday due to the harsh rhetoric used by Trump in his most recent speech."
Suicide is the option for DS to leave while leaving their legacy's in tact.
Their legacies is all they have left now. The game is over, just waiting it out for the dominos to all fall.
Another way to see it is today is 988 or suicide weekend, then that means the following week has some incomings booms.
I really like how your mind works there u/catsfive. I never would have attributed the act of suicide to a bot, but I can totally see DS programmers doing this - but not while Biden is Resident-In-Chief.
With the new suicide hotline kicking off and Twitter trying to hide their bots, I suspect this is the case. I can't imagine Q using the hopelessness of actual individuals as a marker no matter what good may come of it.
What about… Next week next week next week Twitter Facebook Google 🤔🤔🤔
They would have to time it with a pharmaceutical shortage, 30-90 days after people get their supply cut off of their SSRI (happy pills) I foresee a very bad time happening involving both suicides and homicides. If the happy pills get cut off you might be well advised to accumulate some provisions and just stay home. If you are on happy pills you might be well advised in researching how to get off of them be it tapering or supplementing or stimulating serotonin production.
Maybe we have already had it. Suicide pronounced 'Suez'...'side'. Back when over the weekend the boats dug out the Ever Given which hit the side of the canal.
So I know that many of the Q posts are vague enough about their timing that potential deltas for the event they predict may stretch out years, but the three “suicide weekend” posts all seemed to talk about something fairly imminent, within weeks, of their posting back in 2018.
For instance, in 1933, Q posts:
So because this was posted years ago, what is the hint that the “BIG week ahead” was describing a week many hundreds of weeks into the future?
In 700, Q posts:
So, three weeks might be a reasonable interpretation, but again, this post was from 2018. What is the clue that this prediction was meant to predict something years into the future? How can I know when Q means “years” when he says “weeks”?
We can only wish it
I know that was uncalled for. But hey we could all live longer on this dying planet right 😭?
How would they commit suicide? Leave a note on Twitter saying "I will kill myself now" and then that's proof? Would be hard to have anyone remotely believe it's real people if none of them can be confirmed dead irl. Also, thousands of "accounts" doing this over the course of one weekend will look very suspicious, given the fact that the public is aware of the bots on Twitter now. Your theory is unique yet very unlikely. Suicide weekend sounds more like an out for evil bastards once they get definitively caught, since it sounds like it would be triggered by a specific event (arrest of a big name crook or similar).
Non-autist here, but still a retard. I've never heard of suicide weekend.
A lotta folks work M-F.
It was a phrase Q mentioned.
The lyrics of Hotel California seems to lay it out. You can check out anytime you want (suicide weekend) but you can never leave (walk away from their cult).
Wasn't it pointed out that they could "save tax payers money" by doing this? Seems it would be directed at publicly known deep state operatives.
Exactly. When their crimes are exposed, they pull a Jeff Epstein or ken lay to escape justice in this world. It saves taxpayers money and the results are the same
I'm thinking more along the lines of all those parents who got their kids jabbed.
When the kid dies, or is permanently disabled, and it finally dawns on them the jab was a factor, where are they going to direct their rage?
Parents en masse haven't gotten angry. Yet.
Q always said "you have more than you know." I oft stop to ponder concerning what it is that we haven't realized. Its vexing.
Is Step 3 a secret or was it deemed unnecessary and discarded?
P.S. I like your theory.
Step 1👉mass kill off all Twitter bot accounts
Step 2👉claim the rapture took the “missing people”
Step 4👉add shill politician disclaimer that it was probably alien abduction. (insert bogus ufo footage with Jesus driving the ship)
Step 5👉parade SAD Hollywood shills crying Jesus didn’t take them away in his spaceship too—tho they are SO deserving of heaven
Step 6👉force Elon Musk to buy empty Twitter anyway. Laugh like Mr Burns.
⭐️Bonus points for worldwide pissing off Christians, and starting a sheeple-alien-cult
The rapture. Kek. Fiction can be fun and it would be just like them to emulate a fallacy.
Its like a Jim Jones ritual, probably a lot of alphabet people would follow suit...actually...that gives me an idea...
We all know lefties would never commit suicide. They lie, they exaggerate but they would never kill themselves because of their "ideals".
That means: it'd be just robots.
They should even use their famous profile photos to mark which bot is suisided so we would exactly know how many and which one was a bot.
Please sell this this to the left.
I don't think so. It'd be nice, don't ever want to see a human death.....but no. AI cannot die. It isn't alive.
Could it be figurative?
I think it's when the stock market crashes and a bunch of rich people lose everything.
I hope so. Galactus replenishes his power cosmic by feeding on planets. I replenish mine by the extermination of leftists.
So... they'd post something like, "I just killed myself because Orange Man Bad and now I'm dead." Hmm... Nah. I don't know why so many people assume that "suicide weekend" entails a mass event, rather than just a few key people (or just one). Maybe "suicide weekend" is when Biden supposedly kills himself? Let's stop presuming to know what this means.
Stop presuming? You realize you are on a Q board right?
Presuming is one saying "this is the way it's going to happen" when in reality he/she does not even know what will happen. Presuming is taking a nebulous phrase like "suicide weekend" and constantly propagating the idea that this definitely entails thousands of people killing themselves simultaneously when we have no reason to believe that this is the case. Maybe "suicide weekend" is Hunter killing himself? Why do people just assume that it'll be on some massive scale and post about it constantly on here and elsewhere? They're just presuming to know when they do not.
Remember when watch the water meant 3 Gorges Dam was going to bust open? Everything about Q theory is presumption. Do we have any confirmations of Q markers that have come to pass?
No, it's about theorizing and hypothesizing, not presuming that it has to be a certain way because... reasons. I do not understand why you're arguing with me about this. I've already made it clear that there is a difference in saying, "Perhaps 'suicide weekend' may entail a prominent person committing suicide" and "OMG there's gonna be butthundred thousand people kill themselves all at once during a weekend OMG it's true we need to prepare people for this ROFLMAO" etc. I've already explained this several times already. If you still cannot grasp this, then you're just wasting my time and I'll just ignore you.
Your presumptions don’t make anyone else’s less valid. You definitely aren’t as smart as you think you are. That dangerous.
I think it could be somewhat of a metaphor too like so many lefties are gonna want to commit suicide after what happens when all the heroes get taken down and proven to be criminals.
Could be, but weekend is a bit specific for it to stay rhetorical like that
I think the hot line is for normies when they find out what a shit world they're really living in.
Thought you were about to speak about Biden with that title. Minor shower thought ...
Interesting thought.
I’m reminded of the Jump against Trump meme that 4 Chan circulated a while back…
You know, I'm skimming the comments for any downside, but, so far not seeing it
I can totally see this. My original thought was military veterans who saw war, but this makes more sense.
And then some of them would have the same last tweet: "This is MyBodyMyChoice's mother. Zer committed suicide yesterday due to the harsh rhetoric used by Trump in his most recent speech."
Mmm, naw, I see it as more of Arkancided and avoidance of JUST punishment.
Suicide is the option for DS to leave while leaving their legacy's in tact. Their legacies is all they have left now. The game is over, just waiting it out for the dominos to all fall.
Another way to see it is today is 988 or suicide weekend, then that means the following week has some incomings booms.
I really like how your mind works there u/catsfive. I never would have attributed the act of suicide to a bot, but I can totally see DS programmers doing this - but not while Biden is Resident-In-Chief.
Though if he was removed before his 4 years were up, that could give a reason. If they lack foresight, it would tank Kamala LoL
Bot suicide is the only natural response to a mean tweet...
With the new suicide hotline kicking off and Twitter trying to hide their bots, I suspect this is the case. I can't imagine Q using the hopelessness of actual individuals as a marker no matter what good may come of it.
Come on, frog—it's not like the dog was also in the tub getting his tail pulled, here!
I want to laugh because it's probably true (he's a sick bastard), but I also want to weep because it's probably true (he's still a sick bastard).
Don't let your teenage children use twitter