Baseball might not be what we think. I've not seen this before, but it sure makes sense.
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As a former KC royal… I can assure you it’s about hitting a small ball with a wooden bat as far as you can
Holy shit we got mlb players here!?
Hopefully George Brett that would be awesome ! 😬
That would be really funny lol. I could totally see a based George Brett on this site.
Hey, Mike Sweeney. Nice to see you!
That must be why you were never a franchise player. You didn't learn the game behind the game. Grunts in the foxhole know little about 'five star' general's plans.
And who are these 'Royals' we're supposed to idolize?
Asking for someone who also played on a team called The Royals.
Kansas City Royals are a major league team.
Am I missing something here?
They are, but 2Eyes is probably referring to his Little League team.
Oh lol ok.
Never made it to the big leagues, however I do personally know Mike Sweeney. I’m familiar with the politics though of professional sports and it’s about as bad as politics come. (Sorry to disappoint everyone lol)
Welcome MLB anon ⚾️💚 …any good sauce? You know anons gonna dissect you kek
Lazy people make shitty critics.
The pitcher's 'rubber' is 60' 6" away from 'homebase'. The mound has a diameter of (18'. 3x6, 2x9) 1+8 = 9
The basepaths are 90 feet. 4x 90 is 360 degrees aka The Golden Circle.
Alexander Cartwright (1820-1892). Cartwright was an undeniable Freemason. One of two said to be the “father of baseball”.
Its origins can ultimately be found in something called Knickerbocker, from which the New York based Gotham Base Ball Club is named. In 1842, Cartwright broke away from Gotham and led the establishment of the Knickerbocker Base Ball Club. Cartwright also had a part in the 1849 California gold rush hoax.
The Knickerbockers were a New York gang. THE new york gang. Before becoming New York's basketball team. Harlem Globetrotters was a propaganda op btw.
Knickers are pants, bockers are tramps. Gay connotations?
Knickerbocker rules were formalized by another founder, William Wheaton. Wheaton was a Freemason, and just like Cartwright, Wheaton arrived to the Gold Rush psyop precisely on schedule.
On June 19, 1846, the Knickerbockers played the New York Nine in the first officially recorded game between two clubs. Alexander Cartwright oversaw the ceremony as umpire.
Baseball hinges upon sacred geometry and is entirely based upon the number 3. I will therefore remind you: so is Freemasonry.
Consider the following:
3 x 9 = 27
9 x 9 = 81
3 strikes.
3 outs.
9 innings.
9 positions.
27 total outs.
81 games on the road.
One example: Cy Young was a member of Mystic Tie Lodge No. 194 in Dennison, Ohio.
Your first fact (18=3x9) is an important typo...
More importantly, this would have been great info to place up in the original post.
Thanks for sharing it.
thanks for the notice
This guy ^^^ gets it. Also makes John Ward's last video a little more relevant.
Yep and the word press guy always talks about sports as a coms mechanism.
Horse races political races and not to mention human trafficking and the Superbowl, and the demonic half time shows
Globetrotters propaganda? Go on…
See how athletic Americans are? Look at these physical specimen....7 foot tall, athletic.....scary stuff huh?......Well the U.S. is so much the champions of Liberty, we'll take select members of our slave race and pay them money to throw a leather ball through a hoop like in the good ol days of MesoAmerica.
The players then were captive slaves and the losers lost their lives. What action and excitement! Beats the NBA and MMA put together.
So yeah, slaves as entertainment, but with a twist. They're paid and used as propaganda. Put in the uniform of 'the flag' which is the templar color scheme, red/white stripes, blue field with stars.
Meanwhile, the entourage is making 'connections' globally, killing two birds one being a Meadowlark.
Stressing their blackness as "Harlem" and pushing the upside down 'moral' of it globally while networking. That sums it up.
Just like today.
Hallie Bryant/Kobie Bryant
Players in the Game
Batter, batter, batter...SWING. You hit it outta the park! (Sorry for the cheese, I'm on a long road trip and am super bored. LOL!)
Interdasting points! I'll dig in a bit.
Wilson Macgregor Spalding
This are 'names' in sports. Do digs
Rome's 'circus' is now sports and all things entertainment.
See "Boule"
See Jesters of the Royal Shrine
Just tired of knuckleheads throwing spitballs.
or is that the other way around?
Figured they needed a changeup.
This is quite the stretch lol
try harder
That's okay lmao, least of my worries.
I had a feeling you wouldn't care.
Reddit needs more fact checkers.
Lmao, just because something is important to you, doesn't mean it should be important to everyone else. Yes symbols will be their down fall, but if in deed baseball is something they want to use against us, wasting time on it seems like exactly what they would want. No need to be so pompous, good dig and you might feel like it's worth your time. But not everyone has to agree with you or care as much as you do. Try harder to not be that guy.
When you present me with correction...........wait....somebody just did.... they just showed me a typo in my I said "thank you so much' and corrected it. I guess that means we're Frens.
I don't see correction as attack.
I attempted to add/correct.
I chastised, which is correction, not 'attack'.
I DO see baseless ridicule as attack.
An attack on the OP, an attack on it's truth, an attack on this site's purpose.
It mattered enough to you to attempt to satirize, did it not?
Now it doesn't matter.? c'mon now
aka "How Dare you." embarrass me.
And as usual, the corrector becomes 'the bad guy' or 'that guy'.
Let's be in this Truth Game together, fren. Be friends over that.
You seemed to want to make a fool out of the OP. Now me. I am sorry you were embarrassed by it and wish it didn't have to happen unless of course you came out of it with something you otherwise missed.
I am exactly 'that' guy who will not put up with fuckery or projection of ignorance onto another. You can test it or hate me for it, but there it is. This shit is too important to fuck around and find out.
Holy shit man, you are wound up way too tight.
Yes, funny you say. I just said the same thing about myself.
I am wound tight due to countless fights. I admit.
That's what happens when over the target. Flak.
My fuse is short. Faults in another time perhaps.
This has been my fight my whole life, i didn't start with Q.
My family on both sides are Cabal history heroes and I'm burning the midnight oil to correct the kharma. The whole future of mankind lies in the balance, my fren.
Let's pretend we care, bury the hatchet and move on to more truths, okay?
Copy pasting another comment from above as the shoe fits just right
The pitcher's 'rubber' is 60' 6" away from 'homebase'. The mound has a diameter of (18'. 3x6, 2x9) 1+8 = 9
The basepaths are 90 feet. 4x 90 is 360 degrees aka The Golden Circle.
Alexander Cartwright (1820-1892). Cartwright was an undeniable Freemason. One of two said to be the “father of baseball”.
Its origins can ultimately be found in something called Knickerbocker, from which the New York based Gotham Base Ball Club is named. In 1842, Cartwright broke away from Gotham and led the establishment of the Knickerbocker Base Ball Club. Cartwright also had a part in the 1849 California gold rush hoax.
The Knickerbockers were a New York gang. THE new york gang. Before becoming New York's basketball team. Harlem Globetrotters was a propaganda op btw.
Knickers are pants, bockers are tramps. Gay connotations?
Knickerbocker rules were formalized by another founder, William Wheaton. Wheaton was a Freemason, and just like Cartwright, Wheaton arrived to the Gold Rush psyop precisely on schedule.
On June 19, 1846, the Knickerbockers played the New York Nine in the first officially recorded game between two clubs. Alexander Cartwright oversaw the ceremony as umpire.
Baseball hinges upon sacred geometry and is entirely based upon the number 3. I will therefore remind you: so is Freemasonry.
Consider the following:
3 x 9 = 27
9 x 9 = 81
3 strikes.
3 outs.
9 innings.
9 positions.
27 total outs.
81 games on the road.
One example: Cy Young was a member of Mystic Tie Lodge No. 194 in Dennison, Ohio.
You literally quoted "lazy people...." and then copy and pasted someone else's post? Lol
It took me less than 6 seconds to keep scrolling through the comments and find a detailed explanation, which I forwarded to you. Instead of just opening the thread and whining like a little bitch, and then moving on. I can see now that even when it's explained you're still being argumentative and non-constructive.
Carry on then waste of air. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Kek.
So where do the ketchup, mustard and relish races during the 7th inning stretch fit into this?
now this post seems to be a bit of a 7th-inning stretch!!!
Interesting. This might be a bit of a stretch, but I like the enthusiasm and outside-the-battersbox thinking.
You got this from the Babylon Bee, right Fren?
try harder
do the work
Super duper kek
Does that make me a DS/cabalist if I like baseball?
It may appear as a stretch, but when you dig deeper, it’s not far off. Do your research! There are no coincidences when it comes to Satan.
It is definitely not what we think it is today. It USED to be America's Game, now it is a terrorist supporting anti-American travesty of the Game.
Golf, soccer, football, rugby, and basketball are all Masonic created sports. I don’t believe they are rituals in any real sense other than a way to distract man from turning to god. Why do what is needed for you family and country when you can “hit a small ball with a wooden stick”? The best and most dedicated of us are lured away from god and their families and their countries to a life of luxury. This is why sports are so important in our culture. What is amazing to us is no longer our continued happiness, nor is it the bettering of our world, but it’s the difficult physical things we can accomplish. Everything has been turned inside out and sports are a tool of Masonic rule.
To paraphrase the great Sigmund Freud: "Sometimes a ball field is just a ball field."
Or maybe the masons had a firm grip on geometry that naturally became a game board???
Stupid. And non-Q related.