When Trump is back in the saddle, corruption on a grand scale will lead to confiscation of everything Gates and the rest of the globalists own. In fact, my sincere hope is Klaus Schwab's words in mirror form are the last ones they all hear when the rope is put around their necks. "you will own nothing and it is we who will be happy!"
I am not being a troll or what you call a doomer and I am a Trump fan and I am seriously asking this question.
I have believed in my heart Trump is coming back but with each passing day we are getting closer to 2024 and nothing. Our country is getting to the point of no return.
I really hope this is happening but ever day it becomes harder and harder.
For me, I have given myself a deadline of 2024. Yes, that sucks if it goes that long. Look at it like this though, the elites had a 16 year plan to take over America, to 2024. That is their timeline. So that could affect our strategy. It's like the trade deadline in sports, nothing ever really happens until the very end right up to the deadline. I feel both sides, for various strategic and other reasons, have this date in mind. It's all moves, countermoves and patience. And if it happens earlier, I will be pleasantly surprised. I do expect some real movement after midterms though not gonna lie.
Heads better roll after midterms and we have control of Congress. If we get these nothingburgers again after midterms, I'm hanging it up and buying a ranch, getting out of here.
What happens after midterms is gunna be a huge marker on if things are going our way. IMO, they waited too long and did massive damage to our country. It might be irreparable. But I guess it doesn't matter because we will never go back to that fantasy slave world they had us in.
I hope someone takes this loser sociopath out. He acts like he's smart and tough, but once he gets a pie in his face, he shakes like the little soy boy he is. I really want to see this dude beg for this life with tears streaming down is face. Evil. Absolute evil.
We know he’s planning on running in 2024. The question is whether he’ll be back before then. That might happen if everything breaks down and martial law is declared. At this point a lot rests on what Durham can uncover and whether Biden is removed from office. This fall’s election should give Republicans majorities in both House and Senate. That would set the stage for Trumps return. Then look out.
If people really buy in to this "unelected official" Bill Gates they are special kind of stupid. Why is this guy given such publicity and media coverage?
What's his credentials?
Him being so brazen could mean he is being controlled (blackmailed).
IMO, this is what our representatives SHOULD be doing. Find out what is going on and then do something about it. Bill Gates has WAY too much power in this country just because of his money and that needs to end.
No one person/family/acquaintances on behalf of said person should be allowed to hold so much farm land, no matter their promise to lease it back. At what cost will it be leased back, making it impossible for a farmer to afford? Is there a guarantee he won’t pollute the land making it barren and impossible to grow crops on? How do we know he won’t load the land with roundup or other carcinogens. Congress must pass laws banning this and demand that any large land owner recently purchased and/or foreigner must immediately divest themselves of the land (acreage to be determined). Those with farms passed on via multiple generations and/or who currently are or have been farming animals or crops will be exempt. You can bet Gates does not have any good plans for this land. I do not know why he and his supposedly ex-wife are not in prison for their crimes against humanity.
Amazing how someone who is a college drop out has this much of a say. He made his money by infecting computers with virus and now he is doing it to humans.
I want somebody to introduce and pass a bill requiring all grocery stores to put this fake meat stuff in the produce or frozen vegetables department and not in the meat sections. I'm getting tired of having to read labels to make sure it's real meat and the next step will be labels so obscure you have to read ingredients.
So ...Just wondering ... if patriots are in control, Bill Gates is no longer a threat, right? Frozen assets, right? Watching a movie, right? The most important thing to remember above all else: GOD is in control! Nothing Bill Gates does, or did is beyond God's reach. #GodWins
One of the reasons for large large with Camp Yesu. So there will be self sufficiency with total reliance on God and to be able to provide for others in need & for income to keep the Camp going.
Fuck him. I'm buying a steak after work every time he tells me what to eat.
Love seeing comments like this that remind me I'm among like minded Pedes here!
Serious. The more he says not to eat meat the more beef I’m going to eat.
Me2 plus make feel good when I eat it. When I eat other meat I still feel congested and weak.
You can only buy it if its available to buy
Had a nice big flatiron for lunch today
When Trump is back in the saddle, corruption on a grand scale will lead to confiscation of everything Gates and the rest of the globalists own. In fact, my sincere hope is Klaus Schwab's words in mirror form are the last ones they all hear when the rope is put around their necks. "you will own nothing and it is we who will be happy!"
I am not being a troll or what you call a doomer and I am a Trump fan and I am seriously asking this question.
I have believed in my heart Trump is coming back but with each passing day we are getting closer to 2024 and nothing. Our country is getting to the point of no return.
I really hope this is happening but ever day it becomes harder and harder.
Please help me to see and understand.
For me, I have given myself a deadline of 2024. Yes, that sucks if it goes that long. Look at it like this though, the elites had a 16 year plan to take over America, to 2024. That is their timeline. So that could affect our strategy. It's like the trade deadline in sports, nothing ever really happens until the very end right up to the deadline. I feel both sides, for various strategic and other reasons, have this date in mind. It's all moves, countermoves and patience. And if it happens earlier, I will be pleasantly surprised. I do expect some real movement after midterms though not gonna lie.
Thanks for your optimism. I needed it.
Heads better roll after midterms and we have control of Congress. If we get these nothingburgers again after midterms, I'm hanging it up and buying a ranch, getting out of here.
What happens after midterms is gunna be a huge marker on if things are going our way. IMO, they waited too long and did massive damage to our country. It might be irreparable. But I guess it doesn't matter because we will never go back to that fantasy slave world they had us in.
I hope someone takes this loser sociopath out. He acts like he's smart and tough, but once he gets a pie in his face, he shakes like the little soy boy he is. I really want to see this dude beg for this life with tears streaming down is face. Evil. Absolute evil.
We know he’s planning on running in 2024. The question is whether he’ll be back before then. That might happen if everything breaks down and martial law is declared. At this point a lot rests on what Durham can uncover and whether Biden is removed from office. This fall’s election should give Republicans majorities in both House and Senate. That would set the stage for Trumps return. Then look out.
If people really buy in to this "unelected official" Bill Gates they are special kind of stupid. Why is this guy given such publicity and media coverage?
What's his credentials?
Him being so brazen could mean he is being controlled (blackmailed).
No, he has always been like this.
OTOH, remember when the government forced him to give up Microsoft?
His credentials are money and blood line. That is it.
People say bloodline was a conspiracy theory lol
One of the Dakotas' Congressman, right? I wish he has to give back all the land he got. It is over 27 thousand acres in AZ.
: -)
So sad to hear about this congressman and his suicide.....
Cankles has entered that chat: "Wait...He wasn't in my shopping cart."
Luckily he was vaxxed and triple boosted, symptoms of his death were mild.
IMO, this is what our representatives SHOULD be doing. Find out what is going on and then do something about it. Bill Gates has WAY too much power in this country just because of his money and that needs to end.
Proverbs 6:31 Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house.
No one person/family/acquaintances on behalf of said person should be allowed to hold so much farm land, no matter their promise to lease it back. At what cost will it be leased back, making it impossible for a farmer to afford? Is there a guarantee he won’t pollute the land making it barren and impossible to grow crops on? How do we know he won’t load the land with roundup or other carcinogens. Congress must pass laws banning this and demand that any large land owner recently purchased and/or foreigner must immediately divest themselves of the land (acreage to be determined). Those with farms passed on via multiple generations and/or who currently are or have been farming animals or crops will be exempt. You can bet Gates does not have any good plans for this land. I do not know why he and his supposedly ex-wife are not in prison for their crimes against humanity.
He's a genocidal maniac. That's why. The cabal is on a Satanic murder spree.
They want us dead or eating bugs and food made from processed shit.
Glad Dusty Johnson is looking into this. Hasn’t Gates already killed enough people with his vaccines?
Amazing how someone who is a college drop out has this much of a say. He made his money by infecting computers with virus and now he is doing it to humans.
Please please Lord bring Gates down
I want somebody to introduce and pass a bill requiring all grocery stores to put this fake meat stuff in the produce or frozen vegetables department and not in the meat sections. I'm getting tired of having to read labels to make sure it's real meat and the next step will be labels so obscure you have to read ingredients.
Wow not many libertarians in here I guess. I’ll just see myself out lol
So ...Just wondering ... if patriots are in control, Bill Gates is no longer a threat, right? Frozen assets, right? Watching a movie, right? The most important thing to remember above all else: GOD is in control! Nothing Bill Gates does, or did is beyond God's reach. #GodWins
Wants to bankrupt farmers and ranchers so he can buy more, cheaper?
One of the reasons for large large with Camp Yesu. So there will be self sufficiency with total reliance on God and to be able to provide for others in need & for income to keep the Camp going.
He wants indentured servants that's why! LEASING the land BACK!??!!!