8/10 hits at a moving target at 40 yards by a novice shooter seems pretty incredible to me. Besides skill he would also need a quality gun and optic at that distance .
Watched a vid some guy made about this. Had a target at 40 yards and shot with 3 different popular pistols. All three were effective. Of course the guy practiced quite a bit so he was pretty accurate.
But damn! How did he react so quickly? That’s some serious skills.
I hope every kid in the world sees this and wants to be like him.
My kids and grandkids are shooting from the time they are able to hold a weapon and understand the impact of what they are doing and how to safely and responsibly discharge their firearm. So about 7 or 8 they take their first shots with a 410 and 22 and about 5 or 6 with a bb gun. But they are around guns from birth and by the time they are 6 or 7 and coming to the range with me, they are comfortable with the sound and the feel of a weapon.
I have them in hunters safety classes at 9 and they are going on youth hunts with me at 10 but they have been in the field with me while I hunt as soon as they can walk and talk.
They are trained with compound bows and crossbows, handguns and rifles.
This is a way of life for my family and me, passed down from my great grandfather who was the consummate outdoorsmen. I laugh at the eco warriors who know absolutely nothing about ecology. It is the outdoorsmen, the hunters and fishermen, the sportsmen who are the true stewards of our natural birthright. All the eco warriors and politicians do is screw everything up.
Yes exactly, I grew up in the sticks, spent about 10 years of my 40+ life “in the city” - now live in one of the least polluted areas of the planet. I know more about the environment, and how to keep it “green and beautiful” than any of those city dwelling political hacks in Washington DC.
You do realize that you could be making money hand over fist by opening your home up to groups of kids and turning it into a summer camp? Imagine the caliber (see what I did there?) of American youth graduating from your tutelage! I'd send my kids every chance I could!
Some people have a natural ability to shoot. Watch some of the videos of shooting competitions and the shots they make without eleven trying to aim. They can close their eyes and be dead accurate. It’s amazing actually.
I am a novice. I've been impressed at what can be done with a 9mm Glock down range. If you have a steady hand and basic training a quality piece of equipment can make you look really good. This is doable.
I have a 9 mil and all I get is shit about it being just a pop gun and a piece of junk that can barely hurt a fly! Certainly can't kill a person unless they get hit "8" times.
Guess I better do some research!
People who talk like that are either A ) blowhard try hards who don't actually know anything about guns but want the biggest to show off their perceived dick size or B ) trying to use a pistol for a ridiculous purpose, like deer hunting.
I sometimes take shots at my 100yd target with an iron sights pistol (different calibers - I use old calendars for old iron sight rifles that are typically ~15" W x ~24"H). Usually get several hits on paper, one or two within 3-5" inches of center. I figure on 12" of drop at that distance, so it works out pretty well for elevation.
That being said, I'd prefer to be a lot closer if I had to take a defensive shot.
Not going to lie, but I have a hard time even hitting the target at 40 yards (with my little .380 Ruger LCP II) in a controlled environment- lol - I’m setting up my iTarget pro today at 40yds and going to practice.
That's not an easy task. It may be better to focus on being really good at 10 yards or 5 yards then work out farther once you've become good at the near target.
8/10 hits at a moving target at 40 yards by a novice shooter seems pretty incredible to me. Besides skill he would also need a quality gun and optic at that distance .
Watched a vid some guy made about this. Had a target at 40 yards and shot with 3 different popular pistols. All three were effective. Of course the guy practiced quite a bit so he was pretty accurate.
But damn! How did he react so quickly? That’s some serious skills.
I hope every kid in the world sees this and wants to be like him.
Apparently the guy threw his girlfriend out of harm's way then engaged. Pretty amazing.
Also, didn't his grandad train him since birth with guns? Seems credible he was a crack shot. But what do I know as a brit 😅
My kids and grandkids are shooting from the time they are able to hold a weapon and understand the impact of what they are doing and how to safely and responsibly discharge their firearm. So about 7 or 8 they take their first shots with a 410 and 22 and about 5 or 6 with a bb gun. But they are around guns from birth and by the time they are 6 or 7 and coming to the range with me, they are comfortable with the sound and the feel of a weapon.
I have them in hunters safety classes at 9 and they are going on youth hunts with me at 10 but they have been in the field with me while I hunt as soon as they can walk and talk.
They are trained with compound bows and crossbows, handguns and rifles.
This is a way of life for my family and me, passed down from my great grandfather who was the consummate outdoorsmen. I laugh at the eco warriors who know absolutely nothing about ecology. It is the outdoorsmen, the hunters and fishermen, the sportsmen who are the true stewards of our natural birthright. All the eco warriors and politicians do is screw everything up.
When I was 7 I had a cap gun.
Yes exactly, I grew up in the sticks, spent about 10 years of my 40+ life “in the city” - now live in one of the least polluted areas of the planet. I know more about the environment, and how to keep it “green and beautiful” than any of those city dwelling political hacks in Washington DC.
Wow, that is impressive skills to pass down as a legacy. Good for you and your family!!!
You do realize that you could be making money hand over fist by opening your home up to groups of kids and turning it into a summer camp? Imagine the caliber (see what I did there?) of American youth graduating from your tutelage! I'd send my kids every chance I could!
Some people have a natural ability to shoot. Watch some of the videos of shooting competitions and the shots they make without eleven trying to aim. They can close their eyes and be dead accurate. It’s amazing actually.
My youngest daughter is like that.
Sort of like the serious skills Kyle Rittenhouse displayed.
Almost like their hand was guided.
You beat me to it!
I saw that video on YT. That guy made it look way easier than it really is.
I am a novice. I've been impressed at what can be done with a 9mm Glock down range. If you have a steady hand and basic training a quality piece of equipment can make you look really good. This is doable.
9 will go through a 2x4 a 1/4 mile away.
I know I've put 10 of 15 inside of twelve inches at 100 feet with a 9mm Glock without a time constraint. I was impressed with the gun.
I have a 9 mil and all I get is shit about it being just a pop gun and a piece of junk that can barely hurt a fly! Certainly can't kill a person unless they get hit "8" times. Guess I better do some research!
People who talk like that are either A ) blowhard try hards who don't actually know anything about guns but want the biggest to show off their perceived dick size or B ) trying to use a pistol for a ridiculous purpose, like deer hunting.
I sometimes take shots at my 100yd target with an iron sights pistol (different calibers - I use old calendars for old iron sight rifles that are typically ~15" W x ~24"H). Usually get several hits on paper, one or two within 3-5" inches of center. I figure on 12" of drop at that distance, so it works out pretty well for elevation.
That being said, I'd prefer to be a lot closer if I had to take a defensive shot.
Not going to lie, but I have a hard time even hitting the target at 40 yards (with my little .380 Ruger LCP II) in a controlled environment- lol - I’m setting up my iTarget pro today at 40yds and going to practice.
That's not an easy task. It may be better to focus on being really good at 10 yards or 5 yards then work out farther once you've become good at the near target.