I have known two women in real life who identify as lesbians, but admitted they've never dated, kissed, or done anything with a woman. They are both married to men and have kids. Both gave similar answers that even though they're not attracted to their husbands, their husbands do a lot for them.
I asked why they don't just identify as "bisexual" and they gave all sorts of excuses. Mainly, "I just feel I'm more attracted to women than men."
We went from….I am a closeted lesbian bc society condemns homosexuality …..to I am a woman trapped in a man’s body but I am attracted to women…..to I am lesbian but I’ve never had relations with any woman and I’m married to a guy……
It just feels like these people are just attracted to feeling special about themselves.
I feel like gays and lesbians can be born that way but especially now, most are just confused or have a mental disorder.
The women you described sounds like a combo of the two. Not in a mean way. The lesbians I’ve known were pretty cool, in the sense that even they knew something was off but they just accepted it and owned it, not like the weird grown children stuff you see on Reddit.
True that. Lots of delusional thinking going around right now. It all comes from the fruity crap the New Agers have been spouting for decades, like "you can manifest your own reality" or something along those lines. Let me say this: "manifest" is not a verb. You can't do it. It's a delusion. Mainly because YOU ARE NOT GOD. Only God can manifest something by speaking or even thinking. But these New Agers believe they are little gods, so they also believe they can "manifest" something or other. Prove me wrong. Oooh, ooh, I just manifested a corned beef sandwich. Now I will eat it: Not.
Newsflash pox cock. Straight men who occasionally engage in anal sex with other men aren't straight.
I remember when before I left Reddit for good some guy talking how even though he identifies as straight he married a man. 🙄
The fuck? Some of these people have to be trolling us.
There was a movie with that premise with adam Sandler and that other guy.
and here I am still trying to raise funds for my dogs gender reassignment surgery...
Link the go fund me I’ll help out. How did they let you know?
I have known two women in real life who identify as lesbians, but admitted they've never dated, kissed, or done anything with a woman. They are both married to men and have kids. Both gave similar answers that even though they're not attracted to their husbands, their husbands do a lot for them.
I asked why they don't just identify as "bisexual" and they gave all sorts of excuses. Mainly, "I just feel I'm more attracted to women than men."
It makes zero sense.
It sounds like they have a midlife crisis
We went from….I am a closeted lesbian bc society condemns homosexuality …..to I am a woman trapped in a man’s body but I am attracted to women…..to I am lesbian but I’ve never had relations with any woman and I’m married to a guy……
It just feels like these people are just attracted to feeling special about themselves.
I feel like gays and lesbians can be born that way but especially now, most are just confused or have a mental disorder.
The women you described sounds like a combo of the two. Not in a mean way. The lesbians I’ve known were pretty cool, in the sense that even they knew something was off but they just accepted it and owned it, not like the weird grown children stuff you see on Reddit.
True that. Lots of delusional thinking going around right now. It all comes from the fruity crap the New Agers have been spouting for decades, like "you can manifest your own reality" or something along those lines. Let me say this: "manifest" is not a verb. You can't do it. It's a delusion. Mainly because YOU ARE NOT GOD. Only God can manifest something by speaking or even thinking. But these New Agers believe they are little gods, so they also believe they can "manifest" something or other. Prove me wrong. Oooh, ooh, I just manifested a corned beef sandwich. Now I will eat it: Not.
you should introduce them to each other... lol
Yes that is stupid! People are just messed up in the head.
they're mentally unstable
Chuck and Larry
Sounds about right...
It's like the old Steve Martin joke that, except for bacon cheeseburgers, he's a strict vegetarian.
Pretty sure that's bisexual. But then again.... media seems to love those in denial
Penis swelling and anal pain are side effects. Not kidding.