Watch your appliances electronics crap out. Our fridge started acting up when the smart meter was put in.
Also the EMF from them is huge!!! High frequency output and frequently. Do a little research and you’ll be frightened to spend time in any room near the meter. As bad as a 5G antenna.
Just wait until they implement social credit scoring and an automatic AI controlled shut-off to go along with it. Brings the real meaning of "power company" to the surface.
All I have to say is this: A certain someone warned you that you wre placing yourself at the mercy of the Russian gas pipeline..And even though it has not even been twenty years (ten?) since you were shown what could happen to countries who are overly dependant on that source, you went and poked the bear anyway.
Russia is a reliable energy partner. However, they can't supply energy when the country on the receiving end has sanctioned the shit out of the pipeline and made business untenable. The sooner the EU is dead and buried the better.
Most people in Europe don't show up to vote for these cucks in Brussels. The EU is a huge scam and Europeans are waking up with a little help of our friendly farmers.
I'm sure putin gives two fucks as his play is to get you all to say stupid shit like that exposing your underbelly. You all are weak and your days on earth seem numbered by your own God Satan.
Oddly enough cold showers on hot days don't do anything for me. I prefer cool showers to lower core temp followed by as hot as I can handle. When you get out, the hot air feels cool. Followed up with hot sweet tea, it works, for me anyhow.
As they are living in their mansions that are equivalent to 100 houses in energy consumption.
What do you think smart meters are for?
Targeted shut-off?
Spot on. I expect they will be used for this purpose in the UK before the winter is out. Those without smartmeters will laugh. Often and loudly.
off grid in AZ, baby
Thankful that I live in Greece with solar water heating and (limited) solar electricity generation. And no smart meter (yet).
Watch your appliances electronics crap out. Our fridge started acting up when the smart meter was put in.
Also the EMF from them is huge!!! High frequency output and frequently. Do a little research and you’ll be frightened to spend time in any room near the meter. As bad as a 5G antenna.
Just wait until they implement social credit scoring and an automatic AI controlled shut-off to go along with it. Brings the real meaning of "power company" to the surface.
"Doesn't matter if the charges weren't true! #StillFired"
Indeed! There is still time to revert back.
I had mine installed without my knowledge or consent.
I just cut off my genitals take that fascists!
Buh buh but, cold showers cause SADS
Shoot. Hadn't thought of that. I think it's more important to die via cold shower and really stick it to Putin.
Yea, you show him. I'm sure when Putin hears of your demise he will be racked with guilt.
Stay smelly, Stay cold, Stay hungry, BUT stick it to Russia. If this does not end the EU.......
All I have to say is this: A certain someone warned you that you wre placing yourself at the mercy of the Russian gas pipeline..And even though it has not even been twenty years (ten?) since you were shown what could happen to countries who are overly dependant on that source, you went and poked the bear anyway.
Russia is a reliable energy partner. However, they can't supply energy when the country on the receiving end has sanctioned the shit out of the pipeline and made business untenable. The sooner the EU is dead and buried the better.
exactly.. you can't (don't) poke your energy provider in the eye with winter coming on...
European winter + cold showers + 5th covid shot = a lot of dead Europeans. Yeah, take that, Putin!
Man, our 'leaders' (LOL) are so stupid. It's like nowadays you have to get a degree in stupidity to be admitted as a politician.
The politicians are not stupid. Their supporters are.
Most people in Europe don't show up to vote for these cucks in Brussels. The EU is a huge scam and Europeans are waking up with a little help of our friendly farmers.
And the NPCs will eat it all up like the "impossible burger."
Tell me you're a fucking retard by telling me you're a fucking retard.
Trump warned them about being dependent on Russian oil and NG, but nooooo...we can't stand the mean tweets.
That Putin/shower remark is as nonsensical a non sequitur as:
showing a photo of a little Ukrainian girl holding the blue & yellow flag...and captioning it "I don't mind paying double for gasoline for HER!"
Putin: laughs in ex-KGB
OMG! This one made me literally laugh out loud!
Thank you Sir, may I have another!
I'm sure putin gives two fucks as his play is to get you all to say stupid shit like that exposing your underbelly. You all are weak and your days on earth seem numbered by your own God Satan.
Its like they think they are talking to children
The cope levels are staggering
Just look at the shape of that thing's face/skull... another beta loser drunk on power and delusional...stop letting losers be in charge of anything.
I can hear Putin laughing his ass of from here.
How about producing your own energy. You can say "Take That Putin" for every nuclear reactor and coal plant fired up.
Wim Hof agrees
I tried a cold shower but - no thanks. Masochism isn't my thing. I like lukewarm.
How does it feel all winter?
Oddly enough cold showers on hot days don't do anything for me. I prefer cool showers to lower core temp followed by as hot as I can handle. When you get out, the hot air feels cool. Followed up with hot sweet tea, it works, for me anyhow.