There's a japanese term that fits guys like him perfectly. Chuunibyou, means "8th grader syndrome", and is a Japanese colloquial term typically used to describe early teens who have grandiose delusions, who desperately want to stand out, and who have convinced themselves that they have hidden knowledge or secret powers.
Tell me that doesn't sound like the leftie cumrags.
I remember way back when Pete Davidson (SNL) mocked him in a skit and he was forced to apologize for it. I thought it weird because mocking only gop members seems to be required by snl.
It makes more sense now. They couldn't have the chosen rino taking heat like that. Inner circle seems to be off limits.
C'mon fren, it was a joke. Believe it or not, I know a couple of those guys. Besides, Cuckshaw is a fag because of his politics, not because he possibly maybe bent himself over for Soros, et al.
Honestly looks like he'd hold a town hostage while he makes them believe they're safe, only to use them as peasantry to give himself power, and then goes and terrorizes second amendment loving families at a prison being assaulted by mindless zombies. Probably has an obsession with the Steyr AUG. Probably aims it with his patched eye.
Fuck that faggot. What a faggot. Pretending to be a patriot who lost his eye in battle, what a faggot. Nothing else describes this loser other than faggot.
Eyepatch McCain is at it again
I bet the eyepatch is fake like everything else with this loser.
Yeah. If he lost an eye he could just get a fake one. This is a movie.
There's a japanese term that fits guys like him perfectly. Chuunibyou, means "8th grader syndrome", and is a Japanese colloquial term typically used to describe early teens who have grandiose delusions, who desperately want to stand out, and who have convinced themselves that they have hidden knowledge or secret powers.
Tell me that doesn't sound like the leftie cumrags.
Crenshaw is such a faggot. Fuck him with Mike's dick. Then shoot em both for treason.
After due process, i guess.
Yuuuuge wef faggot!
yeah he's due to be processed. Preferably in a meat grinder.
I remember way back when Pete Davidson (SNL) mocked him in a skit and he was forced to apologize for it. I thought it weird because mocking only gop members seems to be required by snl.
It makes more sense now. They couldn't have the chosen rino taking heat like that. Inner circle seems to be off limits.
Good point!
Pete Davidson is a faggot just like Crenshaw the Faggot.
Is it camera angle, or has he chunked up considerably.
The SEALs really are progressive after having a fag like this guy in their ranks.
There are some, sure, but overall this is a very false statement.
C'mon fren, it was a joke. Believe it or not, I know a couple of those guys. Besides, Cuckshaw is a fag because of his politics, not because he possibly maybe bent himself over for Soros, et al.
Oh, it’s hard to tell these days and I’ve seen people with that take.
I like how everyone in this thread is calling him a fag/faggot. That tells you something about this faggot.
Big Mike, probably...
That is hilarious!!!
Cuckshaw. Lost his eye when a penis got lodged there.
Evil people only pull the morality card when it suits them, because they know it works on us and not them.
I’d be very interested to know how much his net worth has increased the last few years…
There should be a law where you can't quadruple your net worth when you're in government. Maybe 3x max.
Fucking goddamn dirty sack of shit.
You forgot "faggot. "
Crenshaw, I heard Texas is finished with you.
Honestly looks like he'd hold a town hostage while he makes them believe they're safe, only to use them as peasantry to give himself power, and then goes and terrorizes second amendment loving families at a prison being assaulted by mindless zombies. Probably has an obsession with the Steyr AUG. Probably aims it with his patched eye.
I thought for a while I liked him. Now, I don't like him. He is a fraud.
I don’t understand who this guy is.
You sure that's not Russell Crowe?
Brown Eye Buccaneer.
Fuck that faggot. What a faggot. Pretending to be a patriot who lost his eye in battle, what a faggot. Nothing else describes this loser other than faggot.