Came here to say the same thing. Identifying them as Borg is much better than calling them sheep. The diehards are truly a collective mind with a destructive agenda versus being independently oblivious.
I call them slippers, because they make everyone ackwardly swoosh towards the endgoals of their brainwashers... who wear them like confortable foot soldiers.
I've called them borg for years. All they care about is the "collective". They all repeat the exact same phrases and none have the ability to utter an independent thought.
We should really stop calling them liberals and progressive. More like fascist and communist.
Came here to say the same thing. Identifying them as Borg is much better than calling them sheep. The diehards are truly a collective mind with a destructive agenda versus being independently oblivious.
Well stated!
That is what our 'very own Jesse Kelly' has been consistently calling them.
I like commie progressives or commie liberals,so their no confusion about who we're talking about.
My dad had a liberal friend back in the 70's,these people are nothing like him.....
The liberals of that time didnβt trust the government, influenced by those who seek to infiltrate. Now the liberals are the government
True enough.
"Satanic pedophiles" works for me.
I call them slippers, because they make everyone ackwardly swoosh towards the endgoals of their brainwashers... who wear them like confortable foot soldiers.
I've been calling them leftists for a couple years now. I can't remember the last time I referred to them as Democrats.
I've called them borg for years. All they care about is the "collective". They all repeat the exact same phrases and none have the ability to utter an independent thought.
My favorite as a kid.
I like the phrase you quoted but no way in hell he's better than Tolkien. Narnia books are really low quality, I read them all and it was a chore.
LOTR I can reread a million times, it's just that much better.
Yup! I like that..
Yep. They all adhere to the unified narrative.
A movie made in 1976 called "Network" described the borg / NPCs quite well, except they used the term "humanoid."
Thanks. I will find it. π
Excellent meme.
You're not vaccinated? But, but I thought resistance was futile?
Add some.plastick dicks all over those borg costumes and its dead on
Mods please sticky this!
it's bumping against the stickies now, all good. thanks though. π
I used to like bumping stickies when I was younger. π
I picture them as cinobites from the hellraiser franchise.
Sadly applies directly to the current state of Star Trek.
24/7 shitshow. and even the woketards don't like picard.
I find it hard to not like lower decks though.
Have to agree...Lower Decks is one of the most faithful to existing canon in ST shows and movies.
i think they're leveraging StarTrekOnline. They're the real holders of canon now, and the only ones who deserve it.
Encounter at Farpoint, has never been more relevant than it is today.
Only if The Borg was controlled by Ferengi...
I believe they know exactly who they are and what they want to do to us and our America.
Tasha Yar was hot and was cut too early.
Change my mind.
OMG So accurate