Whats gonna be hillarious, is when these blue checks had an army of bots , like/retweet their nonsense… now, you gonna have a tweet with no bot army, but a bunch of people mocking you to oblivion
The old arrangements were no longer going to be upheld when Trump arrived and this fool has been screeching ever since. Stephen King as well, just to focus on 2 names. I wonder what got ruined for them?
Hey Rob look in the mirror
If I had that face, it wouldn't be easy.
His "blue wave" will never happen if Elon does the right thing and deletes all the bots.
Will be interesting to find out the names of the individuals who created and ran the bots.
China might be my guess. Lots of bot farms there.
Dem Cast the biggest single culprit, someone did a deep dive a while ago on it. Dem Cast has like half a billion impressions.
Doesn't he know that All In The Family ended decades ago? Let the role go, Rob.
And that's why Archy called him Meathead
I responded something like "Huh, I didn't realize any democrats got banned"
Kid fucker.
And that's how the CIA became the owner of Mr. Meathead.
My sides, dear god, my sides...
These leftist retards are in for one hell of a ride LOL!! Our people are back and fired up.
Whats gonna be hillarious, is when these blue checks had an army of bots , like/retweet their nonsense… now, you gonna have a tweet with no bot army, but a bunch of people mocking you to oblivion
Meathead needs to choke on his meatloaf…
Comms in capitalization? First four unnecessarily capitalized letters are SPLC. Southern Poverty Law Center? If so, what do RMF and BW stand for?
Do you think Archie finally got through to Meathead?
The old arrangements were no longer going to be upheld when Trump arrived and this fool has been screeching ever since. Stephen King as well, just to focus on 2 names. I wonder what got ruined for them?
Hey no no no. We don't want him up here either!
Be careful what you wish for, C5. 😂🤣😂
Hmm, consider that, his trigger words don't work anymore.