Hanlon's Razor: the idea that one should "never attribute to malice what can easily be attributed to stupidity."
I think he is just dumb as shit. Not being aware that the vaxx is leading to ruinous health outcomes after 2 years and many thousands of 'died mysteriously' and 'doctors baffled' does not indicate much is going on upstairs.
Man this clown is insufferable. I can’t stand to watch him talk. He comes off as being a pompous ass all the time. Like, you know, there have been other smart black men before you right? You’re not the first one. And drop the stars and suns wardrobes, black Gandalf, you’re not a wizard for fucks sake….
I don't even think he can actually do astrophysics. He's just a performing puppet on TV that fits in their divershitty agenda. He's where he's at because he's black and docile, not because he's smart and capable. He takes the same place as Carl Sagan, effectively neutering what Carl Sagan built.
NDT isnt an authority on anything on planet earth.
Or off of it. He has been disproven so many times. He and Bill Nye should marry.
Yes because once they die they turn into Dem voters.
Good astrophysicists don't become TV personalities.
Yeah well they’re gonna have to cheat harder and harder when they figure out that it’s 100% opposite. I think they know they can’t be that stupid
Only if you eat something really really spicy.
Fuck. Sorry. How fucking stupid is the world really? If this is the gene pool to propagate our country we are fucked
The jab may have effectively sterilized a good number of them
Well most are gay and or vaccinated so they won’t be propagating much!
Well ... libtards had 0 deaths from Covid, and conservatives had twice as many!
So, there's that ...
He’s paid to tweet that. He’s an “influencer”. Those tweets ain’t free.
I don’t believe a word out of his mouth on any subject
Astrophysics = 100% Abstractions/Models = 0% basis in reality.
His Tweet mirrors what he knows about "space".
Hanlon's Razor: the idea that one should "never attribute to malice what can easily be attributed to stupidity."
I think he is just dumb as shit. Not being aware that the vaxx is leading to ruinous health outcomes after 2 years and many thousands of 'died mysteriously' and 'doctors baffled' does not indicate much is going on upstairs.
Man this clown is insufferable. I can’t stand to watch him talk. He comes off as being a pompous ass all the time. Like, you know, there have been other smart black men before you right? You’re not the first one. And drop the stars and suns wardrobes, black Gandalf, you’re not a wizard for fucks sake….
I don't even think he can actually do astrophysics. He's just a performing puppet on TV that fits in their divershitty agenda. He's where he's at because he's black and docile, not because he's smart and capable. He takes the same place as Carl Sagan, effectively neutering what Carl Sagan built.
Fuse is dumb as a rock. He just proved it.
What accusation?
Actors gotta act. His head is an oblate spheroid
Hang this egotistical smug fuck by the thumbs for 24 hours and then ask him again if he still thinks this.
oh my word
This man is an arrogant gas bag. I can't even look at his face when he is making pronouncements from his scientific cathedra.
scientists often rely on grants from government or universities.. both are suspicious globalism peddlers.