Some of those piercings look like they might be too close to the brain area. I would dispute her reason for not being able to find a job. Has she tried the want ads for Witch Doctor, I wonder?
Weaponized stupidity. Against herself and societal norms. She was told she was special and this is how she lets everyone know it. She will end up old, angry, alone, and have 18 cats.
She'd be great for setting out buoys, or being a rescue dummy that they have to find in the search-and-rescue training. Nothing else comes to mind except that she has a really good face for radio.
I would hire her... if I were a guard in the gulag. She will break rock for ten years and for every slight misdemeanor, her sentence would be extended by another 10 years.
Just like the real communists did in the 1920s all the way until the fall of the Soviet Union.
Nothin' that a little J-weld and sanding can't fix....
That wiener he has stuffed into those panties is going to need a little more than a sander. That thing could get a job at the dildo factory right now.
Oh man --- and that was a fresh cup of coffee.....
Well, there's another image that I can't unsee. Nightmares for sure. kek
Part II
(these machines can drag a metal chair across the room)
Making carnies look respectable is impressive
Magnet tester, maybe?
Libtard barnacles
If I operated a carnival I would definitely hire her/it for the side show.
In any other customer facing position she'd scare away the fish.
Looks like someone mistook her for a pheasant and she got a face full of birdshot!
Seriously, if I woke up next to that, I'd have a panic attack.
Edit: Sorry I said 'her', I meant to say 'it'
Always curious (but never surprised) what it's parents look like. kek kek!
Hang her from the ceiling of a 'club' dance floor and she'd make a great strobe light.
Disco ball
Both are human sacrificing moloch worshipers.
Sometimes Myocarditis just doesn't work fast enough.
All those piercings must be reflecting the 5G waves, while making them easier to track.
Do your job graphene oxide!
Some of those piercings look like they might be too close to the brain area. I would dispute her reason for not being able to find a job. Has she tried the want ads for Witch Doctor, I wonder?
Bet a lot of them weren't Trump voters till you walked in the door.
Makes the case for Euthanasia.
Not if I had to look at her.
Weaponized stupidity. Against herself and societal norms. She was told she was special and this is how she lets everyone know it. She will end up old, angry, alone, and have 18 cats.
Sanpaku eyes.
40% 😅
She'd be great for setting out buoys, or being a rescue dummy that they have to find in the search-and-rescue training. Nothing else comes to mind except that she has a really good face for radio.
I expect her to say "We have such sights to show you" Some one messing around with a Lemarchand's Box?
And in spite of the fact that she's a looker!!
I'd say radio or a call centre is her best bet but doubt she has the I.Q for either. What a f*kg hot mess.
When I read your third word (Radio), I thought you were going to suggest, she could work as an antenna.
Man... Even without all the hardware in her face she's still a 2, maybe 3 if she got her hair/makeup game on point - maybe.
I'm more surprised any organization that WASN'T antifa would hire her to begin with.
Way too much medication
Try Ripleys Believe it or Not!
People fuck that thing. They obviously can’t follow a simple rule. Don’t stick your dick in crazy.
I doubt it. That's a trans-thing.
That's probably a profile pic of his little wanker in his panties.
Looks like the little wanker found it's picture on here and down-voted my post.
I would hire her... if I were a guard in the gulag. She will break rock for ten years and for every slight misdemeanor, her sentence would be extended by another 10 years.
Just like the real communists did in the 1920s all the way until the fall of the Soviet Union.
Wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that you're a FREAK, would it?
If I was super hammered and it was a slow Tuesday I would... oh wait you mean hire her for an actual job? Lol hell no.
Yea that's why.
She identifies as a pin cushion.
Twitter's Halloween-Night Party is over now so you're services are no longer required.
Tattoo parlor artist, Garbage truck driver, Elementary school teacher, Democratic candidate, Satanic Preacher, Phizer Pharmacutical research participant.
Lots and lots of job opportunities for that "person". Just need to get a little bit more education to be a school teacher, I'd guess.
A really BAD LGBTQ+ cartoon character