302 Is It Ugly Sweater Time, Yet? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by BadDood 2 years ago by BadDood +304 / -2 48 comments download share 48 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
That’s not ugly, that’s awfully cute! Any kid would be in awe of you wearing it!🤗
Hijacking because I think this is important.
"Children are the closest thing to God."
Please spread this video everywhere. "Satanic" is trending on twitter. You can save the video or copy the URL to spread everywhere. Lara is one of the most outspoken people spreading the hard truths. WE NEED TO SUPPORT HER.
OP, when you gonna post the picture of the ugly sweater?
I see what you did there.
That's a magnificent sweater, what are you talking about?!
Not ugly at all!! 😊
Apparently there are lots! I'd love to see a sea of these! https://duckduckgo.com/?q=pepe+ugly+sweater+christmas&iax=images&ia=images
I’m so tempted to buy one of these and wear it to our church Christmas concert.
I’m in the choir and we were told to wear black pants and a festive Christmas Sweater
Do it!
I would absolutely love seeing a whole choir of them at our church's Christmas concert!
Do it!
OMGOODNESS! Thanks Amber! I'm ordering a Pepe sweater and a white kitty meme sweater! 💕
Haha! The pepe in the bottom row is how I feel after Thanksgiving.
Too much thanksgiving coma!
that is outstanding. i'm the pepe on the bottom napping in the forest. NAPPING!
I would buy one of those,,, but the wife would burn it. 😃😃😃😃😃
Your not doing it right, that's a beautiful sweater.
That's the best one I've seen yet!!
Dear Pepe…
Top Kek!
isnt that mizkif merch? lol
I'm jealous AF
A local radio station has switched to Christmas records today.
What does the bidding start at?
I dunno, but that's adorable ❤
I want your whole stock.
For those of us who don't give a shit, it's ugly sweater day every day of winter.
Those are adorable Pepe’s. So it’s not ugly!
Can I get one with a subliminal "Epstien didn't kill himself"
It is! And this one is great!
It's beautiful
What's the link to buy one?
OP - where the link for this bad boy sweater at?
Since there are Mario star power ups, why didn't they use Wart instead of cute little Pepes?
Where can I get one?
You said ugly, but this is the Pe(o)p(l)e's sweater
You had me until I realized there is a row of pentagrams. Notice the inverted 5 pointed stars?
I see foxes, pentagrams, or Mario bros. stars (possibly upside down)