She was facilitating an off the books brainwashing and disinformation operation in coordination with the FBI and the DNC, with intent to inhibit the Rights of Americans and interfere in federal elections.
Downturned mouth, puffy, dark eye bags, chin down in defiance, arms crossed across her chest, staring daggers at him...
Looks like she didn't sleep the night before and had a good idea she was getting the axe. Also she was earning (allegedly) $17m per year! Can you believe it?
True, but the chin down posture usually accompanies the slight lean back that happens after arms are crossed. And, we see the person next to her has his arms crossed, and body language mirroring is an unconscious action. He's mirroring hers or vice versa.
The thing about the deep state is that it rewards its own when they get caught operating against Americans and traditional American values. She'll have an extremely profitable book deal or, land a powerful consultancy gig within the next year or, so. It also serves as comms to other operatives that the deep state has their backs, too, should they be exposed.
I am a witch......and I know a curse/hex when I see one........That makes her a witch also.....Just my guess......but I am feeling her energy from this photo...and it's pretty heavy and intense.
Not to sound like a dick here, but does it matter? If I was a darker energies type witch/warlock? The fact I am here shows I do not align with whats happening in the Occult/Pagan world. Doesnt mean I am changing my views. Also doesnt mean I am here to shit on your views. The way I see it we all walk our own spiritual path. And it's really not for anyone to judge where one is at in their awakening process.
Because we do not agree on this 1 thing, doesnt mean I am an enemy. We have common goals, we have common wants. We just choose to practice our faiths, religions ,rituals, differently
Why do you assume I do not know and accept Jesus. I am a pagan because thats the churches label for me. I see there is more to the universe than the Bible allows us to know. I do not worship any other beings, deities, entities above God. There is only 1 creator.
I also understand there is power on this Earth, that God created. This Earths power we can also use. To heal ourselves, and to help heal the Earth. There are other energies and beings that want to aide us in this great fight. This awakening we are all in.
Sorry fren. You took that the wrong way. The Glenda thing would have gone over a few heads. By asking that, I was simply asking if you were a good witch with a good heart. As far as I'm concerned, I don't think there could be a better witch for what we are doing that a very dark one with a good heart and good intentions would not excel at. God knows what we are up against is as dark as it gets. I'm all for what you do and I'm all for you calling me out if you think I am out of line.
She was facilitating an off the books brainwashing and disinformation operation in coordination with the FBI and the DNC, with intent to inhibit the Rights of Americans and interfere in federal elections.
If I were her, I’d be scared too 😂
That's not how I'm interpreting that face!
Downturned mouth, puffy, dark eye bags, chin down in defiance, arms crossed across her chest, staring daggers at him...
Looks like she didn't sleep the night before and had a good idea she was getting the axe. Also she was earning (allegedly) $17m per year! Can you believe it?
That's cuntface, every man has seen it
That's a word I don't like and don't like hearing others use, regardless of the reason.
Than stop being a cunt
I agree-disgusting language
CUNT cunt CuNt :-) 👍😊😂😁
🤮🤮🤮🤮language-seriously!! Is that really necessary? How’s about evil or sick or even abomination
You dont like the word, but we dont like cunts.
Aaaagghh! Stop!
lighten up ya cunt ;)
Ok I will stop, I dont want to be a cunt about it.
The deathstare, if looks could kill..
You can only see her face partially obscured by someone elses shoulder. Regardless she us not a happy supporter of the new owner.
Um, I have a 27 inch 4k monitor and I can see her face quite well in those images.
face, but not arms.
True, but the chin down posture usually accompanies the slight lean back that happens after arms are crossed. And, we see the person next to her has his arms crossed, and body language mirroring is an unconscious action. He's mirroring hers or vice versa.
If looks could kill...
If she could shoot laser beams out of those eyes Elon would be dead.
The thing about the deep state is that it rewards its own when they get caught operating against Americans and traditional American values. She'll have an extremely profitable book deal or, land a powerful consultancy gig within the next year or, so. It also serves as comms to other operatives that the deep state has their backs, too, should they be exposed.
Until God has His vengeance
That is not vijaya...looks nothing like her
Vagina Gash. I believe that's how it's pronounced
She's got those sanpaku eyes. Not good at all.
Future proves past.
More comments in this earlier thread also:
I don’t see panic I see murder in her eyes. If looks could kill… pure hatred is what I see
I am a witch......and I know a curse/hex when I see one........That makes her a witch also.....Just my guess......but I am feeling her energy from this photo...and it's pretty heavy and intense.
I hope you are a Glenda type witch.
Not to sound like a dick here, but does it matter? If I was a darker energies type witch/warlock? The fact I am here shows I do not align with whats happening in the Occult/Pagan world. Doesnt mean I am changing my views. Also doesnt mean I am here to shit on your views. The way I see it we all walk our own spiritual path. And it's really not for anyone to judge where one is at in their awakening process.
Because we do not agree on this 1 thing, doesnt mean I am an enemy. We have common goals, we have common wants. We just choose to practice our faiths, religions ,rituals, differently
Only one way to heaven-JESUS-TRUTH
Why do you assume I do not know and accept Jesus. I am a pagan because thats the churches label for me. I see there is more to the universe than the Bible allows us to know. I do not worship any other beings, deities, entities above God. There is only 1 creator.
I also understand there is power on this Earth, that God created. This Earths power we can also use. To heal ourselves, and to help heal the Earth. There are other energies and beings that want to aide us in this great fight. This awakening we are all in.
That s great if that’s where you truly are. How does that make you pagan then? God provided the elements of and in the earth for us to utilize
Sorry fren. You took that the wrong way. The Glenda thing would have gone over a few heads. By asking that, I was simply asking if you were a good witch with a good heart. As far as I'm concerned, I don't think there could be a better witch for what we are doing that a very dark one with a good heart and good intentions would not excel at. God knows what we are up against is as dark as it gets. I'm all for what you do and I'm all for you calling me out if you think I am out of line.
So....Glinda, yea?
Yes. :D