A lot of Australians still have firearms. At present there are approximately 3.2 million registered firearms. The majority are bolt action and lever action.
Semi automatic rifles are allowed for use by farmers and professional shooters for pest destruction, ie pigs,roos,wild dogs ect.
There are also estimated to be between 1.5 million to over 4 million unregistered firearms,many of them are semi automatics.
The reason for the discrepancy in the number of unregistered firearms is due to the lack of adequate records before registration started in New South Wales and Victoria in 1986 and the other States in 1996.
The Australian Authorities know this and they realise there is nothing they can really do about it. The fact that after all this time after firearm registration was introduced and the unregistered firearms owned by law abiding people rarely if ever are used in the commission of crime allows the Authorities to keep up the pretence that firearm control works.
This keeps the firearm control zealots happy in their ignorance.
The people that use Australia as an example that the US should follow are being very dishonest in an attempt to deceive Americans into accepting gun control.
Wear and tear would eventually be a problem. Usually the people that own these unregistered firearms maintain them sufficiently.
Often they also have multiple firearms of the same or similar type.
A good example is the SKS rifle. I suppose the US was similar to Australia. In the 1970s to the early 1990s in Australia, the SKS was a cheap,value for money firearm.
Especially the Chinese Norinco manufactured SKS. These firearms flooded into the country.
When New South Wales and Victoria banned semi automatic firearms in 1986, people in the other States bought semi automatic firearms in large numbers, especially the SKS rifles (excellent for wild pigs ect)
Approximately 350,000 SKS rifles were sold in Queensland. The numbers sold in the other States was really unknown because records weren't necessary.
With the Federal Government firearm buy back in 1996, they only got 290,000 SKS rifles handed in across the entire Nation!
The number of other types semi automatics is completely unknown.
Firearm control and bans don't really work. The Authorities don't have the manpower or money to try to track suspected firearm offenders.
Aside from the penalty, shipping components for most rifles is relatively easy. Take the humble AR, the rifles can be shipped with pipes, the springs and internals in almost any other package, the Lower can be smuggled in with assorted gears, or for that matter likely shipped inside of tins of cookies.
If you can ship tons of Coke, and other drugs - shipping guns is a non-issue.
I agree. The Authorities have a major problem stopping drugs from being imported, or stolen vehicles like 4x4s being exported for the use of terrorist groups like ISIS.
The big issue in Australia is the amount of hand guns coming in illegally.
Australia has a lot of American vehicles and parts being imported.
It's a good way to import other metallic items like firearm parts.
Whatever the true story, looks like the gov and cops are using it to push for something to their advantage. It is QLD ffs, completely corrupt from what I have gathered.
There's alot of propaganda in that article. No one ever states how the shooting even started. It went from "she quit" all the way to "she ran from her house with a gun".
FTA: "Instead, the Stacey Train that they knew back then was a “sweet lady” and a “mentor” to younger teachers, who they believe ended up becoming “too isolated” from the community."
Too isolated from a community that was determined to inject her with a cocktail of unknown ingredients. So, she quit her job and hunkered down, waiting for sanity to return to her community, but instead her community sent heavily-armed thugs to see if she was okay.
Those Aussie cops are definitely being used to wage authoritarianism against the citizens. This will happen more until their corrupt government is held accountable.
In the first Transformers movie (not the original 1986 one, the modern ones), the Decepticon police car (figures) had "To Punish And Enslave" (not surprised) on it, instead of "To Protect And Serve."
Ahh yeah, I remember that! I called my local police storm troopers during the pandemic, as they would enter every business and make sure they had mask signs and that everyone was following the orders. I was refused service by several for not following along. Kinda embarrassing, as I’m not one to cause a scene.
She must have known they were coming for her. Consider this. Put yourself in her situation with the pending outcome of a mandatory injection. She already quit her job as a teacher because of her beliefs. This in itself should be considered a significant act. It's throwing away a master degree worth of education and then several years of experience teaching. The clot shot is a death sentence in more ways than you may know. Believing your body is sacred as she apparently did is the gold standard every individual must maintain. It appears she was willing to defend that belief to the end. My body, my choice. What a shameful tragedy this was. A slight woman stands her ground against several armed police thugs. It reminds me of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago" when he pondered if only the people stood up against these thugs when they came for someone. They all knew would never be seen again. Rest in peace Stacey Train.
She sounds tougher and more disciplined then the majority of my fellow Americans. She should be labeled a hero, but they will label her a nut case. Much respect to you Stacey.
And they fact she's mentioned in government documents makes this seem more deliberate.
She has been complaining to the education board re naplan / cheating
Sounds like progamming, and it’s influential programming for the normies.
“Oh look, a kind person seemingly changed into a rabid anti-government killer, and it alllllllll started when they refused the vaccine.”
“Goodness, even her innocent neighbor got shot! It’s almost like these anti-vax killers could be anywhere!”
“Say…YOU wouldn’t know any friends or family acting suspiciously after every avenue of their personal and professional lives tried to force an experimental drug on them, do you?! Because this could happen! To YOU!!”
She probably got shot and was shooting them from the floor in defence of shithead cops, but why did the teacher have a gun in aus? Was it registered and all that?
Interesting story
This is exactly what we talk about doing and yet when someone actually does it a bunch of people here are still just like "nah false flag, wasnt us" i guess were all talk, what a bunch of pussies. No wonder we arent really getting anywhere
Question for you: Will you be the first? There are ppl on this website the don't espouse what you are saying.
The reason for that is due to the fact that MOST have the mindset to NOT turning into something like the DC Sniper...That individual was shooting from the trunk of his car!!! AND shooting people that were going about their daily lives.
This young woman should be used as an example: Better to die on your feet and look the devil in the eye balls.
No fucking way a teacher did this. Not without some sort of MK Ultra programming. Especially since nearly 100% of Aussies gave up their guns.
I'm calling shenanigans.
A lot of Australians still have firearms. At present there are approximately 3.2 million registered firearms. The majority are bolt action and lever action. Semi automatic rifles are allowed for use by farmers and professional shooters for pest destruction, ie pigs,roos,wild dogs ect.
There are also estimated to be between 1.5 million to over 4 million unregistered firearms,many of them are semi automatics.
The reason for the discrepancy in the number of unregistered firearms is due to the lack of adequate records before registration started in New South Wales and Victoria in 1986 and the other States in 1996.
The Australian Authorities know this and they realise there is nothing they can really do about it. The fact that after all this time after firearm registration was introduced and the unregistered firearms owned by law abiding people rarely if ever are used in the commission of crime allows the Authorities to keep up the pretence that firearm control works.
This keeps the firearm control zealots happy in their ignorance.
The people that use Australia as an example that the US should follow are being very dishonest in an attempt to deceive Americans into accepting gun control.
With enough time, maintenance and repair become serious problems. Is it still possible to get spare parts for unregistered weapons?
Wear and tear would eventually be a problem. Usually the people that own these unregistered firearms maintain them sufficiently.
Often they also have multiple firearms of the same or similar type.
A good example is the SKS rifle. I suppose the US was similar to Australia. In the 1970s to the early 1990s in Australia, the SKS was a cheap,value for money firearm. Especially the Chinese Norinco manufactured SKS. These firearms flooded into the country.
When New South Wales and Victoria banned semi automatic firearms in 1986, people in the other States bought semi automatic firearms in large numbers, especially the SKS rifles (excellent for wild pigs ect)
Approximately 350,000 SKS rifles were sold in Queensland. The numbers sold in the other States was really unknown because records weren't necessary.
With the Federal Government firearm buy back in 1996, they only got 290,000 SKS rifles handed in across the entire Nation!
The number of other types semi automatics is completely unknown.
Firearm control and bans don't really work. The Authorities don't have the manpower or money to try to track suspected firearm offenders.
Aside from the penalty, shipping components for most rifles is relatively easy. Take the humble AR, the rifles can be shipped with pipes, the springs and internals in almost any other package, the Lower can be smuggled in with assorted gears, or for that matter likely shipped inside of tins of cookies.
If you can ship tons of Coke, and other drugs - shipping guns is a non-issue.
I agree. The Authorities have a major problem stopping drugs from being imported, or stolen vehicles like 4x4s being exported for the use of terrorist groups like ISIS.
The big issue in Australia is the amount of hand guns coming in illegally.
Australia has a lot of American vehicles and parts being imported. It's a good way to import other metallic items like firearm parts.
I have weapons that are over 100 years old still in perfect working condition.
Guns are simple and easy to maintain. Even so, it gets to be an issue.
Probably as guilty, or more, than most. My AR has fired more .22LR than 556, primarily due to cost
The 22LR bolt carrier and magazine adapter were one of the smarter accessories I have added to my collection
Dishonesty, from those who want to disarm law abiding free peoples? Noooo waaaayy
Yeah, I agree. That would never happen. We can trust our Governments. They love us and care for us.
Don't they?
Well people always have the best intentions so of course government will too! They would never do something intentionally evil, duh!
More guns now than pre ban in Aus. It was a massive failure by all counts.
Story is behind a paywall. Try this one:
Whatever the true story, looks like the gov and cops are using it to push for something to their advantage. It is QLD ffs, completely corrupt from what I have gathered.
There's alot of propaganda in that article. No one ever states how the shooting even started. It went from "she quit" all the way to "she ran from her house with a gun".
None of this adds up and it smells dirty
Laying it on pretty thick aren't [they]?
FTA: "Instead, the Stacey Train that they knew back then was a “sweet lady” and a “mentor” to younger teachers, who they believe ended up becoming “too isolated” from the community."
Too isolated from a community that was determined to inject her with a cocktail of unknown ingredients. So, she quit her job and hunkered down, waiting for sanity to return to her community, but instead her community sent heavily-armed thugs to see if she was okay.
"... sent heavily-armed thugs to see if she was okay."
In other words, "We're hear to help you" CLICK. With several red laser dots on her forehead.
Those Aussie cops are definitely being used to wage authoritarianism against the citizens. This will happen more until their corrupt government is held accountable.
That's literally their job.
Is that protecting and serving though?
It’s more like bullying and subduing.
In the first Transformers movie (not the original 1986 one, the modern ones), the Decepticon police car (figures) had "To Punish And Enslave" (not surprised) on it, instead of "To Protect And Serve."
Ahh yeah, I remember that! I called my local police storm troopers during the pandemic, as they would enter every business and make sure they had mask signs and that everyone was following the orders. I was refused service by several for not following along. Kinda embarrassing, as I’m not one to cause a scene.
"Following orders"
My opinion is fuck them all.
She must have known they were coming for her. Consider this. Put yourself in her situation with the pending outcome of a mandatory injection. She already quit her job as a teacher because of her beliefs. This in itself should be considered a significant act. It's throwing away a master degree worth of education and then several years of experience teaching. The clot shot is a death sentence in more ways than you may know. Believing your body is sacred as she apparently did is the gold standard every individual must maintain. It appears she was willing to defend that belief to the end. My body, my choice. What a shameful tragedy this was. A slight woman stands her ground against several armed police thugs. It reminds me of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago" when he pondered if only the people stood up against these thugs when they came for someone. They all knew would never be seen again. Rest in peace Stacey Train.
She sounds tougher and more disciplined then the majority of my fellow Americans. She should be labeled a hero, but they will label her a nut case. Much respect to you Stacey.
And they fact she's mentioned in government documents makes this seem more deliberate. She has been complaining to the education board re naplan / cheating
Aussie here. So many news articles about this. It feels like acting occured or something strange. Whatever.
Sounds like progamming, and it’s influential programming for the normies.
“Oh look, a kind person seemingly changed into a rabid anti-government killer, and it alllllllll started when they refused the vaccine.”
“Goodness, even her innocent neighbor got shot! It’s almost like these anti-vax killers could be anywhere!”
“Say…YOU wouldn’t know any friends or family acting suspiciously after every avenue of their personal and professional lives tried to force an experimental drug on them, do you?! Because this could happen! To YOU!!”
Cue lightning and thunder.
There HAS to be so much more to this story. I smell a coverup.
Don't fear the reaper.
Sounds like a false flag to me. Nobody has the balls to fight against them.
Australians have much to be angry at their police forces.
A 21st Century Ned Kellly story??? 😎
Any cop responsible for enforcing lockdowns of healthy people deserves the same fate. There is only one answer to tyranny.
That’s pretty hardcore
Smells like fake news.
Like Newtown
Based. If only the men had half her balls.
Good for her. That's how you do it if it comes down to it in your life
She probably got shot and was shooting them from the floor in defence of shithead cops, but why did the teacher have a gun in aus? Was it registered and all that? Interesting story
Sounds like Ruby Ridge or Waco.
Police on their property for a “welfare check”.
Arnt the police fake and gay in australia???
This is exactly what we talk about doing and yet when someone actually does it a bunch of people here are still just like "nah false flag, wasnt us" i guess were all talk, what a bunch of pussies. No wonder we arent really getting anywhere
Who is thius 'we' you mention?
No American Patriot is talking about firefights being the point.
And I've seen no one claim false flag, either.
I've been saying for years that nobody has the balls. If someone were to start going after anybody, they'd do it like the DC sniper.
Question for you: Will you be the first? There are ppl on this website the don't espouse what you are saying.
The reason for that is due to the fact that MOST have the mindset to NOT turning into something like the DC Sniper...That individual was shooting from the trunk of his car!!! AND shooting people that were going about their daily lives.
This young woman should be used as an example: Better to die on your feet and look the devil in the eye balls.