You recently reached out to to someone and said thanks. Or, the time before, someone reached out to you. The Great Awakening is really this Great Circle, patriots saving patriots, all over the world. If you need it, this is for you. Or, if you saved someone's circle today, THANKS. Let's GO. 🐸

Needed this today - thank you! My stress and blood pressure levels are very high right now.
I thought with Xmas coming up we could use one like this
Stay calm We are in this together
Asked my uncle what that box was for. He opened it and it was a ton of those old cardboard 35mm slides. He said he hasn't seen those since 68' or 69' when he got back.
He wanted me to get him a projector. This was the fruit of our labor.
It was so nice to see him get so excited and explain each photo.
870 in the window?
Good going. The garage door as the projection screen is a nice touch.
Was your uncle in Vietnam?
I'm trying to remember the last time I felt OK. Maybe 2012? I'd just finished my last deployment and gotten married. The future seemed very bright.
I never expected everything to go so bad. I thank God every day for my wife, she keeps me going when I don't see the point, but every day seems like a fight sometimes.
OMG, a wife that stands by you? I'm so jealous.
Together we are strong. We're here for you and you're here for us.
Hope can be overrated at times, just look at things in reality, our ship is heading towards a brighter future, away from their agenda 2025, agenda 2030, their green shit deal, their wholesale mass vx depopulation program, their mass vx passport program, fake news is getting their balls kicked in everyday and more people are waking up. It's impossible to turn our ship around as on now. Even if they release a nuke somewhere, somehow, I think armies of the world knows not to get into a world wide conflict because soldiers are us, and we are awakened.
Still much more to do but I hold reality as my foundation to keep me centered.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
The history of those who follow Christ is a history that the awakened practice today. What I love is that the spirit of Christ has spilled over even outside Christianity, so that many who do not yet love or believe in Christ nonetheless practice this.
Well, I just deleted a few paragraphs of my BS that I wasn't really trying to unload on you guys. Yes, I certainly am grateful for this post in this moment. I am grateful for all you beautiful Patriots. I'm extremely stressed (and I do handle stress very well) and extremely disappointed with myself. My family deserves better. Suppose I could use some prayers. Love to all❤️🔥🇺🇲🙏
Maybe let's have an "unload BS" super-mega thread tomorrow. Or soon in the coming days. Hold the line, frog. Let's do this.
Q might have been the starter on this vehicle of Truth and Freedom, but this community is the battery (Jesus is the fuel). I truly Love you guys, thanks cat...
Epic comment, thank you, nice job. Keep up the good work. Let's do this!
Prayers are being offered.
The feeling that (others) deserve better can be both chastening and a powerful incentive to try harder. It can be a recognition that there is a higher standard that I can aspire to. However, in my experience, it also needs to be tempered by an awareness of how God sees me, aka the 40,000 foot view or the outside-myself view.
That you have an aching heart means you are alive (aka awake, alert, engaged), that you are reflective of your actions means you have a conscience that still pushes you forward, and that you are here means you are both unique and special.
There were times when Moses lost it, but who loved God and His people more than Moses? There were times when Elijah felt devastated and useless, and yet, God helped him pick himself up and do works that echo throughout history. There were times when Jesus himself felt abandoned and alone, and yet, he never gave up, never stopped loving, and continuously realized how much God loves him and trusts in him.
You are in good company.
A blessing on you. God grant you patience with yourself, and may you see yourself as He does, for He knows the true value of each one who lives.
Not only did your message bring tears to my eyes, it also reminded me to Live with Purpose. I am ready willing and able to receive Prayers and I feel like exploding with Gratitude for all the Love and Courage I witness. I look forward to proving everyone right who has given me praise. Great thanks and Blessings to all you amazing Patriots! 🙏❤️🔥🇺🇲
Your family has a wonderful person in their family. You are doing your best. Hang in there. (Big Hugs)
Thank you so much, hugs received and reciprocated!! 🥰 This community is THE BEST!!
This place is pretty awesome!
Shit I needed this. Going through a divorce with young children. Heart pulled out my chest every day. Watching the world fall apart doesn't help.
Even smooth divorces suck when children are involved. Stay strong fren, I've been there and made mistakes I wished I hadn't (nothing major but I did turn a bit ugly). Move forward with Love in your heart, your children will see what matters. ❤️🔥
((Big Hugs))
Been right there 14 years ago. It sucks. Let the youngins see the love in you though. Makes everything alot easier. Best advice I got was to Never talk down your ex in front of the kiddos. She is still their mom and they could resent you for it. Stay strong fren. It does get better!
I'm being forced out of the home. I'm worried about descending in to suicidal depression. My girls are my life. I will do my best. Thanks brother.
Brother, if you ever need to talk, this room is full of Patriots who have lived through this! Remember that God is always, always right there. He has plans for you through this struggle. Those girls can learn a great deal from you by how you show them love, humbleness, dedication, responsibility, and a Love of God. You can show them how a man should act and treat them. Your duty as a father isn't ending and should now be your focus.
It will not be easy. There is going to be alot of sleepless nights. Alot of crying. I pray that through this you and the girls' mom can be civil. Do your best to make that possible. Forgiveness is hard but definitely required.
Pray. Alot. I will be praying for you...
Thank you to every Anon of The Great Awakening who is striving every day to bring about the downfall of the Cabal.
I cant be the only one who is enjoying the show.
What an exciting time to be alive!
Just think. Ten maybe twenty year ago would a y of us think that we could make any impact?
Now... we have this ragtag assembly of Pepes who kek into the storm "is this all you got!?"
How many of us have gotten closer to our Lord Jesus through all of this? To me this is the biggest win of all.
I agree, many people are turning to instead of away from the Good Lord.
Some of the sleepers have been heartbreaking, though.
Candace broke my heart
Every journey begins with a single step. All you cant do is plant seeds along the way. If and when the soil is fertile they will take root.
Thank you C5! I have a bruised rib and sore back from 3 weeks of flu/pneumonia and it's hard to get up and do things but I just gotta!
OMG. Do you have Covid??
Nope, the test was negative. I got the flu, then was told I had pneumonia after I went in to get xrayed for a possible cracked rib from coughing. No cracked rib but it sure hurts even two weeks later! Been under the weather since Thanksgiving, if you can imagine that!
Put some vicks on the bottom of your feet. Ill pray for you.
I'll pray for you too StormzAComing. Try the vicks.
All I have now is a bit of a cough and the soreness. The chiropractor has really been working out the kinks.
That is good to hear. Pneumonia takes along time to recover. I wish and pray a speedy recovery for you.
God bless you fren.
Thumbs up catsfive
Love my frens!
Back at ya.
I love this community. Even though at times it feels like our struggles are unique to us, and nobody else has been through it, we all share common troubles.
Thanks C5. o7
I admit that there have been many times in the last year that I've felt like I was back in the North Atlantic, riding 30ft seas and taking 35 degree rolls. I've not been well physically, fiscally or mentally in this topsy turvy world. You frogs make it a bit easier to understand and navigate. Thanks to all and thanks cat for the pump up.
As long as it doesn't turn into a Great Circle Jerk.
Good post. Best fren.
My iron has fractalized, and I approve of this message.
Thank you Catsfive, very much appreciated.
And so true.
Together, we will make liberal head explode!!!
Disney character...sweet.