There have been increasing amounts of posts over recent months of less and less fact checking and looking at the source and just hyper-reactive posts that turn out to be 'well someone said it'. Or just screenshots of some kind of explosive statement with no source link, no timestamp, and no way to check if its real.
Obviously Steven Kirsch is on point on everything (which is why he got banned), but if it was months ago and not even the FDA saying it - its reactive posts like these - than people then pile on to - that make it easier for outside groups to make the movement look bad.
Yes , someone posted that RFK won a court date that vax causes autism , my 30 yr old is autistic , I quickly ran with it and slapped my daughter with it my 29-year-old daughter who wasn’t faxed and used to be proud of it and then got Covid job and it’s all in the farm and now well she found out it wasn’t true and came back at me.. bummed me out because it caused her not like listen next time ! I mean so be it doesn’t mean it’s not true the vaccine does cause autism it’s just it’s best not to lose the credibility I’m careful now not to run with something this was debunked a while ago it was Steve curse it said it I sure was glad I found out before I went running with this one
This is over a year old, is it not? Also, it wasn’t an FDA official that made these remarks.
Twitter files are exposing everything though…people need to hang for this criminal enterprise.
Yes, and mislead is a word, spelled correctly and used improperly. You said that they don't know how to spell. These are two entirely different concepts.
Yeah. If they had just been willing to discuss the cons of the vaccine rather than just advertising for them, I might be more willing to believe them now.
Isn’t part of the FDAs job to review the data of anything that comes before them before it can be approved? What’s the point of the FDA is all they are doing is rubber stamping?
“We were told it’s for realsy safe and they seem like nice people that can be trusted, so…”
The "vaccine" saved no one. There was no benefit in the "vaccine" because it was never a vaccine. It was a bio weapon, designed to be a bio-weapon and was never anything other than a bio-weapon.
They can forget about it, because we won’t. Their job was to protect the public and since they don’t, won’t or can’t, the entire agency is expendable. Another words: defund the defrauded, and shut them down. Arrest, prosecute, sentence.
Can we go back in time to save our loved ones somehow? I know it's impossible but I'd love to dream. I tried but obviously propaganda was stronger than one man's words and wild conspiracy theories.
Simple solution... PULL THE FUCKING JABS!!!
Like other countries have.
But not our crooked agencies that have so many people in charge related to one another... Nepotism anyone??? Cheers fren...
A lot of people of influence could have done this at anytime, and haven't done it yet.
And people continue to die and continue to be jabbed right now.
Unfortunately you are correct... Cheers fren...
And I'm including people supposedly on "our side".
Cheers to you too.
Imagine the mass panic if they do this…
Yes I can imagine it... The Great Awakening 1000 fold... Cheers fren...
Absolutely right. Despite all evidence of dangers, they still do nothing.
This was last September, I believe, and not the pronouncement by the FDA, but by an attendee at the meeting. Where is the original source of this?
You are correct.
Yup, Steven Kirsch.
Quite annoying when people trim any timestamps and then recycle them over and over.
Yeah, this is old info from someone on the public townhall meeting.
This is why screenshots are weak evidence. No date, no context, pretty soon people are making things up, like "the FDA is backpeddling."
I posted the context just now.
There have been increasing amounts of posts over recent months of less and less fact checking and looking at the source and just hyper-reactive posts that turn out to be 'well someone said it'. Or just screenshots of some kind of explosive statement with no source link, no timestamp, and no way to check if its real.
Obviously Steven Kirsch is on point on everything (which is why he got banned), but if it was months ago and not even the FDA saying it - its reactive posts like these - than people then pile on to - that make it easier for outside groups to make the movement look bad.
This bullshit again. Some spook on a zoom said it. NOT the FDA. FAKE NEWS.
Using fake information does not get us there, it just reduces the amount of trust we have in future statements.
Yes , someone posted that RFK won a court date that vax causes autism , my 30 yr old is autistic , I quickly ran with it and slapped my daughter with it my 29-year-old daughter who wasn’t faxed and used to be proud of it and then got Covid job and it’s all in the farm and now well she found out it wasn’t true and came back at me.. bummed me out because it caused her not like listen next time ! I mean so be it doesn’t mean it’s not true the vaccine does cause autism it’s just it’s best not to lose the credibility I’m careful now not to run with something this was debunked a while ago it was Steve curse it said it I sure was glad I found out before I went running with this one
Here's the detailed sauce:
There was a post on here about the above about a year ago:
The tweet can be found here:
The referenced video can be found here:
The relevant audio is supposed to be located at the 4 hour 20 minute mark. I listened and actually heard the guy say "71 times"
Thanks, good work.
Thanks Aspie
Thanks was scrolling to find it!
For the zillionth time!!
The FDA did not say this!!! Watch the damn video.
An antivaxxer named Steve kirsch said this and he is a guest.
This is fake hopium.
How many times do I have to debunk this.
Lol I’m with ya ,, I wish it was true ! It was Steve
Good! When the cabal organs are all trying to pass the blame then it's all over for all of them.
IMO this will end up with circular blame.
This is over a year old, is it not? Also, it wasn’t an FDA official that made these remarks. Twitter files are exposing everything though…people need to hang for this criminal enterprise.
Well, you ARE wrong about the "Nazi mass exterminations," so, there's that...
The above should have read ‘mass typhus outbreak’
"falsely mislead" is a double negative.
These idiots can't even form correct sentences.
They can't fucking spell either. It's MISLED. "Lead" is what they're begging us to use on them!
Mislead is the act of leading someone the wrong direction.
Misled is the act of being led down the wrong direction.
It's not a spelling error, just good old fashioned poor word choice or poor English.
Mislead is present tense. "This can mislead you into a trap."
Misled is past tense. "We were misled." Which is what the article claims.
Yes, and mislead is a word, spelled correctly and used improperly. You said that they don't know how to spell. These are two entirely different concepts.
I would believe you except you shut down all other voices, sorry, Gitmo for you.
Yeah. If they had just been willing to discuss the cons of the vaccine rather than just advertising for them, I might be more willing to believe them now.
That thump you heard and felt was Pfizer getting tossed under the bus and ran over ... LOL.
This is gonna be good.
Isn’t part of the FDAs job to review the data of anything that comes before them before it can be approved? What’s the point of the FDA is all they are doing is rubber stamping?
“We were told it’s for realsy safe and they seem like nice people that can be trusted, so…”
Isn't this from last year? Why No date OR link?
It was streamed a year ago. I posted the sauce.
Op you know better_ this shit makes the entire site look bad. You are better than this!
That's incorrect. The vaccines are saving no lives; none.
And still they lie.
The "vaccine" saved no one. There was no benefit in the "vaccine" because it was never a vaccine. It was a bio weapon, designed to be a bio-weapon and was never anything other than a bio-weapon.
And the FDA knew from day one.
They can forget about it, because we won’t. Their job was to protect the public and since they don’t, won’t or can’t, the entire agency is expendable. Another words: defund the defrauded, and shut them down. Arrest, prosecute, sentence.
Umm, isn't the FDA supposed to do their own testing for safety?
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Like H E double hockey sticks!
Is that true it kills 2 people for every one saved?
Holy crap!
Major doubt that the FDA actually said this anywhere as easily accessible as a YouTube video...
Fuck, you know deals we will always remember
Can we go back in time to save our loved ones somehow? I know it's impossible but I'd love to dream. I tried but obviously propaganda was stronger than one man's words and wild conspiracy theories.
"It's too late."
Too late, they get the rope.
Falsely mislead. This is a double speak double negative.
Maybe I don’t understand the stats right. But none of my friends who got the jab have died.
Spider-Man meme incomjng
I posted sauce. The tweet is still up, as I looked five minutes ago.