Yup. I experienced this personally. Told some friends ad co-workers some good news about getting quickly over covid. They panicked and were like "You can't do that!" Even when it was the doctor's own words they were like "NO! NO! NO!"
Then they proceeded to talk how their last booster left them bedridden for 7 days, gave them a high fever, and caused them to vomit, but they were very grateful for it and they can't wait until they can get boosted again.
Yeah. I know people, too, that double or triple down on their support for the shots. It’s literally madness. They think it’s their only hope, and are totally blind to the “just say no” approach. They even lash out at you for being “selfish” or for “ignoring the science”. It’s all very pathetic.
They get this terrified look if you even suggest "the pandemic is over".
They liked being treated as captive children by the government. I've known people who grew up in the soviet union who liked it. They said they liked it because it was so relaxing. They never had to make decisions for themselves. The government decided everything -- their career, their income, and even their hobbies. They hated capitalism because it was always making you "decide" things.
They thought it was great being "cared" for (controlled). There are some people who look at being treated like a doll as a form of "love" and "concern".
This is what is so alarming. America's spirit is gutted.
My sister waits for the news to tell her what to do.
On election night my in-laws said they wouldn't pay attention until it was all decided. Two mornings later they appeared from our guest room having read the Madison WI paper that stated the election was getting certified as correct by an "independent" election board. "Ah, all done," "Ah," I said, " since THEY say the board is independent it must be. "Them: "What's for breakfast?"
If I could, I would post a video of the scene from "Animal House" where the frat initiate gets spanked and says, "Thank you sir, may I have another!" :)
Its been bombarded at people for 100 years (at least in terms of visual mediums) with non stop fear and what 'people need to do to be safe/their part'.
People have been programmed since birth to be afraid and do what they are told.
This is why it is so hard for most, or impossible for many to change or even accept bsdic facts when confronted with them. They have a worldview and hard wiring fighting against it without even realizing ut.
I read something about worry once. I am paraphrasing but the gist was that people feel like if they worry they are "doing something" about whatever it is they fear. And that the doing something will fend off the bad outcome. Must be the same kind of instinct. If I am afraid of this and take precautions it will be okay in the end. It's as if the fear and worry is "paying the dues" I guess.
My mom would rather be pessimistic than optimistic because as she worded it, "If I don't expect anything good than I won't be disappointed when something bad happens".
I really understand now what Rush Limbaugh meant when he said (paraphrasing) "Pessimism is easy. It's what most people do. It's lazy. Optimism takes work. You have to really think about your reasons".
I have RELATIVES that have had ALL 4 JABS and still got covid and they FEAR me because I am a pure blood AND HAVE NOT GOTTEN SICK!!! When they start spouting about the shot and immunity I ask them..."SHOW ME THE DATA"!!!!!! They don't show the data and instead mouth CDC, AMA, FDA and .GOV nonsense...so NO DATA supplied!!!!!!
Most Americans, and perhaps most people in the world, do not have the ability to analyze data, and thus, rely on the "experts" to tell them what the data supposedly reveals. Of course, we know the data do not reveal what the "experts" say it reveals.
The brain becomes trained to certain chemical responses. In essence it becomes set to "fear" mode or always hyper alert. That starts to feel "normal". Humans want to feel "normal".
When the fear is removed, the person doesn't feel "normal" anymore. Most abused spouses will break down and seek another abusive partner just to feel "normal" again. Say you have a very abusive boss who yells at everyone. One day he goes away for a week. At first there is relief. Yay, he's gone. Soon the drama starts as people try to replace the "fear" that their brain is now hardwired to need.
If a person endures the discomfort for a few months and trains their brain to accept "not being afraid" then they can retrain their brain to live without fear and feel normal.
Most people just can't take it. It feels like they are not themselves when they no longer have that "fear". Essentially you become trained to be a victim and your brain now only feels normal when you have an abuser.
Brainwashing is at heart an identity crisis. A victim defines themselves by their abuser's every whim. In this case the government is the abuser.
That's kind of how I still feel right now. Scared to leave home because I wouldn't know anybody, no safety net. It also almost feels like I still fear my dad, even though he died January 2020. It really, really sucks being a victim of narcissist parents.
Take some classes at your local community college or join a local church. Then you can meet new people in a safe setting. The church can give you a safety net. I had a major problem with my house a few years ago, and people from the church came and fixed it for me for free. Now that we're in a better position, we try to help others.
Another thing you can do is find a good local restaurant and go at least two or three times a week. The waitresses will get to know you. We go to one here, and I give the waitresses twice the tips I used to. They know us and have our usual order memorized. We ate breakfast there this morning and didn't have to tell the girl our order.
If your father is gone, you're the adult now. Take control.
Help others. Others help you. You have a safety net.
Weak individuals respond to threats, danger and fear with Submission. They immediately yield and offer to cooperate so that they will not be harmed.
If the threats and danger continue, they Submit harder.
If those around them resist, these people panic and demand that the others Submit, too, so the weak ones are not in even more danger due to Guilt by Association.
A few of these weak individuals might eventually find their courage and fight back, but most do not. They simply go on submitting and submitting, no matter how bad it gets, until either the threat goes away, they're captured, or they die.
This phenomenon is also known as Stockholm Syndrome.
Now do you understand why your friends and family screamed like maniacs and refused to associate with you, when you refused to wear a mask/get vaxed and boosted?
My 'family', such as it is, is my mom, sister and uncle. None of them really bothered me, but my sister, being a narcissist, attempted to make fun of me for obtaining a card. Naturally I didn't care because she's a terrible person.
I’ve told my jabbed normie sister about the fbi getting paid by twatter to suppress hunter Biden laptop. I said they did the same with muh covid info and doctors. Show her zelensky waving the Ukrainian flag in OUR Congress and kissing Nancy I mean wtf. Doesn’t budge. Yells at me because I make everything political. Smdh. It’s going to take something really bad to happen to change these peoples minds. I’m prepared.
Right? Wife and I ask my sister about watching a show together on one of the apps that she pays for we just have the logins(two little kids and no time) swear she can rattle off any show or movie and give us a run down. She is single in her 40s but still it’s pathetic. Internet has to go down. Gas has to be $10/gal. Markets have to implode. Something, I pray for!
Right right you know the thing! Hadn’t had my covfefe. Actually have a cold or flu now as well. Vitamins double and quercetin tea. Almost better after a day.
Fear and anger both produce catecholamines. Such as adrenaline. Adrenaline rush is somewhat addictive. Adrenaline has adrenochrome as a by-product: yes, being hyperemotional will give you that same rush supposed to come from vampirism. The adrenochrome doesn't last, but it may play a part in further brain processes. So Zuby is right on, people like their fear, and anger, just like a drug, because it causes a drug effect.
Yup. I experienced this personally. Told some friends ad co-workers some good news about getting quickly over covid. They panicked and were like "You can't do that!" Even when it was the doctor's own words they were like "NO! NO! NO!"
Then they proceeded to talk how their last booster left them bedridden for 7 days, gave them a high fever, and caused them to vomit, but they were very grateful for it and they can't wait until they can get boosted again.
Yeah. I know people, too, that double or triple down on their support for the shots. It’s literally madness. They think it’s their only hope, and are totally blind to the “just say no” approach. They even lash out at you for being “selfish” or for “ignoring the science”. It’s all very pathetic.
They get this terrified look if you even suggest "the pandemic is over".
They liked being treated as captive children by the government. I've known people who grew up in the soviet union who liked it. They said they liked it because it was so relaxing. They never had to make decisions for themselves. The government decided everything -- their career, their income, and even their hobbies. They hated capitalism because it was always making you "decide" things.
They thought it was great being "cared" for (controlled). There are some people who look at being treated like a doll as a form of "love" and "concern".
This is what is so alarming. America's spirit is gutted.
My sister waits for the news to tell her what to do.
On election night my in-laws said they wouldn't pay attention until it was all decided. Two mornings later they appeared from our guest room having read the Madison WI paper that stated the election was getting certified as correct by an "independent" election board. "Ah, all done," "Ah," I said, " since THEY say the board is independent it must be. "Them: "What's for breakfast?"
"They get this terrified look if you even suggest "the pandemic is over"."
And just try telling them that there never was a "pandemic."
If I could, I would post a video of the scene from "Animal House" where the frat initiate gets spanked and says, "Thank you sir, may I have another!" :)
That movie was madness lol
"You can't do that?" Almost as if they're trying to say you're "not allowed" to recover quickly.
Indeed. Its been bombarded at people for 100 years (at least in terms of visual mediums) with non stop fear and what 'people need to do to be safe/their part'.
People have been programmed since birth to be afraid and do what they are told.
This is why it is so hard for most, or impossible for many to change or even accept bsdic facts when confronted with them. They have a worldview and hard wiring fighting against it without even realizing ut.
I read something about worry once. I am paraphrasing but the gist was that people feel like if they worry they are "doing something" about whatever it is they fear. And that the doing something will fend off the bad outcome. Must be the same kind of instinct. If I am afraid of this and take precautions it will be okay in the end. It's as if the fear and worry is "paying the dues" I guess.
My mom would rather be pessimistic than optimistic because as she worded it, "If I don't expect anything good than I won't be disappointed when something bad happens".
I really understand now what Rush Limbaugh meant when he said (paraphrasing) "Pessimism is easy. It's what most people do. It's lazy. Optimism takes work. You have to really think about your reasons".
Still resonates with me.
💯. Optimistic people also tend to succeed more in life bc they don’t give up.
And they attract rather than repel others.
I have RELATIVES that have had ALL 4 JABS and still got covid and they FEAR me because I am a pure blood AND HAVE NOT GOTTEN SICK!!! When they start spouting about the shot and immunity I ask them..."SHOW ME THE DATA"!!!!!! They don't show the data and instead mouth CDC, AMA, FDA and .GOV nonsense...so NO DATA supplied!!!!!!
Most Americans, and perhaps most people in the world, do not have the ability to analyze data, and thus, rely on the "experts" to tell them what the data supposedly reveals. Of course, we know the data do not reveal what the "experts" say it reveals.
Sadly there is truth in that statement.
I'm not sure they actually like living in fear, but it is how they have been trained to feel.
In a weird way, they seem comfortable there.
Abused wives feel the same way. Something weird about human psychology.
The brain becomes trained to certain chemical responses. In essence it becomes set to "fear" mode or always hyper alert. That starts to feel "normal". Humans want to feel "normal".
When the fear is removed, the person doesn't feel "normal" anymore. Most abused spouses will break down and seek another abusive partner just to feel "normal" again. Say you have a very abusive boss who yells at everyone. One day he goes away for a week. At first there is relief. Yay, he's gone. Soon the drama starts as people try to replace the "fear" that their brain is now hardwired to need.
If a person endures the discomfort for a few months and trains their brain to accept "not being afraid" then they can retrain their brain to live without fear and feel normal.
Most people just can't take it. It feels like they are not themselves when they no longer have that "fear". Essentially you become trained to be a victim and your brain now only feels normal when you have an abuser.
Brainwashing is at heart an identity crisis. A victim defines themselves by their abuser's every whim. In this case the government is the abuser.
Sounds like an anon has some psychology credentials :)
That last paragraph nailed it.
This explains why some of us aren't brainwashable.
That's kind of how I still feel right now. Scared to leave home because I wouldn't know anybody, no safety net. It also almost feels like I still fear my dad, even though he died January 2020. It really, really sucks being a victim of narcissist parents.
Take some classes at your local community college or join a local church. Then you can meet new people in a safe setting. The church can give you a safety net. I had a major problem with my house a few years ago, and people from the church came and fixed it for me for free. Now that we're in a better position, we try to help others.
Another thing you can do is find a good local restaurant and go at least two or three times a week. The waitresses will get to know you. We go to one here, and I give the waitresses twice the tips I used to. They know us and have our usual order memorized. We ate breakfast there this morning and didn't have to tell the girl our order.
If your father is gone, you're the adult now. Take control.
Help others. Others help you. You have a safety net.
you need born again. it resets your life so you lock onto the truth and distraction and pain don't impact you anymore.
Kinda like Stockholm Syndrome?
Weak individuals respond to threats, danger and fear with Submission. They immediately yield and offer to cooperate so that they will not be harmed.
If the threats and danger continue, they Submit harder.
If those around them resist, these people panic and demand that the others Submit, too, so the weak ones are not in even more danger due to Guilt by Association.
A few of these weak individuals might eventually find their courage and fight back, but most do not. They simply go on submitting and submitting, no matter how bad it gets, until either the threat goes away, they're captured, or they die.
This phenomenon is also known as Stockholm Syndrome.
Now do you understand why your friends and family screamed like maniacs and refused to associate with you, when you refused to wear a mask/get vaxed and boosted?
My 'family', such as it is, is my mom, sister and uncle. None of them really bothered me, but my sister, being a narcissist, attempted to make fun of me for obtaining a card. Naturally I didn't care because she's a terrible person.
I’ve told my jabbed normie sister about the fbi getting paid by twatter to suppress hunter Biden laptop. I said they did the same with muh covid info and doctors. Show her zelensky waving the Ukrainian flag in OUR Congress and kissing Nancy I mean wtf. Doesn’t budge. Yells at me because I make everything political. Smdh. It’s going to take something really bad to happen to change these peoples minds. I’m prepared.
Only when the petro dollar collapses and the entertainment stops will we reach the precipice.
Right? Wife and I ask my sister about watching a show together on one of the apps that she pays for we just have the logins(two little kids and no time) swear she can rattle off any show or movie and give us a run down. She is single in her 40s but still it’s pathetic. Internet has to go down. Gas has to be $10/gal. Markets have to implode. Something, I pray for!
Yup I can’t stand normies now.
You mean twatter get paid by the feds.
Right right you know the thing! Hadn’t had my covfefe. Actually have a cold or flu now as well. Vitamins double and quercetin tea. Almost better after a day.
Fear and anger both produce catecholamines. Such as adrenaline. Adrenaline rush is somewhat addictive. Adrenaline has adrenochrome as a by-product: yes, being hyperemotional will give you that same rush supposed to come from vampirism. The adrenochrome doesn't last, but it may play a part in further brain processes. So Zuby is right on, people like their fear, and anger, just like a drug, because it causes a drug effect.
Positive correlation between connectivity to the Matrix / TV between the ears and level of fear.
☝🏻Idiot spectrum
They get mad that YOU aren't frightened.
Tribal wars come down to fear of others.
When you tell someone not to fear those "others". People will act exactly like Zuby is talking about.
The Cabal loves tribal wars for a reason.
Fear those "others".
They refuse to break out of the strong spell they are caught up in.
I wanted to watch The Purge when it came out. I don't think it's a scary movie, more like an apocalyptic-style.
This is so true, unfortunately. I see it every day.
I laugh. It's so hyperbolic
They have had a spell cast on them, fear hate and anger. Fear and hate have ways to continue their existence, using blind unthinking anger.
An interview with a demon: https://files.catbox.moe/bgvsw0.mp4
People love horror movies and reality tv, it makes perfect sense.
Spanking kids make them less afraid as they grow up. My opinion.
I was spanked. I'm not afraid of anyone now.