My first thought as well. The rotten apples don't fall far from the rotted tree. It looks like the daughter at least made an attempt to choose appropriate dress...the oldest son looks like he just rolled off the playground, and the youngest like he just rolled out of bed.
Our sons HATED to get dressed up for, weddings, funerals, other special occasions...but there are occasions where "dress clothes" are ENTIRELY still appropriate AND warranted, and we MADE them do it. Clearly, you can tell who runs the Fetterman household based on this creepy pic.
Youngest son got a shirt from the older brother since he has no shirts with buttons, solid 3 inches past his fingers. No one had the sense to roll the sleeves up. Pants are like a foot too long. This is good, the state is making a mockery of itself
Well, she really IS so unoriginal, that she's simply tried to channel and copy #ImWithHer . She is, and always has been, an entirely piss-poor and laughable duplicate along this sick journey.
Kamala's outfit illustrates why women don't get elected President. Nothing makes a woman look more weak and inferior than dressing up in men's clothing. If Hillary had worn skirts instead of pantsuits, and if she had called herself Mrs. Clinton instead of Ms. Rodham-Clinton; and if she had played up her maternal side instead of trying to come across like a ball-breaker, she might have softened her appeal sufficiently to make herself look electable.
PA Deplorable here...yeah, it is. But on the bright side at least Uncle Rachel is our biggest embarrassment (so far!). And now instead of just us despising Uncle Festerman the rest of the country gets to hate him now too. It's not fair for just us to be stuck with that assclown.
Between Rat Bastard Wolf and Cousin IT as I refer to Uncle Rachel and now the Commie Shapiro it has forced me to make the decision to move out of this overtaxed state.
LOL…. And i call her the vice pres… loosely , like her vagina… but the point being…. Who the fuck lets their kids dress in sneakers and shorts to the fuckin white house…
Man, do I feel sorry for those kids. Look at Mom, she’s got those hungry eyes for all the future kickbacks and scam payouts that will be rolling into the “Senators” office….
Gads who dressed these little slobs?
My first thought as well. The rotten apples don't fall far from the rotted tree. It looks like the daughter at least made an attempt to choose appropriate dress...the oldest son looks like he just rolled off the playground, and the youngest like he just rolled out of bed.
Our sons HATED to get dressed up for, weddings, funerals, other special occasions...but there are occasions where "dress clothes" are ENTIRELY still appropriate AND warranted, and we MADE them do it. Clearly, you can tell who runs the Fetterman household based on this creepy pic.
Welcome to my life in PA.
Youngest son got a shirt from the older brother since he has no shirts with buttons, solid 3 inches past his fingers. No one had the sense to roll the sleeves up. Pants are like a foot too long. This is good, the state is making a mockery of itself
A stroke victim.
Kamala needs to change her wardrobe or start wearing a power tie. She is so bland.
Trust me, that's not an accident...these perks have tasks of analysts deciding every aspect of their appearance, from their wardrobe to their make up
Besides, Biden is basically a lightning rod for criticism, and she's probably hoping nobody notices her right now
I will admit I do forget about her often.
right up until she opens her mouth, right? 😂
right up until she opens her mouth, right? 😂
Professionally speaking, few people see more than the top of her head anyway.
Well, she really IS so unoriginal, that she's simply tried to channel and copy #ImWithHer . She is, and always has been, an entirely piss-poor and laughable duplicate along this sick journey.
Kamala's outfit illustrates why women don't get elected President. Nothing makes a woman look more weak and inferior than dressing up in men's clothing. If Hillary had worn skirts instead of pantsuits, and if she had called herself Mrs. Clinton instead of Ms. Rodham-Clinton; and if she had played up her maternal side instead of trying to come across like a ball-breaker, she might have softened her appeal sufficiently to make herself look electable.
I’d prefer she wear a Colombian necktie.
PA this is embarassing.
PA Deplorable here...yeah, it is. But on the bright side at least Uncle Rachel is our biggest embarrassment (so far!). And now instead of just us despising Uncle Festerman the rest of the country gets to hate him now too. It's not fair for just us to be stuck with that assclown.
Between Rat Bastard Wolf and Cousin IT as I refer to Uncle Rachel and now the Commie Shapiro it has forced me to make the decision to move out of this overtaxed state.
As a PA person, I know. Oz won, but doubt that will ever be proven since he folded like a book.
Yea what was that about?
Yeah, he totally totally totally won. What a bunch of slobs.
He's Senator now, so regardless of how, he did "win."
I live here. THEY CHEATED.
Yet he's in office now. What's the difference?
oh fu*** I thought it was a photoshoped pic, honestly, is this real? 🙊🙉🙈 What a fashion... you wouldn't guess what year this photo was taken
Looks more like The Munsters to me.
Kamala always looks and sounds like she is high.
Kamala sucked them all off as well.
Kamala gritting through her teeth "don't fucking touch me, Cousin It."
LOL…. And i call her the vice pres… loosely , like her vagina… but the point being…. Who the fuck lets their kids dress in sneakers and shorts to the fuckin white house…
Man, do I feel sorry for those kids. Look at Mom, she’s got those hungry eyes for all the future kickbacks and scam payouts that will be rolling into the “Senators” office….
I’m very sorry that this was posted. A politician is fair game but leave his family alone. They are unfair and defenseless targets.
This is an official picture. It is fair game.
How many of the kids are trannies?