Will TRUMP as X22 has alluded be the negotiator for world peace ? Putin can not back down and NATO and the BLACK hats have nothing to lose at this point. SCARY
Depends what 'world peace' actually means - the Anti-Christ manages peace between Jews and Arabs so the Jews can start sacrificing on Temple Mount Daniel 9:27.
Yeah, this movie seems to be a little too biblical sometimes. As if we are in a great deception that soon will be followed by great tribulation and persecution of the Church of Jesus Christ on planet earth. Aka war with the saints and he overcomes them.
A lasing peace would be for NATO et al. to unplug from Ukraine, backpedal, allow Russia to sweep the UAF off the map, and dictate terms for surrender, capitulation, or occupation. End of NATO adventure. Eat plenty of crow. Spit out the warmongers and globalists.
Personally I don’t see this happening. To my knowledge Trump hasn’t been too active on the international stage, it seems like he’s more focused on being the GOP kingmaker and 2024 nominee at the moment. I could be wrong if Trump’s been talking with other world leaders in secret.
The way I see things playing out is that Putin continues to crush the Azovs and continues to expose biolab and money laundering ops in Ukraine. Biden’s classified documents might play into this by exposing how the Biden’s are tied to Ukraine. Then Putin makes a peace offer that NATO can’t afford to refuse due to Russia’s strategic position, but NATO spins the details of the treaty to make it look like they’re putting Putin in his place.
Something every Anon needs to understand about America agreeing to provide Abrams tanks to Ukraine:
Biden and German Chancellor Scholz cut a deal on Tuesday: Biden agreed to send Ukraine some Abrams M1 tanks; in response, Scholz agreed to send Ukraine some of its Leopard 2 tanks—and to let several European allies send Ukraine some of their Leopards, bought from Germany, as well.
Scholz had resisted sending Leopards, fearful of alienating constituents or provoking Russia into escalating the war further. He had demanded that the United States send some of its main battle tanks as a precondition.
Now the terms have been agreed upon: The U.S. will send 31 tanks, and those will arrive in several months, and possibly not for another year. This is because the tanks will be ordered from the General Dynamics factory, which will have to build them from scratch, and will not be drawn from America’s existing stockpile, though the U.S. Army has about 4,400 Abrams tanks, many of them already in Europe.
At a background briefing Wednesday morning, a senior administration official said that the Abrams tanks’ main purpose will be “to boost Ukraine’s long-term defenses,” emphasizing the phrase “long-term,” and adding that they would enhance Ukraine’s security for the “months and years to come.” By contrast, the official said, the Leopards, provided by Germany and other European countries, would cover Ukraine’s “short-term” defense needs. Some of these tanks will arrive in Ukraine in as soon as a few weeks.
Scholz announced that Germany would send 14 Leopard tanks right away, as a first step. In all, Germany and other European countries—including Poland, Spain, Norway, Finland, and possibly others—will send about 80 tanks, enough for two battalions plus some. Britain has also agreed to send 14 of its Challenger tanks, which are similar to the Abrams and the Leopard. The U.S. and the Netherlands are together sending 90 refurbished Soviet-built T-72 tanks, similar to those that Ukraine—a former Soviet republic—has been using.
The 300 Western tanks will be used immediately to "mount an effective counteroffensive against Russian troops and thus regain Ukrainian territory that Russians have captured". :>) The U.S. Abrams tanks won't arrive in Ukraine for likely another YEAR, so roughly Spring 2024 (if Ukraine lasts that long)... and then aren't meant to be used on the front lines. See where this is going? If the German, Polish, Spanish, British, etc... tanks get completely wiped out over the next year, the U.S. can always decide NOT to deliver the Abrams tanks later. Stuff happens.
Very interesting. Neutering the DS players to some degree, increasing their domestic vulnerability. It's already gathering some of the mercenary types in one place and eliminating some of them.
Do you have any sense as to whether the tank-supplying nations (Germany, Poland, Spain, Norway, Finland, Britain, etc) are working to restock their domestic tank fleets?
Leos are primarily made in Germany. But the RESOURCES to make tanks, including heavy metals & energy to run the actual plants, have to come from elsewhere.
Who was the primary energy & materials (aluminum, tungsten) exporter that the Derp State in Europe decided to 'sanction'? And who incidentally has around 15000 MBTs in storage and can fire AND REPLACE several thousands of rounds of artillery per day?
An industrial-level war (which this is) requires...actual industrial capacity. Not pride parades and drag story hours.
I'm not from a military background, had no idea where any of these tanks are manufactured nor where the manufacturing materials are sourced from. Thanks for the info on the Leopards - and I assume you're saying the materials are in Russia. The point I was making, this from the great strategy points that u/Retaining_H2O shared, was that funneling bad guys and their war machines into a concentrated area like Ukraine, weakens them domestically. I have no doubt of the military superiority of Russia - as well as their moral/ethical high ground in this conflict.
Your comments here seem to add more weight to the argument that the WH are in control of the proverbial chess board. The DS is not oblivious to this supply situation so I'll assume that Ukraine is exceptionally important to them. On the other hand I'm sure that they've calculated the number of tanks, etc. they'd need to quell any potential domestic uprising should the sheep awaken and rise up. It still would be interesting (at least to me) to know whether or not the DS-controlled tank-supplying nations are trying to restock, negotiating with tank-producing nations to purchase new ones, trying to buy used ones from other nations, trying to buy materials if they have manufacturing capacity, etc.
All those MBTs use a lot of fuel and require a lot of maintenance. Are we sending convoys of tanker trucks to keep them running? Are we sending maintenance battalions to overhaul their engines?
This kind of mission creep makes Vietnam look like a miracle of sound planning and good judgment.
Vlad has already said that if any of the incoming MBTs fire depleted uranium rounds, he will consider that as a dirty bomb nuclear attack and respond accordingly.
I just finished reading the decode post that was put up recently (I can't find it now to link, but will keep trying) and he speaks AGAIN about "nuclear" comms being related to information.
Could the "tanks" be specific people being placed to release "nuclear" information that will in turn create whole new narratives?
I don't even know where to begin on 2... Other than to point out that a Geiger counter won't spike if placed near a conventional explosion (or explosive), but it DOES after a nuclear detonation, and around certain radioisotopes.
Folks who believe that nukes aren't real...it hurts me in my brain palace. It's testable!
I'm glad Birx is back in the picture. The whole Fauci Fraud needs dealing with.
Will TRUMP as X22 has alluded be the negotiator for world peace ? Putin can not back down and NATO and the BLACK hats have nothing to lose at this point. SCARY
Depends what 'world peace' actually means - the Anti-Christ manages peace between Jews and Arabs so the Jews can start sacrificing on Temple Mount Daniel 9:27.
Yeah, this movie seems to be a little too biblical sometimes. As if we are in a great deception that soon will be followed by great tribulation and persecution of the Church of Jesus Christ on planet earth. Aka war with the saints and he overcomes them.
A lasing peace would be for NATO et al. to unplug from Ukraine, backpedal, allow Russia to sweep the UAF off the map, and dictate terms for surrender, capitulation, or occupation. End of NATO adventure. Eat plenty of crow. Spit out the warmongers and globalists.
If they still exist, they have everything to lose.
Personally I don’t see this happening. To my knowledge Trump hasn’t been too active on the international stage, it seems like he’s more focused on being the GOP kingmaker and 2024 nominee at the moment. I could be wrong if Trump’s been talking with other world leaders in secret.
The way I see things playing out is that Putin continues to crush the Azovs and continues to expose biolab and money laundering ops in Ukraine. Biden’s classified documents might play into this by exposing how the Biden’s are tied to Ukraine. Then Putin makes a peace offer that NATO can’t afford to refuse due to Russia’s strategic position, but NATO spins the details of the treaty to make it look like they’re putting Putin in his place.
I hope the liberals are happy now we are heading to yet another war.
Happy? They are thrilled. Stupid is as stupid does.
Military industrial complex be like zero based budgeting. If you don't spend it on war this year, you won't have it to spend on war next year. 😒
It's amazing how they're now the pro-war party, with the inclusion of some "conservatives."
Something every Anon needs to understand about America agreeing to provide Abrams tanks to Ukraine:
Biden and German Chancellor Scholz cut a deal on Tuesday: Biden agreed to send Ukraine some Abrams M1 tanks; in response, Scholz agreed to send Ukraine some of its Leopard 2 tanks—and to let several European allies send Ukraine some of their Leopards, bought from Germany, as well.
Scholz had resisted sending Leopards, fearful of alienating constituents or provoking Russia into escalating the war further. He had demanded that the United States send some of its main battle tanks as a precondition.
Now the terms have been agreed upon: The U.S. will send 31 tanks, and those will arrive in several months, and possibly not for another year. This is because the tanks will be ordered from the General Dynamics factory, which will have to build them from scratch, and will not be drawn from America’s existing stockpile, though the U.S. Army has about 4,400 Abrams tanks, many of them already in Europe.
At a background briefing Wednesday morning, a senior administration official said that the Abrams tanks’ main purpose will be “to boost Ukraine’s long-term defenses,” emphasizing the phrase “long-term,” and adding that they would enhance Ukraine’s security for the “months and years to come.” By contrast, the official said, the Leopards, provided by Germany and other European countries, would cover Ukraine’s “short-term” defense needs. Some of these tanks will arrive in Ukraine in as soon as a few weeks.
Scholz announced that Germany would send 14 Leopard tanks right away, as a first step. In all, Germany and other European countries—including Poland, Spain, Norway, Finland, and possibly others—will send about 80 tanks, enough for two battalions plus some. Britain has also agreed to send 14 of its Challenger tanks, which are similar to the Abrams and the Leopard. The U.S. and the Netherlands are together sending 90 refurbished Soviet-built T-72 tanks, similar to those that Ukraine—a former Soviet republic—has been using.
The 300 Western tanks will be used immediately to "mount an effective counteroffensive against Russian troops and thus regain Ukrainian territory that Russians have captured". :>) The U.S. Abrams tanks won't arrive in Ukraine for likely another YEAR, so roughly Spring 2024 (if Ukraine lasts that long)... and then aren't meant to be used on the front lines. See where this is going? If the German, Polish, Spanish, British, etc... tanks get completely wiped out over the next year, the U.S. can always decide NOT to deliver the Abrams tanks later. Stuff happens.
Very interesting. Neutering the DS players to some degree, increasing their domestic vulnerability. It's already gathering some of the mercenary types in one place and eliminating some of them.
Do you have any sense as to whether the tank-supplying nations (Germany, Poland, Spain, Norway, Finland, Britain, etc) are working to restock their domestic tank fleets?
Lol. With what?
Leos are primarily made in Germany. But the RESOURCES to make tanks, including heavy metals & energy to run the actual plants, have to come from elsewhere.
Who was the primary energy & materials (aluminum, tungsten) exporter that the Derp State in Europe decided to 'sanction'? And who incidentally has around 15000 MBTs in storage and can fire AND REPLACE several thousands of rounds of artillery per day?
An industrial-level war (which this is) requires...actual industrial capacity. Not pride parades and drag story hours.
I'm not from a military background, had no idea where any of these tanks are manufactured nor where the manufacturing materials are sourced from. Thanks for the info on the Leopards - and I assume you're saying the materials are in Russia. The point I was making, this from the great strategy points that u/Retaining_H2O shared, was that funneling bad guys and their war machines into a concentrated area like Ukraine, weakens them domestically. I have no doubt of the military superiority of Russia - as well as their moral/ethical high ground in this conflict.
Your comments here seem to add more weight to the argument that the WH are in control of the proverbial chess board. The DS is not oblivious to this supply situation so I'll assume that Ukraine is exceptionally important to them. On the other hand I'm sure that they've calculated the number of tanks, etc. they'd need to quell any potential domestic uprising should the sheep awaken and rise up. It still would be interesting (at least to me) to know whether or not the DS-controlled tank-supplying nations are trying to restock, negotiating with tank-producing nations to purchase new ones, trying to buy used ones from other nations, trying to buy materials if they have manufacturing capacity, etc.
All those MBTs use a lot of fuel and require a lot of maintenance. Are we sending convoys of tanker trucks to keep them running? Are we sending maintenance battalions to overhaul their engines?
This kind of mission creep makes Vietnam look like a miracle of sound planning and good judgment.
Not sending nukes to Ukraine is a war crime.
Vlad has already said that if any of the incoming MBTs fire depleted uranium rounds, he will consider that as a dirty bomb nuclear attack and respond accordingly.
Thank God I am not running Russia, because I would never have the patience Vlad has.
I just finished reading the decode post that was put up recently (I can't find it now to link, but will keep trying) and he speaks AGAIN about "nuclear" comms being related to information.
Could the "tanks" be specific people being placed to release "nuclear" information that will in turn create whole new narratives?
Where are all the pics of the war.... only seen propaganda stills. I want desert storm type stuff. When are we sending Ukraine B52s?
Tons of videos on intel slava z
If I could sign up for Truth Social, that would be great.
Try harder.
Wait, we aren't going to send them nukes next are we?!?
That's what I got out of the message.
And that means that if Putin does want to retaliate. He would have standing ground to blame us too.
We have been told that it will go nuclear. But not in the way we might think.
Operation Starfish Prime
seeing ukraine as the world's dumpster for evil is suddenly on point.
Not a prediction.
the stupidity and falsehood of this post is sickening......there will be no nukes allowed to detonate...this is pure FEAR PORN......idiots
I'm not afraid of nukes.
I'm afraid of people's reaction to them.
The only fear porn more exxxtreme than threatening nukes is using them.
Two things:1.) Anons ain't worried, 2.) Nukes are fake.
I don't even know where to begin on 2... Other than to point out that a Geiger counter won't spike if placed near a conventional explosion (or explosive), but it DOES after a nuclear detonation, and around certain radioisotopes.
Folks who believe that nukes aren't real...it hurts me in my brain palace. It's testable!
It's why the national ignition facility gets funded around 300 million a year... Not even considering what they get from the black budget.
Fusion boosting/gas boosting the nukes are what allows them to be made smaller and smaller. Bigger is easy. Smaller is the hard part.